Example #1
 IDType UCTSearch::getPlayerToMove(UCTNode & node, const GameState & state) const
	const IDType whoCanMove(state.whoCanMove());

	// if both players can move
	if (whoCanMove == Players::Player_Both)
        // pick the first move based on our policy
		const IDType policy(_params.playerToMoveMethod());
		const IDType maxPlayer(_params.maxPlayer());

        // the max player always chooses at the root
        if (isRoot(node))
            return maxPlayer;

        // the type of node this is
        const IDType nodeType = node.getNodeType();

        // the 2nd player in a sim move is always the enemy of the first
        if (nodeType == SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode)
            return state.getEnemy(node.getPlayer());
        // otherwise use our policy to see who goes first in a sim move state
		    if (policy == SparCraft::PlayerToMove::Alternate)
			    return state.getEnemy(node.getPlayer());
		    else if (policy == SparCraft::PlayerToMove::Not_Alternate)
			    return node.getPlayer();
		    else if (policy == SparCraft::PlayerToMove::Random)
			    return rand() % 2;

            // we should never get to this state
		    System::FatalError("UCT Error: Nobody can move for some reason");
		    return Players::Player_None;
		return whoCanMove;
Example #2
void UCTSearch::printSubTreeGraphViz(UCTNode & node, GraphViz::Graph & g, GameState state)
    if (node.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode && node.hasChildren())
        // don't make any moves if it is a first simnode
        if (node.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::SecondSimNode)


    std::stringstream label;
    std::stringstream move;

    for (size_t a(0); a<node.getMove().size(); ++a)
        move << node.getMove()[a].moveString() << "\\n";

    if (node.getMove().size() == 0)
        move << "root";

    std::string firstSim = SearchNodeType::getName(node.getNodeType());

    Unit p1 = state.getUnit(0,0);
    Unit p2 = state.getUnit(1,0);

    label   << move.str() 
            << "\\nVal: "       << node.getUCTVal() 
            << "\\nWins: "      << node.numWins() 
            << "\\nVisits: "    << node.numVisits() 
            << "\\nChildren: "  << node.numChildren() 
            << "\\n"            << firstSim
            << "\\nPtr: "       << &node
            << "\\n---------------"
            << "\\nFrame: " << state.getTime()
            << "\\nHP: " << p1.currentHP() << "  " << p2.currentHP()
            << "\\nAtk: " << p1.nextAttackActionTime() << "  " << p2.nextAttackActionTime()
            << "\\nMove: " << p1.nextMoveActionTime() << "  " << p2.nextMoveActionTime()
            << "\\nPrev: " << p1.previousActionTime() << "  " << p2.previousActionTime();
    std::string fillcolor       ("#aaaaaa");

    if (node.getPlayer() == Players::Player_One)
        fillcolor = "#ff0000";
    else if (node.getPlayer() == Players::Player_Two)
        fillcolor = "#00ff00";
    GraphViz::Node n(getNodeIDString(node));
    n.set("label",      label.str());
    n.set("fillcolor",  fillcolor);
    n.set("color",      "#000000");
    n.set("fontcolor",  "#000000");
    n.set("style",      "filled,bold");
    n.set("shape",      "box");

    // recurse for each child
    for (size_t c(0); c<node.numChildren(); ++c)
        UCTNode & child = node.getChild(c);
        if (child.numVisits() > 0)
            GraphViz::Edge edge(getNodeIDString(node), getNodeIDString(child));
            printSubTreeGraphViz(child, g, state);