Example #1
  VariableScope* VariableScope::synthesize(STATE, CompiledMethod* method,
                                           Module* module, Object* parent,
                                           Object* self, Object* block,
                                           Tuple* locals)
    VariableScope* scope = state->new_object<VariableScope>(G(variable_scope));

    scope->block(state, block);
    scope->module(state, module);
    scope->method(state, method);

    if(VariableScope* vs = try_as<VariableScope>(parent)) {
      scope->parent(state, vs);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, nil<VariableScope>());

    scope->heap_locals(state, locals);
    scope->last_match(state, cNil);

    scope->self(state, self);
    scope->number_of_locals_ = locals->num_fields();
    scope->isolated_ = true;
    scope->locals_ = 0;
    scope->block_as_method_ = 0;

    return scope;
Example #2
  VariableScope* StackVariables::create_heap_alias(STATE,
      CallFrame* call_frame, bool full)
    if(on_heap_) return on_heap_;

    VMMethod* vmm = call_frame->cm->backend_method();
    VariableScope* scope = state->new_struct<VariableScope>(
        G(variable_scope), vmm->number_of_locals * sizeof(Object*));

    if(parent_) {
      scope->parent(state, parent_);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, (VariableScope*)Qnil);

    scope->self(state, self_);
    scope->block(state, block_);
    scope->module(state, module_);
    scope->method(state, call_frame->cm);

    scope->number_of_locals_ = vmm->number_of_locals;

    if(full) {
      scope->isolated_ = false;
    } else {
      scope->isolated_ = true;

    on_heap_ = scope;

    return scope;
Example #3
    inline bool push_local_depth(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, intptr_t depth, intptr_t index) {
      if(depth == 0) {
        Exception::internal_error(state, "illegal push_local_depth usage");
        return false;
      } else {
        VariableScope* scope = call_frame->scope->parent();

        if(!scope || scope->nil_p()) {
          Exception::internal_error(state, "illegal push_local_depth usage, no parent");
          return false;

        for(int j = 1; j < depth; j++) {
          scope = scope->parent();
          if(!scope || scope->nil_p()) {
            Exception::internal_error(state, "illegal push_local_depth usage, no parent");
            return false;

        if(index >= scope->number_of_locals()) {
          Exception::internal_error(state, "illegal push_local_depth usage, bad index");
          return false;

        stack_push(scope->get_local(state, index));
        return true;
Example #4
 Object* VariableScope::set_locked(STATE) {
   _flags_ |= CallFrame::cScopeLocked;
   VariableScope* parent = this->parent();
   while(parent && !parent->nil_p()) {
     parent = parent->parent();
   return cNil;
Example #5
  VariableScope* StackVariables::create_heap_alias(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                                   bool full)
    if(on_heap_) return on_heap_;

    MachineCode* mcode = call_frame->compiled_code->machine_code();
    VariableScope* scope =
      state->memory()->new_object<VariableScope>(state, G(variable_scope));

    if(parent_) {
      scope->parent(state, parent_);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, nil<VariableScope>());

    scope->self(state, self_);
    scope->block(state, block_);
    scope->module(state, module_);
    scope->method(state, call_frame->compiled_code);
    scope->heap_locals(state, nil<Tuple>());
    scope->last_match(state, last_match_);
    scope->fiber(state, state->vm()->thread()->current_fiber());


    if(!full) {
      scope->heap_locals(state, Tuple::create(state, mcode->number_of_locals));
      for(int i = 0; i < scope->number_of_locals(); i++) {
        scope->set_local(state, i, locals_[i]);

    scope->dynamic_locals(state, nil<LookupTable>());

    on_heap_ = scope;

    return scope;
Example #6
  Object* StackVariables::last_match(STATE) {
    // For closures, get back to the top of the chain and get that
    // last_match.
    if(parent_) {
      VariableScope* scope = parent_;
      while(RTEST(scope->parent())) {
        scope = scope->parent();

      return scope->last_match();

    // Otherwise, if this has a heap alias, get the last_match from there.
    if(on_heap_) {
      return on_heap_->last_match();

    // Lastly, use the local one. This is where a last_match begins life.
    } else {
      return last_match_;
Example #7
  VariableScope* StackVariables::create_heap_alias(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                                   bool full)
    if(on_heap_) return on_heap_;

    MachineCode* mcode = call_frame->compiled_code->machine_code();
    VariableScope* scope = state->new_object_dirty<VariableScope>(G(variable_scope));

    if(parent_) {
      scope->parent(state, parent_);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, nil<VariableScope>());

    scope->self(state, self_);
    scope->block(state, block_);
    scope->module(state, module_);
    scope->method(state, call_frame->compiled_code);
    scope->heap_locals(state, Tuple::create(state, mcode->number_of_locals));
    scope->last_match(state, last_match_);
    scope->fiber(state, state->vm()->current_fiber.get());

    scope->number_of_locals_ = mcode->number_of_locals;

    if(full) {
      scope->isolated_ = false;
    } else {
      scope->isolated_ = true;

    scope->locals_ = locals_;
    scope->dynamic_locals(state, nil<LookupTable>());


    on_heap_ = scope;

    return scope;
Example #8
  VariableScope* VariableScope::promote(STATE) {
    VariableScope* scope = state->new_struct<VariableScope>(
        G(variable_scope), number_of_locals_ * sizeof(Object*));

    scope->block(state, block_);
    scope->method(state, method_);
    scope->module(state, module_);
    if(parent_) {
      scope->parent(state, parent_);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, (VariableScope*)Qnil);
    scope->self(state, self_);

    scope->number_of_locals_ = number_of_locals_;

    for(int i = 0; i < number_of_locals_; i++) {
      scope->set_local(state, i, locals_[i]);

    return scope;
Example #9
  VariableScope* VariableScope::synthesize(STATE, CompiledCode* method,
      Module* module, Object* parent, Object* self, Object* block, Tuple* locals)
    VariableScope* scope =
      state->memory()->new_object<VariableScope>(state, G(variable_scope));

    scope->block(state, block);
    scope->module(state, module);
    scope->method(state, method);

    if(VariableScope* vs = try_as<VariableScope>(parent)) {
      scope->parent(state, vs);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, nil<VariableScope>());

    scope->heap_locals(state, locals);

    scope->self(state, self);

    return scope;
Example #10
  VariableScope* StackVariables::create_heap_alias(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                                   bool full)
    if(on_heap_) return on_heap_;

    VMMethod* vmm = call_frame->cm->backend_method();
    VariableScope* scope = state->new_object<VariableScope>(G(variable_scope));

    if(parent_) {
      scope->parent(state, parent_);
    } else {
      scope->parent(state, nil<VariableScope>());

    scope->self(state, self_);
    scope->block(state, block_);
    scope->module(state, module_);
    scope->method(state, call_frame->cm);
    scope->heap_locals(state, Tuple::create(state, vmm->number_of_locals));
    scope->last_match(state, last_match_);

    scope->number_of_locals_ = vmm->number_of_locals;

    if(full) {
      scope->isolated_ = false;
    } else {
      scope->isolated_ = true;

    scope->locals_ = locals_;


    on_heap_ = scope;

    return scope;
Example #11
  void StackVariables::set_last_match(STATE, Object* obj) {
    // For closures, get back to the top of the chain and set the
    // last_match there. This means that the last_match is shared
    // amongst all closures in a method, but thats how it's implemented
    // in ruby.
    if(parent_) {
      VariableScope* scope = parent_;
      while(RTEST(scope->parent())) {
        scope = scope->parent();

      return scope->last_match(state, obj);

    // Use a heap alias if there is one.
    if(on_heap_) {
      on_heap_->last_match(state, obj);

    // Otherwise, use the local one. This is where a last_match usually
    // first appears.
    } else {
      last_match_ = obj;
Example #12
  VariableScope* CallFrame::method_scope(STATE) {
    VariableScope* current = promote_scope(state);
    if(!multiple_scopes_p()) return current;

    for(;;) {
      if(current->block_as_method_p()) return current;
      VariableScope* parent = current->parent();
      if(!parent->nil_p()) {
        current = parent;
      } else {
        return current;

    assert("should not be here" && 0);
Example #13
  VariableScope* CallFrame::method_scope(STATE) {
    VariableScope* current = promote_scope(state);
    if(!multiple_scopes_p()) return current;

    for(;;) {
      if(current->block_as_method_p()) return current;
      VariableScope* parent = current->parent();
      if(!parent->nil_p()) {
        current = parent;
      } else {
        return current;

    // Shouldn't ever get here.
    return 0;