Example #1
renderer::MeshObject *convert( const IECore::Object *primitive )
	assert( primitive->typeId() == IECore::MeshPrimitiveTypeId );
	const IECore::MeshPrimitive *mesh = static_cast<const IECore::MeshPrimitive *>( primitive );

	const V3fVectorData *p = mesh->variableData<V3fVectorData>( "P", PrimitiveVariable::Vertex );
	if( !p )
		throw Exception( "MeshPrimitive does not have \"P\" primitive variable of interpolation type Vertex." );

	asf::auto_release_ptr<asr::MeshObject> meshEntity = asr::MeshObjectFactory::create( "mesh", asr::ParamArray() );
	const size_t materialSlot = meshEntity->push_material_slot( "default" );

	// vertices
		size_t numVertices = p->readable().size();
		meshEntity->reserve_vertices( numVertices );
		const std::vector<V3f> &points = p->readable();
		for( size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i )
			meshEntity->push_vertex( asr::GVector3( points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z ) );

	// triangulate primitive (this should be in appleseed at some point)
	MeshPrimitivePtr triangulatedMeshPrimPtr = mesh->copy();
		TriangulateOpPtr op = new TriangulateOp();
		op->inputParameter()->setValue( triangulatedMeshPrimPtr );
		op->throwExceptionsParameter()->setTypedValue( false ); // it's better to see something than nothing
		op->copyParameter()->setTypedValue( false );

	// triangles
	size_t numTriangles = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->numFaces();
	std::vector<asr::Triangle> triangles;
	triangles.reserve( numTriangles );
	const std::vector<int> &vidx = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->vertexIds()->readable();
	for( size_t i = 0; i < vidx.size(); i += 3 )
		triangles.push_back( asr::Triangle( vidx[i], vidx[i+1], vidx[i+2], materialSlot ) );

	// texture coords
		const FloatVectorData *s = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variableData<FloatVectorData>( "s" );
		const FloatVectorData *t = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variableData<FloatVectorData>( "t" );
		if( s && t )
			PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation sInterpolation = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.find( "s" )->second.interpolation;
			PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation tInterpolation = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.find( "t" )->second.interpolation;
			if( sInterpolation == tInterpolation )
				if( sInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || sInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex || sInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
					size_t numSTs = s->readable().size();
					meshEntity->reserve_tex_coords( numSTs );
					const std::vector<float> &svec = s->readable();
					const std::vector<float> &tvec = t->readable();

					for( size_t i = 0; i < numSTs; ++i)
						meshEntity->push_tex_coords( asr::GVector2( svec[i], 1.0f - tvec[i] ) );

					if( sInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
						for( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < numTriangles; ++i)
							asr::Triangle& tri = triangles[i];
							tri.m_a0 = j++;
							tri.m_a1 = j++;
							tri.m_a2 = j++;
						for( size_t i = 0; i < vidx.size(); i += 3)
							asr::Triangle& tri = triangles[i / 3];
							tri.m_a0 = vidx[i];
							tri.m_a1 = vidx[i+1];
							tri.m_a2 = vidx[i+2];
					msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", "Variables s and t have unsupported interpolation type - not generating uvs." );
				msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", "Variables s and t have different interpolation - not generating uvs." );
		else if( s || t )
			msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", "Only one of s and t available - not generating uvs." );

	// normals
		PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator nIt = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.find( "N" );
		if( nIt != triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.end() )
			const V3fVectorData *n = runTimeCast<const V3fVectorData>( nIt->second.data.get() );
			if( n )
				PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation nInterpolation = nIt->second.interpolation;
				if( nInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || nInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex || nInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
					size_t numNormals = n->readable().size();
					meshEntity->reserve_vertex_normals( numNormals );
					const std::vector<V3f> &normals = n->readable();
					for( size_t i = 0; i < numNormals; ++i)
						asr::GVector3 n( normals[i].x, normals[i].y, normals[i].z );
						meshEntity->push_vertex_normal( asf::normalize( n ) );

					if( nInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
						for( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < numTriangles; ++i)
							asr::Triangle& tri = triangles[i];
							tri.m_n0 = j++;
							tri.m_n1 = j++;
							tri.m_n2 = j++;
						for( size_t i = 0; i < vidx.size(); i += 3)
							asr::Triangle& tri = triangles[i / 3];
							tri.m_n0 = vidx[i];
							tri.m_n1 = vidx[i+1];
							tri.m_n2 = vidx[i+2];
					msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", "Variable \"N\" has unsupported interpolation type - not generating normals." );
				msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", boost::format( "Variable \"N\" has unsupported type \"%s\" (expected V3fVectorData)." ) % nIt->second.data->typeName() );

	// tangents
		PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator tIt = triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.find( "uTangent" );
		if( tIt != triangulatedMeshPrimPtr->variables.end() )
			const V3fVectorData *t = runTimeCast<const V3fVectorData>( tIt->second.data.get() );
			if( t )
				PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation tInterpolation = tIt->second.interpolation;
				if( tInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Varying || tInterpolation == PrimitiveVariable::Vertex )
					size_t numTangents = t->readable().size();
					meshEntity->reserve_vertex_tangents( numTangents );
					const std::vector<V3f> &tangents = t->readable();
					for( size_t i = 0; i < numTangents; ++i)
						asr::GVector3 t( tangents[i].x, tangents[i].y, tangents[i].z );
						meshEntity->push_vertex_tangent( asf::normalize( t ) );
					msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", "Variable \"uTangent\" has unsupported interpolation type - not generating tangents." );
				msg( Msg::Warning, "ToAppleseedMeshConverter::doConversion", boost::format( "Variable \"uTangent\" has unsupported type \"%s\" (expected V3fVectorData)." ) % tIt->second.data->typeName() );

	// copy triangles to mesh entity
		meshEntity->reserve_triangles( numTriangles );

		for( size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ++i)
			meshEntity->push_triangle( triangles[i] );

	return meshEntity.release();
Example #2
void GXEvaluator::buildSTEvaluator() const
	Mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_stEvaluatorMutex, false ); // read only lock
	if( m_stEvaluator )
	if( m_stEvaluator )
	size_t nFaces = numFaces();
	size_t nVertices = nFaces * 4;
	IntVectorDataPtr faceIndicesData = new IntVectorData;
	FloatVectorDataPtr uData = new FloatVectorData;
	FloatVectorDataPtr vData = new FloatVectorData;
	std::vector<int> &faceIndicesWritable = faceIndicesData->writable(); faceIndicesWritable.resize( nVertices );
	std::vector<float> &uWritable = uData->writable(); uWritable.resize( nVertices );
	std::vector<float> &vWritable = vData->writable(); vWritable.resize( nVertices );
	size_t vi = 0;
	for( size_t fi=0; fi<nFaces; fi++ )
		faceIndicesWritable[vi] = fi;
		faceIndicesWritable[vi+1] = fi;
		faceIndicesWritable[vi+2] = fi;
		faceIndicesWritable[vi+3] = fi;
		uWritable[vi] = 0;
		uWritable[vi+1] = 0;
		uWritable[vi+2] = 1;
		uWritable[vi+3] = 1;
		vWritable[vi] = 0;
		vWritable[vi+1] = 1;
		vWritable[vi+2] = 1;
		vWritable[vi+3] = 0;
		vi += 4;
	std::vector<std::string> primVarNames;
	primVarNames.push_back( "P" );
	primVarNames.push_back( "s" );
	primVarNames.push_back( "t" );
	CompoundDataPtr vertexData = evaluate( faceIndicesData, uData, vData, primVarNames );
	IntVectorDataPtr verticesPerFaceData = new IntVectorData;
	IntVectorDataPtr vertexIdsData = new IntVectorData;
	std::vector<int> &verticesPerFace = verticesPerFaceData->writable(); verticesPerFace.resize( nFaces, 4 );
	std::vector<int> &vertexIds = vertexIdsData->writable(); vertexIds.resize( nVertices );
	for( size_t i=0; i<nVertices; i++ )
		vertexIds[i] = i;
	MeshPrimitivePtr mesh = new MeshPrimitive( verticesPerFaceData, vertexIdsData );
	mesh->variables["P"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::Vertex, vertexData->member<V3fVectorData>( "P" ) );
	mesh->variables["s"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying, vertexData->member<FloatVectorData>( "s" ) );
	mesh->variables["t"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying, vertexData->member<FloatVectorData>( "t" ) );
	mesh->variables["u"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::Vertex, uData );
	mesh->variables["v"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::Vertex, vData );
	TriangulateOpPtr op = new TriangulateOp();
	op->inputParameter()->setValue( mesh );
	op->copyParameter()->setTypedValue( false );
	op->throwExceptionsParameter()->setTypedValue( false );
	m_stEvaluator = new MeshPrimitiveEvaluator( mesh );