Example #1
UActorFactory* FPlacementMode::FindLastUsedFactoryForAssetType( UObject* Asset ) const
	if ( Asset == NULL )
		return NULL;

	UActorFactory* LastUsedFactory = NULL;

	UClass* CurrentClass = Cast<UClass>( Asset ); 
	if ( CurrentClass == NULL )
		CurrentClass = Asset->GetClass();

	while ( LastUsedFactory == NULL && CurrentClass != NULL && CurrentClass != UClass::StaticClass() )
		const TWeakObjectPtr< UActorFactory >* FoundFactory = AssetTypeToFactory.Find( *CurrentClass->GetPathName() );
		if ( FoundFactory != NULL && FoundFactory->IsValid() )
			LastUsedFactory = FoundFactory->Get();
			CurrentClass = CurrentClass->GetSuperClass();

	return LastUsedFactory;
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::GenerateSingleStub(UBlueprint* BP, const TCHAR* PlatformName)
	if (!ensure(BP))

	UClass* Class = BP->GeneratedClass;
	if (!ensure(Class))

	// no PCHFilename should be necessary
	const IAssetRegistry& Registry = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry").Get();
	FAssetData AssetInfo = Registry.GetAssetByObjectPath(*Class->GetPathName());
	FString FileContents;
	TUniquePtr<IBlueprintCompilerCppBackend> Backend_CPP(IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModuleInterface::Get().Create());
	// Apparently we can only generate wrappers for classes, so any logic that results in non classes requesting
	// wrappers will fail here:

	FileContents = Backend_CPP->GenerateWrapperForClass(Class);

	if (!FileContents.IsEmpty())
			, *(GetManifest(PlatformName).CreateUnconvertedDependencyRecord(AssetInfo.PackageName, AssetInfo).GeneratedWrapperPath)
			, ForcedEncoding());
	// The stub we generate still may have dependencies on other modules, so make sure the module dependencies are 
	// still recorded so that the .build.cs is generated correctly. Without this you'll get include related errors 
	// (or possibly linker errors) in stub headers:
	virtual bool FixupObject(const FName& InObjectPath, FName& OutNewObjectPath) override
		OutNewObjectPath = NAME_None;

		if (InObjectPath.ToString().StartsWith(TEXT("/Script/")))
			// We can't use FindObject while we're saving
			if (!GIsSavingPackage)
				const FString ClassPathStr = InObjectPath.ToString();

				UClass* FoundClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *ClassPathStr);
				if (!FoundClass)
					// Use the linker to search for class name redirects (from the loaded ActiveClassRedirects)
					const FString ClassName = FPackageName::ObjectPathToObjectName(ClassPathStr);
					const FName NewClassName = FLinkerLoad::FindNewNameForClass(*ClassName, false);

					if (!NewClassName.IsNone())
						// Our new class name might be lacking the path, so try and find it so we can use the full path in the collection
						FoundClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *NewClassName.ToString());
						if (FoundClass)
							OutNewObjectPath = *FoundClass->GetPathName();
			// Keep track of visted redirectors in case we loop.
			TSet<FName> VisitedRedirectors;

			// Use the asset registry to avoid loading the object
			FAssetData ObjectAssetData = AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetByObjectPath(InObjectPath);
			while (ObjectAssetData.IsValid() && ObjectAssetData.IsRedirector())
				// Check to see if we've already seen this path before, it's possible we might have found a redirector loop.
				if ( VisitedRedirectors.Contains(ObjectAssetData.ObjectPath) )
					UE_LOG(LogContentBrowser, Error, TEXT("Redirector Loop Found!"));
					for ( FName Redirector : VisitedRedirectors )
						UE_LOG(LogContentBrowser, Error, TEXT("Redirector: %s"), *Redirector.ToString());

					ObjectAssetData = FAssetData();


				// Get the destination object from the meta-data rather than load the redirector object, as 
				// loading a redirector will also load the object it points to, which could cause a large hitch
				FString DestinationObjectPath;
				if (ObjectAssetData.GetTagValue("DestinationObject", DestinationObjectPath))
					ObjectAssetData = AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetByObjectPath(*DestinationObjectPath);
					ObjectAssetData = FAssetData();

			OutNewObjectPath = ObjectAssetData.ObjectPath;

		return OutNewObjectPath != NAME_None && InObjectPath != OutNewObjectPath;