Status initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions)
        _dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);        

        URI xyzURI = _options.url().value();
        if ( xyzURI.empty() )
            return Status::Error( "Fail: driver requires a valid \"url\" property" );

        // driver requires a profile.
        if ( !getProfile() )
            return Status::Error( "An explicit profile definition is required by the XYZ driver." );

        _template = xyzURI.full();
        _rotateStart = _template.find("[");
        _rotateEnd   = _template.find("]");
        if ( _rotateStart != std::string::npos && _rotateEnd != std::string::npos && _rotateEnd-_rotateStart > 1 )
            _rotateString  = _template.substr(_rotateStart, _rotateEnd-_rotateStart+1);
            _rotateChoices = _template.substr(_rotateStart+1, _rotateEnd-_rotateStart-1);

        _format = _options.format().isSet() 
            ? *_options.format()
            : osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension( xyzURI.base() );

        return STATUS_OK;
SubstituteModelFilter::findResource(const URI&            uri,
                                    const InstanceSymbol* symbol,
                                    FilterContext&        context, 
                                    std::set<URI>&        missing,
                                    osg::ref_ptr<InstanceResource>& output )
    // be careful about refptrs here since _instanceCache is an LRU.

    InstanceCache::Record rec;
    if ( _instanceCache.get(uri, rec) )
        // found it in the cache:
        output = rec.value().get();
    else if ( _resourceLib.valid() )
        // look it up in the resource library:
        output = _resourceLib->getInstance( uri.base(), context.getDBOptions() );
        // create it on the fly:
        output = symbol->createResource();
        output->uri() = uri;
        _instanceCache.insert( uri, output.get() );

    // failed to find the instance.
    if ( !output.valid() )
        if ( missing.find(uri) == missing.end() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Failed to locate resource: " << uri.full() << std::endl;

    return output.valid();
Example #3
    // one-time initialization (per source)
    Status initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions)
        _dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);

        const Profile* profile = getProfile();

        URI tmsURI = _options.url().value();
        if ( tmsURI.empty() )
            return Status::Error( "Fail: TMS driver requires a valid \"url\" property" );

        // Take the override profile if one is given
        if ( profile )
            OE_INFO << LC
                    << "Using override profile \"" << getProfile()->toString()
                    << "\" for URI \"" << tmsURI.base() << "\""
                    << std::endl;

            _tileMap = TMS::TileMap::create(
                           _options.tileSize().value() );

            // Attempt to read the tile map parameters from a TMS TileMap XML tile on the server:
            _tileMap = TMS::TileMapReaderWriter::read( tmsURI.full(), _dbOptions.get() );
            if (!_tileMap.valid())
                return Status::Error( Stringify() << "Failed to read tilemap from " << tmsURI.full() );

            OE_INFO << LC
                    << "TMS tile map datestamp = "
                    << DateTime(_tileMap->getTimeStamp()).asRFC1123()
                    << std::endl;

            profile = _tileMap->createProfile();
            if ( profile )
                setProfile( profile );

        // Make sure we've established a profile by this point:
        if ( !profile )
            return Status::Error( Stringify() << "Failed to establish a profile for " << tmsURI.full() );

        // TileMap and profile are valid at this point. Build the tile sets.
        // Automatically set the min and max level of the TileMap
        if ( _tileMap->getTileSets().size() > 0 )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "TileMap min/max " << _tileMap->getMinLevel() << ", " << _tileMap->getMaxLevel() << std::endl;
            if (_tileMap->getDataExtents().size() > 0)
                for (DataExtentList::iterator itr = _tileMap->getDataExtents().begin(); itr != _tileMap->getDataExtents().end(); ++itr)
                //Push back a single area that encompasses the whole profile going up to the max level
                this->getDataExtents().push_back(DataExtent(profile->getExtent(), 0, _tileMap->getMaxLevel()));

        // set up the IO options so that we do not cache TMS tiles:
        CachePolicy::NO_CACHE.apply( _dbOptions.get() );

        return STATUS_OK;
Example #4
TMSTileSource::initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions)
    // local copy of options we can modify if necessary.
    _dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);

    // see if the use passed in a profile
    const Profile* profile = getProfile();

    // URI is mandatory.
    URI tmsURI = _options.url().value();
    if ( tmsURI.empty() )
        return Status::Error( Status::ConfigurationError, "Fail: TMS driver requires a valid \"url\" property" );

    // A repo is writable only if it's local.
    if ( tmsURI.isRemote() )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Repo is remote; opening in read-only mode" << std::endl;

    // Is this a new repo? (You can only create a new repo at a local non-archive URI.)
    bool isNewRepo = false;

    if (!tmsURI.isRemote() && 
        !osgEarth::isPathToArchivedFile(tmsURI.full()) &&
        !osgDB::fileExists(tmsURI.full()) )
        isNewRepo = true;

        // new repo REQUIRES a profile:
        if ( !profile )
            return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Fail: profile required to create new TMS repo");

    // Take the override profile if one is given
    if ( profile )
        OE_INFO << LC 
            << "Using express profile \"" << getProfile()->toString() 
            << "\" for URI \"" << tmsURI.base() << "\"" 
            << std::endl;

        DataExtentList extents;

        _tileMap = TMS::TileMap::create( 
            //getPixelsPerTile() );

        // If this is a new repo, write the tilemap file to disk now.
        if ( isNewRepo )
            if ( !_options.format().isSet() )
                return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "Missing required \"format\" property: e.g. png, jpg");

            TMS::TileMapReaderWriter::write( _tileMap.get(), tmsURI.full() );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Created new TMS repo at " << tmsURI.full() << std::endl;

        // Attempt to read the tile map parameters from a TMS TileMap XML tile on the server:
        _tileMap = TMS::TileMapReaderWriter::read( tmsURI.full(), _dbOptions.get() );

        if (!_tileMap.valid())
            return Status::Error( Status::ResourceUnavailable, Stringify() << "Failed to read configuration from " << tmsURI.full() );

        OE_INFO << LC
            << "TMS tile map datestamp = "
            << DateTime(_tileMap->getTimeStamp()).asRFC1123()
            << std::endl;

        profile = _tileMap->createProfile();
        if ( profile )
            setProfile( profile );

    // Make sure we've established a profile by this point:
    if ( !profile )
        return Status::Error( Stringify() << "Failed to establish a profile for " << tmsURI.full() );

    // resolve the writer
    if ( !tmsURI.isRemote() && !resolveWriter() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Cannot create writer; writing disabled" << std::endl;

    // TileMap and profile are valid at this point. Build the tile sets.
    // Automatically set the min and max level of the TileMap
    if ( _tileMap->getTileSets().size() > 0 )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "TileMap min/max " << _tileMap->getMinLevel() << ", " << _tileMap->getMaxLevel() << std::endl;
        if (_tileMap->getDataExtents().size() > 0)
            for (DataExtentList::iterator itr = _tileMap->getDataExtents().begin(); itr != _tileMap->getDataExtents().end(); ++itr)
    return STATUS_OK;