int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int spaceDim = 2;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args(argc, argv );
  int minPolyOrder = args.Input<int>("--minPolyOrder", "L^2 (field) minimum polynomial order",0);
  int maxPolyOrder = args.Input<int>("--maxPolyOrder", "L^2 (field) maximum polynomial order",1);
  int minLogElements = args.Input<int>("--minLogElements", "base 2 log of the minimum number of elements in one mesh direction", 0);
  int maxLogElements = args.Input<int>("--maxLogElements", "base 2 log of the maximum number of elements in one mesh direction", 4);
  double Re = args.Input<double>("--Re", "Reynolds number", 40);
//  bool outputStiffnessMatrix = args.Input<bool>("--writeFinalStiffnessToDisk", "write the final stiffness matrix to disk.", false);
  bool computeMaxConditionNumber = args.Input<bool>("--computeMaxConditionNumber", "compute the maximum Gram matrix condition number for final mesh.", false);
  int maxIters = args.Input<int>("--maxIters", "maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations to take to try to match tolerance", 50);
  double minL2Increment = args.Input<double>("--NRtol", "Newton-Raphson tolerance, L^2 norm of increment", 1e-12);
  string normChoice = args.Input<string>("--norm", "norm choice: graph, compliantGraph, stokesGraph, or stokesCompliantGraph", "graph");

  bool useCondensedSolve = args.Input<bool>("--useCondensedSolve", "use static condensation", true);

  double dt = args.Input<double>("--timeStep", "time step (0 for none)", 0);

  double zmcRho = args.Input<double>("--zmcRho", "zero-mean constraint rho (stabilization parameter)", -1);

//  string replayFile = args.Input<string>("--replayFile", "file with refinement history to replay", "");
//  string saveFile = args.Input<string>("--saveReplay", "file to which to save refinement history", "");


  int pToAdd = 2; // for optimal test function approximation
  bool useLineSearch = false;
  bool computeRelativeErrors = true; // we'll say false when one of the exact solution components is 0
  bool useEnrichedTraces = true; // enriched traces are the right choice, mathematically speaking

  // parse args:
  bool useTriangles = false, useGraphNorm = false, useCompliantNorm = false, useStokesCompliantNorm = false, useStokesGraphNorm = false;

  if (normChoice=="graph")
    useGraphNorm = true;
  else if (normChoice=="compliantGraph")
    useCompliantNorm = true;
  else if (normChoice=="stokesGraph")
    useStokesGraphNorm = true;
  else if (normChoice=="stokesCompliantGraph")
    useStokesCompliantNorm = true;
    if (rank==0) cout << "unknown norm choice.  Exiting.\n";

  bool artificialTimeStepping = (dt > 0);

  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "pToAdd = " << pToAdd << endl;
    cout << "useTriangles = "    << (useTriangles   ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
    cout << "norm = " << normChoice << endl;

  // define Kovasznay domain:
  FieldContainer<double> quadPointsKovasznay(4,2);
  // domain from Cockburn Kanschat for Stokes:
  quadPointsKovasznay(0,0) = -0.5; // x1
  quadPointsKovasznay(0,1) =  0.0; // y1
  quadPointsKovasznay(1,0) =  1.5;
  quadPointsKovasznay(1,1) =  0.0;
  quadPointsKovasznay(2,0) =  1.5;
  quadPointsKovasznay(2,1) =  2.0;
  quadPointsKovasznay(3,0) = -0.5;
  quadPointsKovasznay(3,1) =  2.0;

  // Domain from Evans Hughes for Navier-Stokes:
//  quadPointsKovasznay(0,0) =  0.0; // x1
//  quadPointsKovasznay(0,1) = -0.5; // y1
//  quadPointsKovasznay(1,0) =  1.0;
//  quadPointsKovasznay(1,1) = -0.5;
//  quadPointsKovasznay(2,0) =  1.0;
//  quadPointsKovasznay(2,1) =  0.5;
//  quadPointsKovasznay(3,0) =  0.0;
//  quadPointsKovasznay(3,1) =  0.5;

//  double Re = 10.0;  // Cockburn Kanschat Stokes
//  double Re = 40.0; // Evans Hughes Navier-Stokes
//  double Re = 1000.0;

  string formulationTypeStr = "vgp";

  FunctionPtr u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact;

  int numCellsFineMesh = 20; // for computing a zero-mean pressure
  int H1OrderFineMesh = 5;

//  VGPNavierStokesProblem(double Re, Intrepid::FieldContainer<double> &quadPoints, int horizontalCells,
//                         int verticalCells, int H1Order, int pToAdd,
//                         TFunctionPtr<double> u1_0, TFunctionPtr<double> u2_0, TFunctionPtr<double> f1, TFunctionPtr<double> f2,
//                         bool enrichVelocity = false, bool enhanceFluxes = false)
  FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
  VGPNavierStokesProblem zeroProblem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re, quadPointsKovasznay,
                                       numCellsFineMesh, numCellsFineMesh,
                                       H1OrderFineMesh, pToAdd,
                                       zero, zero, zero, useCompliantNorm || useStokesCompliantNorm);

  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VGPStokesFormulation::vgpVarFactory();
  VarPtr u1_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_U1_S);
  VarPtr u2_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_U2_S);
  VarPtr sigma11_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA11_S);
  VarPtr sigma12_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA12_S);
  VarPtr sigma21_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA21_S);
  VarPtr sigma22_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA22_S);
  VarPtr p_vgp = varFactory->fieldVar(VGP_P_S);

  VarPtr v1_vgp = varFactory->testVar(VGP_V1_S, HGRAD);
  VarPtr v2_vgp = varFactory->testVar(VGP_V2_S, HGRAD);

//  if (rank==0) {
//    cout << "bilinear form with zero background flow:\n";
//  }

  VGPStokesFormulation stokesForm(1/Re);

  NavierStokesFormulation::setKovasznay(Re, zeroProblem.mesh(), u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact);

//  if (rank==0) cout << "Stokes bilinearForm: " <<>displayString() << endl;
  map< string, string > convergenceDataForMATLAB; // key: field file name

  for (int polyOrder = minPolyOrder; polyOrder <= maxPolyOrder; polyOrder++)
    int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;

    int numCells1D = pow(2.0,minLogElements);

    if (rank==0)
      cout << "L^2 order: " << polyOrder << endl;
      cout << "Re = " << Re << endl;

    int kovasznayCubatureEnrichment = 20; // 20 is better than 10 for accurately measuring error on the coarser meshes.

    vector< VGPNavierStokesProblem > problems;
      VGPNavierStokesProblem problem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re,quadPointsKovasznay,
                                       H1Order, pToAdd,
                                       u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact, useCompliantNorm || useStokesCompliantNorm);



      FunctionPtr dt_inv;

      if (artificialTimeStepping)
        //    // LHS gets u_inc / dt:
        BFPtr bf =;
        dt_inv = ParameterFunction::parameterFunction(1.0 / dt); //Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(1.0 / dt, "\\frac{1}{dt}") );
        bf->addTerm(-dt_inv * u1_vgp, v1_vgp);
        bf->addTerm(-dt_inv * u2_vgp, v2_vgp);
        problem.setIP( bf->graphNorm() ); // graph norm has changed...
        dt_inv = Function::zero();

      if ( useCompliantNorm )
      else if (useStokesCompliantNorm)
        VGPStokesFormulation stokesForm(1.0); // pretend Re = 1 in the graph norm
      else if (useStokesGraphNorm)
        VGPStokesFormulation stokesForm(1.0); // pretend Re = 1 in the graph norm
      else if (! useGraphNorm )
        // then use the naive:
      if (rank==0)
        cout << numCells1D << " x " << numCells1D << ": " << problem.mesh()->numGlobalDofs() << " dofs " << endl;
      numCells1D *= 2;
    while (pow(2.0,maxLogElements) >= numCells1D);

    // note that rhs and bilinearForm aren't really going to be right here, since they
    // involve a background flow which varies over the various problems...
    HConvergenceStudy study(problems[0].exactSolution(),
                            minLogElements, maxLogElements,
                            H1Order, pToAdd, false, useTriangles, false);

    vector< SolutionPtr > solutions;
    numCells1D = pow(2.0,minLogElements);
    for (vector< VGPNavierStokesProblem >::iterator problem = problems.begin();
         problem != problems.end(); problem++)
      SolutionPtr solnIncrement = problem->solutionIncrement();
      FunctionPtr u1_incr = Function::solution(u1_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr u2_incr = Function::solution(u2_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr sigma11_incr = Function::solution(sigma11_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr sigma12_incr = Function::solution(sigma12_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr sigma21_incr = Function::solution(sigma21_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr sigma22_incr = Function::solution(sigma22_vgp, solnIncrement);
      FunctionPtr p_incr = Function::solution(p_vgp, solnIncrement);

//      LinearTermPtr rhsLT = problem->backgroundFlow()->rhs()->linearTerm();
//      if (rank==0) cout << "bilinearForm: " << problems[0].mesh()->bilinearForm()->displayString() << endl;
//      if (rank==0) cout << "RHS: " << rhsLT->displayString() << endl;
      FunctionPtr l2_incr = u1_incr * u1_incr + u2_incr * u2_incr + p_incr * p_incr
                            + sigma11_incr * sigma11_incr + sigma12_incr * sigma12_incr
                            + sigma21_incr * sigma21_incr + sigma22_incr * sigma22_incr;
      double weight = 1.0;
        weight = problem->iterate(useLineSearch, useCondensedSolve);

        LinearTermPtr rhsLT = problem->backgroundFlow()->rhs()->linearTerm();
        RieszRep rieszRep(problem->backgroundFlow()->mesh(), problem->backgroundFlow()->ip(), rhsLT);
        double costFunction = rieszRep.getNorm();
        double incr_norm = sqrt(l2_incr->integrate(problem->mesh()));

        if (rank==0)
          cout << setprecision(6) << scientific;
          cout << "\x1B[2K"; // Erase the entire current line.
          cout << "\x1B[0E"; // Move to the beginning of the current line.
          cout << "Iteration: " << problem->iterationCount() << "; L^2(incr) = " << incr_norm;
//          cout << setprecision(6) << scientific;
//          cout << "Took " << weight << "-weighted step for " << numCells1D;
//          cout << " x " << numCells1D << " mesh: " << problem->iterationCount();
//          cout << setprecision(6) << fixed;
//          cout << " iterations; cost function " << costFunction << endl;
      while ((sqrt(l2_incr->integrate(problem->mesh())) > minL2Increment ) && (problem->iterationCount() < maxIters) && (weight != 0));

      if (rank==0) cout << endl;

      solutions.push_back( problem->backgroundFlow() );

      // set the IP to the naive norm for clearer comparison with the best approximation energy error
//      problem->backgroundFlow()->setIP(problem->bf()->naiveNorm());

//      double energyError = problem->backgroundFlow()->energyErrorTotal();
//      if (rank==0) {
//        cout << setprecision(6) << fixed;
//        cout << numCells1D << " x " << numCells1D << ": " << problem->iterationCount();
//        cout << " iterations; actual energy error " << energyError << endl;
//      }
      numCells1D *= 2;


    for (int i=0; i<=maxLogElements-minLogElements; i++)
      SolutionPtr bestApproximation = study.bestApproximations()[i];
      VGPNavierStokesFormulation nsFormBest = VGPNavierStokesFormulation(Re, bestApproximation);
      SpatialFilterPtr entireBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new SpatialFilterUnfiltered ); // SpatialFilterUnfiltered returns true everywhere
      Teuchos::RCP<ExactSolution<double>> exact = nsFormBest.exactSolution(u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact, entireBoundary);
//      bestApproximation->setIP(>naiveNorm() );
//      bestApproximation->setRHS( exact->rhs() );

      // use backgroundFlow's IP so that they're comparable
      IPPtr ip = problems[i].backgroundFlow()->ip();
      LinearTermPtr rhsLT = exact->rhs()->linearTerm();
      RieszRep rieszRep(bestApproximation->mesh(), ip, rhsLT);

      double bestCostFunction = rieszRep.getNorm();
      if (rank==0)
        cout << "best energy error (measured according to the actual solution's test space IP): " << bestCostFunction << endl;

    map< int, double > energyNormWeights;
    if (useCompliantNorm)
      energyNormWeights[u1_vgp->ID()] = 1.0; // should be 1/h
      energyNormWeights[u2_vgp->ID()] = 1.0; // should be 1/h
      energyNormWeights[sigma11_vgp->ID()] = Re; // 1/mu
      energyNormWeights[sigma12_vgp->ID()] = Re; // 1/mu
      energyNormWeights[sigma21_vgp->ID()] = Re; // 1/mu
      energyNormWeights[sigma22_vgp->ID()] = Re; // 1/mu
      if (Re < 1)   // assuming we're using the experimental small Re thing
        energyNormWeights[p_vgp->ID()] = Re;
        energyNormWeights[p_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[u1_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[u2_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[sigma11_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[sigma12_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[sigma21_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[sigma22_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
      energyNormWeights[p_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
    vector<double> bestEnergy = study.weightedL2Error(energyNormWeights,true);
    vector<double> solnEnergy = study.weightedL2Error(energyNormWeights,false);

    map<int, double> velocityWeights;
    velocityWeights[u1_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
    velocityWeights[u2_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
    vector<double> bestVelocityError = study.weightedL2Error(velocityWeights,true);
    vector<double> solnVelocityError = study.weightedL2Error(velocityWeights,false);

    map<int, double> pressureWeight;
    pressureWeight[p_vgp->ID()] = 1.0;
    vector<double> bestPressureError = study.weightedL2Error(pressureWeight,true);
    vector<double> solnPressureError = study.weightedL2Error(pressureWeight,false);

    if (rank==0)
      cout << setw(25);
      cout << "Solution Energy Error:" << setw(25) << "Best Energy Error:" << endl;
      cout << scientific << setprecision(1);
      for (int i=0; i<bestEnergy.size(); i++)
        cout << setw(25) << solnEnergy[i] << setw(25) << bestEnergy[i] << endl;
      cout << setw(25);
      cout << "Solution Velocity Error:" << setw(25) << "Best Velocity Error:" << endl;
      cout << scientific << setprecision(1);
      for (int i=0; i<bestEnergy.size(); i++)
        cout << setw(25) << solnVelocityError[i] << setw(25) << bestVelocityError[i] << endl;
      cout << setw(25);
      cout << "Solution Pressure Error:" << setw(25) << "Best Pressure Error:" << endl;
      cout << scientific << setprecision(1);
      for (int i=0; i<bestEnergy.size(); i++)
        cout << setw(25) << solnPressureError[i] << setw(25) << bestPressureError[i] << endl;

      vector< string > tableHeaders;
      vector< vector<double> > dataTable;
      vector< double > meshWidths;
      for (int i=minLogElements; i<=maxLogElements; i++)
        double width = pow(2.0,i);




      ostringstream fileNameStream;
      fileNameStream << "nsStudy_Re" << Re << "k" << polyOrder << "_results.dat";


    if (rank == 0)
      cout << study.TeXErrorRateTable();
      vector<int> primaryVariables;
      vector<int> fieldIDs,traceIDs;
      vector<string> fieldFileNames;
      cout << "******** Best Approximation comparison: ********\n";
      cout << study.TeXBestApproximationComparisonTable(primaryVariables);

      ostringstream filePathPrefix;
      filePathPrefix << "navierStokes/" << formulationTypeStr << "_p" << polyOrder << "_velpressure";
      filePathPrefix << "navierStokes/" << formulationTypeStr << "_p" << polyOrder << "_all";

      for (int i=0; i<fieldIDs.size(); i++)
        int fieldID = fieldIDs[i];
        int traceID = traceIDs[i];
        string fieldName = fieldFileNames[i];
        ostringstream filePathPrefix;
        filePathPrefix << "navierStokes/" << fieldName << "_p" << polyOrder;
        bool writeMATLABplotData = false;
        study.writeToFiles(filePathPrefix.str(),fieldID,traceID, writeMATLABplotData);

      for (int i=0; i<primaryVariables.size(); i++)
        string convData = study.convergenceDataMATLAB(primaryVariables[i], minPolyOrder);
        cout << convData;
        convergenceDataForMATLAB[fieldFileNames[i]] += convData;

      filePathPrefix << "navierStokes/" << formulationTypeStr << "_p" << polyOrder << "_numDofs";
      cout << study.TeXNumGlobalDofsTable();
    if (computeMaxConditionNumber)
      for (int i=minLogElements; i<=maxLogElements; i++)
        SolutionPtr soln = study.getSolution(i);
        ostringstream fileNameStream;
        fileNameStream << "nsStudy_maxConditionIPMatrix_" << i << ".dat";
        IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp( dynamic_cast< IP* >(soln->ip().get()), false );
        bool jacobiScalingTrue = true;
        double maxConditionNumber = MeshUtilities::computeMaxLocalConditionNumber(ip, soln->mesh(), jacobiScalingTrue, fileNameStream.str());
        if (rank==0)
          cout << "max Gram matrix condition number estimate for logElements " << i << ": "  << maxConditionNumber << endl;
          cout << "putative worst-conditioned Gram matrix written to: " << fileNameStream.str() << "." << endl;
  if (rank==0)
    ostringstream filePathPrefix;
    filePathPrefix << "navierStokes/" << formulationTypeStr << "_";
    for (map<string,string>::iterator convIt = convergenceDataForMATLAB.begin(); convIt != convergenceDataForMATLAB.end(); convIt++)
      string fileName = convIt->first + ".m";
      string data = convIt->second;
      fileName = filePathPrefix.str() + fileName;
      ofstream fout(fileName.c_str());
      fout << data;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rank = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  // TODO: figure out the right thing to do here...
  // may want to modify argc and argv before we make the following call:
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  bool useLineSearch = false;

  int pToAdd = 2; // for optimal test function approximation
  int pToAddForStreamFunction = 2;
  double nonlinearStepSize = 1.0;
  double dt = 0.5;
  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.015; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution
  //  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.15; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution
  double eps = 1.0/64.0; // width of ramp up to 1.0 for top BC;  eps == 0 ==> soln not in H1
  // epsilon above is chosen to match our initial 16x16 mesh, to avoid quadrature errors.
  //  double eps = 0.0; // John Evans's problem: not in H^1
  bool enforceLocalConservation = false;
  bool enforceOneIrregularity = true;
  bool reportPerCellErrors  = true;
  bool useMumps = true;

  int horizontalCells, verticalCells;

  int maxIters = 50; // for nonlinear steps

  vector<double> ReValues;

  // usage: polyOrder [numRefinements]
  // parse args:
  if (argc < 6)
    cout << "Usage: NavierStokesCavityFlowContinuationFixedMesh fieldPolyOrder hCells vCells energyErrorGoal Re0 [Re1 ...]\n";
    return -1;
  int polyOrder = atoi(argv[1]);
  horizontalCells = atoi(argv[2]);
  verticalCells = atoi(argv[3]);
  double energyErrorGoal = atof(argv[4]);
  for (int i=5; i<argc; i++)
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "L^2 order: " << polyOrder << endl;
    cout << "initial mesh size: " << horizontalCells << " x " << verticalCells << endl;
    cout << "energy error goal: " << energyErrorGoal << endl;
    cout << "Reynolds number values for continuation:\n";
    for (int i=0; i<ReValues.size(); i++)
      cout << ReValues[i] << ", ";
    cout << endl;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  // define meshes:
  int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;
  bool useTriangles = false;
  bool meshHasTriangles = useTriangles;

  double minL2Increment = 1e-8;

  // get variable definitions:
  VarFactory varFactory = VGPStokesFormulation::vgpVarFactory();
  u1 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U1_S);
  u2 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U2_S);
  sigma11 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA11_S);
  sigma12 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA12_S);
  sigma21 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA21_S);
  sigma22 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA22_S);
  p = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_P_S);

  u1hat = varFactory.traceVar(VGP_U1HAT_S);
  u2hat = varFactory.traceVar(VGP_U2HAT_S);
  t1n = varFactory.fluxVar(VGP_T1HAT_S);
  t2n = varFactory.fluxVar(VGP_T2HAT_S);

  v1 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_V1_S, HGRAD);
  v2 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_V2_S, HGRAD);
  tau1 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_TAU1_S, HDIV);
  tau2 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_TAU2_S, HDIV);
  q = varFactory.testVar(VGP_Q_S, HGRAD);

  FunctionPtr u1_0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U1_0(eps) );
  FunctionPtr u2_0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U2_0 );
  FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
  ParameterFunctionPtr Re_param = ParameterFunction::parameterFunction(1);
  VGPNavierStokesProblem problem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re_param,quadPoints,
                                   H1Order, pToAdd,
                                   u1_0, u2_0,  // BC for u
                                   zero, zero); // zero forcing function
  SolutionPtr solution = problem.backgroundFlow();
  SolutionPtr solnIncrement = problem.solutionIncrement();

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = problem.mesh();


  // define bilinear form for stream function:
  VarFactory streamVarFactory;
  VarPtr phi_hat = streamVarFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{\\phi}");
  VarPtr psin_hat = streamVarFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\psi}_n");
  VarPtr psi_1 = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\psi_1");
  VarPtr psi_2 = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\psi_2");
  VarPtr phi = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\phi");
  VarPtr q_s = streamVarFactory.testVar("q_s", HGRAD);
  VarPtr v_s = streamVarFactory.testVar("v_s", HDIV);
  BFPtr streamBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(streamVarFactory) );
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_1, q_s->dx());
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_2, q_s->dy());
  streamBF->addTerm(-psin_hat, q_s);

  streamBF->addTerm(psi_1, v_s->x());
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_2, v_s->y());
  streamBF->addTerm(phi, v_s->div());
  streamBF->addTerm(-phi_hat, v_s->dot_normal());

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> streamMesh, overkillMesh;

  streamMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                                          streamBF, H1Order+pToAddForStreamFunction,
                                          H1Order+pToAdd+pToAddForStreamFunction, useTriangles);

  mesh->registerObserver(streamMesh); // will refine streamMesh in the same way as mesh.

  map<int, double> dofsToL2error; // key: numGlobalDofs, value: total L2error compared with overkill
  vector< VarPtr > fields;

  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "Starting mesh has " << horizontalCells << " x " << verticalCells << " elements and ";
    cout << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " total dofs.\n";
    cout << "polyOrder = " << polyOrder << endl;
    cout << "pToAdd = " << pToAdd << endl;
    cout << "eps for top BC = " << eps << endl;

    if (useTriangles)
      cout << "Using triangles.\n";
    if (enforceLocalConservation)
      cout << "Enforcing local conservation.\n";
      cout << "NOT enforcing local conservation.\n";
    if (enforceOneIrregularity)
      cout << "Enforcing 1-irregularity.\n";
      cout << "NOT enforcing 1-irregularity.\n";

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  SpatialFilterPtr entireBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new SpatialFilterUnfiltered );

  FunctionPtr u1_prev = Function::solution(u1,solution);
  FunctionPtr u2_prev = Function::solution(u2,solution);

  FunctionPtr u1hat_prev = Function::solution(u1hat,solution);
  FunctionPtr u2hat_prev = Function::solution(u2hat,solution);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////

  FunctionPtr vorticity = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, - u1->dy() + u2->dx() ) );
  //  FunctionPtr vorticity = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution,sigma12 - sigma21) );
  RHSPtr streamRHS = RHS::rhs();
  streamRHS->addTerm(vorticity * q_s);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) vorticity.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) u1_prev.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) u2_prev.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);

  BCPtr streamBC = BC::bc();
  //  streamBC->addDirichlet(psin_hat, entireBoundary, u0_cross_n);
  streamBC->addDirichlet(phi_hat, entireBoundary, zero);
  //  streamBC->addZeroMeanConstraint(phi);

  IPPtr streamIP = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  SolutionPtr streamSolution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution( streamMesh, streamBC, streamRHS, streamIP ) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()==zero);
    solnIncrement->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()==zero);

  if (true)
    FunctionPtr u1_incr = Function::solution(u1, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr u2_incr = Function::solution(u2, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma11_incr = Function::solution(sigma11, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma12_incr = Function::solution(sigma12, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma21_incr = Function::solution(sigma21, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma22_incr = Function::solution(sigma22, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr p_incr = Function::solution(p, solnIncrement);

    FunctionPtr l2_incr = u1_incr * u1_incr + u2_incr * u2_incr + p_incr * p_incr
                          + sigma11_incr * sigma11_incr + sigma12_incr * sigma12_incr
                          + sigma21_incr * sigma21_incr + sigma22_incr * sigma22_incr;

    double energyThreshold = 0.20;
    Teuchos::RCP< RefinementStrategy > refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp( new RefinementStrategy( solnIncrement, energyThreshold ));

    for (int i=0; i<ReValues.size(); i++)
      double Re = ReValues[i];
      if (rank==0) cout << "Solving with Re = " << Re << ":\n";
      double energyErrorTotal;
        double incr_norm;
          incr_norm = sqrt(l2_incr->integrate(problem.mesh()));
          if (rank==0)
            cout << "\x1B[2K"; // Erase the entire current line.
            cout << "\x1B[0E"; // Move to the beginning of the current line.
            cout << "Iteration: " << problem.iterationCount() << "; L^2(incr) = " << incr_norm;
        while ((incr_norm > minL2Increment ) && (problem.iterationCount() < maxIters));
        if (rank==0) cout << endl;
        problem.setIterationCount(1); // 1 means reuse background flow (which we must, given that we want continuation in Re...)
        energyErrorTotal = solnIncrement->energyErrorTotal(); //solution->energyErrorTotal();
        if (energyErrorTotal > energyErrorGoal)
        if (rank==0)
          cout << "Energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;
      while (energyErrorTotal > energyErrorGoal);

  double energyErrorTotal = solution->energyErrorTotal();
  double incrementalEnergyErrorTotal = solnIncrement->energyErrorTotal();
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "final mesh has " << mesh->numActiveElements() << " elements and " << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " dofs.\n";
    cout << "energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;
    cout << "  (Incremental solution's energy error is " << incrementalEnergyErrorTotal << ".)\n";

  FunctionPtr u1_sq = u1_prev * u1_prev;
  FunctionPtr u_dot_u = u1_sq + (u2_prev * u2_prev);
  FunctionPtr u_mag = Teuchos::rcp( new SqrtFunction( u_dot_u ) );
  FunctionPtr u_div = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, u1->dx() + u2->dy() ) );
  FunctionPtr massFlux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()) );

  // check that the zero mean pressure is being correctly imposed:
  FunctionPtr p_prev = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution,p) );
  double p_avg = p_prev->integrate(mesh);
  if (rank==0)
    cout << "Integral of pressure: " << p_avg << endl;

  // integrate massFlux over each element (a test):
  // fake a new bilinear form so we can integrate against 1
  VarPtr testOne = varFactory.testVar("1",CONSTANT_SCALAR);
  BFPtr fakeBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm = massFlux * testOne;

  CellTopoPtrLegacy quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
  DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(fakeBF);
  int fakeTestOrder = H1Order;
  DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(fakeTestOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

  int testOneIndex = testOrdering->getDofIndex(testOne->ID(),0);
  vector< ElementTypePtr > elemTypes = mesh->elementTypes(); // global element types
  map<int, double> massFluxIntegral; // cellID -> integral
  double maxMassFluxIntegral = 0.0;
  double totalMassFlux = 0.0;
  double totalAbsMassFlux = 0.0;
  double maxCellMeasure = 0;
  double minCellMeasure = 1;
  for (vector< ElementTypePtr >::iterator elemTypeIt = elemTypes.begin(); elemTypeIt != elemTypes.end(); elemTypeIt++)
    ElementTypePtr elemType = *elemTypeIt;
    vector< ElementPtr > elems = mesh->elementsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
    vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
    FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType);
    BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType,mesh,polyOrder) ); // enrich by trial space order
    basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(physicalCellNodes,cellIDs,true); // true: create side caches
    FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
    FieldContainer<double> fakeRHSIntegrals(elems.size(),testOrdering->totalDofs());
    massFluxTerm->integrate(fakeRHSIntegrals,testOrdering,basisCache,true); // true: force side evaluation
    //      cout << "fakeRHSIntegrals:\n" << fakeRHSIntegrals;
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      // pick out the ones for testOne:
      massFluxIntegral[cellID] = fakeRHSIntegrals(i,testOneIndex);
    // find the largest:
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      maxCellMeasure = max(maxCellMeasure,cellMeasures(i));
      minCellMeasure = min(minCellMeasure,cellMeasures(i));
      maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
      totalMassFlux += massFluxIntegral[cellID];
      totalAbsMassFlux += abs( massFluxIntegral[cellID] );
  if (rank==0)
    cout << "largest mass flux: " << maxMassFluxIntegral << endl;
    cout << "total mass flux: " << totalMassFlux << endl;
    cout << "sum of mass flux absolute value: " << totalAbsMassFlux << endl;
    cout << "largest h: " << sqrt(maxCellMeasure) << endl;
    cout << "smallest h: " << sqrt(minCellMeasure) << endl;
    cout << "ratio of largest / smallest h: " << sqrt(maxCellMeasure) / sqrt(minCellMeasure) << endl;
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "phi ID: " << phi->ID() << endl;
    cout << "psi1 ID: " << psi_1->ID() << endl;
    cout << "psi2 ID: " << psi_2->ID() << endl;

    cout << "streamMesh has " << streamMesh->numActiveElements() << " elements.\n";
    cout << "solving for approximate stream function...\n";

  energyErrorTotal = streamSolution->energyErrorTotal();
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "...solved.\n";
    cout << "Stream mesh has energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;

  if (rank==0)
    if (! meshHasTriangles )
      massFlux->writeBoundaryValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "massFlux.dat");
      u_mag->writeValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "u_mag.m");
      u_div->writeValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "u_div.m");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(u1->ID(), "u1.m");
      solution->writeFluxesToFile(u1hat->ID(), "u1_hat.dat");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(u2->ID(), "u2.m");
      solution->writeFluxesToFile(u2hat->ID(), "u2_hat.dat");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(p->ID(), "p.m");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(phi->ID(), "phi.m");

      streamSolution->writeFluxesToFile(phi_hat->ID(), "phi_hat.dat");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(psi_1->ID(), "psi1.m");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(psi_2->ID(), "psi2.m");
      vorticity->writeValuesToMATLABFile(streamMesh, "vorticity.m");

      FunctionPtr ten = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(10) );
      ten->writeBoundaryValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "skeleton.dat");
      cout << "wrote files: u_mag.m, u_div.m, u1.m, u1_hat.dat, u2.m, u2_hat.dat, p.m, phi.m, vorticity.m.\n";
      solution->writeToFile(u1->ID(), "u1.dat");
      solution->writeToFile(u2->ID(), "u2.dat");
      solution->writeToFile(u2->ID(), "p.dat");
      cout << "wrote files: u1.dat, u2.dat, p.dat\n";

    FieldContainer<double> points = pointGrid(0, 1, 0, 1, 100);
    FieldContainer<double> pointData = solutionData(points, streamSolution, phi);
    GnuPlotUtil::writeXYPoints("phi_patch_navierStokes_cavity.dat", pointData);
    set<double> patchContourLevels = diagonalContourLevels(pointData,1);
    vector<string> patchDataPath;
    GnuPlotUtil::writeContourPlotScript(patchContourLevels, patchDataPath, "lidCavityNavierStokes.p");

    GnuPlotUtil::writeExactMeshSkeleton("lid_navierStokes_continuation_adaptive", mesh, 2);

    writePatchValues(0, 1, 0, 1, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .1, 0, .1, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_detail.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .01, 0, .01, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_minute_detail.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .001, 0, .001, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_minute_minute_detail.m");

  return 0;
bool HConvergenceStudyTests::testBestApproximationErrorComputation() {
  bool success = true;

  bool enrichVelocity = false; // true would be for the "compliant" norm, which isn't working well yet
  int minLogElements = 0, maxLogElements = minLogElements;
  int numCells1D = pow(2.0,minLogElements);
  int H1Order = 1;
  int pToAdd = 2;
  double tol = 1e-16;
  double Re = 40.0;
  VarFactory varFactory = VGPStokesFormulation::vgpVarFactory();
  VarPtr u1_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U1_S);
  VarPtr u2_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U2_S);
  VarPtr sigma11_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA11_S);
  VarPtr sigma12_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA12_S);
  VarPtr sigma21_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA21_S);
  VarPtr sigma22_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA22_S);
  VarPtr p_vgp = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_P_S);
  VGPStokesFormulation stokesForm(1/Re);
  int numCellsFineMesh = 20; // for computing a zero-mean pressure
  int H1OrderFineMesh = 5;
  // define Kovasznay domain:
  FieldContainer<double> quadPointsKovasznay(4,2);
  // Domain from Evans Hughes for Navier-Stokes:
  quadPointsKovasznay(0,0) =  0.0; // x1
  quadPointsKovasznay(0,1) = -0.5; // y1
  quadPointsKovasznay(1,0) =  1.0;
  quadPointsKovasznay(1,1) = -0.5;
  quadPointsKovasznay(2,0) =  1.0;
  quadPointsKovasznay(2,1) =  0.5;
  quadPointsKovasznay(3,0) =  0.0;
  quadPointsKovasznay(3,1) =  0.5;
  FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
  bool dontEnhanceFluxes = false;
  VGPNavierStokesProblem zeroProblem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re, quadPointsKovasznay,
                                                              numCellsFineMesh, numCellsFineMesh,
                                                              H1OrderFineMesh, pToAdd,
                                                              zero, zero, zero, enrichVelocity, dontEnhanceFluxes);
  FunctionPtr u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact;
  NavierStokesFormulation::setKovasznay(Re, zeroProblem.mesh(), u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact);
  VGPNavierStokesProblem problem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re,quadPointsKovasznay,
                                                          H1Order, pToAdd,
                                                          u1_exact, u2_exact, p_exact, enrichVelocity, dontEnhanceFluxes);

  HConvergenceStudy study(problem.exactSolution(),
                          minLogElements, maxLogElements,
                          H1Order, pToAdd, false, false, false);
  study.setReportRelativeErrors(false); // we want absolute errors

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = problem.mesh();
  int cubatureDegreeEnrichment = 10;
  int L2Order = H1Order - 1;
  int meshCubatureDegree = L2Order + H1Order + pToAdd;

  study.setCubatureDegreeForExact(cubatureDegreeEnrichment + meshCubatureDegree);
  FunctionPtr f = u1_exact;
  int trialID = u1_vgp->ID();
    double fIntegral = f->integrate(mesh,cubatureDegreeEnrichment);
//    cout << "testBestApproximationErrorComputation: integral of f on whole mesh = " << fIntegral << endl;
    double l2ErrorOfAverage = (Function::constant(fIntegral) - f)->l2norm(mesh,cubatureDegreeEnrichment);
//    cout << "testBestApproximationErrorComputation: l2 error of fIntegral: " << l2ErrorOfAverage << endl;
    ElementTypePtr elemType = mesh->elementTypes()[0];
    vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = mesh->cellIDsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
    bool testVsTest = false;
    BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType, mesh, testVsTest, cubatureDegreeEnrichment) );
    basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType), cellIDs, false); // false: no side cache

    FieldContainer<double> projectionValues(cellIDs.size());
    f->integrate(projectionValues, basisCache);
    FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
    for (int i=0; i<projectionValues.size(); i++) {
      projectionValues(i) /= cellMeasures(i);
    // since we're not worried about the actual solution values at all, just use a single zero solution:
    vector< SolutionPtr > solutions;
    solutions.push_back( problem.backgroundFlow() );
    study.setSolutions(solutions); // this will call computeError()
    double approximationError = study.bestApproximationErrors()[trialID][0]; // 0: solution/mesh index
    // for a single-cell mesh, approximation error should be the same as the L^2 error of the average
    double diff = abs(approximationError - l2ErrorOfAverage);
    if (diff > tol) {
      cout << "testBestApproximationErrorComputation: diff " << diff << " exceeds tol " << tol << endl;
      success = false;
    } else {
//      cout << "testBestApproximationErrorComputation: diff " << diff << " is below tol " << tol << endl;
  return success;