void UmlRelation::write(FileOut & out, bool inside) { switch (relationKind()) { case aGeneralisation: if (inside) write_generalization(out); break; case aRealization: if (inside) parent()->memo_relation(this); else write_realization(out); break; case aDependency: if (inside) parent()->memo_relation(this); else write_dependency(out); break; default: // don't generate them for actors { UmlItem * p = parent(); if (p->stereotype() == "actor") return; do { p = p->parent(); } while (p->kind() == aClass); UmlItem * op = roleType(); if (op->stereotype() == "actor") return; do { op = op->parent(); } while (op->kind() == aClass); if ((p->kind() == aClassView) && (op->kind() == aClassView)) { if (inside) write_relation_as_attribute(out); else // note : it is the first side write_relation(out); } } break; } }
void UmlItem::manage_alias(const char *& p, QTextStream & ts) { // p starts by '@' const char * pclosed; if ((p[1] == '{') && ((pclosed = strchr(p + 2, '}')) != 0)) { QByteArray key_(p + 2, pclosed - p - 1); WrapperStr key = key_; WrapperStr value; UmlItem * node = this; do { if (node->propertyValue(key, value)) break; node = node->parent(); } while (node != 0); if (node != 0) // find, insert the value ts << value; else // not find, insert the key ts << "@{" << key << '}'; // bypass the key p += strlen(key) + 3; } else // bypass '$' ts << toLocale(p); }
void UmlClass::import(QTextOStream & f, const QCString & indent) { QCString s; if (!isJavaExternal()) { UmlArtifact * cp = associatedArtifact(); UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) ((cp != 0) ? (UmlItem *) cp : (UmlItem *) this)->package(); if ((s = pack->javaPackage()).isEmpty()) return; QCString s2 = name(); UmlItem * p = this; while ((p = p->parent())->kind() == aClass) s2 = p->name() + dot + s2; s += dot + s2; } else if ((s = package()->javaPackage()).isEmpty()) return; else s += dot + name(); if (! UmlArtifact::generated_one()->is_imported(s)) { f << indent << "import " << s << ";\n"; UmlArtifact::generated_one()->imported(s); } }
void UmlRelation::search_class_assoc() { if (side(TRUE) != this) return; switch (relationKind()) { case aGeneralisation: case aRealization: case aDependency: break; default: { UmlTypeSpec a = association(); if (a.type != 0) { // not generated for actors UmlItem * p = parent(); if (p->stereotype() != "actor") { do { p = p->parent(); } while (p->kind() == aClass); if (p->kind() == aClassView) _assoc_class = a.type->set_assoc(this); } } } } }
void UmlOperation::generate_index() { unsigned n = opers.size(); if (n != 0) { sort(opers); start_file("public_operations", "Public Operations Index", TRUE); fw.write("<table>\n"); fw.write("<tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td align=\"center\"><b>Operation</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>Class</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>Description</b></td></tr>\n"); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { UmlItem * op = opers.elementAt(i); fw.write("<tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\"><td>"); op->write(); fw.write("</td><td>"); op->parent()->write(); fw.write("</td><td>"); writeq(op->description()); fw.write("</td></tr>\n"); } fw.write("</table>\n"); end_file(); } }
void UmlItem::manage_alias(const char *& p, QTextOStream & ts, Q3CString indent, BooL & indent_needed) { if (indent_needed) { indent_needed = FALSE; ts << indent; } // p starts by '@' const char * pclosed; if ((p[1] == '{') && ((pclosed = strchr(p + 2, '}')) != 0)) { Q3CString key(p + 2, pclosed - p - 1); Q3CString value; UmlItem * node = this; do { if (node->propertyValue(key, value)) break; node = node->parent(); } while (node != 0); if (node != 0) // find, insert the value ts << value; else // not find, insert the key ts << "@{" << key << '}'; // bypass the key p += strlen(key) + 3; } else // bypass '$' ts << *p++; }
UmlPackage * UmlArtifact::package() { UmlItem * parent = this->parent(); while (parent->kind() != aPackage) parent = parent->parent(); return (UmlPackage *) parent; }
void UmlPackage::roseImport() { QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "" ,QString::null, "*.mdl"); if (!s.isEmpty()) { File f(s, ""); if (! f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { UmlCom::trace(QString("<br>cannot open " + s).toLatin1().constData()); throw 0; } UmlItem * prj = this; while (prj->parent() != 0) prj = prj->parent(); prj->set_childrenVisible(FALSE); try { UmlCom::message("Phase 1"); scanning = TRUE; while (import(f)) ; scanning = FALSE; UmlCom::message("Phase 2"); f.rewind(); while (import(f)) ; } catch (...) { set_childrenVisible(TRUE); throw 0; } set_childrenVisible(TRUE); } }
void UmlClass::uml2java(bool rec) { if (isJavaExternal()) set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = JavaSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum_pattern") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumPatternDecl()); else if (st == "enum") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "@interface") { QCString s = JavaSettings::interfaceDecl(); int index = s.find("interface"); if (index != -1) s.insert(index, '@'); set_JavaDecl(s); } else if (st == "ignored") { set_JavaDecl(""); return; } else set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2java(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_JavaSource(JavaSettings::sourceContent()); } }
void UmlClass::uml2cpp(bool rec) { if (isCppExternal()) set_CppDecl(CppSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = CppSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "union") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::unionDecl()); else if (st == "struct") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::structDecl()); else if (st == "typedef") set_CppDecl(CppSettings::typedefDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_CppDecl(""); return; } else set_CppDecl(CppSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2cpp(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) { // not nested UmlArtifact * art = artifact(); art->set_CppSource(CppSettings::sourceContent()); art->set_CppHeader(CppSettings::headerContent()); } } }
void UmlClass::uml2idl(bool rec) { if (isIdlExternal()) set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = IdlSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "struct") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::structDecl()); else if (st == "union") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::unionDecl()); else if (st == "enum") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "exception") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::exceptionDecl()); else if (st == "typedef") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::typedefDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_IdlDecl(""); return; } else set_IdlDecl(IdlSettings::valuetypeDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2idl(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_IdlSource(IdlSettings::sourceContent()); } }
void UmlClass::set_under_construction(bool y, bool rec) { if (y) { if (rec) { UmlItem * it = this; do { UnderConstruction.append((UmlClass *) it); } while ((it = it->parent())->kind() == aClass); } else UnderConstruction.append(this); } else if (rec) UnderConstruction.clear(); else UnderConstruction.removeOne(this); }
void UmlClass::uml2php(bool rec) { if (isPhpExternal()) set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = PhpSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum") set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "ignored") { set_PhpDecl(""); return; } else set_PhpDecl(PhpSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2php(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_PhpSource(PhpSettings::sourceContent()); } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc != 2) return 0; if (UmlCom::connect(Q3CString(argv[1]).toUInt())) { bool aborted = TRUE; try { UmlCom::trace("<b>C++ roundtrip</b> release 1.3<br>"); UmlCom::traceAutoRaise(FALSE); char * argv = 0; int argc = 0; QApplication * app = new QApplication(argc, &argv); UmlItem * item = UmlCom::targetItem(); int n; switch (item->kind()) { default: UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica><b>must be applied on a <i>package, class view, deployment view, artifact</i> or <i>class</i></b></font><br>"); aborted = FALSE; throw 0; case aPackage: n = ((UmlPackage *) item)->count_roundtriped(); break; case aClassView: case aDeploymentView: case anArtifact: n = 1; break; case aClass: if (item->parent()->kind() != aClassView) { UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica><b>can't be applied on a <i>class</i> nested or out of a <i>class view</i></b></font><br>"); aborted = FALSE; throw 0; } n = 1; break; } UmlPackage * project = UmlPackage::getProject(); UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica>Upload project ...</font>"); Package::init(project, app); UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica>...done</font><br>"); UmlCom::message(""); Package::set_step(0, n); UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica>Preparation...</font>"); if (!item->set_roundtrip_expected() && (QMessageBox::warning(0, "Roundtrip", "Some elements to roundtrip are read-only and will not be updated\n\n" "Roundtrip anyway ?", "Yes", "No", QString::null, 1, 1) != 0)) { aborted = FALSE; throw 0; } Package::set_step(0, -1); UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica>...done</font><br>"); if ((item->kind() == aPackage) && !UmlArtifact::is_roundtrip_usefull()) { UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica>you don't ask for to roundtrip artifact(s)<br><br>" "probably you want to do a <i>reverse</i> rather than a <i>roundtrip</i></font><br>"); aborted = FALSE; throw 0; } Q3CString f; if (project->propertyValue("#file", f)) Lex::defines(f); n = 0; item->scan_it(n); CppSettings::set_UseDefaults(TRUE); project->set_childrenVisible(FALSE); item->send_it(n); UmlOperation::force_defs(); Statistic::produce(); // umark all { Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> marked = UmlItem::markedItems(); UmlItem ** v = marked.data(); UmlItem ** const vsup = v + marked.size(); for (;v != vsup; v += 1) (*v)->set_isMarked(FALSE); } Q3PtrList<UmlItem> useless; item->mark_useless(useless); if (!useless.isEmpty() && (QMessageBox::warning(0, "C++ roundtrip", "The marked elements are useless because they don't\n" "correspond to something in the roundtriped files\n\n\n" "Delete them ?", "Yes", "No", QString::null, 1, 1) == 0)) { Q3PtrListIterator<UmlItem> iter(useless); do { if (iter.current()->isMarked()) iter.current()->deleteIt(); } while (++iter, iter.current() != 0); } project->set_childrenVisible(TRUE); item->set_childrenVisible(TRUE); // re select it aborted = FALSE; } catch (...) { } try { // socket may be already closed if (aborted) UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica><br><b>Rountrip aborted!</b></font><br>"); UmlCom::message(""); UmlCom::showTrace(); UmlCom::bye((aborted) ? 1 : 0); // application must not be deleted } catch (...) { } } UmlCom::close(); // application must not be deleted return 0; }
void UmlTransition::generate(Q3PtrList<UmlTransition> trs, UmlClass * machine, UmlClass * anystate, UmlState * state, Q3CString & body, Q3CString indent, bool completion) { UmlTransition * tr; bool guard = FALSE; for (tr = trs.first(); tr != 0; tr = trs.next()) { body += indent; if (!tr->cppGuard().isEmpty()) { // manage guard body += ((tr == trs.getFirst()) ? "if (" : "else if (") + tr->cppGuard() + ") {\n"; guard = TRUE; } else // no gard : it is the last transition, may be the first body += ((tr == trs.getFirst()) ? "{\n" : "else {\n"); // the target state UmlItem * tg = tr->target(); bool self_external = (state == tg) && tr->isExternal(); while (tg->kind() != aState) tg = tg->parent(); // the parent common to the current and the target state UmlState * common = state; if (self_external) { // execute exit behavior if (!state->cppExitBehavior().isEmpty()) body += indent + " _doexit(stm);\n"; } else { bool fromExit = // the exit behavior is made entering in the exit point (tr->parent()->kind() == anExitPointPseudoState); // compute common parent and manage exit behavior if (tr->target()->kind() != aTerminatePseudoState) { while (!((UmlState *) tg)->inside(common)) { if (!fromExit && !common->cppExitBehavior().isEmpty()) body += indent + " stm" + common->path() + "._doexit(stm);\n"; fromExit = FALSE; switch (common->parent()->kind()) { case aState: common = (UmlState *) common->parent(); break; case aRegion: common = (UmlState *) common->parent()->parent(); break; default: UmlCom::trace("Error : transition from '" + state->name() + "' goes outside the state machine"); throw 0; } } } } // manage transition activity if (!tr->cppActivity().isEmpty()) body += "#ifdef VERBOSE_STATE_MACHINE\n" + indent + " puts(\"DEBUG : execute activity of transition " + tr->name() + "\");\n#endif\n" + tr->cppActivity(); // manage entry behavior if (self_external) { if (state->needCreate()) body += indent + " create(stm);\n"; } else if (tr->target()->kind() != aTerminatePseudoState) { if (tg != common) { Q3CString enter; UmlState * tg_parent; // the enter behavior of the target state will be managed // generating a call to create for (tg_parent = (UmlState *) tg->parent(); tg_parent != common; tg_parent = (UmlState *) tg_parent->parent()) if (!tg_parent->cppEntryBehavior().isEmpty()) enter.insert(0, (const char *)(indent + " stm" + tg_parent->path() + "._doentry(stm);\n")); //[rageek] ambiguous if (!enter.isEmpty()) body += enter; } // set the current state if needed if (tg != state) body += indent + " stm._set_currentState(stm" + ((UmlState *) tg)->path() + ");\n#ifdef VERBOSE_STATE_MACHINE\n" + indent + " puts(\"DEBUG : current state is now " + ((UmlState *) tg)->prettyPath() + "\");\n#endif\n"; } // do the transition if (tr->target()->kind() == aState) { if ((tg != state) && ((UmlState *) tg)->needCreate()) body += indent + " stm" + ((UmlState *) tg)->path() + ".create(stm);\n"; } else tr->target()->generate(machine, anystate, ((UmlState *) tg), body, indent + " "); if (completion) body += indent + " return (bool) 1;\n"; body += indent + "}\n"; } if (completion && guard) body += indent + "return (bool) 0;\n"; }