Example #1
Mesh::Mesh(VertexList const& vertices)
: m_id(afth::UUID::v4())
    size_t size = vertices.size() * 3;
    float* arr = new float[size];
    VertexList::const_iterator it = vertices.begin(), end = vertices.end();
    for (size_t i = 0; it != end; ++it, i += 3)
        std::memcpy(arr + i, (*it).coordinates().arr().data(), 3 * sizeof(float));

    //glGenVertexArrays(1, &m_vertexArray);
    //glGenBuffers(1, &m_vertexBuffer);

    //glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vertexBuffer);
    //glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size * sizeof(float), arr, GL_STATIC_DRAW);


    //GLint positionIndex = glGetAttribLocation(glProgramUniform1, "position");
    //glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);

    //glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    delete [] arr;
void IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator::insertSites(const VertexList& vertices)
	for (VertexList::const_iterator x=vertices.begin(); 
			x != vertices.end(); ++x) {
Example #3
void Reprojector::projectCloud( IplImage *image )
	cvZero( image );

	if( !this->projVertices.size() )

	VertexList tempList;
	tempList.resize( this->projVertices.size() );

	transform3DTo2D( this->projVertices.size(), &( this->projVertices[0] ), &( tempList[0] ), this->cxProjector, this->cyProjector, this->focalLengthProjector, false );

	unsigned short val = 0;
	unsigned short *tempPtr = NULL;

	for( VertexList::const_iterator it = tempList.begin(); it != tempList.end(); ++it )
		unsigned int x = it->X;
		unsigned int y = it->Y;
		unsigned short depth = -( it->Z );

		if( x >= image->width || y >= image->height )

		val = depth;
		tempPtr = (unsigned short*)( image->imageData ) + x + y * image->width;

		if( !( *tempPtr ) || *tempPtr > val )	//z-test
			*tempPtr = val;
Example #4
File: main.cpp Project: palmerc/lab
void print_out (VertexList V)
   // print out
   for (VertexList::iterator i = V.begin(); i != V.end(); ++i)
      cout << i->first << " spe:" << i->second.spe << " pi:" << i->second.pi << endl;
Example #5
	void VertexListToBufP(std::vector<float> &dst,const VertexList &list){
		for(VertexList::const_iterator i = list.begin();i!=list.end();i++){
// copyVertexListToPointList a vector for Vec3 into a vector of Point's.
void copyVertexListToPointList(const VertexList& in,PointList& out)
    for(VertexList::const_iterator itr=in.begin();
const SrSphere3D createBoundingSphere(const SrPoint3D* point, int numPoint)
	SrPoint3D supportPoint[4];
	VertexList vertexList;
	SrPoint3D* buffer = new SrPoint3D[numPoint];
	int i;
	for( i=0 ; i<numPoint ; i++ )
		buffer[i] = point[i];
	std::random_shuffle(buffer,buffer + numPoint);
	std::copy(buffer,buffer + numPoint, std::back_inserter(vertexList));

	delete []buffer;
	SrSphere3D sphere;
	return sphere;
void ProgressiveTriangleGeometry::FindEdgeToCollapse(VertexList& /*org_vertex_list*/,
	TriangleList& /*org_triangle_list*/, VertexList& vertex_list, TriangleList& triangle_list, Edge& edge) {
	if (triangle_list.empty())

	float current_error = 0.0f;
	float current_max_error = 0.0f;

	edge.v1_ = 0;
	edge.v2_ = 0;

	// Calculate mean error.
	VertexList::iterator v_iter;
	for (v_iter = vertex_list.begin();
	     v_iter != vertex_list.end();
	     ++v_iter) {
		if (v_iter == vertex_list.begin()) {
			current_max_error = (*v_iter)->error_;
		} else if((*v_iter)->error_ > current_max_error) {
			current_max_error = (*v_iter)->error_;

		current_error += (*v_iter)->error_;

	current_error /= (float)vertex_list.size();

	float min_error = 0.0f;
	float min_error1 = 0.0f;	// Temporary error value storage for _edge->v1_.
	float min_error2 = 0.0f;	// Temporary error value storage for _edge->v2_.
	bool first = true;

	// Test vertex collaps on all triangles.
	TriangleList::iterator tri_iter;
	for (tri_iter = triangle_list.begin();
	     tri_iter != triangle_list.end();
	     ++tri_iter) {
		Triangle* triangle = *tri_iter;
		vec3 diff1;
		vec3 diff2;
		Vertex mid;

		// Test V1 and V2.
		mid.x() = (triangle->v1_->x() + triangle->v2_->x()) * 0.5f;
		mid.y() = (triangle->v1_->y() + triangle->v2_->y()) * 0.5f;
		mid.z() = (triangle->v1_->z() + triangle->v2_->z()) * 0.5f;

		// Calculate the distance between the new, merged position,
		// and the original vertex position.
		diff1.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v1_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v1_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v1_->twin_->z());
		diff2.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v2_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v2_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v2_->twin_->z());

		float error1 = diff1.GetLength() + triangle->v1_->error_;
		float error2 = diff2.GetLength() + triangle->v2_->error_;
		float error = (error1 + error2 + current_error) / 3.0f;

		if (first == true || error < min_error) {
			edge.v1_ = triangle->v1_;
			edge.v2_ = triangle->v2_;
			min_error1 = error1;
			min_error2 = error2;
			min_error = error;
			first = false;

		// Test V2 and V3.
		mid.x() = (triangle->v2_->x() + triangle->v3_->x()) * 0.5f;
		mid.y() = (triangle->v2_->y() + triangle->v3_->y()) * 0.5f;
		mid.z() = (triangle->v2_->z() + triangle->v3_->z()) * 0.5f;

		// Calculate the distance between the new, merged position,
		// and the original vertex position.
		diff1.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v2_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v2_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v2_->twin_->z());
		diff2.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v3_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v3_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v3_->twin_->z());

		error1 = diff1.GetLength() + triangle->v1_->error_;
		error2 = diff2.GetLength() + triangle->v2_->error_;
		error = (error1 + error2 + current_error) / 3.0f;

		if (error < min_error) {
			edge.v1_ = triangle->v1_;
			edge.v2_ = triangle->v2_;
			min_error = error;
			min_error1 = error1;
			min_error2 = error2;

		// Test V3 and V1.
		mid.x() = (triangle->v3_->x() + triangle->v1_->x()) * 0.5f;
		mid.y() = (triangle->v3_->y() + triangle->v1_->y()) * 0.5f;
		mid.z() = (triangle->v3_->z() + triangle->v1_->z()) * 0.5f;

		// Calculate the distance between the new, merged position,
		// and the original vertex position.
		diff1.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v3_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v3_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v3_->twin_->z());
		diff2.Set(mid.x() - triangle->v1_->twin_->x(),
		            mid.y() - triangle->v1_->twin_->y(),
		            mid.z() - triangle->v1_->twin_->z());

		error1 = diff1.GetLength() + triangle->v1_->error_;
		error2 = diff2.GetLength() + triangle->v2_->error_;
		error = (error1 + error2 + current_error) / 3.0f;

		if (error < min_error) {
			edge.v1_ = triangle->v1_;
			edge.v2_ = triangle->v2_;
			min_error = error;
			min_error1 = error1;
			min_error2 = error2;

		if (min_error == 0.0f && edge.v1_ != 0 && edge.v2_ != 0)

	edge.v1_->error_ = min_error1;
	edge.v2_->error_ = min_error2;

	// Now add all triangles to _edge that share the two vertices
	// _edge->v1_ and _edge->v2_.
	for (tri_iter = triangle_list.begin();
		tri_iter != triangle_list.end();
		++tri_iter) {
		Triangle* triangle = *tri_iter;
		if (triangle->HaveVertex(edge.v1_) &&
			triangle->HaveVertex(edge.v2_)) {
Example #9
void dump_graph_to_png_file(const AdjacencyList &adjacency_list,
                            const VertexList &vertex_list,
                            const char *png_filename)
    auto bbox = get_aabb(vertex_list);

    double width = bbox.maxx - bbox.minx;
    double height = bbox.maxy - bbox.miny;

    auto surface = std::shared_ptr<cairo_surface_t>(
        cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, height),

    auto cr = std::shared_ptr<cairo_t>(

    cairo_set_line_width(cr.get(), 1.0);

    for (const auto &edge: adjacency_list) {
        auto u = vertex_list.find(std::get<0>(edge));

        if (u == vertex_list.end()) {
            std::cout << "[WARNING] reference to non-existing vertex "
                      << std::get<0>(edge) << std::endl;

        for (const auto &way: std::get<1>(edge)) {
            auto v = vertex_list.find(way.destination);

            if (v == vertex_list.end()) {
                std::cout << "[WARNING] reference to non-existing vertex "
                          << way.destination << std::endl;

            switch (way.type) {
            case 0:
                cairo_set_source_rgb(cr.get(), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            case 1:
                cairo_set_source_rgb(cr.get(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

            case 2:
                cairo_set_source_rgb(cr.get(), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

                std::cout << "[WARNING] Wrong type of arc" << std::endl;

                          u->second.x - bbox.minx,
                          height - (u->second.y - bbox.miny));
                          v->second.x - bbox.minx,
                          height - (v->second.y - bbox.miny));

        auto status = cairo_surface_write_to_png(surface.get(), png_filename);
void SFUtils::DoTopologicalSort( SLSF::Subsystem subsystem ) {

    int vertexIndex = 0;
    VertexIndexBlockMap vertexIndexBlockMap;
    BlockVertexIndexMap blockVertexIndexMap;
    BlockVector blockVector = subsystem.Block_kind_children();
    for( BlockVector::iterator blvItr = blockVector.begin(); blvItr != blockVector.end(); ++blvItr, ++vertexIndex ) {
        SLSF::Block block = *blvItr;
        vertexIndexBlockMap[ vertexIndex ] = block;
        blockVertexIndexMap[ block ] = vertexIndex;

        std::string blockType = block.BlockType();
        if ( blockType == "UnitDelay" )	{  // check on other delay blocks as well ...
            ++vertexIndex;	               // UnitDelay is vertexed twice - one for outputs (timestep n-1), and one for inputs: vertexIndex is as destination, vertexIndex + 1 is as source

    Graph graph( vertexIndex );
    LineSet lineSet = subsystem.Line_kind_children();
    for( LineSet::iterator lnsItr = lineSet.begin(); lnsItr != lineSet.end() ; ++lnsItr ) {

        SLSF::Line line = *lnsItr;
        SLSF::Port sourcePort = line.srcLine_end();
        SLSF::Port destinationPort = line.dstLine_end();
        SLSF::Block sourceBlock = sourcePort.Block_parent();
        SLSF::Block destinationBlock = destinationPort.Block_parent();

        if ( sourceBlock == subsystem || destinationBlock == subsystem ) continue;

        int sourceBlockVertexIndex = blockVertexIndexMap[ sourceBlock ];
        if (  static_cast< std::string >( sourceBlock.BlockType() ) == "UnitDelay"  ) {

        int destinationBlockVertexIndex = blockVertexIndexMap[ destinationBlock ];

        boost::add_edge( sourceBlockVertexIndex, destinationBlockVertexIndex, graph );

    LoopDetector loopDetector( graph );

    if ( loopDetector.check() ) {
        // TODO: add support for loops involving integrator and other stateful blocks

        // Determine what Blocks caused the loop
        typedef std::map< Vertex, int > VertexStrongComponentIndexMap;
        VertexStrongComponentIndexMap vertexStrongComponentIndexMap;
        boost::associative_property_map< VertexStrongComponentIndexMap > apmVertexStrongComponentIndexMap( vertexStrongComponentIndexMap );
        strong_components( graph, apmVertexStrongComponentIndexMap );

        typedef std::vector< Vertex > VertexVector;
        typedef std::map< int, VertexVector > StrongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap;
        StrongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap strongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap;
        for( VertexStrongComponentIndexMap::iterator vsmItr = vertexStrongComponentIndexMap.begin(); vsmItr != vertexStrongComponentIndexMap.end(); ++vsmItr ) {
            strongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap[ vsmItr->second ].push_back( vsmItr->first );

        std::string error( "Dataflow Graph '" + static_cast< std::string >( subsystem.Name() ) + "' has unhandled loops: " );
        for( StrongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap::iterator svmItr = strongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap.begin(); svmItr != strongComponentIndexVertexGroupMap.end(); ++svmItr ) {
            VertexVector vertexVector = svmItr->second;
            if ( vertexVector.size() <= 1 ) continue;
            error.append( "\n" );
            for( VertexVector::iterator vtvItr = vertexVector.begin(); vtvItr != vertexVector.end(); ++vtvItr ) {
                error.append( blockVector[ *vtvItr ].getPath("/") );
                error.append( ", " );
            error.erase( error.size() - 2 );

        throw udm_exception(error);

    typedef std::set< Vertex > VertexSet;
    typedef std::map< int, VertexSet > PriorityVertexSetMap;

    PriorityVertexSetMap priorityVertexSetMap;
    for( BlockVector::iterator blvItr = blockVector.begin() ; blvItr != blockVector.end() ; ++blvItr ) {

        SLSF::Block block = *blvItr;
        int priority = block.Priority();
        if ( priority == 0 ) continue;

        Vertex vertex = blockVertexIndexMap[ block ];
        priorityVertexSetMap[ priority ].insert( vertex );

    if ( priorityVertexSetMap.size() > 1 ) {
        PriorityVertexSetMap::iterator lstPvmItr = priorityVertexSetMap.end();
        for( PriorityVertexSetMap::iterator pvmItr = priorityVertexSetMap.begin() ; pvmItr != lstPvmItr ; ) {
            PriorityVertexSetMap::iterator nxtPvmItr = pvmItr;

            VertexSet &higherPriorityVertexSet = pvmItr->second;
            VertexSet &lowerPriorityVertexSet = nxtPvmItr->second;

            for( VertexSet::iterator hvsItr = higherPriorityVertexSet.begin() ; hvsItr != higherPriorityVertexSet.end() ; ++hvsItr ) {
                for( VertexSet::iterator lvsItr = lowerPriorityVertexSet.begin() ; lvsItr != lowerPriorityVertexSet.end() ; ++lvsItr ) {
                    boost::add_edge( *hvsItr, *lvsItr, graph );
                    LoopDetector loopDetector( graph );
                    if (  loopDetector.check( *hvsItr )  ) {
                        SLSF::Block higherPriorityBlock = vertexIndexBlockMap[ *hvsItr ];
                        SLSF::Block lowerPriorityBlock = vertexIndexBlockMap[ *lvsItr ];

                        std::cerr << "WARNING:  Cannot implement priority difference between block \"" << higherPriorityBlock.getPath( "/" ) << "\" (Priority = " << *hvsItr << ") and " << std::endl;
                        std::cerr << "          block \"" << lowerPriorityBlock.getPath( "/" ) << "\" (Priority = " << *lvsItr << "): contradicts topology of subsystem or other implemented block priority order." << std::endl;
                        boost::remove_edge( *hvsItr, *lvsItr, graph );
            pvmItr = nxtPvmItr;

    VertexList vertexList;
    boost::topological_sort(  graph, std::back_inserter( vertexList )  );

    VertexList::reverse_iterator vtlRit = vertexList.rbegin();
    while( vtlRit != vertexList.rend() ) {
        int index = *vtlRit;
        SLSF::Block block = vertexIndexBlockMap[ index ];

        if ( block != Udm::null && static_cast< std::string >( block.BlockType() ) == "DataStoreMemory"  ) {
            VertexList::reverse_iterator vtlRit2 = vtlRit;
            vertexList.splice( vertexList.end(), vertexList, vtlRit2.base() );

    int priority = 0;
    for( VertexList::reverse_iterator vtlRit = vertexList.rbegin() ; vtlRit != vertexList.rend() ; ++vtlRit ) {
        int index = *vtlRit;
        SLSF::Block block = vertexIndexBlockMap[ index ];
        if ( block == Udm::null ) { // unit delay as source is not registered - we will invoke it initially, and invoke it as destination in the priority order
            // const std::string& bt = blk.BlockType();
            // assert(bt.compare("UnitDelay") == 0);
            /* Unit Delay Block as destination */
        block.Priority() = priority++;