Example #1
BOOL VPrefab::Instantiate(VPrefabInstanceInfo &info)
  if (!IsLoaded())
    return FALSE;

  // serialize from memory block (class VPrefabShapesArchive provides with transformation)
  VMemBlockWrapperStream inStream(m_BinaryBlock.GetBuffer(), m_iSize);
  VPrefabShapesArchive ar(&inStream, info);

  if (info.m_bOutputInstances)

  info.m_iInstanceCount = m_Header.m_iRootObjectCount;
  for (int i=0;i<m_Header.m_iRootObjectCount;i++)
    VTypedObject *pObj = ar.ReadObject(NULL);
    if (info.m_bOutputInstances)
      info.m_Instances[i] = pObj;
    if (info.m_pParentObject!=NULL && pObj!=NULL && pObj->IsOfType(V_RUNTIME_CLASS(VisObject3D_cl)))
      VisObject3D_cl *pObj3D = (VisObject3D_cl *)pObj;
      if (pObj3D->GetParent()==NULL) // this is how we identify the root elements


  return TRUE;
 /// \brief
 ///   Returns the type of this instance if GetOwnerTypedObject is implemented for a typed object such as VisObject3D_cl.
 /// \return
 ///   Returns the RTTI type of the child. Returns NULL if the GetOwnerTypedObject function is not re-implemented in the class that inherits.
 inline VType* GetOwnerTypeId()
   VTypedObject* pObj = this->GetOwnerTypedObject();
   if (pObj)
     return pObj->GetTypeId();
   return NULL;
Example #3
//Called by the engine whenever it creates an entity
VisBaseEntity_cl *VisionApp_cl::OnCreateEntity(const char *pszClassName)
  VType *pType = Vision::GetTypeManager()->GetType(pszClassName);
  if (!pType)
    Vision::Error.Warning("CreateEntity: Could not create entity of class %s, entity class is not registered", pszClassName);
    Vision::Error.AddReportGroupEntry(VIS_REPORTGROUPTYPE_MISSING_ENTITY_CLASS, pszClassName);
    return NULL;
  VTypedObject *pInst = pType->CreateInstance();
  if (!pInst->IsOfType(V_RUNTIME_CLASS(VisBaseEntity_cl)))
    VASSERT_MSG(FALSE,"Specified class is no derived from VisBaseEntity_cl");
    return NULL;

  return (VisBaseEntity_cl *)pInst;