Example #1
TSharedRef<SWidget> UUModComboBox::HandleGenerateWidget(TSharedPtr<FString> Item) const
	FString StringItem = Item.IsValid() ? *Item : FString();

	// Call the user's delegate to see if they want to generate a custom widget bound to the data source.
	if (!IsDesignTime() && OnGenerateWidgetEvent.IsBound())
		UWidget* Widget = OnGenerateWidgetEvent.Execute(StringItem);
		if (Widget != NULL)
			return Widget->TakeWidget();
	//UMod ComboBoxString Customize injector start
	TSharedRef<STextBlock> widget = SNew(STextBlock).Text(FText::FromString(StringItem));

	if (!ElementsTooltipText.IsEmpty()) {
		FString rep = ElementsTooltipText.Replace(TEXT("%e"), **Item, ESearchCase::IgnoreCase);
	FTextBlockStyle fuckUE4Const = ElementsTextStyle;
	FTextBlockStyle *style = new FTextBlockStyle(ElementsTextStyle);	
	return widget;
	//UMod ComboBoxString Customize injector end
Example #2
TSharedRef<SWidget> UMenuAnchor::HandleGetMenuContent()
	TSharedPtr<SWidget> SlateMenuWidget;

	if ( OnGetMenuContentEvent.IsBound() )
		UWidget* MenuWidget = OnGetMenuContentEvent.Execute();
		if ( MenuWidget )
			SlateMenuWidget = MenuWidget->TakeWidget();
		if ( MenuClass != nullptr && !MenuClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) )
			UUserWidget* MenuWidget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(GetWorld(), MenuClass);
			if ( MenuWidget )
				SlateMenuWidget = MenuWidget->TakeWidget();

	return SlateMenuWidget.IsValid() ? SlateMenuWidget.ToSharedRef() : SNullWidget::NullWidget;
Example #3
TSharedRef<SWidget> UComboBoxString::HandleGenerateWidget(TSharedPtr<FString> Item) const
	FString StringItem = Item.IsValid() ? *Item : FString();

	// Call the user's delegate to see if they want to generate a custom widget bound to the data source.
	if ( !IsDesignTime() && OnGenerateWidgetEvent.IsBound() )
		UWidget* Widget = OnGenerateWidgetEvent.Execute(StringItem);
		if ( Widget != NULL )
			return Widget->TakeWidget();

	// If a row wasn't generated just create the default one, a simple text block of the item's name.
	return SNew(STextBlock).Text(FText::FromString(StringItem));