int main() { //DECLARATION OF VARIABLES Vlist list; string function; string title; string url; string comment; double length; int rating; //START OF WHILE LOOP while (getline(cin,function)) { if (function == "insert") //CALLS THE INSERT FUNCTION FROM CLASS VLIST IF FUNCTION = "insert" { getline(cin,title); if (list.title_exists(title) == false) { getline(cin,url); getline(cin,comment); cin >> length; cin >> rating; cin.ignore(); Video *video = new Video(title,url,comment,length,rating); list.insert_sorted(video); } else //TITLE ALREADY EXISTS SO DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGE {
int main() { //Declare and Initalize Local Variables. bool error_state = false; int rating = 0, number_of_videos = 0; float length = 0.0; string command, input_string, title, url, comment; string video_rating = "rating"; string video_length = "length"; string video_title = "title"; Vlist vlist; //Read input while(getline(cin, command)) { //Determine which command was entered if (command == "insert") { getline(cin, input_string); title = input_string; getline(cin, input_string); url = input_string; getline(cin, input_string); comment = input_string; cin >> length; cin >> rating; //Get rid of extraneous live feed. cin.ignore(); error_state = vlist.insert(title, url, comment, length, rating); if (error_state) { cerr << "Could not insert video <" << title << ">, already in list." << endl; } } else if (command == "print")
static Value make_lambda( const Vlist& params, const Vlist& body ){ Vlist vl; vl.push_back( Primitive::SYMBOL_LAMBDA ); vl.push_back( params ); vl.insert( vl.end(), body.begin(), body.end() ); return Value( vl ); }