Example #1
UT_Error IE_Imp_StarOffice::_loadFile(GsfInput * input)
	try {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Starting import\n"));
		mOle = GSF_INFILE (gsf_infile_msole_new(input, NULL));
		if (!mOle)

		// firstly, load metadata
		SDWDocInfo::load(mOle, getDoc());

		mDocStream = gsf_infile_child_by_name(mOle, "StarWriterDocument");
		if (!mDocStream)

		gsf_off_t size = gsf_input_size(mDocStream);

		if (!appendStrux(PTX_Section, PP_NOPROPS))
			return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Attempting to load DocHdr...\n"));
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...success\n"));

		// Ask for and verify the password
		if (mDocHdr.cryptor) {
			if (!mDocHdr.cryptor->SetPassword(GetPassword().c_str())) {
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Wrong password\n"));
				return UT_IE_PROTECTED;

		// do the actual reading
		char type;
		bool done = false;
		UT_uint32 recSize;
		while (!done) {
			if (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) == size)
			readChar(mDocStream, type);
			gsf_off_t eor;
			readRecSize(mDocStream, recSize, &eor);

			switch (type) {
				case SWG_CONTENTS: {
					gsf_off_t flagsEnd = 0;
					UT_uint32 nNodes;
					// sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3sectn.cxx#L129
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LAYFRAMES) {
						UT_uint8 flags;
						readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &flagsEnd);
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LONGIDX)
						streamRead(mDocStream, nNodes);
					else {
						if (mDocHdr.nVersion >= SWG_LAYFRAMES) {
							UT_uint16 sectidDummy;
							streamRead(mDocStream, sectidDummy);
						UT_uint16 nodes16;
						streamRead(mDocStream, nodes16);
						nNodes = (UT_uint32)nodes16;
					if (flagsEnd) {
						UT_ASSERT(flagsEnd >= gsf_input_tell(mDocStream));
						if (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) != flagsEnd) {
							UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: have not read all flags\n"));
							if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, flagsEnd, G_SEEK_SET))
								return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
					bool done2 = false;
					UT_uint32 size2;
					while (!done2) {
						readChar(mDocStream, type);
						gsf_off_t eor2;
						readRecSize(mDocStream, size2, &eor2);

						switch (type) {
							case SWG_TEXTNODE: { // sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3nodes.cxx#L788
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Found Textnode! (start at 0x%08llX end at 0x%08llX)\n", 
											 (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream), 
											 (long long)eor2));
								UT_uint8 flags;
								gsf_off_t newPos;
								readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &newPos);
								// XXX check flags
								if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, newPos, G_SEEK_SET))
									return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;

								// Read the actual text
								UT_UCS4Char* str;
								readByteString(mDocStream, str);
								UT_UCS4String textNode(str);
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...length=%zu contents are: |%s|\n", textNode.length(), textNode.utf8_str()));

								// now get the attributes
								UT_String attrs;
								UT_String pAttrs;
								UT_Vector charAttributes;
								while (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) < eor2) {
									char attVal;
									streamRead(mDocStream, attVal);
									UT_uint32 attSize;
									gsf_off_t eoa; // end of attribute
									readRecSize(mDocStream, attSize, &eoa);
									if (attVal == SWG_ATTRIBUTE) {
										TextAttr* a = new TextAttr;
										streamRead(mDocStream, *a, eoa);
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...found text-sub-node, which=0x%x, ver=0x%x, start=%u, end=%u - data:%s len:%llu data is:",
													 a->which, a->ver, a->start,
													 a->end, a->data?"Yes":"No",
													 (long long unsigned)a->dataLen));
#ifdef DEBUG
										hexdump(a->data, a->dataLen);
                    putc('\n', stderr);
									else if (attVal == SWG_ATTRSET) {
									  // bah, yet another loop
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...paragraph attributes found\n"));
										while (gsf_input_tell(mDocStream) < eoa) {
											// reusing attVal and attSize
											streamRead(mDocStream, attVal);
											gsf_off_t eoa2; // end of attribute
											readRecSize(mDocStream, attSize, &eoa2);
											if (attVal == SWG_ATTRIBUTE) {
												TextAttr a;
												streamRead(mDocStream, a, eoa2);
                        if (!a.attrVal.empty()) {
  												if (a.isPara)
	  												UT_String_setProperty(pAttrs, a.attrName, a.attrVal);
			  										UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a.attrName, a.attrVal);
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ......found paragraph attr, which=0x%x, ver=0x%x, start=%u, end=%u (string now %s) Data:%s Len=%lld Data:", a.which, a.ver, (a.startSet?a.start:0), (a.endSet?a.end:0), attrs.c_str(), (a.data ? "Yes" : "No"), (long long)a.dataLen));
#ifdef DEBUG
												hexdump(a.data, a.dataLen);
                        putc('\n', stderr);
											if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eoa2, G_SEEK_SET))
												return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
									else {
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: ...unknown attribute '%c' found (start=%" GSF_OFF_T_FORMAT " end=%" GSF_OFF_T_FORMAT ")\n", attVal, gsf_input_tell(mDocStream), eoa));
									if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eoa, G_SEEK_SET))
										return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;

								PP_PropertyVector attributes = {
								// first, insert the paragraph
								if (!appendStrux(PTX_Block, attributes))
									return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;

								UT_String pca(attrs); // character attributes for the whole paragraph
								// now insert the spans of text
								UT_uint32 len = textNode.length();
								UT_uint32 lastInsPos = 0;
								for (UT_uint32 i = 1; i < len; i++) {
									bool doInsert = false; // whether there was an attribute change
									for (UT_sint32 j = 0; j < charAttributes.getItemCount(); j++) {
										const TextAttr* a = reinterpret_cast<const TextAttr*>(charAttributes[j]);
										// clear the last attribute, if set
										if (a->endSet && a->end == (i - 1)) {
											if (a->isOff) {
												UT_String propval = UT_String_getPropVal(pca, a->attrName);
												UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a->attrName, propval);
												UT_String_removeProperty(attrs, a->attrName);

										// now set new attribute, if needed
										if (a->startSet && a->start == (i - 1)) {
											if (a->isPara)
												UT_String_setProperty(pAttrs, a->attrName, a->attrVal);
											else if (a->isOff)
												UT_String_removeProperty(attrs, a->attrName);
												UT_String_setProperty(attrs, a->attrName, a->attrVal);

										// insert if this is the last character, or if there was a format change
										if ((a->endSet && a->end == i) || (a->startSet && a->start == i))
											doInsert = true;
									if (doInsert || i == (len - 1)) {
										attributes[1] = attrs.c_str();
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Going to appendFmt with %s\n", attributes[1].c_str()));
										if (!appendFmt(attributes))
											return UT_IE_NOMEMORY; /* leave cast alone! */
										UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: About to insert %u-%u\n", lastInsPos, i));
										size_t spanLen = i - lastInsPos;
										if (i == (len - 1)) spanLen++;
										UT_UCS4String span = textNode.substr(lastInsPos, spanLen);
										appendSpan(span.ucs4_str(), spanLen);
										lastInsPos = i;

								UT_VECTOR_PURGEALL(TextAttr*, charAttributes);

							case SWG_JOBSETUP: {
								// flags are apparently unused here. no idea why they are there.
								gsf_off_t newpos;
								UT_uint8 flags;
								readFlagRec(mDocStream, flags, &newpos);
								if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, newpos, G_SEEK_SET))
									return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
								UT_uint16 len, system;
								streamRead(mDocStream, len);
								streamRead(mDocStream, system);
								char printerName[64];
								streamRead(mDocStream, printerName, 64);
								char deviceName[32], portName[32], driverName[32];
								streamRead(mDocStream, deviceName, 32);
								streamRead(mDocStream, portName, 32);
								streamRead(mDocStream, driverName, 32);
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Jobsetup: len %u sys 0x%x printer |%.64s| device |%.32s| port |%.32s| driver |%.32s|\n", len, system, printerName, deviceName, portName, driverName));

								if (system == JOBSET_FILE364_SYSTEM || system == JOBSET_FILE605_SYSTEM) {
									UT_uint16 len2, system2;
									streamRead(mDocStream, len2);
									streamRead(mDocStream, system2);
									UT_uint32 ddl; // driver data length
									streamRead(mDocStream, ddl);
									// now the interesting data
									UT_uint16 orient; // 0=portrait 1=landscape
									streamRead(mDocStream, orient);
									UT_uint16 paperBin;
									streamRead(mDocStream, paperBin);
									UT_uint16 paperFormat;
									streamRead(mDocStream, paperFormat);
									UT_uint32 width, height;
									streamRead(mDocStream, width);
									streamRead(mDocStream, height);
									UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: orient %u bin %u format %u width %u height %u\n", orient, paperBin, paperFormat, width, height));
									// rest of the data is ignored, seems to be printer specific anyway.
									// Use A4, Portrait by default
									PP_PropertyVector attributes = {
										"pagetype", "a4", // A4/Letter/...
										"orientation", "portrait",
										"width", "210",
										"height", "297",
										"units", "mm"
									const char* sdwPaperToAbi[] = {
									if (paperFormat < sizeof(sdwPaperToAbi)/sizeof(*sdwPaperToAbi)) {
										attributes[1] = sdwPaperToAbi[paperFormat];
									const char* sdwOrientToAbi[] = {
									if (orient < sizeof(sdwOrientToAbi)/sizeof(*sdwOrientToAbi)) {
										attributes[3] = sdwOrientToAbi[orient];
									attributes[5] = UT_std_string_sprintf("%f", static_cast<double>(width)/100);
									attributes[7] = UT_std_string_sprintf("%f", static_cast<double>(height)/100);


							case SWG_EOF:
								done2 = true;
								UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: SWG_CONTENT: Skipping %u bytes for record type '%c' (starting at 0x%08llX)\n",
											 size2, type,
											 (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream)));
						if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eor2, G_SEEK_SET))
							return UT_IE_BOGUSDOCUMENT;
					if (mDocHdr.nVersion <= SWG_POOLIDS) {
					UT_uint8 encoding;
					streamRead(mDocStream, encoding);
					UT_iconv_t cd = findConverter(encoding);
					if (!UT_iconv_isValid(cd))
						throw UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
					UT_uint16 count;
					streamRead(mDocStream, count);
					while (count--) {
						UT_uint16 id;
						streamRead(mDocStream, id);
						char* str;
						UT_uint16 len;
						::readByteString(mDocStream, str, &len);
						if (id == IDX_NOCONV_FF) {
						// FIXME: find a way to not have to copy and free 
						// the result of UT_convert_cd.... --hub
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: StringPool: found 0x%04x <-> %.*s\n", id, len, str));
						UT_UCS4Char* convertedString = reinterpret_cast<UT_UCS4Char*>(UT_convert_cd(str, len + 1, cd, NULL, NULL));
						mStringPool.insert(stringpool_map::value_type(id, convertedString));
                        delete [] str;
				case SWG_COMMENT: // skip over comments
				case SWG_EOF:
					done = true;
					UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Skipping %u bytes for record type '%c' (starting at 0x%08llX)\n", recSize, type, (long long)gsf_input_tell(mDocStream)));
			// Seek to the end of the record, in case it wasn't read completely
			if (gsf_input_seek(mDocStream, eor, G_SEEK_SET))

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Done\n"));

		return UT_OK;
	catch(UT_Error e) {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: error %d\n", e));
		return e;
	catch(...) {
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("SDW: Unknown error\n"));
Example #2
 * Read all Psion paragraphs and add them to the document.
UT_Error IE_Imp_Psion::readParagraphs(const psiconv_text_and_layout psiontext,
                                      const psiconv_word_styles_section style_sec)
//                                      psiconv_list embobjlst)
	unsigned int i,inline_nr;
	int loc;
	psiconv_paragraph paragraph;
	psiconv_in_line_layout in_line;
	UT_UCS4String text;
	psiconv_word_style style;
	const gchar *stylename;
	UT_Error res;

	// Iterate through all paragraphs
	for (i=0; i < psiconv_list_length(psiontext); i++) {

		UT_DEBUGMSG(("PSION: Importing paragraph %d\n",i));
		if (!(paragraph = (psiconv_paragraph) psiconv_list_get(psiontext,i))) {
			// Something is really wrong...
			UT_ASSERT(paragraph != NULL);
		// Determine the style name; set it to Normal if it is not available
		if (!style_sec ||
		    !(style = psiconv_get_style(style_sec,paragraph->base_style)) ||
			(!style->name) || 
		  	!(stylename = prepare_style_name(style->name)))
			stylename = (const gchar *) strdup("Normal");
		if (!stylename)
			return UT_IE_NOMEMORY;
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("PSION: paragraph %d: style %s\n",i,stylename));
		// Add all paragraph attributes to the document
		if ((res = applyParagraphAttributes(paragraph->base_paragraph,stylename)))
			return res;
		// Iterate through all Psion inlines. These contain the character
		// layout information, together with the number of characters they
		// apply to.
		loc = 0;
		for(inline_nr=0; inline_nr < psiconv_list_length(paragraph->in_lines);
		    inline_nr++) {
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Psion: paragraph %d inline %d\n",i,inline_nr));
			if (!(in_line = (psiconv_in_line_layout) psiconv_list_get(paragraph->in_lines,inline_nr))) {
				// Something is really wrong...
				UT_ASSERT(in_line != NULL);
			// This may be an object, which needs special handling.
		 	// Objects have layout associated with them, but we will ignore
			// it. I am not sure how it would apply anyway. We will also ignore
			// all text. It should just be a single character \016, which is the
			// object marker.
			if (in_line->object) { 
				if ((res = insertObject(in_line)))
					return res;
			} else {		
				// Put all characters belonging to the current inline into text
				if ((res = prepareCharacters(paragraph->text + loc,in_line->length,
					return res;
				// Yes, text may be empty!
				if (text.length()) {
					// Add the character layout and the text itself to the document
					if ((res = applyCharacterAttributes(in_line->layout)))
						return res;
					if (!(appendSpan((text.ucs4_str()),text.length())))
						return UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
			loc += in_line->length;

		// There may be text left after iterating through all inlines.
		// This remaining text gets the paragraph base_character layout.
		if (loc < psiconv_unicode_strlen(paragraph->text)) {
			// Get the remaining characters into text
			if ((res = prepareCharacters(paragraph->text+loc,
			                       psiconv_unicode_strlen(paragraph->text - loc),text)))
				return res;

			// Yes, text may be empty!
			if (text.length()) {
				// Add the character layout and the text itself to the document.

				if ((res = applyCharacterAttributes(paragraph->base_character)))
					return res;

				if (!appendSpan(text.ucs4_str(),text.length()))
					return UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
	return UT_OK;
Example #3
bool ev_UnixKeyboard::charDataEvent(AV_View* pView, EV_EditBits state, const char * text, size_t len)
    EV_EditEventMapperResult result;
    EV_EditMethod * pEM;

    do some sanity checking, since:
    - delete_surrounding commits a 0 length string in some IMs
    - some IMs state a length of 1, while the text being "" (for example the
    Amharic IM for keystrokes that have no secondary character (eg. shift-R)
    if (!text || *text == '\0' || !len)
        return true;

    UT_UCS4String ucs (text, len);

    UT_uint32 charData = static_cast<UT_uint32>(ucs[0]);

    xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("DOM: charData: %d | length: %d | string: '%s'\n", charData, len, text));
    if (charData == 32)
        charData = 'a'; // HACK!!! for space bar not working. investigate more....

    if(charData>0xff || charData == 0)
        result = m_pEEM->Keystroke(EV_EKP_PRESS|state|'a',&pEM);
        result = m_pEEM->Keystroke(EV_EKP_PRESS|state|charData,&pEM);

    switch (result)
        // If it is a bogus key and we don't have a sequence in
        // progress, we should let the system handle it
        // (this lets things like ALT-F4 work).
        return false;

        // If it is a bogus key but in the middle of a sequence,
        // we should silently eat it (this is to prevent things
        // like Control-X ALT-F4 from killing us -- if they want
        // to kill us, fine, but they shouldn't be in the middle
        // of a sequence).
        return true;


                             ucs.ucs4_str(), static_cast<UT_uint32>(ucs.size()));
        return true;
        return true;

        return true;

    return false;
 * Take a packet, interpret it's contents and apply the implied operations on the document.
bool ABI_Collab_Import::_import(const SessionPacket& packet, UT_sint32 iImportAdjustment, BuddyPtr pCollaborator, bool inGlob)
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("ABI_Collab_Import::_import() - packet class type: %d, iImportAdjustment: %d\n", packet.getClassType(), iImportAdjustment));
	UT_return_val_if_fail(pCollaborator, false);

	switch (packet.getClassType())
		case PCT_GlobSessionPacket:
				const GlobSessionPacket* gp = static_cast<const GlobSessionPacket*>(&packet);
				UT_return_val_if_fail(gp->getPackets().size() > 0, false);

				// store the last seen revision from this collaborator (it is immediately used by the export)
				m_remoteRevs[pCollaborator] = gp->getRev();

				for (UT_uint32 j = 0; j < gp->getPackets().size(); j++)
					SessionPacket* pGlobPacket = gp->getPackets()[j];
					if (pGlobPacket)
						bool res = _import(*pGlobPacket, iImportAdjustment, pCollaborator, true); // yay for recursion :)
						if (!res)

				return true;
		case PCT_SignalSessionPacket:
				const SignalSessionPacket* sp = static_cast<const SignalSessionPacket*>(&packet);
				return true;

		case PCT_RevertSessionPacket:
				const RevertSessionPacket* rrp = static_cast<const RevertSessionPacket*>(&packet);
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Revert packet seen on import for rev: %d\n", rrp->getRev()));

				if (m_iAlreadyRevertedRevs.size() == 0 || m_iAlreadyRevertedRevs.front() != rrp->getRev())
					UT_DEBUGMSG(("Incoming revert for revision %d, which we didn't detect locally (m_iAlreadyRevertedRev: %d)!\n", rrp->getRev(), m_iAlreadyRevertedRevs.front()));
					return false;

				return true;
		case PCT_RevertAckSessionPacket:
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("RevertAck packet seen on import for rev: %d\n", static_cast<const RevertAckSessionPacket*>(&packet)->getRev()));

				// remove this collaborator from our revert ack list; he can play again...
				for (std::vector<std::pair<BuddyPtr, UT_sint32> >::iterator it = m_revertSet.begin(); it != m_revertSet.end(); it++)
					if ((*it).first == pCollaborator)
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("Found collaborator %s on our revert ack list with rev %d! Removing him from the list...\n", (*it).first->getDescription().utf8_str(), (*it).second));
						UT_ASSERT_HARMLESS((*it).second == static_cast<const RevertAckSessionPacket*>(&packet)->getRev());
						return true;

				return false;

			// silly C++ can't switch on ranges
			if (packet.getClassType() >= _PCT_FirstChangeRecord && packet.getClassType() <= _PCT_LastChangeRecord)
				const ChangeRecordSessionPacket* crp = static_cast<const ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>(&packet);
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("It's safe to import this packet\n"));

				UT_DEBUGMSG(("For CR number %d requested point %d adjustment %d \n",  crp->getRev(), crp->getPos(), iImportAdjustment));

				PT_DocPosition pos = static_cast<PT_DocPosition>(crp->getPos() + iImportAdjustment);
				UT_ASSERT(pos <= getEndOfDoc());

				if (!inGlob)
					// store the last seen revision from this collaborator (it is immediately used by the export)
					// NOTE: if this changerecord is part of a glob, then we don't do this; we'll have
					// already set the revision of the glob itself as the last seen one
					m_remoteRevs[pCollaborator] = crp->getRev();

				// todo: remove these temp vars
				PT_DocPosition iPos2 = 0;

				// process the packet
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_GlobMarker:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("Found GLOB marker (ignoring)\n"));
						return true;
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertSpan:
						const InsertSpan_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* icrsp = static_cast<const InsertSpan_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						UT_UCS4String UCSChars = const_cast<UT_UTF8String&>(icrsp->m_sText).ucs4_str();	// ugly, ucs4_str should be const func!
						PP_AttrProp attrProp;
						attrProp.setAttributes(const_cast<const gchar**>(icrsp->getAtts()));
						attrProp.setProperties(const_cast<const gchar**>(icrsp->getProps()));
						m_pDoc->insertSpan(pos,UCSChars.ucs4_str(),UCSChars.length(), &attrProp);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteSpan:
						iPos2 = pos + crp->getLength();
						PP_AttrProp *p_AttrProp_Before = NULL;
						UT_uint32 icnt = 0;
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeSpan:
						const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						gchar** szAtts = pcrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = pcrsp->getProps();
						iPos2 = pos + pcrsp->getLength();
						if((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							// This happens if we remove all formats
							// we have to handle this seperately
							// Get style of containing block
							pf_Frag_Strux* sdh = NULL;
								return false;
							PD_Style * pStyle = m_pDoc->getStyleFromSDH(sdh);
								return false;
							const gchar * szName =  pStyle->getName();
							const gchar * atts[3] = {PT_STYLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME,szName,NULL};
							m_pDoc->changeSpanFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, iPos2, atts, const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ) );
							m_pDoc->changeSpanFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, iPos2, const_cast<const gchar**>(szAtts), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ) );
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertStrux:
						const ChangeStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const ChangeStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						PTStruxType pts = pcrsp->m_eStruxType;
						gchar** szAtts = pcrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = pcrsp->getProps();
						if((szProps != NULL) || (szAtts != NULL))
							m_pDoc->insertStrux( pos, pts, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ) );
							m_pDoc->insertStrux(pos, pts);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteStrux:
						const DeleteStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const DeleteStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						PTStruxType pts = pcrsp->m_eStruxType;
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeStrux:
						const ChangeStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const ChangeStrux_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						PTStruxType pts = pcrsp->m_eStruxType;
						gchar** szAtts = pcrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = pcrsp->getProps();
						UT_return_val_if_fail(szProps != NULL || szAtts != NULL, false);

						UT_DEBUGMSG(("Executing ChangeStrux pos= %d \n",pos));
						m_pDoc->changeStruxFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, pos, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ), pts);
						// TODO: this mask is waaaay to generic
						XAP_Frame *pFrame = XAP_App::getApp()->getLastFocussedFrame();
						if (pFrame)
							FV_View* pView = static_cast<FV_View*>(pFrame->getCurrentView());
							if (pView)
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertObject:
						const Object_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* ocrsp = static_cast<const Object_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						PTObjectType pto = ocrsp->getObjectType();
						gchar** szAtts = ocrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = ocrsp->getProps();
						if((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							return false;
						m_pDoc->insertObject(pos, pto, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ) );
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteObject:
						iPos2 = pos + 1;
						PP_AttrProp *p_AttrProp_Before = NULL;
						UT_uint32 icnt = 0;
						m_pDoc->deleteSpan(pos, iPos2, p_AttrProp_Before, icnt, true);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeObject:
						const Object_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* ccrsp = static_cast<const Object_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						//PTObjectType pto = ccrsp->m_eObjectType;
						gchar** szAtts = ccrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = ccrsp->getProps();
						if ((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							return false;
						m_pDoc->changeSpanFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, pos + 1, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ));
                    case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeDocRDF:
                        // down cast crp to get dcrp
						const RDF_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* dcrp = static_cast<const RDF_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						gchar** szAtts = dcrp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = dcrp->getProps();

						if ((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							return false;

                            // update the local document RDF to remove
                            // szAtts RDF and then add the szProps RDF
                            m_pDoc->getDocumentRDF()->handleCollabEvent( szAtts, szProps );
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_InsertFmtMark:
						const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						gchar** szAtts = pcrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = pcrsp->getProps();
						if((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							// nothing to do here, please move along
							// NOTE: why does this happen anyway? 
							// This happens when for example when sending over tables:
							return false;
						return m_pDoc->changeSpanFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, pos, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ));
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_DeleteFmtMark:
						return m_pDoc->deleteFmtMark(pos);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeFmtMark:
						const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						gchar** szAtts = pcrsp->getAtts();
						gchar** szProps = pcrsp->getProps();
						if ((szProps == NULL) && (szAtts == NULL))
							return false;
						return m_pDoc->changeSpanFmt(PTC_SetExactly, pos, pos, const_cast<const gchar**>( szAtts ), const_cast<const gchar**>( szProps ));
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangePoint:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("Change Point CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true, 0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ListUpdate:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("ListUpdate CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true,0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_StopList:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("StopList CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true,0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_UpdateField:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("UpdateFiled CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true,0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_RemoveList:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("RemoveList CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true,0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_UpdateLayout:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("UpdateLayout CR \n"));
						return m_pDoc->createAndSendCR(pos, crp->getPXType(), true,0);
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_CreateDataItem:
						const Data_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* dp = static_cast<const Data_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						const char * szNameV = g_strdup(dp->getAttribute(PT_DATAITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
						PD_DataItemHandle pHandle = NULL;
						std::string sToken = dp->m_bTokenSet ? dp->m_sToken : "";
						UT_ByteBuf * pBuf= new UT_ByteBuf();
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("PXT_CreateDataItem: append image buffer @ 0x%p, %lu bytes, sToken %s\n", &dp->m_vecData[0], (long unsigned)dp->m_vecData.size(), sToken.c_str()));
						pBuf->append(reinterpret_cast<const UT_Byte *>( &dp->m_vecData[0] ), dp->m_vecData.size() );
						bool res = m_pDoc->createDataItem(szNameV,false,pBuf,sToken,&pHandle);
						delete pBuf;
						return res;
					case PX_ChangeRecord::PXT_ChangeDocProp:
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("ChangeDocProp CR \n"));
						const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket* pcrsp = static_cast<const Props_ChangeRecordSessionPacket*>( crp );
						// Assemble the Attributes for different properties
						const gchar** szAtts = const_cast<const gchar **>(pcrsp->getAtts());
						const gchar** szProps = const_cast<const gchar **>(pcrsp->getProps());
						// Now direct the document to make the changes
						return m_pDoc->changeDocPropeties(szAtts,szProps);
						UT_DEBUGMSG(("Unimplemented crp->getPXType(): %d\n", crp->getPXType()));
				return true;
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("ABI_Collab_Import::import called with unhandled packet class type: %d!\n", packet.getClassType()));
				return false;

	return false;
Example #5
bool ev_EditMethod_invoke (const EV_EditMethod * pEM, const UT_UCS4String & data)
  EV_EditMethodCallData callData ( data.ucs4_str(), static_cast<UT_uint32>(data.size()) ) ;
  return ev_EditMethod_invoke ( pEM, &callData ) ;
Example #6
UT_UTF8String::UT_UTF8String (const UT_UCS4String & rhs) :
	pimpl(new UT_UTF8Stringbuf)
	if (rhs.size ()) appendUCS4 (rhs.ucs4_str (), rhs.size ());
Example #7
bool operator<(const UT_UCS4String& s1, const UT_UCS4String& s2)
	return UT_UCS4_strcmp(s1.ucs4_str(), s2.ucs4_str()) < 0;
Example #8
bool operator==(const UT_UCS4String& s1, const UT_UCS4Char* s2)
	return UT_UCS4_strcmp(s1.ucs4_str(), s2) == 0;
Example #9
bool operator==(const UT_UCS4String& s1, const UT_UCS4String& s2)
        if (s1.size() != s2.size()) return false;
	return UT_UCS4_strcmp(s1.ucs4_str(), s2.ucs4_str()) == 0;