int main()
	Vectors3DSOA points, dirs, intermediatepoints, intermediatedirs;

	int np=1024;
	int NREPS = 1000;


	// generate benchmark cases
	TransformationMatrix const * identity = new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0);

	double L = 10.;
	double Lz = 10.;
	const double Sqrt2 = sqrt(2.);

	BoxParameters *	worldp =  new BoxParameters(L, L, Lz );
	PhysicalVolume * world = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( worldp , identity );
	double volworld = worldp->GetVolume();

	BoxParameters * boxlevel2 = new BoxParameters( Sqrt2*L/2./2., Sqrt2*L/2./2., Lz );
	BoxParameters * boxlevel3 = new BoxParameters( L/2./2. ,L/2./2., Lz);
	BoxParameters * boxlevel1 = new BoxParameters( L/2., L/2., Lz );

	PhysicalVolume * box2 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel2, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,45));
	PhysicalVolume * box3 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( boxlevel3, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,-45));
	box2->AddDaughter( box3 ); // rotated 45 degree around z axis

	PhysicalVolume * box1 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, identity);
	box1->AddDaughter( box2 );

	PhysicalVolume const * box1left  = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(-L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters());
	PhysicalVolume const * box1right = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(+L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters());

    // perform basic tests
	SimpleVecNavigator nav(1, world);
	Vector3D result;
	VolumePath path(4);
	PhysicalVolume const * vol;

	// point should be in world
	Vector3D p1(0, 9*L/10., 0); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p1, result, path );

	// outside world check
	Vector3D p2(-2*L, 9*L/10., 0); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p2, result, path );

		// inside box3 check
		Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
		vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path );
		std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl;
		assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4);
		assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0));

		// inside box3 check iterative
		Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
		TransformationMatrix * m = new TransformationMatrix();
		vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
		std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl;
		assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4);
		assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0));

	// inside box3 check ( but second box )
	Vector3D p3(L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
	TransformationMatrix * m1, * m2;
	m1=new TransformationMatrix();
	m2=new TransformationMatrix();

	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path, m1 );
	std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl;
	assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4);
	assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0));
	path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 );
	assert( m1->Equals(m2) );
	delete m1; delete m2;

	// inside box2 check
	Vector3D p4(-L/2., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p4, result, path );

	// inside box2 check ( on other side )
	Vector3D p4(L/2., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p4, result, path );

	// inside box1 check
	Vector3D p5(-9.*L/10., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p5, result, path );
	assert(vol == box1left );

	// inside box1 check
	Vector3D p6(9.*L/10., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear();
	vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p6, result, path );
	assert(vol == box1right );
	assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 2); // this means actuall "next" free level

	// now do location and transportation
	  Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
	  Vector3D newpoint;
	  Vector3D d(9*L/2./10.,0,0);
	  TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
	  TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix();

	  vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
	  // move point in local reference frame
	  Vector3D p = result+d;
	  vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );
	  // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
	  assert( vol==box2 );
	  assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 3 );

	  // check the global transformation matrix
	  path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 );
	  assert( m->Equals( m2 ) );

	  delete m;
	  delete m2;

	// now do location and transportation
		Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
		Vector3D newpoint;
		Vector3D d(0.1,0.,0.);
		TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
		TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix();

		vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
		// move point in local reference frame
		Vector3D p = result+d;
		vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );
		// LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
		assert( vol==box3 );
		assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 );
		path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 );
// testing new point also
		assert(newpoint == d);

		delete m;
		delete m2;

	// now do location and transportation
		Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
		Vector3D newpoint;
		Vector3D d(Sqrt2*L/4.+0.1,Sqrt2*L/4.+0.1,0);
		TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
		vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
		// move point in local reference frame
		Vector3D p = result+d;
		vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );
		// LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
		assert( vol==box1left );
		assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 2 );

		delete m;

	// now do location and transportation

		Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
		Vector3D newpoint;
		Vector3D d(Sqrt2*L/2.+0.1,Sqrt2*L/2.+0.1,0);
		TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
		TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix();

		vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
		// move point in local reference frame
		Vector3D p = result+d;
		vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );

		// LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
		assert( vol==world );
		assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 1 );
		path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 );
		assert( m2->Equals( m ) );

		delete m;

	// now do location and transportation
			Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
			Vector3D newpoint;
			Vector3D d(4*L,4*L,0);
			TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
			vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
			// move point in local reference frame
			Vector3D p = result+d;
			vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );
			// LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
			assert( vol==NULL );

			delete m;

	// now do location and transportation
	  Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
	  Vector3D newpoint;
	  Vector3D d(L,0,0);
	  TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();
	  TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix();

	  vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m );
	  assert( vol==box3 );

	  // move point in local reference frame
	  Vector3D p = result+d;
	  vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m );
	  // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
	  assert( vol==box3 );
	  assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 );

	  path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 );
	  assert( m2->Equals(m) );

	  delete m;
	  delete m2;

	// now do location and transportation
	  Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear();
	  Vector3D newpoint;
	  Vector3D d(L+9*L/20.,0,0);
	  TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();

	  vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path );
	  assert( vol==box3 );

	  // move point in local reference frame
	  Vector3D p = result+d;
	  vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative( p, newpoint, path, m );
	  // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
	  assert( vol==box2 );
	  assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 3 );
	  delete m;

	// now do location and transportation
	  Vector3D p3(-9*L/10., -9*L/20., 0.); path.Clear();
	  Vector3D newpoint;
	  Vector3D d(L/2.,L/2.,0);
	  TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix();

	  vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path );
	  assert( vol==box1left );

	  // move point in local reference frame
	  Vector3D p = result+d;
	  vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative( p, newpoint, path, m );
	  // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const;
	  assert( vol==box3 );
	  assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 );
	  delete m;

	// testing the NavigationAndStepInterface
		// setup point in world
		Vector3D p(-L/2, 9*L/10., 0 );
		Vector3D d(0,-1,0);
		Vector3D resultpoint;
		VolumePath path(4), newpath(4);
		TransformationMatrix *m = new TransformationMatrix();
		TransformationMatrix *m2 = new TransformationMatrix();
		vol = nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p, resultpoint, path, m );

		// do one step
		double step;
		nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep_iterative(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step);
		std::cerr << " step "  << step << std::endl;
		std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl;
		// at this moment we can do some tests
		assert( newpath.Top() == box2 );
		assert( m2->Equals(m) );

		// go on with navigation ( enter daughter here ( from box2 to box3 ) )
		nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep_iterative(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step);
		std::cerr << " step "  << step << std::endl;
		std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl;
		assert( m2->Equals(m) );
		assert( newpath.Top() == box3 );

		// go on with navigation
		p = resultpoint;
		nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step);
		std::cerr << " step "  << step << std::endl;
		std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl;
		assert( newpath.Top() == box2 );

		// go on with navigation
		p = resultpoint;
		nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step);
		std::cerr << " step "  << step << std::endl;
		std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl;
		assert( newpath.Top() == world );

		// go on with navigation ( particle should now leave the world )
		p = resultpoint;
		nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step);
		std::cerr << " step "  << step << std::endl;
		std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl;
		assert( newpath.Top() == NULL );

	std::cout << " ALL tests passed " << std::endl;
