void Unsigned::Subtract(Unsigned& b) { assert(_width == b.Width()); Unsigned one_val(b.Width(),"_b1"); Unsigned tmp(b.Width()); tmp = b; tmp.Complement(); tmp.Add(one_val); this->Add(tmp); }
void Unsigned::Multiply(Unsigned& b ) { assert(this->_width == b.Width()); if(b.Width() > 64) { cerr << "Error: multiply supported for integers which are up to 64 bits wide" << endl; cerr << " will return junk " << endl; return; } this->_bit_field[0] = this->_bit_field[0] * b._bit_field[0]; }
void Unsigned::Concatenate(Unsigned& b) { Unsigned tmp(_width + b._width); for(int idx = 0; idx < b.Width(); idx++) { tmp.Set_Bit(idx, (b.Get_Bit(idx) ? true : false)); } for(int idx = 0; idx < this->_width; idx++) { tmp.Set_Bit(idx + b.Width(), (this->Get_Bit(idx) ? true : false)); } this->Swap(tmp); }
void Unsigned::Add(Unsigned& b) { bool carry = false; assert(this->_width == b.Width()); for(int idx = 0; idx < b.Width(); idx++) { bool abit = this->Get_Bit(idx); bool bbit = b.Get_Bit(idx); bool sum = (abit ^ bbit ^ carry); this->Set_Bit(idx,sum); carry = (abit & bbit) | ((abit | bbit) & carry); } this->Sign_Extend(); }
void Unsigned::Divide(Unsigned& b) { assert(_width == b.Width()); if(_width > 64) { cerr << "Error: divide supported for integers which are up to 64 bits wide" << endl; cerr << " will return junk " << endl; return; } this->_bit_field[0] = this->_bit_field[0] / b._bit_field[0]; }
bool Unsigned::Greater(Unsigned& b) { bool ret_val = true; assert(this->Width() == b.Width()); for(int idx = this->Width()-1; idx >= 0; idx--) { if((!this->Get_Bit(idx) && b.Get_Bit(idx))) { ret_val = false; break; } else if(this->Get_Bit(idx) && !b.Get_Bit(idx)) break; } return(ret_val); }
void Unsigned::Xor(Unsigned& b) { assert(this->Width() == b.Width()); for(int idx = 0; idx < this->Array_Size(); idx++) this->_bit_field[idx] = (this->_bit_field[idx] ^ b._bit_field[idx]); }