double SinValue(const Vector3D& a, const Vector3D& b, const Vector3D& c)
    Vector3D ba = b-a;
    Vector3D ca = c-a;
    Vector3D t= ba.cross(ca);
    return t.norm()/(ba.norm()*ca.norm());
Example #2
 Quaternion(Vector3D v1, Vector3D v2) {
     const double k = v2.norm() / v1.norm();
     const Vector3D d1 = v1.direction();
     const Vector3D d2 = v2.direction();
     if ( (d1 + d2).norm() < PRECISION ) {
         Vector3D n;
         srand( (unsigned int) time(0));
         do {
             double x = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
             double y = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
             double z = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
             Vector3D v = Vector3D(x, y, z);
             n = v - v1.direction()*(v*v1)/v1.norm();
         } while (n.norm() < PRECISION );
         init( 0.0, n.direction() );
     } else if ( (d1 - d2).norm() < PRECISION ) {
         init( 1.0, Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) );
     } else {
         double phi = acos( v1.direction()*v2.direction() );
         Vector3D a = v1.cross(v2).direction();
         assert(a.norm() > PRECISION);
         double w = cos(phi/2) * sqrt(k);
         Vector3D u = a * sin(phi/2) * sqrt(k);
         init(w, u);
Example #3
   Vector3D Vertex::normal( void ) const
   // TODO Returns an approximate unit normal at this vertex, computed by
   // TODO taking the area-weighted average of the normals of neighboring
   // TODO triangles, then normalizing.
      // TODO Compute and return the area-weighted unit normal.
			//no boundary polygon
			HalfedgeCIter h = this->halfedge();
			Vector3D nrm(0, 0, 0);
			double totalarea = 0;
				h = h->twin();
				FaceCIter f = h->face();
					VertexCIter v1 = h->vertex();
					VertexCIter v2 = h->next()->twin()->vertex();
					Vector3D out = cross(v1->position - position, v2->position - position);
					nrm += out;
					totalarea += out.norm();
				h = h->next();
			while(h != this->halfedge());
			nrm /= totalarea;
			return nrm;
Example #4
 inline Vector3D grad_spiky_kernel(Vector3D r) {
   double r_l = r.norm();
   if (r_l >= H || r_l < EPS_D) {
     return Vector3D();
   return -3 * 4.774648292756860 * intpow<2>(H - r_l) * r / (intpow<6>(H) * r_l);
Example #5
 inline void clamp(Vector3D &p, Vector3D delta_p, BVHAccel *bvh) {
   double l = delta_p.norm();
   if (l <= EPS_D) {
   Vector3D d = delta_p / l;
   // Viewing from plane x = -1.0, clip it as well
   bool intersect = false;
   if (d.z != 0.0) {
     double pt = (1.0 - p.z) / d.z;
     if (pt > 0.0 && pt < l) {
       l = pt;
       intersect = true;
   // light is at y = 1.49.
   // to avoid particles being stuck between light and ceiling, clip it
   if (d.y != 0.0) {
     double pt = (1.49 - p.y) / d.y;
     if (pt > 0.0 && pt < l) {
       l = pt;
       intersect = true;
   Ray r(p, d, 0.0, l);
   if (bvh->intersect(r) || intersect) {
     p += (r.max_t  - EPS_D) * d;
   } else {
     p += delta_p;
   p.x = max(-1.0 + EPS_D, min(1.0 - EPS_D, p.x));
   p.y = max(0.0 + EPS_D, min(1.49 - EPS_D, p.y));
   p.z = max(-1.0 + EPS_D, min(1.0 - EPS_D, p.z));
Example #6
    void computeConicalTexInfo(const Vector3D &pt_inter, const Vector3D &normal, const Vector3D &dPpdx, const Vector3D &dPpdy, float &u, float &v, Vector3D &dTdx, Vector3D &dTdy) const{

        Vector3D ptOnCone = pt_inter - m_vertex;
        // from cone --> to integrate
        float da = ptOnCone.norm();
        float dt = std::sqrt(m_radius*m_radius+m_height*m_height);

        float radiusAtPt = da*m_radius/dt;
        Vector3D ptOnConeBis(,,;
        ptOnCone[0] = ptOnConeBis[0];//ptOnCone[0]/radiusAtPt;
        ptOnCone[1] = ptOnConeBis[1];//ptOnCone[1]/radiusAtPt;
        // texture coordinates
        u = (std::atan2(ptOnCone[1],ptOnCone[0])+M_PI)/(2.f*M_PI);
        v = ((dt-da)/dt);

        // Texture differential
        dTdx[0] = (1.f/(2.f*M_PI)) * (1.f/(1.f + std::pow(ptOnCone[1]/ptOnCone[0], 2.f))) *
                    ((dPpdx[1]*radiusAtPt - ptOnCone[1]*(m_radius/(dt*da)))/std::pow(radiusAtPt, 2.f)) * ptOnCone[0]
                    - ptOnCone[1]*((dPpdx[0]*radiusAtPt - ptOnCone[0]*(m_radius/(dt*da)))/std::pow(radiusAtPt, 2.f))
               )/std::pow(ptOnCone[0], 2.f);

        dTdy[0] = (1.f/(2.f*M_PI)) * (1.f/(1.f + std::pow(ptOnCone[1]/ptOnCone[0], 2.f))) *
                    ((dPpdy[1]*radiusAtPt - ptOnCone[1]*(m_radius/(dt*da)))/std::pow(radiusAtPt, 2.f)) * ptOnCone[0]
                    - ptOnCone[1]*((dPpdy[0]*radiusAtPt - ptOnCone[0]*(m_radius/(dt*da)))/std::pow(radiusAtPt, 2.f))
               )/std::pow(ptOnCone[0], 2.f);
        float coef = (1.f / (dt*da));
        dTdx[1] = coef *;
        dTdy[1] = coef *;
Example #7
 Cone (const Vector3D &center_, const Vector3D& vertex_, float radius_) : m_vertex(vertex_), m_radius (radius_) {
     m_axis = center_ - m_vertex;
     m_height = m_axis.norm();
     m_axis =   m_axis.normalize();
     m_costheta = std::cos(std::atan2(m_radius, m_height));
     W = m_axis;
     Vector3D::make_basis(U, V, W);
Example #8
Spectrum PointLight::sample_L(const Vector3D& p, Vector3D* wi,
                             float* distToLight,
                             float* pdf) const {
  Vector3D d = position - p;
  *wi = d.unit();
  *distToLight = d.norm();
  *pdf = 1.0;
  return radiance;
Example #9
Spectrum AreaLight::sample_L(const Vector3D& p, Vector3D* wi, 
                             float* distToLight, float* pdf) const {

  Vector2D sample = sampler.get_sample() - Vector2D(0.5f, 0.5f);
  Vector3D d = position + sample.x * dim_x + sample.y * dim_y - p;
  *wi = d.unit();
  *distToLight = d.norm();
  *pdf = 1.0f / (dim_x.norm() * dim_y.norm());
  return dot(d, direction) < 0 ? radiance : Spectrum();
Example #10
//  assign
void Plane::assign(const Point3D &p1, const Point3D &p2, const Point3D &p3){
  Vector3D v1, v2;
  v1.difference(p3, p2);
  v2.difference(p1, p2);

  Vector3D vC;
  vC.cross(v1, v2);

  assign(vC, p1);
Example #11
 //vGetNormal() finds the gradient of the scalar field at a point
 //This gradient can be used as a very accurate vertx normal for lighting calculations
 Vector3D Particles::getVertexNormal(Vector3D &pos) {
   double fX = pos[0];
   double fY = pos[1];
   double fZ = pos[2];
   Vector3D n;
   n.x = estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX-GRADIENT_EPS, fY, fZ)) - estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX+GRADIENT_EPS, fY, fZ));
   n.y = estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX, fY-GRADIENT_EPS, fZ)) - estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX, fY+GRADIENT_EPS, fZ));
   n.z = estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX, fY, fZ-GRADIENT_EPS)) - estimateDensityAt(Vector3D(fX, fY, fZ+GRADIENT_EPS));
   if (n.norm() > 0) {
     return n.unit();
   return n;
Example #12
bool insideSurfaceCrossing(const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash){
  //  check against bounding box
  if (pTest.x < s.pMin.x || pTest.x > s.pMax.x ||
      pTest.y < s.pMin.y || pTest.y > s.pMax.y ||
      pTest.z < s.pMin.z || pTest.z > s.pMax.z)
    return false;

  //  generate the random ray
  Vector3D testRay;
  testRay.x = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
  testRay.y = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
  testRay.z = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

  //  setup SEADS grid stepper
  SpacialHash::Stepper stepper; = &faceHash;
  Array<int> *cell = stepper.discreteSetup(pTest, testRay);

  //  flags for which triangles have been tested
  int numTri = s.triangles.getSize();
  Array<bool> done;

  //  start walking and testing
  int count = 0;
  while(cell) {
    //  test the triangles
    int numInCell = cell->getSize();
    for (int l = 0; l < numInCell; l++){
      int triN = cell->index(l);
      if (!done.index(triN)){
        done.index(triN) = true;

        const Surface::Triangle *tri = &s.triangles.index(triN);
        const Point3D *p0 = &s.vertices.index(tri->v[0]).p;
        const Point3D *p1 = &s.vertices.index(tri->v[1]).p;
        const Point3D *p2 = &s.vertices.index(tri->v[2]).p;

        float t = -1;
        if (intersectTriangle(pTest, testRay, &t, *p2, *p1, *p0) && t >= 0)

    cell = stepper.discreteStep();

  return (count%2) != 0;
void LangevinLeapfrogSwitchingIntegrator::doHalfKick() {
    const unsigned int count = app->positions.size();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
      const Vector3D diff = (app->positions)[i] - myCenterOfMass;
      const Real distance = diff.norm();
      const Real distSquared = distance * distance;
      // switch
      Real switchValue;
      if(distSquared > myCutoff2) {
	switchValue = 0.0;
      else if(distSquared >= mySwitchOn2) {
	const Real c2 = myCutoff2 - distSquared;
	const Real c4 = c2 * (mySwitch2 + 2.0 * distSquared);
	switchValue = mySwitch1 * c2 * c4;
      } else {
	switchValue = 1.0;

      Real complimentSwitchValue = 1.0 - switchValue;

      const Real myGamma = switchValue * myGammaInside + complimentSwitchValue * myGammaOutside;

      const Real dt = getTimestep() * Constant::INV_TIMEFACTOR; // in fs
      const Real fdt = ( 1.0 - exp( -0.5 * myGamma * dt ) ) / myGamma;
      const Real vdt = exp(-0.5*myGamma*dt);
      const Real ndt = sqrt( ( 1.0 - exp( -myGamma * dt ) ) / (2.0 * myGamma) );
      const Real forceConstant = 2 * Constant::BOLTZMANN * myLangevinTemperature *

      //  Generate gaussian random numbers for each spatial direction
      //force order of generation
      Real rand1 = randomGaussianNumber(mySeed);
      Real rand2 = randomGaussianNumber(mySeed);
      Real rand3 = randomGaussianNumber(mySeed);
      //into vector
      Vector3D gaussRandCoord1(rand3, rand2, rand1);
      Real mass = app->topology->atoms[i].scaledMass;
      Real sqrtFCoverM = sqrt(forceConstant / mass);
      // semi-update velocities
      app->velocities[i] = app->velocities[i]*vdt
	+(*myForces)[i] * fdt / mass
    buildMolecularMomentum(&app->velocities, app->topology);
Example #14
int main(int , char** )
  for (int k = 0; k < 100000; ++k) {

    // create a random rotation matrix by sampling a random 3d vector
    // that will be used in axis-angle representation to create the matrix
    Vector3D rotAxisAngle = Vector3D::Random();
    rotAxisAngle += Vector3D::Random();
    Eigen::AngleAxisd rotation(rotAxisAngle.norm(), rotAxisAngle.normalized());
    Matrix3D Re = rotation.toRotationMatrix();

    // our analytic function which we want to evaluate
    Matrix<double, 3, 9, Eigen::ColMajor>  dq_dR;
    compute_dq_dR (dq_dR, 

    // compute the Jacobian using AD
    Matrix<double, 3, 9, Eigen::RowMajor> dq_dR_AD;
    typedef ceres::internal::AutoDiff<RotationMatrix2QuaternionManifold, double, 9> AutoDiff_Dq_DR;
    double *parameters[] = { };
    double *jacobians[] = { };
    double value[3];
    RotationMatrix2QuaternionManifold rot2quat;
    AutoDiff_Dq_DR::Differentiate(rot2quat, parameters, 3, value, jacobians);

    // compare the two Jacobians
    const double allowedDifference = 1e-6;
    for (int i = 0; i < dq_dR.rows(); ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dq_dR.cols(); ++j) {
        double d = fabs(dq_dR_AD(i,j) - dq_dR(i,j));
        if (d > allowedDifference) {
          cerr << "\ndetected difference in the Jacobians" << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(Re) << endl << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(dq_dR_AD) << endl << endl;
          cerr << PVAR(dq_dR) << endl << endl;
          return 1;
    cerr << "+";

  return 0;
Example #15
void CObjectView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	if (GetCapture() == this && (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON)){
    if (mode == PAN){
      Point2D pL, pC;
      screenToFrustum(&pL, lastPt);
      screenToFrustum(&pC, point);

      //  update translate
      tr[0] += (pC.x - pL.x)*1000.0/scale;
      tr[1] += (pC.y - pL.y)*1000.0/scale;
    else if (mode == ROTATE || mode == LIGHT){
      Vector3D vL, vC;
      screenToVector(&vL, lastPt);
      screenToVector(&vC, point);

      //  calculate angle prop to length mouse movement
      float dX = vC.x - vL.x;
      float dY = vC.y - vL.y;
      float dZ = vC.z - vL.z;
      float ang = 90.0 * sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ);

      // vector is just cross product
      Vector3D v;
      v.cross(vL, vC);

      if (mode == ROTATE)
        applyRotation(m, ang, v);
        applyRotation(mL, ang, v);

    lastPt = point;
	CView ::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
Example #16
bool insideSurfaceClosest(const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash, ClosestPointInfo *inf, float stopBelow, bool allowQuickTest){
  if (inf)
    inf->type = DIST_TYPE_INVALID;

  //  quick bounding box test
  if (allowQuickTest){
    if (pTest.x < s.pMin.x || pTest.x > s.pMax.x ||
        pTest.y < s.pMin.y || pTest.y > s.pMax.y ||
        pTest.z < s.pMin.z || pTest.z > s.pMax.z){
      return false;

  ClosestPointInfo localClosestInf;
  if (!inf)
    inf = &localClosestInf;
  float dist = getClosestPoint(inf, pTest, s, faceHash, stopBelow);

  if (dist < stopBelow){
    //  optimise for dodec
    return true;

  //  vector to point on surface
  Vector3D v;
  v.difference(pTest, inf->pClose);

  if (inf->type == FACE){
    //  face test 
    Vector3D n;
    s.getTriangleNormal(&n, inf->triangle);
    double dt =;
    return dt <= 0;
  else if (inf->type == EDGE){
    //  edge test
    const Surface::Triangle *tri = &s.triangles.index(inf->triangle);

    //  edge will be between vertices v[num] and v[(num+1)%3]
    int e[2];
    e[0] = tri->v[inf->num];
    e[1] = tri->v[(inf->num+1)%3];

    int neigh = findNeighbour(s, *tri, e);
    if (neigh >= 0){
      //  make a plane for one of the triangles
      Vector3D n1;
      s.getTriangleNormal(&n1, inf->triangle);
      Point3D p1 = s.vertices.index(e[0]).p;
      Plane pl1;
      pl1.assign(n1, p1);

      //  get the point from the other triangle which is not part of edge
      const Surface::Triangle *tri2 = &s.triangles.index(neigh);
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        if (tri2->v[i] != e[0] && tri2->v[i] != e[1])
      CHECK_DEBUG0(i != 3);
      Point3D p2 = s.vertices.index(e[1]).p;
      //  get signed distance to plane
      float dist = pl1.dist(p2);

      //  need normal for second triangle
      Vector3D n2;
      s.getTriangleNormal(&n2, neigh);

      if (dist <= 0.0f){
        //  faces form convex spike, back facing to both
        return <= 0 && <= 0;
        //  faces form concavity, back facing to either
        return <= 0 || <= 0;
      OUTPUTINFO("HHHHHMMMMMMM loose edge\n");
      return false;  //  only one triangle on edge - use face ??
  else{// if (minType == VERTEX)
    // chosen triangle
    const Surface::Triangle *tri = &s.triangles.index(inf->triangle);

    //  chosen vertex
    int vI = tri->v[inf->num];
    Vector3D n;
    s.getVertexNormal(&n, vI);
    return <= 0;

    //  get all faces
    Array<int> tris;
    s.findNeighbours(&tris, vI, inf->triangle);

    //  behind test for all faces
    int numTri = tris.getSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < numTri; i++){
      Vector3D n;
      s.getTriangleNormal(&n, tris.index(i));
      double dt =;
      if (dt > 0)
        return false;

    //  must be behind all
    return true;*/
Example #17
void CObjectView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) 

  drawScene(&dList, tex);

  //  turn off lighting

  //  draw tracker ball
  if ((mode == ROTATE || mode == LIGHT)&& GetCapture() == this){
    //  do overlay

    // work out size of tracker
    float rad = 0.85f;

    //  setup transform
    if (mode == LIGHT)

    //  mesh
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);

    //  draw light
    if (mode == LIGHT){
      //  get position
      Vector3D v = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};

      //  setup dot size
      GLint dotSize;
      glGetIntegerv(GL_POINT_SIZE, &dotSize);

      //  draw light
      glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
      glVertex3f(v.x, v.y, v.z);

      glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      glVertex3f(v.x, v.y, v.z);

      //  restore dot size

    //  draw sphere
    glColor3f(1, 0, 1);
    glRotatef(90, 1, 0, 0);
    GLUquadricObj *q = gluNewQuadric();
    gluSphere(q, rad, 10, 10);

  //  clean up and show picture

void LangevinFlowCoupledIntegrator::doHalfKick() {
    const unsigned int count = app->positions.size();
    const Real dt = getTimestep();// * Constant::INV_TIMEFACTOR; // in fs

    //variables for diagnostics
    Real average_velocity = 0.0;
    Real ke = 0.0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {

        //user defined fixed velocity
        Vector3D fluidVelocity(
                               slopeVelocityX * app->positions[i][0] + averageVelocityX, 
                               slopeVelocityY * app->positions[i][1] + averageVelocityY, 
                               slopeVelocityZ * app->positions[i][2] + averageVelocityZ);

        //find damping factor relative to the
        //vector connecting thr SCE to the cell center
        const unsigned int myCellCenter = cellCenters[app->topology->atoms[i].residue_seq];
        const Real normFluidV = fluidVelocity.norm();
        Real factor = 1.0;

        //dont use velocity if center
        if(myCellCenter != i && normFluidV != 0.0){
          Vector3D sc =  app->positions[myCellCenter] - app->positions[i];
                        //app->topology->minimalDifference( app->positions[i], app->positions[myCellCenter]);
          factor = / ( normFluidV * sc.norm() );
          //if(factor > 1.0) report << hint << "factor too big " << factor << endr;
          if(factor < 0.0){
            factor = 0.1;

        //if cell center
        if( myCellCenter == i ) factor = 0.1;

        //factor must be +ve here, so scale gamma
        Real aGamma = myGamma;// * factor;  //####Removed factor

        //Langevin leapfrog from here
        const Real fdt = ( 1.0 - exp( -0.5 * aGamma * dt ) ) / aGamma;
        const Real vdt = exp(-0.5*aGamma*dt);
        const Real ndt = sqrt( ( 1.0 - exp( -aGamma * dt ) ) / (2.0 * aGamma) );
        const Real forceConstant = 2 * Constant::SI::BOLTZMANN * 1.0e15 //for SI units, BOLTZMANN //
                                        * myLangevinTemperature 
                                            * aGamma; 

        //  Generate gaussian random numbers for each spatial direction
        Vector3D gaussRandCoord1(randomGaussianNumber(mySeed),
        Real mass = app->topology->atoms[i].scaledMass;
        Real sqrtFCoverM = sqrt(forceConstant / mass);

        //remove velocity
        app->velocities[i] -= fluidVelocity;

        // semi-update velocities
        app->velocities[i] = app->velocities[i]*vdt
                                +(*myForces)[i] * fdt / mass
                                  //+ projectedVelocity * fdt
                                    //+gaussRandCoord1*(sqrt(sqrtFCoverM + sqrtFCoverMf))*ndt;

        //find "real" temperature
        for(int k=0; k<3; k++){
          ke += 0.5 * app->velocities[i].c[k] * app->velocities[i].c[k] * mass;

        //replace velocity
        app->velocities[i] += fluidVelocity;

        //find average for diagnostics
        average_velocity += app->velocities[i].c[0];


    //diagnostic output
    //report << hint << "Average velocity  " << average_velocity / (Real)count
    //        << " Set velocity " << averageVelocityX << " Temp " << 2.0 * ke / Constant::BOLTZMANN / count / 3.0 << endr;

    buildMolecularMomentum(&app->velocities, app->topology);