void TypedArrayPrototype::set(quint32 index, QScriptValue& value) {
    TypedArray* typedArray = static_cast<TypedArray*>(parent());
    QScriptValue object = thisObject();
    QScriptString name = engine()->toStringHandle(QString::number(index));
    uint id;
    QScriptClass::QueryFlags flags = typedArray->queryProperty(object,
                                                               QScriptClass::HandlesWriteAccess, &id);
    if (QScriptClass::HandlesWriteAccess & flags) {
        typedArray->setProperty(object, name, id, value);
QScriptValue TypedArrayPrototype::get(quint32 index) {
    TypedArray* typedArray = static_cast<TypedArray*>(parent());
    QScriptString name = engine()->toStringHandle(QString::number(index));
    uint id;
    QScriptClass::QueryFlags flags = typedArray->queryProperty(thisObject(),
                                                               QScriptClass::HandlesReadAccess, &id);
    if (QScriptClass::HandlesReadAccess & flags) {
        return typedArray->property(thisObject(), name, id);
    return QScriptValue();
QScriptValue TypedArrayPrototype::subarray(qint32 begin) {
    TypedArray* typedArray = static_cast<TypedArray*>(parent());
    QScriptValue arrayBuffer = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_bufferName);
    qint32 byteOffset = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_byteOffsetName).toInt32();
    qint32 length = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_lengthName).toInt32();
    qint32 bytesPerElement = typedArray->_bytesPerElement;
    // if indices < 0 then they start from the end of the array
    begin = (begin < 0) ? length + begin : begin;
    // here we clamp the indices to fit the array
    begin = glm::clamp(begin, 0, (length - 1));
    byteOffset += begin * bytesPerElement;
    return typedArray->newInstance(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length - begin);
QScriptValue TypedArrayPrototype::subarray(qint32 begin, qint32 end) {
    TypedArray* typedArray = static_cast<TypedArray*>(parent());
    QScriptValue arrayBuffer = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_bufferName);
    qint32 byteOffset = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_byteOffsetName).toInt32();
    qint32 length = thisObject().data().property(typedArray->_lengthName).toInt32();
    qint32 bytesPerElement = typedArray->_bytesPerElement;
    // if indices < 0 then they start from the end of the array
    begin = (begin < 0) ? length + begin : begin;
    end = (end < 0) ? length + end : end;
    // here we clamp the indices to fit the array
    // note: begin offset is *inclusive* while end offset is *exclusive*
    // (see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray/subarray#Parameters)
    begin = glm::clamp(begin, 0, (length - 1));
    end = glm::clamp(end, 0, length);
    byteOffset += begin * bytesPerElement;
    length = (end - begin > 0) ? end - begin : 0;
    return typedArray->newInstance(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length);
Example #5
QScriptValue TypedArray::construct(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) {
    TypedArray* cls = qscriptvalue_cast<TypedArray*>(context->callee().data());
    if (!cls) {
        return QScriptValue();
    if (context->argumentCount() == 0) {
        return cls->newInstance(0);
    QScriptValue newObject;
    QScriptValue bufferArg = context->argument(0);
    QByteArray* arrayBuffer = qscriptvalue_cast<QByteArray*>(bufferArg.data());
    // parse arguments
    if (arrayBuffer) {
        if (context->argumentCount() == 1) {
            // Case for entire ArrayBuffer
            newObject = cls->newInstance(bufferArg, 0, arrayBuffer->size());
        } else {
            QScriptValue byteOffsetArg = context->argument(1);
            if (!byteOffsetArg.isNumber()) {
                engine->evaluate("throw \"ArgumentError: 2nd arg is not a number\"");
                return QScriptValue();
            if (byteOffsetArg.toInt32() < 0 || byteOffsetArg.toInt32() > arrayBuffer->size()) {
                engine->evaluate("throw \"RangeError: byteOffset out of range\"");
                return QScriptValue();
            if (byteOffsetArg.toInt32() % cls->_bytesPerElement != 0) {
                engine->evaluate("throw \"RangeError: byteOffset not a multiple of BYTES_PER_ELEMENT\"");
            quint32 byteOffset = byteOffsetArg.toInt32();
            if (context->argumentCount() == 2) {
                // case for end of ArrayBuffer
                if ((arrayBuffer->size() - byteOffset) % cls->_bytesPerElement != 0) {
                    engine->evaluate("throw \"RangeError: byteLength - byteOffset not a multiple of BYTES_PER_ELEMENT\"");
                quint32 length = (arrayBuffer->size() - byteOffset) / cls->_bytesPerElement;
                newObject = cls->newInstance(bufferArg, byteOffset, length);
            } else {
                QScriptValue lengthArg = (context->argumentCount() > 2) ? context->argument(2) : QScriptValue();
                if (!lengthArg.isNumber()) {
                    engine->evaluate("throw \"ArgumentError: 3nd arg is not a number\"");
                    return QScriptValue();
                if (lengthArg.toInt32() < 0 ||
                    byteOffsetArg.toInt32() + lengthArg.toInt32() * (qint32)(cls->_bytesPerElement) > arrayBuffer->size()) {
                    engine->evaluate("throw \"RangeError: byteLength out of range\"");
                    return QScriptValue();
                quint32 length = lengthArg.toInt32();
                // case for well-defined range
                newObject = cls->newInstance(bufferArg, byteOffset, length);
    } else if (context->argument(0).isNumber()) {
        // case for new ArrayBuffer
        newObject = cls->newInstance(context->argument(0).toInt32());
    } else {
        newObject = cls->newInstance(bufferArg);
    if (context->isCalledAsConstructor()) {
        // if called with the new keyword, replace this object
        return engine->undefinedValue();
    return newObject;
Example #6
STDMETHODIMP CBar::DesignerShutdown()
		int nBand = 0;
		m_bShutdownLock = TRUE;

		// Destroy Float Windows

		HANDLE* pHandles = NULL;
		CBand* pBand;
		TypedArray<HWND> aHandles;
		int nCount = m_pBands->GetBandCount();
		for (nBand = 0; nBand < nCount; nBand++)
				pBand = m_pBands->GetBand(nBand);
				if (pBand && pBand->m_pFloat)
					if (pBand->m_pFloat->IsWindow())
						delete pBand->m_pFloat;
			catch (...)

		nCount = aHandles.GetSize();
		if (nCount > 0)
			pHandles = new HANDLE[nCount];
			if (pHandles)
				for (nBand = 0; nBand < nCount; nBand++)
					pHandles[nBand] = aHandles.GetAt(nBand);
				WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, pHandles, TRUE, INFINITE);
				delete [] pHandles;


		if (m_pToolShadow && m_pToolShadow->IsWindow())
			::PostMessage(m_hWnd, GetGlobals().WM_KILLWINDOW, (WPARAM)m_pToolShadow->hWnd(), 0);
			::PostMessage(m_hWnd, GetGlobals().WM_KILLWINDOW, (WPARAM)m_pToolShadow->GetShadowWindow(), 0);

		if (IsWindow(m_hWndDesignerShutDownAdvise))
			PostMessage(m_hWndDesignerShutDownAdvise, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(1234,0), 0);

		if (m_bCustomization)
			// Shutdown Customization

			DoCustomization(FALSE, FALSE);

		// Destroy Float Windows

		if (m_pDragDropManager && m_pDockMgr)
			m_pDragDropManager = NULL;
		if (m_pDesigner)
			m_pDesigner = NULL;

		if (m_pDesignerImpl)
			m_pDesignerImpl = NULL;
		HWND hWndDock=GetDockWindow();
		if (hWndDock)
			EnableWindow(hWndDock, TRUE);
		if (IsWindow(m_hWnd))
			PostMessage(m_hWnd, GetGlobals().WM_RECALCLAYOUT, 0, 0);
			InvalidateRect(m_hWnd, NULL, FALSE);
	m_bShutdownLock = FALSE;
	return NOERROR;