void VAnimationEventEffectTrigger::OnAnimationEvent() 
  // Get the active event trigger info
  VEventEffectTriggerInfo_t* info = (VEventEffectTriggerInfo_t*) m_pActiveTriggerInfo;

  // Check if effect file is specified
  if (info == NULL || info->m_spEffectFile == NULL)
  // Get bone translation and orientation (if bone ID is 0 no bone has been specified)
  VisBaseEntity_cl* pEntity = (VisBaseEntity_cl *)m_pOwner;
  hkvVec3 vPos = pEntity->GetPosition() + info->m_vPositionOffset;
  hkvVec3 vOri = pEntity->GetOrientation() + info->m_vOrientationOffset;
  if (info->m_iAttachToBone != -1)
    hkvQuat vRot;
    pEntity->GetBoneCurrentWorldSpaceTransformation(info->m_iAttachToBone, vPos, vRot);

    // Add position and orientation offset
    vPos = PositionOffset + vPos;
    hkvQuat vOffsetRot; vOffsetRot.setFromEulerAngles (vOri.data[2], vOri.data[1], vOri.data[0]); 
    vRot = vRot.multiplyReverse (vOffsetRot);

    vRot.getAsEulerAngles (vOri.z, vOri.y, vOri.x);

  // Trigger effect
  VisParticleEffect_cl* pEffectInstance = info->m_spEffectFile->CreateParticleEffectInstance(vPos, vOri);
Example #2
bool RPG_Effect::CreateVisualEffect(RPG_EffectDefinition const& effectDefinition, hkvVec3 const& position /*= hkvVec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)*/, hkvVec3 const& orientation /*= hkvVec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)*/)
  VString vfxFilename = effectDefinition.m_vfxFilename;

  if (m_debugDisplay)
    VString msg;
    if (m_parentEntity)
      msg += m_parentEntity->GetTypeId()->m_lpszClassName;
      msg += " --> ";
    msg += "Creating Particle FX: ";
    msg += vfxFilename.AsChar();
    Vision::Message.Add(1, msg.AsChar());

  VisParticleEffect_cl* particleEffect = RPG_VisionEffectHelper::CreateParticleEffect(vfxFilename, position, orientation);

  if (!particleEffect)
    hkvLog::Warning("Create Particle Effect failed: %s", vfxFilename.AsChar());
    return false;


  // apply position offset, relative to the RPG_Effect object's transform
  if (!effectDefinition.m_vfxPositionOffset.isZero())

  // apply orientation offset
  if (!effectDefinition.m_vfxOrientationOffset.isZero())
  // by default, emitters update their position over time. We need to call TeleportSpawnPosition() to force them to update immediately.

  // if this is a persistent effect, add it to the character's effect list.
  if (particleEffect && RPG_VisionEffectHelper::IsPersistentEffect(particleEffect))
    if (GetParent())
      particleEffect->SetRemoveWhenFinished(false); // if we're storing an effect here, we want to be responsible for its removal.
      m_persistentParticleEffect = particleEffect;
      // a persistent effect was created, but not attached to a parent entity. Make some noise about this and shut it down.
      VString msg;
      msg.Format("Effect: %s is a looping effect, which must be attached to an entity capable of cleaning it up.", vfxFilename.AsChar());
      //VASSERT_MSG(false, "Effects containing looping particle systems MUST be parented to an entity which can manage their shutdown and cleanup.");


  return true;