Example #1
// constructor:
//  responsible for allocating the necessary space needed by each object
//  and storing the tags of the CorotTruss end nodes.
CorotTruss::CorotTruss(int tag, int dim,
			   int Nd1, int Nd2, 
			   UniaxialMaterial &theMat,
			   double a, double r)
  theMaterial(0), connectedExternalNodes(2),
  numDOF(0), numDIM(dim),
  Lo(0.0), Ln(0.0), 
  A(a), rho(r), R(3,3),
  theMatrix(0), theVector(0)
  // get a copy of the material and check we obtained a valid copy
  theMaterial = theMat.getCopy();
  if (theMaterial == 0) {
    opserr << "FATAL CorotTruss::CorotTruss - " <<  tag <<
      "failed to get a copy of material with tag " << theMat.getTag() << endln;
  // ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
  if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 2) {
    opserr << "FATAL CorotTruss::CorotTruss - " <<  tag <<
      "failed to create an ID of size 2\n";
  connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2;        

  // set node pointers to NULL
  theNodes[0] = 0;
  theNodes[1] = 0;
Example #2
// constructor:
//  responsible for allocating the necessary space needed by each object
//  and storing the tags of the CorotTruss end nodes.
XC::CorotTruss::CorotTruss(int tag, int dim,int Nd1, int Nd2, UniaxialMaterial &theMat,double a)
  :CorotTrussBase(tag,ELE_TAG_CorotTruss,dim,Nd1,Nd2), theMaterial(nullptr), A(a)
    // get a copy of the material and check we obtained a valid copy
    theMaterial = theMat.getCopy();
    if(theMaterial == 0)
        std::cerr << getClassName() << "::" << __FUNCTION__
		  << "; FATAL error in element: " <<  tag
		  << "failed to get a copy of material with tag "
		  << theMat.getTag() << std::endl;
Example #3
Truss2::Truss2(int tag, 
	int dim,
	int Nd1, int Nd2, int oNd1, int oNd2, 
	UniaxialMaterial &theMat,
	double a, double r, int damp)
	theMaterial(0), theBetaMaterial(0), connectedExternalNodes(2), connectedExternalOtherNodes(2),
	dimension(dim), numDOF(0), theLoad(0),
	theMatrix(0), theVector(0),
	L(0.0), A(a), rho(r), doRayleighDamping(damp)
	// get a copy of the material and check we obtained a valid copy
	theMaterial = theMat.getCopy();
	if (theMaterial == 0) {
	  opserr << "FATAL Truss2::Truss2 - " << tag <<
	    "failed to get a copy of material with tag " << theMat.getTag() << endln;
	} else if (theMaterial->getClassTag() == MAT_TAG_ConcretewBeta) {
	  theBetaMaterial = (ConcretewBeta *) theMaterial;

	// ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
	if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 2 || connectedExternalOtherNodes.Size() != 2) {
		opserr << "FATAL Truss2::Truss2 - " <<  tag << "failed to create an ID of size 2\n";

	connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
	connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2; 

	/// some work to save the other nodes:
	connectedExternalOtherNodes(0) = oNd1;
	connectedExternalOtherNodes(1) = oNd2;

	// set node pointers to NULL
	for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
		theNodes[i] = 0;
		theOtherNodes[i] = 0;

	cosX[0] = 0.0;
	cosX[1] = 0.0;
	cosX[2] = 0.0;

	// AddingSensitivity:BEGIN /////////////////////////////////////
	parameterID = 0;
	theLoadSens = 0;
	// AddingSensitivity:END //////////////////////////////////////
Example #4
N4BiaxialTruss::N4BiaxialTruss(int tag, 
int dim,
int Nd1, int Nd2, 
int GNd1, int GNd2, 
UniaxialMaterial &theMat,
double a, double r, int damp)
theMaterial_1(0), theBetaMaterial_1(0), 
theMaterial_2(0), theBetaMaterial_2(0), 
dimension(dim), numDOF(0), theLoad(0),
theMatrix(0), theVector(0), theVector2(0),
L(0.0), A(a), rho(r), doRayleighDamping(damp)
	// get a copy of the material and check we obtained a valid copy
	theMaterial_1 = theMat.getCopy();
	theMaterial_2 = theMat.getCopy();
	if ((theMaterial_1 == 0) || (theMaterial_2 == 0)) {
		opserr << "FATAL N4BiaxialTruss::N4BiaxialTruss - " << tag <<
		"failed to get a copy of material with tag " << theMat.getTag() << endln;
	} else if (theMat.getClassTag() == MAT_TAG_ConcretewBeta) {
	  theBetaMaterial_1 = (ConcretewBeta *) theMaterial_1;
	  theBetaMaterial_2 = (ConcretewBeta *) theMaterial_2;
	// ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
	if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 4) {
		opserr << "FATAL N4BiaxialTruss::N4BiaxialTruss - " <<  tag << "failed to create an node ID array of size 4\n";

	connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
	connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2;
	connectedExternalNodes(2) = GNd1;
	connectedExternalNodes(3) = GNd2;

	// set node pointers to NULL
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
	theNodes[i] = 0;

	cosX[0] = 0.0;
	cosX[1] = 0.0;
	cosX[2] = 0.0;