void setUp()
        // In case prior test aborts and tearDown is not invoked:

        testDataForStringList[0].testDescription = "A numeric string(alphabetically first!)" ; 
        testDataForStringList[0].item = new UtlString("123") ; 
        testDataForStringList[0].expectedIndex = 0 ; 

        testDataForStringList[1].testDescription = "An alphabetic string(alphatically second!)" ; 
        testDataForStringList[1].item = new UtlString("Abcd") ; 
        testDataForStringList[1].expectedIndex = 1 ; 

        testDataForStringList[2].testDescription = "An alphabetic string(alphabetically third!)" ; 
        testDataForStringList[2].item = new UtlString("Zyxw") ; 
        testDataForStringList[2].expectedIndex = 2 ; 

        testDataForStringList[3].testDescription = \
                             "An alpha numeric string(alphabetically fourth!)" ; 
        testDataForStringList[3].item = new UtlString("ab#34cd") ; 
        testDataForStringList[3].expectedIndex = 3 ; 

        // Add the strings in a random (non alphabetical order) 
        stringList.insert(testDataForStringList[2].item) ; 
        stringList.insert(testDataForStringList[0].item) ; 
        stringList.insert(testDataForStringList[3].item) ; 
        stringList.insert(testDataForStringList[1].item) ; 

        testDataForIntList[0].testDescription = "A negative integer(first item)" ; 
        testDataForIntList[0].item = new UtlInt(-25023) ; 
        testDataForIntList[0].expectedIndex = 0 ; 
        testDataForIntList[1].testDescription = "Integer whose value = 0(second item)" ;  
        testDataForIntList[1].item = new UtlInt(0) ; 
        testDataForIntList[1].expectedIndex = 1 ;

        testDataForIntList[2].testDescription = "Positive integer(third item)" ; 
        testDataForIntList[2].item = new UtlInt(35) ; 
        testDataForIntList[2].expectedIndex = 2 ;

        testDataForIntList[3].testDescription = "A positive integer(fourth item)" ; 
        testDataForIntList[3].item = new UtlInt(25023) ; 
        testDataForIntList[3].expectedIndex = 3 ; 
        // Add the ints in a random (non alphabetical order) 
        intList.insert(testDataForIntList[2].item) ; 
        intList.insert(testDataForIntList[0].item) ; 
        intList.insert(testDataForIntList[3].item) ; 
        intList.insert(testDataForIntList[1].item) ; 
    /** Test the findNext method. The various test case
    *   for this are :- 
    *     a) Verify that all the elements can be found
             when the iterator has been reset. 
    *     b) Verify that any element after the current iterator position can be searched.
    &     c)  Verify that any element before the current position is not returned in a search.
    *  Verify htat when there are two similar matches than
    *    either of the items is returned when searching.
    void check_FindNext()
        UtlSortedListIterator iter(stringList);
        const char* message;
        // Search for the first item
        message = "Search for the first item" ;
        UtlContainable* found = iter.findNext(testDataForStringList[0].item) ;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, testDataForStringList[0].item, found) ; 

         message = "Search for the last item" ; 
         iter.reset() ;
         found = iter.findNext(testDataForStringList[stringListCount-1].item) ;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, testDataForStringList[stringListCount-1].item,  found) ;

         message = "Search for a middle item" ;
         iter.reset() ;
         found = iter.findNext(testDataForStringList[2].item) ;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, testDataForStringList[2].item, found);

         message = "When the iterator has not been reset, search for an item that "\
                   "is not yet been read" ;
         iter.reset() ;
         iter() ;
         found = iter.findNext(testDataForStringList[2].item) ; 
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, testDataForStringList[2].item, found)  ; 

         UtlString dupString1("Mnop") ;
         UtlString dupString2("Mnop");
         stringList.insert(&dupString1) ;
         stringList.insert(&dupString2) ;

         found = iter.findNext(&dupString2) ;
         bool isSuccess = (found == &dupString1 || found == &dupString2) ;
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(message, isSuccess) ; 