void UMLClipboard::checkItemForCopyType(UMLListViewItem* Item, bool & WithDiagrams, bool &WithObjects, bool &OnlyAttsOps) { if(!Item) { return; } UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument(); OnlyAttsOps = true; UMLView * view = 0; UMLListViewItem * child = 0; Uml::ListView_Type type = Item->getType(); if ( Model_Utils::typeIsCanvasWidget(type) ) { WithObjects = true; OnlyAttsOps = false; } else if ( Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(type) ) { WithDiagrams = true; OnlyAttsOps = false; view = doc->findView( Item->getID() ); m_ViewList.append( view ); } else if ( Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(type) ) { OnlyAttsOps = false; if(Item->childCount()) { child = (UMLListViewItem*)Item->firstChild(); while(child) { checkItemForCopyType(child, WithDiagrams, WithObjects, OnlyAttsOps); child = (UMLListViewItem*)child->nextSibling(); } } } }
/** * Set the ID of the diagram hyperlinked to this note. * To switch off the hyperlink, set this to Uml::id_None. * * @param viewID ID of an UMLScene. */ void NoteWidget::setDiagramLink(Uml::ID::Type viewID) { UMLDoc *umldoc = UMLApp::app()->document(); UMLView *view = umldoc->findView(viewID); if (view == NULL) { uError() << "no view found for viewID " << Uml::ID::toString(viewID); return; } QString linkText(QLatin1String("Diagram: ") + view->umlScene()->name()); setDocumentation(linkText); m_diagramLink = viewID; update(); }
/** * This slot is called to finish item editing */ void UMLListViewItem::slotEditFinished(const QString &newText) { m_label = text(0); DEBUG(DBG_LVI) << this << "text=" << newText; UMLListView* listView = static_cast<UMLListView*>(treeWidget()); UMLDoc* doc = listView->document(); if (newText == m_label) { return; } if (newText.isEmpty()) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } switch (m_type) { case lvt_UseCase: case lvt_Actor: case lvt_Class: case lvt_Package: case lvt_UseCase_Folder: case lvt_Logical_Folder: case lvt_Component_Folder: case lvt_Deployment_Folder: case lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder: case lvt_Interface: case lvt_Datatype: case lvt_Enum: case lvt_EnumLiteral: case lvt_Subsystem: case lvt_Component: case lvt_Port: case lvt_Node: case lvt_Category: if (m_object == 0 || !doc->isUnique(newText)) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(m_object, newText)); doc->setModified(true); m_label = newText; break; case lvt_Operation: { if (m_object == 0) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(m_object); UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast<UMLClassifier *>(op->parent()); Model_Utils::OpDescriptor od; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseOperation(newText, od, parent); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { // TODO: Check that no operation with the exact same profile exists. UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(op, od.m_name)); op->setType(od.m_pReturnType); UMLAttributeList parmList = op->getParmList(); const int newParmListCount = parmList.count(); if (newParmListCount > od.m_args.count()) { // Remove parameters at end of of list that no longer exist. for (int i = od.m_args.count(); i < newParmListCount; i++) { UMLAttribute *a = parmList.at(i); op->removeParm(a, false); } } Model_Utils::NameAndType_ListIt lit = od.m_args.begin(); for (int i = 0; lit != od.m_args.end(); ++lit, ++i) { const Model_Utils::NameAndType& nm_tp = *lit; UMLAttribute *a; if (i < newParmListCount) { a = parmList.at(i); } else { a = new UMLAttribute(op); a->setID(UniqueID::gen()); } UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(a, nm_tp.m_name)); a->setType(nm_tp.m_type); a->setParmKind(nm_tp.m_direction); a->setInitialValue(nm_tp.m_initialValue); if (i >= newParmListCount) { op->addParm(a); } } m_label = op->toString(Uml::SignatureType::SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled")); } setText(m_label); break; } case lvt_Attribute: case lvt_EntityAttribute: { if (m_object == 0) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(m_object->parent()); Model_Utils::NameAndType nt; Uml::Visibility::Enum vis; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st; st = Model_Utils::parseAttribute(newText, nt, parent, &vis); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { UMLObject *exists = parent->findChildObject(newText); if (exists) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(m_object, nt.m_name)); UMLAttribute *pAtt = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(m_object); pAtt->setType(nt.m_type); pAtt->setVisibility(vis); pAtt->setParmKind(nt.m_direction); pAtt->setInitialValue(nt.m_initialValue); m_label = pAtt->toString(Uml::SignatureType::SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled")); } setText(m_label); break; } case lvt_PrimaryKeyConstraint: case lvt_UniqueConstraint: case lvt_ForeignKeyConstraint: case lvt_CheckConstraint: { if (m_object == 0) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLEntity *parent = static_cast<UMLEntity*>(m_object->parent()); QString name; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st; st = Model_Utils::parseConstraint(newText, name, parent); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { UMLObject *exists = parent->findChildObject(name); if (exists) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(m_object, name)); UMLEntityConstraint* uec = static_cast<UMLEntityConstraint*>(m_object); m_label = uec->toString(Uml::SignatureType::SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled")); } setText(m_label); break; } case lvt_Template: { if (m_object == 0) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(m_object->parent()); Model_Utils::NameAndType nt; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseTemplate(newText, nt, parent); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { UMLObject *exists = parent->findChildObject(newText); if (exists) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLApp::app()->executeCommand(new Uml::CmdRenameUMLObject(m_object, nt.m_name)); UMLTemplate *tmpl = static_cast<UMLTemplate*>(m_object); tmpl->setType(nt.m_type); m_label = tmpl->toString(Uml::SignatureType::SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled")); } setText(m_label); break; } case lvt_UseCase_Diagram: case lvt_Class_Diagram: case lvt_Sequence_Diagram: case lvt_Collaboration_Diagram: case lvt_State_Diagram: case lvt_Activity_Diagram: case lvt_Component_Diagram: case lvt_Deployment_Diagram: { UMLView *view = doc->findView(ID()); if (view == 0) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLView *anotherView = doc->findView(view->umlScene()->type(), newText); if (anotherView && anotherView->umlScene()->ID() == ID()) { anotherView = 0; } if (anotherView) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } view->umlScene()->setName(newText); setText(newText); doc->signalDiagramRenamed(view); break; } default: KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Renaming an item of listview type %1 is not yet implemented.", m_type), i18n("Function Not Implemented")); setText(m_label); break; } doc->setModified(true); }