Example #1
int Configuration::Store( Variable& variable, const String& externalizedValue )

    // checks
    if( externalizedValue.IsNull() )
        if ( variable.Name.IsEmpty())
            ALIB_ERROR( "Trying to store an undefined variable."  );
            return 0;

        if ( variable.Size() > 1 && variable.Delim == '\0' )
            ALIB_ERROR_S512(    "Trying to store variable \"" << variable.Fullname
                             << "\" which has multiple values set but no delimiter defined."  );
            return 0;

    // store us as config
    variable.Config= this;

    // detect?
    bool detected= variable.Priority < 0;
    if ( detected )
        variable.Priority= 0;
        for ( auto& ppp : plugins )
            if ( ppp.second->Load( variable, true ) )
                variable.Priority= ppp.first;

    // new variables go to default
    if ( variable.Priority == 0 )
        variable.Priority= Configuration::PrioDefault;

    // we do not store if detected priority is protected
    else if( detected && variable.Priority == Configuration::PrioProtected )
        return (variable.Priority= 0);

    // store
    for ( auto& ppp : plugins )
        if (    ppp.first <= variable.Priority
             && ppp.second->Store( variable, externalizedValue ) )
                return (variable.Priority= ppp.first);

    return (variable.Priority= 0);
Example #2
int  Configuration::loadImpl( Variable& variable, bool substitute )
    if ( variable.Name.IsEmpty() )
        ALIB_WARNING( "Empty variable name given" );
        return 0;

    // search variable
    int priority= 0;
    for ( auto& ppp : plugins )
        if ( ppp.second->Load( variable ) )
            priority= ppp.first;

    // not found?
    if ( !substitute || priority == 0 )
        return 0;

    // substitution in all values of variable
    for ( int valueNo= 0; valueNo < variable.Size(); valueNo++ )
        int searchStartIdx=  0;
        int maxReplacements = 50;
            AString& value= *variable.GetString( valueNo );

            // search start
            int repStart= value.IndexOf( SubstitutionVariableStart, searchStartIdx );
            if ( repStart < 0 )
            searchStartIdx= repStart;
            int varStart= repStart + SubstitutionVariableStart.Length();

            Variable replVar;
            int repLen;
            int varLen;

            // search end in two different ways depending on setting of public field "SubstitutionVariableEnd"
            if ( SubstitutionVariableEnd.IsEmpty() )
                int idx=   value.IndexOfAny( SubstitutionVariableDelimiters, Inclusion::Include, varStart );
                if ( idx < 0 )
                    idx= value.Length();

                varLen= idx - varStart;
                repLen= idx - repStart;
                int idx=   value.IndexOf   ( SubstitutionVariableEnd, varStart );
                if (idx < 0 )
                    ALIB_WARNING_S512(     "End of substitution variable not found (while start was found). Variable name: "
                                        << variable.Fullname
                                        << " Value: \"" << variable.GetString() << "\"." );

                varLen= idx - varStart;
                repLen= idx + SubstitutionVariableEnd.Length() - repStart;

            // get variable name string
            Substring    replVarCategory;
            Substring    replVarName( value, varStart, varLen );
            if ( replVarName.IsEmpty() )
                searchStartIdx+=   SubstitutionVariableStart.Length()
                                 + SubstitutionVariableEnd.Length();

            // parse category from name
            int catSeparatorIdx= replVarName.IndexOf( '_' );
            if (catSeparatorIdx >= 0 )
                replVarCategory.Set( replVarName, 0                   , catSeparatorIdx );
                replVarName    .Set( replVarName, catSeparatorIdx + 1);

            // load replacement variable
            if ( replVarName.IsNotEmpty() )
                replVar.Define( replVarCategory, replVarName, variable.Delim );
                loadImpl( replVar, false );

            // do the replacement (even if no variable was found)
            if ( replVar.Size() == 1 )
                value.ReplaceSubstring( replVar.GetString(), repStart, repLen );

            else if ( replVar.Size() > 1 )
                variable.ReplaceValue( valueNo, replVar );

                // repeat replacements in current value, as current value changed

                value.ReplaceSubstring( "",                 repStart, repLen );

        while( --maxReplacements );

        // warn if max replacements
        if( maxReplacements <= 0 )
            ALIB_WARNING_S512(     "Too many substitutions in variable " << variable.Fullname
                                << ". Probably a recursive variable definition was made. ");
    return priority;