Example #1
void UIComponentTreeView::updateItemPositions()
	float offset_y = 0.f;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < mParent->getChildCount(); ++i)
		UIView* child = mParent->getChild(i);
		child->setPosition(child->getPosition().x, mParent->getPosition().y + offset_y);

		offset_y += child->getSize().y + 2.f;

			Log("Child %d sizeY %f stays at %f", i, child->getSize().y, child->getPosition().y);
Example #2
/// This is called ONLY when a new item is added to the tree view
/// All items added are in the same level in the tree
void UIComponentTreeView::onChildAttached(UIView* child)
	Log("CHILD ADDED %s", child->getName().c_str());

	// Immediately set this children to its right spot
	float offsetY = 0.f;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < mParent->getChildCount(); ++i)
		offsetY += mParent->getChild(i)->getSize().y + 2.f;
		child->setRect(mParent->getPosition().x, mParent->getPosition().y + offsetY, mParent->getSize().x, mLineHeight);
		child->setRect(mParent->getPosition().x, mParent->getPosition().y + offsetY, mParent->getSize().x, mLineHeight);	

	//if(mSubTreeLevel == 1)
	//	child->addComponent(new UIComponentDebugColor(Color::Grass));
	//if(mSubTreeLevel == 0)
		//child->addComponent(new UIComponentDebugColor(Color::Blue));
	//if(mSubTreeLevel == 2)
	//	child->addComponent(new UIComponentDebugColor(Color::Bittersweet));

	// All children added to a tree view become TreeViewItem, whether they are collapsible or not
	child->addComponent(new UIComponentTreeViewItem());

	child->onNewChild.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &UIComponentTreeView::onChildAddedToChild), child));

	// I want to be informed when any of the items change size to reposition things..
	//child->onSizeChanged.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &UIComponentTreeView::updateItemPositions));

	child->mPadding.left = (mSubTreeLevel + 1) * 20.f;

	// If this is a subgroup tree view, needs to expand and shrink
		// Grow the container to fit one more item
		mParent->setSize(mParent->getSize().x, mParent->getSize().y + 32.f);

		// Grow the actual item too which contains this container
		mParent->getParent()->setSize(mParent->getParent()->getSize().x, mParent->getParent()->getSize().y + 32.f);

		// For level 1 tree views, there is no need to update the parent, but for any deeper, the increase needs to propagate
		int treeLevel = mSubTreeLevel;
		UIView* subTreeContainer = mParent;
		UIView* itemContainer = subTreeContainer->getParent();
		while(treeLevel >= 1)
			// propagate the growth
			subTreeContainer = itemContainer->getParent();
			itemContainer = subTreeContainer->getParent();

			// Grow the container to fit one more item
			subTreeContainer->setSize(subTreeContainer->getSize().x, subTreeContainer->getSize().y + 32.f);

			// Grow the actual item too which contains this container
			itemContainer->getParent()->setSize(itemContainer->getParent()->getSize().x, itemContainer->getParent()->getSize().y + 32.f);


		//Log("ADDED ITEM TO A SUBTREE, SUBTREE CONTAINER NOW %f", mParent->getSize().y);