Reader::parse( const char *beginDoc, const char *endDoc, 
               Value &root,
               bool collectComments )
   if ( !features_.allowComments_ )
      collectComments = false;

   begin_ = beginDoc;
   end_ = endDoc;
   collectComments_ = collectComments;
   current_ = begin_;
   lastValueEnd_ = 0;
   lastValue_ = 0;
   commentsBefore_ = "";
   while ( !nodes_.empty() )
   nodes_.push( &root );
   bool successful = readValue();
   Token token;
   skipCommentTokens( token );
   if ( collectComments_  &&  !commentsBefore_.empty() )
      root.setComment( commentsBefore_, commentAfter );
   if ( features_.strictRoot_ )
      if ( !root.isArray()  &&  !root.isObject() )
         // Set error location to start of doc, ideally should be first token found in doc
         token.type_ = tokenError;
         token.start_ = beginDoc;
         token.end_ = endDoc;
         addError( "A valid JSON document must be either an array or an object value.",
                   token );
         return false;
   return successful;
Reader::parse( const char *beginDoc, const char *endDoc, 
               Value &root,
               bool collectComments )
   begin_ = beginDoc;
   end_ = endDoc;
   collectComments_ = collectComments;
   current_ = begin_;
   lastValueEnd_ = 0;
   lastValue_ = 0;
   commentsBefore_ = "";
   while ( !nodes_.empty() )
   nodes_.push( &root );
   bool successful = readValue();
   Token token;
   skipCommentTokens( token );
   if ( collectComments_  &&  !commentsBefore_.empty() )
      root.setComment( commentsBefore_, commentAfter );
   return successful;