int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE *cmd = NULL; char message[200]; VoiceCommand vc; vc.GetConfig(); //vc.CheckConfig(); bool continuous = false; if(argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1],"-c") == 0) { printf("running in continuous mode\n"); continuous = true; float volume = 0.0f; changemode(1); while(continuous) { system("arecord -D plughw:1,0 -f cd -t wav -d 2 -r 16000 /dev/shm/noise.wav 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); cmd = popen("sox /dev/shm/noise.wav -n stats -s 16 2>&1 | awk '/^Max\\ level/ {print $3}'","r"); fscanf(cmd,"%f",&volume); fclose(cmd); if(volume > 0.7f) { /*system("flac /dev/shm/noise.wav -f --best --sample-rate 16000 -o /dev/shm/noise.flac 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); cmd = popen("wget -O - -o /dev/null --post-file /dev/shm/noise.flac --header=\"Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000\" | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g'| awk -v k=\"text\" '{n=split($0,a,\",\"); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]; exit }' | awk -F: 'NR==3 { print $3; exit }'","r"); if(cmd == NULL) printf("ERROR\n"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"\n",message); fclose(cmd); if(strcmp(message,"pi") == 0) {*/ printf("Found audio\n"); system("espeak -v en-uk \"FILLER FILL FILL Ready?\" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null"); cmd = popen("","r"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"\n",message); vc.ProcessMessage(message); fclose(cmd); //} message[0] = '\0'; //this will clear the first bit } if(kbhit()) { if(getchar() == 27) { printf("Escaping\n"); continuous = false; changemode(0); } } } } else if(argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1],"-e") == 0) { //Edit the config file vc.EditConfig(); } else { //system("espeak -v en-uk \"FILLER FILL FILL Ready?\" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null"); cmd = popen("","r"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"\n",message); vc.ProcessMessage(message); fclose(cmd); } return 0; }
inline void ProcessVoice(FILE *cmd, VoiceCommand &vc, char *message) { printf("Found audio\n"); vc.Speak(vc.response); string command = ""; if(vc.differentHW) { command += " -D "; command += vc.recordHW; } command += " -d "; command += vc.duration; command += " -l "; command += vc.lang; cmd = popen(command.c_str(),"r"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"",message); vc.ProcessMessage(message); fclose(cmd); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { VoiceCommand vc; //this is a really crude and terrible hack. //It makes it so that the config file doesn't overwrite the command line options //And it allows the config file to be set to something random system("echo \"\" > /dev/shm/voice.log"); //lazily clear out the log file vc.CheckConfigParam(argc,argv); FILE *cmd = NULL; char message[200]; message[0] = '\0'; vc.GetConfig(); //command line options after the config options vc.CheckCmdLineParam(argc,argv); //vc.CheckConfig(); if(!vc.pid_file.empty()) { FILE *out; out = fopen(vc.pid_file.c_str(),"w"); if(out == NULL) printf("Can not write to pid file: %s\n",vc.pid_file.c_str()); else { fprintf(out,"%d",getpid()); fclose(out); printf("Wrote pid file\n"); } } if(vc.quiet) fprintf(stderr,"running in quiet mode\n"); if(vc.ignoreOthers) fprintf(stderr,"Not querying for answers\n"); if(vc.edit) { vc.EditConfig(); } else if(vc.continuous && vc.forced_input.empty()) { fprintf(stderr,"running in continuous mode\n"); if(vc.verify) fprintf(stderr,"verifying command as well\n"); fprintf(stderr,"keyword duration is %s and duration is %s\n",vc.command_duration.c_str(),vc.duration.c_str()); float volume = 0.0f; changemode(1); string cont_com = "curl -X POST --data-binary @/dev/shm/noise.flac --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0' --header 'Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000;' '" + vc.lang + "&key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw&client=Mozilla/5.0' | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -F\":\" '{print $4}' | awk -F\",\" '{print $1}' | tr -d '\\n'"; while(vc.continuous) { volume = GetVolume(vc.recordHW, vc.command_duration, true); if(volume > vc.thresh) { //printf("Found volume %f above thresh %f\n",volume,vc.thresh); if(vc.verify) { system("flac /dev/shm/noise.wav -f --best --sample-rate 16000 -o /dev/shm/noise.flac 1>>/dev/shm/voice.log 2>>/dev/shm/voice.log"); cmd = popen(cont_com.c_str(),"r"); if(cmd == NULL) printf("ERROR\n"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"",message); fclose(cmd); system("rm -fr /dev/shm/noise.*"); //printf("message: %s, keyword: %s\n", message, vc.keyword.c_str()); if(iequals(message,vc.keyword.c_str())) { message[0] = '\0'; //this will clear the first bit ProcessVoice(cmd,vc,message); } } else { ProcessVoice(cmd,vc,message); } message[0] = '\0'; //this will clear the first bit } if(kbhit()) { if(getchar() == 27) { printf("Escaping\n"); vc.continuous = false; changemode(0); } else if(getchar() == 'v') { if(vc.verify) { printf("Turning verify off\n"); vc.verify = false; } else { printf("Turning verify on\n"); vc.verify = true; } } } } } else { if(vc.forced_input.empty()) { string command = ""; if(vc.differentHW) { command += " -D "; command += vc.recordHW; } command += " -d "; command += vc.duration; command += " -l "; command += vc.lang; cmd = popen(command.c_str(),"r"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"",message); vc.ProcessMessage(message); fclose(cmd); } else { vc.ProcessMessage(vc.forced_input.c_str()); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { VoiceCommand vc; //this is a really crude and terrible hack. //It makes it so that the config file doesn't overwrite the command line options //And it allows the config file to be set to something random system("echo \"\" > /dev/shm/voice.log"); //lazily clear out the log file vc.CheckConfigParam(argc,argv); FILE *cmd = NULL; char message[200]; message[0] = '\0'; vc.GetConfig(); //command line options after the config options vc.CheckCmdLineParam(argc,argv); //vc.CheckConfig(); if(vc.quiet) fprintf(stderr,"running in quiet mode\n"); if(vc.ignoreOthers) fprintf(stderr,"Not querying for answers\n"); if(vc.edit) { vc.EditConfig(); } else if(vc.continuous && vc.forced_input.empty()) { fprintf(stderr,"running in continuous mode\n"); if(vc.verify) fprintf(stderr,"verifying command as well\n"); fprintf(stderr,"keyword duration is %s and duration is %s\n",vc.command_duration.c_str(),vc.duration.c_str()); float volume = 0.0f; changemode(1); string cont_com = "wget -O - -o /dev/null --post-file /dev/shm/noise.flac --header=\"Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000\"" + vc.lang + " | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g'| awk -v k=\"text\" '{n=split($0,a,\",\"); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]; exit }' | awk -F: 'NR==3 { print $3; exit }'"; while(vc.continuous) { volume = GetVolume(vc.recordHW, vc.command_duration, true); if(volume > vc.thresh) { //printf("Found volume %f above thresh %f\n",volume,vc.thresh); if(vc.verify) { system("flac /dev/shm/noise.wav -f --best --sample-rate 16000 -o /dev/shm/noise.flac 1>>/dev/shm/voice.log 2>>/dev/shm/voice.log"); cmd = popen(cont_com.c_str(),"r"); if(cmd == NULL) printf("ERROR\n"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"\n",message); fclose(cmd); //system("rm -fr /dev/shm/noise.*"); //printf("message: %s, keyword: %s\n", message, vc.keyword.c_str()); if(contains(message,vc.keyword.c_str())) { message[0] = '\0'; //this will clear the first bit ProcessVoice(cmd,vc,message); } } else { ProcessVoice(cmd,vc,message); } message[0] = '\0'; //this will clear the first bit } if(kbhit()) { if(getchar() == 27) { printf("Escaping\n"); vc.continuous = false; changemode(0); } else if(getchar() == 'v') { if(vc.verify) { printf("Turning verify off\n"); vc.verify = false; } else { printf("Turning verify on\n"); vc.verify = true; } } } } } else { if(vc.forced_input.empty()) { string command = ""; if(vc.differentHW) { command += " -D "; command += vc.recordHW; } command += " -d "; command += vc.duration; command += " -l "; command += vc.lang; cmd = popen(command.c_str(),"r"); fscanf(cmd,"\"%[^\"\n]\"\n",message); vc.ProcessMessage(message); fclose(cmd); } else { vc.ProcessMessage(vc.forced_input.c_str()); } } return 0; }