Example #1
std::pair<Position,Velocity> ProjectedKinematics::gsAccel(const Position& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double a) {
	Vect3 s3 = so.point();
	if (so.isLatLon()) {
		s3 = Projection::createProjection(so.lla().zeroAlt()).project(so);
	Vect3 pres = Kinematics::gsAccelPos(s3,vo,t,a);
	Velocity vres = Velocity::mkTrkGsVs(vo.trk(),vo.gs()+a*t,vo.vs());
	if (so.isLatLon()) {
		return Projection::createProjection(so.lla().zeroAlt()).inverse(pres,vres,true);
	} else {
		return std::pair<Position,Velocity>(Position(pres), vres);
Example #2
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::vsAccelUntil(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double goalVs, double vsAccel_d) {
	if (vsAccel_d < 0 ) {
		fpln("Kinematics::vsAccelUntil: user supplied negative vsAccel!!");
		vsAccel_d = -vsAccel_d;                              // make sure user supplies positive value
	double accelTime = Kinematics::vsAccelTime(vo,goalVs, vsAccel_d);
	int sgn = 1;
	if (goalVs < vo.vs()) sgn = -1;
	//LatLonAlt ns = LatLonAlt.ZERO;
	if (t <= accelTime)
		return vsAccel(so, vo, t, sgn*vsAccel_d);
	else {
		LatLonAlt posEnd = vsAccel(so,vo,accelTime,sgn*vsAccel_d).first;
		Velocity nvo = Velocity::mkVxyz(vo.x,vo.y, goalVs);
		return linear(posEnd,nvo,t-accelTime);
Example #3
// f should be between 0 and 1 to interpolate
Velocity VectFuns::interpolateVelocity(const Velocity& v1, const Velocity& v2, double f) {
        double newtrk = v1.trk() + f*(v2.trk() - v1.trk());
        double newgs = v1.gs() + f*(v2.gs() - v1.gs());
        double newvs = v1.vs() + f*(v2.vs() - v1.vs());
        return Velocity::mkTrkGsVs(newtrk,newgs,newvs);