Example #1
AsmBlock* NIdentifier::reference(AsmGenerator& context)
	AsmBlock* block = new AsmBlock();

	// Add file and line information.
	*block << this->getFileAndLineState();

	// Get the position of the variable.
	TypePosition result = context.m_CurrentFrame->getPositionOfVariable(this->name);

	if (!result.isFound())
		throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "The variable '" + this->name + "' was not found in the scope.");

	// Load the position of the variable into register A.
	*block << result.pushAddress('A');

	return block;
Example #2
AsmBlock* NIdentifier::compile(AsmGenerator& context)
	AsmBlock* block = new AsmBlock();

	// Add file and line information.
	*block << this->getFileAndLineState();

	// Get the position and type of the variable.
	TypePosition result = context.m_CurrentFrame->getPositionOfVariable(this->name);
	IType* type = context.m_CurrentFrame->getTypeOfVariable(this->name);

	if (!result.isFound())
		throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "The variable '" + this->name + "' was not found in the scope.");

	if (result.isFunction())
		throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "Can not get value representation of function '" + this->name + "'; did you want a reference instead?");

	// Load the value of the variable into register A.
	*block << result.pushAddress('I');
	*block << *(type->loadFromRef(context, 'I', 'A'));
	//*block <<	"	SET A, [I]" << std::endl;

	return block;
Example #3
AsmBlock* NMethodCall::compile(AsmGenerator& context)
    AsmBlock* block = new AsmBlock();

    // Add file and line information.
    *block << this->getFileAndLineState();

    // Get the function declaration.
    bool isDirect = true;
    NFunctionSignature* funcsig = (NFunctionDeclaration*)context.getFunction(this->id.name);

    // FIXME: get rid of the use of NType for function signatures!!
    if (funcsig == NULL)
        // Try and get a variable with matching signature then.
        TypePosition varpos = context.m_CurrentFrame->getPositionOfVariable(this->id.name);

        if (!varpos.isFound())
            throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "Neither a function nor a function pointer was found by the name '" + this->id.name + "'.");

        NType* vartype = (NType*)context.m_CurrentFrame->getTypeOfVariable(this->id.name);

        if (vartype->cType != "expression-identifier-type-function")
            throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "Unable to call variable '" + this->id.name + "' as it is not a function pointer.");

        funcsig = (NFunctionSignature*)((NFunctionPointerType*)vartype);
        isDirect = false;

    // check if the called function matches the signature size of this
    // method call
    if (this->arguments.size() != funcsig->arguments.size())
        throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file,
                                    "Unable to find function\n"
                                    "with singature:                 "
                                    + this->id.name + this->calculateSignature(context)
                                    + "\n"
                                    + "Candidates are:               "
                                    + this->id.name + funcsig->getSignature());

    // Get the stack table of this method.
    StackFrame* frame = context.generateStackFrameIncomplete(funcsig);

    // Get a random label for our jump-back point.
    std::string jmpback = context.getRandomLabel("callback");

    // Evaluate each of the argument expressions in reverse
    // TODO make it depend on the typePosition somehow
    //  this here has to be exactly reverse to the order in the
    //  parameter stack frame and thus the TypePosition
    for (int i = this->arguments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        // Compile the expression.
        AsmBlock* inst = this->arguments[i]->compile(context);
        *block << *inst;
        delete inst;

        IType* instType = this->arguments[i]->getExpressionType(context);

        // check types and cast implicitly
        IType* parameterType = funcsig->arguments[i]->type;
        if (instType->implicitCastable(context, parameterType))
            // do cast
            *block << *(instType->implicitCast(context, parameterType, 'A'));
            throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file,
                                        "Unable to find function\n"
                                        "with singature:                 "
                                        + this->id.name + this->calculateSignature(context)
                                        + "\n"
                                        + "Candidates are:               "
                                        + this->id.name + funcsig->getSignature());

        // Push the result onto the stack.
        *block << *(parameterType->pushStack(context, 'A'));

    // Initialize the stack for this method.
    if (isDirect)
        *block <<  "    SET X, cfunc_" << this->id.name << std::endl;
        *block <<  "    ADD X, 2" << std::endl;
        TypePosition varpos = context.m_CurrentFrame->getPositionOfVariable(this->id.name);
        *block <<  varpos.pushAddress('X');
        *block <<  "    SET X, [X]" << std::endl;
        *block <<  "    ADD X, 2" << std::endl;

    *block <<  "    SET X, [X]" << std::endl;
    *block <<  "    SET Z, " << jmpback << std::endl;
    *block <<  "    JSR _stack_caller_init_overlap" << std::endl;

    // Then call the actual method and insert the return label.
    if (isDirect)
        *block <<  "    SET PC, cfunc_" << this->id.name << std::endl;
        // we are referencing the previous stack frame here
        // => parameter previousStackFrame=true
        TypePosition varpos = context.m_CurrentFrame->getPositionOfVariable(this->id.name, true);
        *block <<  varpos.pushAddress('X');
        *block <<  "    SET X, [X]" << std::endl;
        *block <<  "    SET PC, X" << std::endl;

        // TODO: In debug mode, there should be additional checks here to see if
        //   the value that is going to be jumped to is 0 (NULL) so that it can
        //   be reported back without doing weird stuff (like restarting the
        //   program!)

    *block <<  ":" << jmpback << std::endl;

    // Clean up frame.

    return block;