// Responds to a collision detected between a particle and a half-plane by 
// applying an impulse to the velocity of the particle.
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure.
//   vidx:  The index of the particle.
//   pidx:  The index of the half-plane.
//   n:     The shortest vector between the particle and the half-plane.
// Outputs:
//   None.
void SimpleCollisionHandler::respondParticleHalfplane(TwoDScene &scene, int vidx, int pidx, const VectorXs &n)
  VectorXs nhat = n;
  double cfactor = (1.0+getCOR())/2.0;
  scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx) -= 2*cfactor*scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx).dot(nhat)*nhat;
Example #2
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadEdges( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );

  int edge = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("edge"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("edge") )
    std::pair<int,int> newedge;
    if( nd->first_attribute("i") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("i")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.first) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for edge " << edge << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for edge " << edge << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    if( nd->first_attribute("j") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("j")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.second) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for edge " << edge << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for edge " << edge << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    scalar radius = 0.015;
    if( nd->first_attribute("radius") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("radius")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,radius) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse radius attribute for edge " << edge << ". Value must be scalar. Exiting." << std::endl;

    //std::cout << "Edge: " << edge << "    i: " << newedge.first << "   j: " << newedge.second << std::endl;
    twodscene.insertEdge( newedge, radius );
// Detects whether two particles are overlapping (including the radii of each)
// and approaching.
// If the two particles overlap and are approaching, returns true and sets 
// the vector n to be the vector between the first and second particle.
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure. The positions and radii of the particles
//          can be obtained from here.
//   idx1:  The index of the first particle. (Ie, the degrees of freedom
//          corresponding to this particle are entries 2*idx1 and 2*idx1+1 in
//          scene.getX().
//   idx2:  The index of the second particle.
// Outputs:
//   n: The vector between the two particles.
//   Returns true if the two particles overlap and are approaching.
bool SimpleCollisionHandler::detectParticleParticle(TwoDScene &scene, int idx1, int idx2, VectorXs &n)
  VectorXs x1 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*idx1);
  VectorXs x2 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*idx2);
  n = x2-x1;
  if(n.norm() < scene.getRadius(idx1) + scene.getRadius(idx2))
      double relvel = (scene.getV().segment<2>(2*idx1)-scene.getV().segment<2>(2*idx2)).dot(n);
      if(relvel > 0)
	return true;
  return false;
Example #4
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadSceneFromXML( const std::string& filename, TwoDScene& twodscene, SceneStepper** scenestepper, scalar& dt, scalar& max_t, scalar& maxfreq, std::vector<renderingutils::Color>& particle_colors, std::vector<renderingutils::Color>& edge_colors, std::vector<renderingutils::ParticlePath>& particle_paths, renderingutils::Color& bgcolor, std::string& description, std::string& scenetag, TwoDimensionalDisplayController& display)
  assert( *scenestepper == NULL );
  //std::cout << "Loading scene: " << filename << std::endl;
  // Load the xml document
  std::vector<char> xmlchars;
  rapidxml::xml_document<> doc;
  loadXMLFile( filename, xmlchars, doc );

  // Attempt to locate the root node
  rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = doc.first_node("scene");
  if( node == NULL ) 
    std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse xml scene file. Failed to locate root <scene> node. Exiting." << std::endl;
  // TODO: Clear old state

  // Camera
  loadCameraLocation(node, display);

  // Scene
  loadParticles( node, twodscene );
  loadEdges( node, twodscene );
  loadSceneTag( node, scenetag );
  // Forces
  loadSpringForces( node, twodscene );
  loadSimpleGravityForces( node, twodscene );
  loadGravitationalForces( node, twodscene );
  loadDragDampingForces( node, twodscene );
  loadVorexForces( node, twodscene );
  // Integrator/solver
  loadIntegrator( node, scenestepper, dt );
  loadMaxTime( node, max_t );
  // UI
  loadMaxSimFrequency( node, maxfreq );  
  // Rendering state
  loadParticleColors( node, particle_colors );
  loadEdgeColors( node, edge_colors );
  loadBackgroundColor( node, bgcolor );
  loadParticlePaths( node, dt, particle_paths );
  std::string description_string;
  loadSceneDescriptionString( node, description );
// Detects whether a particle and a half-plane are overlapping (including the 
// radius of the particle) and are approaching.
// If the two objects overlap and are approaching, returns true and sets the 
// vector n to be the shortest vector between the particle and the half-plane.
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure.
//   vidx:  The index of the particle.
//   pidx:  The index of the halfplane. The vectors (px, py) and (nx, ny) can
//          be retrieved by calling scene.getHalfplane(pidx).
// Outputs:
//   n: The shortest vector between the particle and the half-plane.
//   Returns true if the two objects overlap and are approaching.
bool SimpleCollisionHandler::detectParticleHalfplane(TwoDScene &scene, int vidx, int pidx, VectorXs &n)
  VectorXs x1 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*vidx);
  VectorXs px = scene.getHalfplane(pidx).first;
  VectorXs pn = scene.getHalfplane(pidx).second;
  n = (px-x1).dot(pn)*pn;
  if(n.norm() < scene.getRadius(vidx))
      double relvel = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx).dot(n);
      if(relvel > 0)
	return true;
  return false;
Example #6
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadDragDampingForces( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  int forcenum = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("dragdamping"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("dragdamping") )
    Vector3s constforce;
    // Extract the linear damping coefficient
    scalar b = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("b") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("b")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,b) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of b attribute for dragdamping " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse b attribute for dragdamping " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "x: " << constforce.transpose() << std::endl;
    twodscene.insertForce(new DragDampingForce(b));
void SimpleCollisionHandler::handleCollisions(TwoDScene &scene, CollisionDetector &detector, const VectorXs &oldpos, VectorXs &oldvel, scalar dt)
  class SimpleCollisionCallback : public DetectionCallback
    SimpleCollisionCallback(TwoDScene &scene, SimpleCollisionHandler &handler) : scene(scene), handler(handler) {}

    virtual void ParticleParticleCallback(int idx1, int idx2)
      VectorXs n(2);
      if(handler.detectParticleParticle(scene, idx1, idx2, n))
	  handler.addParticleParticleImpulse(idx1, idx2, n, 0);
	  handler.respondParticleParticle(scene, idx1, idx2, n);
    virtual void ParticleEdgeCallback(int vidx, int eidx)
      VectorXs n(2);
      if(handler.detectParticleEdge(scene, vidx, eidx, n))
	  handler.addParticleEdgeImpulse(vidx, eidx, n, 0);
	  handler.respondParticleEdge(scene, vidx, eidx, n);
    virtual void ParticleHalfplaneCallback(int vidx, int hidx)
      VectorXs n(2);
      if(handler.detectParticleHalfplane(scene, vidx, hidx, n))
	  handler.addParticleHalfplaneImpulse(vidx, hidx, n, 0);
	  handler.respondParticleHalfplane(scene, vidx, hidx, n);

    TwoDScene &scene;
    SimpleCollisionHandler &handler;

  SimpleCollisionCallback callback(scene, *this);
  detector.performCollisionDetection(scene, scene.getX(), scene.getX(), callback);
// Responds to a collision detected between two particles by applying an impulse
// to the velocities of each one.
// You can get the COR of the simulation by calling getCOR().
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure.
//   idx1:  The index of the first particle.
//   idx2:  The index of the second particle.
//   n:     The vector between the first and second particle.
// Outputs:
//   None.
void SimpleCollisionHandler::respondParticleParticle(TwoDScene &scene, int idx1, int idx2, const VectorXs &n)
  const VectorXs &M = scene.getM();
  VectorXs &v = scene.getV();

  VectorXs nhat = n;

  double cfactor = (1.0 + getCOR())/2.0;
  double m1 = scene.isFixed(idx1) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : M[2*idx1];
  double m2 = scene.isFixed(idx2) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : M[2*idx2];

  double numerator = 2*cfactor * (v.segment<2>(2*idx2) - v.segment<2>(2*idx1) ).dot(nhat);
  double denom1 = 1+m1/m2;
  double denom2 = m2/m1 + 1;

    v.segment<2>(2*idx1) += numerator/denom1 * nhat;
    v.segment<2>(2*idx2) -= numerator/denom2 * nhat;
Example #9
void TwoDSceneSVGRenderer::renderImpulse( std::fstream &file, const TwoDScene &scene, const CollisionInfo &impulse, bool buggy) const
    scalar scale, xmin, ymin, xshift, yshift;
    computeSimToImageMap(scale, xmin, ymin, xshift, yshift );

    std::string color = (buggy ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00");
    assert(impulse.m_idx1 < scene.getNumParticles());
    double x = scene.getX()[2*impulse.m_idx1];
    double y = scene.getX()[2*impulse.m_idx1+1];

    double x2 = x + impulse.m_n[0];
    double y2 = y + impulse.m_n[1];

    x = scale*(x-xmin)+xshift;
    y = m_h-(scale*(y-ymin)+yshift);

    x2 = scale*(x2-xmin)+xshift;
    y2 = m_h-(scale*(y2-ymin)+yshift);

    file << "<line x1=\"" << x << "\" y1=\"" << y << "\" x2=\"" << x2 << "\" y2=\"" << y2 << "\" style=\"stroke:" << color << ";stroke-width:2\"/>" << std::endl;
bool LinearizedImplicitEuler::stepScene( TwoDScene& scene, scalar dt )
  VectorXs& x = scene.getX();
  VectorXs& v = scene.getV();
  const VectorXs& m = scene.getM();
  assert(x.size() == v.size());
  assert(x.size() == m.size());

  // Implement implicit euler here!
	VectorXs F(x.size());
	scene.accumulateGradU(F, dt*v, VectorXs(x.size()).setZero());
	// Force is negative the energy gradient
	F *= -1.0;

	MatrixXs M(x.size(), x.size());
	for (int i=0;i<x.size();i+=2) {
		M(i, i) = m[i];
		M(i+1, i+1) = m[i+1];
	MatrixXs MatQ(x.size(), x.size());	// dF/dq
	scene.accumulateddUdxdx(MatQ, dt*v, VectorXs(x.size()).setZero());
	MatrixXs MatV(x.size(), x.size());	// dF/dv
	scene.accumulateddUdxdv(MatV, dt*v, VectorXs(x.size()).setZero());
	MatrixXs A = M-(dt*dt*MatQ+dt*MatV);
	// Zero the force for fixed DoFs
	for( int i = 0; i < scene.getNumParticles(); ++i ) if( scene.isFixed(i) ) F.segment<2>(2*i).setZero();
	for( int i = 0; i < scene.getNumParticles(); ++i ) if( scene.isFixed(i) ) {
		A(2*i, 2*i) = 1;
		A(2*i+1, 2*i+1) = 1;
	VectorXs dv = A.fullPivLu().solve(dt*F);
	v = v+dv;
	x = x+v*dt;
  return true;
Example #11
bool ExplicitEuler::stepScene( TwoDScene& scene, scalar dt )
    VectorXs& x = scene.getX();
    VectorXs& v = scene.getV();
    const VectorXs& m = scene.getM();
    // if( scene.isFixed(i) )  // Determine if the ith particle is fixed

    int num_particles = scene.getNumParticles();
    VectorXs forces(num_particles * 2);
    VectorXs dx(num_particles * 2);
    VectorXs dv(num_particles * 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_particles * 2; i++){
      forces(i) = 0.0;
      dx(i) = 0.0;
      dv(i) = 0.0;
    scene.accumulateGradU(forces, dx, dv);//, const VectorXs& dx, const VectorXs& dv )

    for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++){
      if (!scene.isFixed(i)){
        int index = 2 * i; // even indeces of vector are x params and odd are y params

        const Vector2s next_velocity(v(index) + dt*forces(index)/m(index),
                                     v(index+1) + dt*forces(index+1)/m(index));
        scene.setVelocity(i, next_velocity);
        const Vector2s next_position(x(index) + dt*v(index),
                                     x(index + 1) + dt*v(index+1));
        scene.setPosition(i, next_position);

        scalar kinetic_energy = 0;
        text_file << step_count*dt << "\t" << scene.computeKineticEnergy() << endl;

    return true;
// Detects whether a particle and an edge are overlapping (including the radii 
// of both) and are approaching.
// If the two objects overlap and are approaching, returns true and sets the 
// vector n to be the shortest vector between the particle and the edge.
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure.
//   vidx:  The index of the particle.
//   eidx:  The index of the edge. (Ie, the indices of particle with index e are
//          scene.getEdges()[e].first and scene.getEdges()[e].second.)
// Outputs:
//   n: The shortest vector between the particle and the edge.
//   Returns true if the two objects overlap and are approaching.
bool SimpleCollisionHandler::detectParticleEdge(TwoDScene &scene, int vidx, int eidx, VectorXs &n)
  VectorXs x1 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*vidx);
  VectorXs x2 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*scene.getEdges()[eidx].first);
  VectorXs x3 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*scene.getEdges()[eidx].second);
  double alpha = (x1-x2).dot(x3-x2)/(x3-x2).dot(x3-x2);
  alpha = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, alpha));

  VectorXs closest = x2 + alpha*(x3-x2);
  n = closest-x1;

  if(n.norm() < scene.getRadius(vidx)+scene.getEdgeRadii()[eidx]) 
      VectorXs v1 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx);
      VectorXs v2 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*scene.getEdges()[eidx].first);
      VectorXs v3 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*scene.getEdges()[eidx].second);
      double relvel = (v1 - v2 - alpha*(v3-v2)).dot(n);
      if(relvel > 0)
	  return true;
  return false;
Example #13
void AllPairsDetector::performCollisionDetection(const TwoDScene &scene, const VectorXs &qs, const VectorXs &qe, DetectionCallback &dc)
  for(int i=0; i<(int)scene.getNumParticles(); i++)
    for(int j=i+1; j<(int)scene.getNumParticles(); j++)

    for(int e=0; e<(int)scene.getNumEdges(); e++)
      if(scene.getEdge(e).first != i && scene.getEdge(e).second != i)
    for(int h=0; h<(int)scene.getNumHalfplanes(); h++)
Example #14
void TwoDSceneSVGRenderer::renderComparisonScene( const std::string& filename, const TwoDScene& otherscene, const std::vector<CollisionInfo> *impulses, const std::vector<CollisionInfo> *otherimpulses, const scalar &eps) const
    const VectorXs& x = m_scene.getX();
    const VectorXs& v = m_scene.getV();
    assert( x.size()%2 == 0 );
    assert( 2*m_scene.getNumParticles() == x.size() );
    int numparticles = x.size()/2;
    const std::vector<scalar>& radii = m_scene.getRadii();
    assert( numparticles == (int) radii.size() );

    std::fstream file(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::out);
        std::cerr << "Failure writing SVG file!" << std::endl;

    scalar scale, xmin, ymin, xshift, yshift;
    computeSimToImageMap(scale, xmin, ymin, xshift, yshift );

    file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948)  --> <svg version=\"1.2\" baseProfile=\"tiny\" id=\"Layer_1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" width=\"";
    file << m_w;
    file << "px\" height=\"";
    file << m_h;
    file << "px\" viewBox=\"0 0 ";
    file << m_w << " " << m_h;
    file << "\" xml:space=\"preserve\">" << std::endl;

    // Simulate a background color by rendering a large colored quad
    file << "<polygon points=\"" << 0 << "," << 0 << " " << m_w << "," << 0 << " " << m_w << "," << m_h << " " << 0 << "," << m_h;
    file << "\" style=\"fill:#" << intToHexString(floor(255.0*m_bgcolor.r+0.5)) << intToHexString(floor(255.0*m_bgcolor.g+0.5)) << intToHexString(floor(255.0*m_bgcolor.b+0.5));
    file << "; stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0\"/>" << std::endl;

    const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >& edges = m_scene.getEdges();
    const std::vector<scalar>& edgeradii = m_scene.getEdgeRadii();
    renderShared( file, x, edges, radii, edgeradii, scale, xmin, ymin, xshift, yshift );

    const VectorXs& otherx = otherscene.getX();
    const VectorXs& otherv = otherscene.getV();

    for( int i = 0; i < numparticles; ++i )
        scalar x_resid = (otherx.segment<2>(2*i)-x.segment<2>(2*i)).norm();
        scalar v_resid = (otherv.segment<2>(2*i)-v.segment<2>(2*i)).norm();
        if( x_resid > eps || v_resid > eps )
            Vector2s center;
            center << scale*(x(2*i)-xmin) + xshift, ((scalar)m_h) - scale*(x(2*i+1)-ymin) - yshift;
            renderCircle( file, center, 1.5*scale*radii[i], renderingutils::Color(1.0,0.0,0.0) );

        int i=0, j=0;

        // loop over the real impulses
        while(i < (int)impulses->size())
            int curvert = (*impulses)[i].m_idx1;
            CollisionInfo::collisiontype curtype = (*impulses)[i].m_type;
            int curidx2 = (*impulses)[i].m_idx2;

            // all student impulses less than this correct impulse are buggy
            while(j < (int)otherimpulses->size()
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_idx1 < curvert
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_type < curtype
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_idx2 < curidx2)
                renderImpulse( file, otherscene, (*otherimpulses)[j], true);

            // check for missed collision
            if( ! (j < (int)otherimpulses->size()
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_idx1 == curvert
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_type == curtype
                    && (*otherimpulses)[j].m_idx2 == curidx2))
                renderImpulse( file, otherscene, (*impulses)[i], false);
                // check for buggy normal
                if( ((*otherimpulses)[j].m_n - (*impulses)[i].m_n).norm() > eps)
                    renderImpulse( file, otherscene, (*impulses)[i], false);
                    renderImpulse( file, otherscene, (*otherimpulses)[j], true);

        // Any remaining student impulses are buggy
        while(j < (int)otherimpulses->size())
            renderImpulse( file, otherscene, (*otherimpulses)[j], true);

    file << "</svg>" << std::endl;


Example #15
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadSpringForces( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  // Extract the edge the force acts across
  int forcenum = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("springforce"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("springforce") )
    int edge = -1;

    if( nd->first_attribute("edge") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("edge")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,edge) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of edge attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of edge attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    std::pair<int,int> newedge(twodscene.getEdge(edge));
    // Extract the spring stiffness
    scalar k = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("k") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("k")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,k) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of k attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse k attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the spring rest length
    scalar l0 = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("l0") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("l0")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,l0) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of l0 attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse l0 attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    // Extract the optional damping coefficient
    scalar b = 0.0;
    if( nd->first_attribute("b") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("b")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,b) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of b attribute for springforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "Springforce: " << forcenum << "    i: " << newedge.first << "   j: " << newedge.second << "   k: " << k << "   l0: " << l0 << std::endl;
    twodscene.insertForce(new SpringForce(newedge,k,l0,b));

  //SpringForce( const std::pair<int,int>& endpoints, const scalar& k, const scalar& l0 )
Example #16
void TwoDSceneGrader::addToAccumulatedResidual( const TwoDScene& oracle_scene, const TwoDScene& testing_scene )
  assert(   oracle_scene.getNumParticles() == testing_scene.getNumParticles() );
  assert( 2*oracle_scene.getNumParticles() == oracle_scene.getX().size() );
  assert( 2*oracle_scene.getNumParticles() == testing_scene.getX().size() );
  assert( 2*oracle_scene.getNumParticles() == oracle_scene.getV().size() );
  assert( 2*oracle_scene.getNumParticles() == testing_scene.getV().size() );
  const VectorXs& oracle_x = oracle_scene.getX();
  const VectorXs& testing_x = testing_scene.getX();
  const VectorXs& oracle_v = oracle_scene.getV();
  const VectorXs& testing_v = testing_scene.getV();
  for( int i = 0; i < oracle_scene.getNumParticles(); ++i )
    scalar x_resid = (oracle_x.segment<2>(2*i)-testing_x.segment<2>(2*i)).norm();
    assert( x_resid >= 0.0 );
    scalar v_resid = (oracle_v.segment<2>(2*i)-testing_v.segment<2>(2*i)).norm();
    assert( v_resid >= 0.0 );
    m_accumulated_position_residual += x_resid;
    m_accumulated_velocity_residual += v_resid;
    if( x_resid > m_max_position_residual ) m_max_position_residual = x_resid;
    if( v_resid > m_max_velocity_residual ) m_max_velocity_residual = v_resid;
Example #17
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadGravitationalForces( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  // Extract the edge the force acts across
  int forcenum = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("gravitationalforce"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("gravitationalforce") )
    std::pair<int,int> newedge;
    if( nd->first_attribute("i") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("i")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.first) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    if( nd->first_attribute("j") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("j")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.second) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the gravitational constant
    scalar G = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("G") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("G")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,G) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of G attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse G attribute for gravitationalforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    //std::cout << "GravitationalForce: " << forcenum << "    i: " << newedge.first << "   j: " << newedge.second << "   G: " << G << std::endl;

    twodscene.insertForce(new GravitationalForce(newedge,G));
  //SpringForce( const std::pair<int,int>& endpoints, const scalar& k, const scalar& l0 )  
Example #18
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadVorexForces( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  // Extract the edge the force acts across
  int forcenum = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("vortexforce"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("vortexforce") )
    std::pair<int,int> newedge;
    if( nd->first_attribute("i") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("i")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.first) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of i attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    if( nd->first_attribute("j") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("j")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,newedge.second) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be integer. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of j attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the 'Biot-Savart' constant
    scalar kbs = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("kbs") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("kbs")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,kbs) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of kbs attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse kbs attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the viscosity constant
    scalar kvc = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("kvc") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("kvc")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,kvc) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of kvc attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse kvc attribute for vortexforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "VortexForce: " << forcenum << "    i: " << newedge.first << "   j: " << newedge.second << "   kbs: " << kbs << "   kvc: " << kvc << std::endl;
    twodscene.insertForce(new VortexForce(newedge,kbs,kvc));
// Responds to a collision detected between a particle and an edge by applying
// an impulse to the velocities of each one.
// Inputs:
//   scene: The scene data structure.
//   vidx:  The index of the particle.
//   eidx:  The index of the edge.
//   n:     The shortest vector between the particle and the edge.
// Outputs:
//   None.
void SimpleCollisionHandler::respondParticleEdge(TwoDScene &scene, int vidx, int eidx, const VectorXs &n)
  const VectorXs &M = scene.getM();

  int eidx1 = scene.getEdges()[eidx].first;
  int eidx2 = scene.getEdges()[eidx].second;

  VectorXs x1 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*vidx);
  VectorXs x2 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*eidx1);
  VectorXs x3 = scene.getX().segment<2>(2*eidx2);
  VectorXs v1 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx);
  VectorXs v2 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*eidx1);
  VectorXs v3 = scene.getV().segment<2>(2*eidx2);

  VectorXs nhat = n;

  double alpha = (x1-x2).dot(x3-x2)/(x3-x2).dot(x3-x2);
  alpha = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, alpha) );
  VectorXs vedge = v2 + alpha*(v3-v2);
  double cfactor = (1.0 + getCOR())/2.0;

  double m1 = scene.isFixed(vidx) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : M[2*vidx];
  double m2 = scene.isFixed(eidx1) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : M[2*eidx1];
  double m3 = scene.isFixed(eidx2) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : M[2*eidx2];

  double numerator = 2*cfactor*(vedge-v1).dot(nhat);
  double denom1 = 1.0 + (1-alpha)*(1-alpha)*m1/m2 + alpha*alpha*m1/m3;
  double denom2 = m2/m1 + (1-alpha)*(1-alpha) + alpha*alpha*m2/m3;
  double denom3 = m3/m1 + (1-alpha)*(1-alpha)*m3/m2 + alpha*alpha;

    scene.getV().segment<2>(2*vidx) += numerator/denom1 * nhat;
    scene.getV().segment<2>(2*eidx1) -= (1.0-alpha)*numerator/denom2 * nhat;
    scene.getV().segment<2>(2*eidx2) -= alpha * numerator/denom3 * nhat;
Example #20
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadSimpleGravityForces( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  // Load each constant force
  int forcenum = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("simplegravity"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("simplegravity") )
    Vector3s constforce;
    // Extract the x component of the force
    if( nd->first_attribute("fx") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("fx")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,constforce.x()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of fx attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse fx attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the y component of the force
    if( nd->first_attribute("fy") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("fy")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,constforce.y()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of fy attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse fy attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    // Extract the y component of the force
    if( nd->first_attribute("fz") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("fz")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,constforce.z()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of fz attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse fz attribute for constantforce " << forcenum << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "x: " << constforce.transpose() << std::endl;
    twodscene.insertForce(new SimpleGravityForce(constforce));
Example #21
void TwoDSceneXMLParser::loadParticles( rapidxml::xml_node<>* node, TwoDScene& twodscene )
  assert( node != NULL );
  // Count the number of particles
  int numparticles = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("particle"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("particle") ) ++numparticles;
  //std::cout << "Num particles " << numparticles << std::endl;
  std::vector<std::string>& tags = twodscene.getParticleTags();
  int particle = 0;
  for( rapidxml::xml_node<>* nd = node->first_node("particle"); nd; nd = nd->next_sibling("particle") )
    // Extract the particle's initial position
    Vector3s pos;
    if( nd->first_attribute("px") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("px")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,pos.x()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of px attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse px attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    if( nd->first_attribute("py") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("py")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,pos.y()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of py attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse py attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    if( nd->first_attribute("pz") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("pz")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,pos.z()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of pz attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse pz attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    twodscene.setPosition( particle, pos );

    // Extract the particle's initial velocity
    Vector3s vel;
    if( nd->first_attribute("vx") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("vx")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,vel.x()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of vx attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse vx attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    if( nd->first_attribute("vy") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("vy")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,vel.y()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of vy attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse vy attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;

    if( nd->first_attribute("vz") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("vz")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,vel.z()) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of vz attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse vz attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    twodscene.setVelocity( particle, vel );

    // Extract the particle's mass
    scalar mass = std::numeric_limits<scalar>::signaling_NaN();
    if( nd->first_attribute("m") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("m")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,mass) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of m attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be numeric. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse m attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    twodscene.setMass( particle, mass );
    // Determine if the particle is fixed
    bool fixed;
    if( nd->first_attribute("fixed") ) 
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("fixed")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,fixed) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse value of fixed attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be boolean. Exiting." << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse fixed attribute for particle " << particle << ". Exiting." << std::endl;
    twodscene.setFixed( particle, fixed );

    // Extract the particle's radius, if present
    scalar radius = 0.1;
    if( nd->first_attribute("radius") )
      std::string attribute(nd->first_attribute("radius")->value());
      if( !stringutils::extractFromString(attribute,radius) )
        std::cerr << "\033[31;1mERROR IN XMLSCENEPARSER:\033[m Failed to parse radius attribute for particle " << particle << ". Value must be scalar. Exiting." << std::endl;
    twodscene.setRadius( particle, radius );

    // Extract the particle's tag, if present
    if( nd->first_attribute("tag") )
      std::string tag(nd->first_attribute("tag")->value());
      tags[particle] = tag;

    //std::cout << "Particle: " << particle << "    x: " << pos.transpose() << "   v: " << vel.transpose() << "   m: " << mass << "   fixed: " << fixed << std::endl;
    //std::cout << tags[particle] << std::endl;