generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getNativeLangMenuString(int itemID) const
	if (!_nativeLangA)
		return TEXT("");

	TiXmlNodeA *node = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	node = node->FirstChild("Main");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	node = node->FirstChild("Commands");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = node->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		if (element->Attribute("id", &id) && (id == itemID))
			const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
			if (name)
				return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return TEXT("");
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getFileBrowserLangMenuStr(int cmdID, const TCHAR *defaultStr) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("FolderAsWorkspace");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild("Menus");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	const char *name = NULL;
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = targetNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item"))
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *idStr = element->Attribute("id", &id);

		if (idStr && id == cmdID)
			name = element->Attribute("name");

	if (name && name[0])
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return defaultStr;
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getSpecialMenuEntryName(const char *entryName) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return TEXT("");
	TiXmlNodeA *mainMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
	if (!mainMenu) return TEXT("");
	mainMenu = mainMenu->FirstChild("Main");
	if (!mainMenu) return TEXT("");
	TiXmlNodeA *entriesRoot = mainMenu->FirstChild("Entries");
	if (!entriesRoot) return TEXT("");

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = entriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();

		const char *idName = element->Attribute("idName");
		if (idName)
			const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
			if (!strcmp(idName, entryName))
				return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return TEXT("");
Example #4
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeStyleCtrlsLang(HWND hDlg, int *idArray, const char **translatedText)
	const int iColorStyle = 0;
	const int iUnderline = 8;

	HWND hItem;
	for (int i = iColorStyle ; i < (iUnderline + 1) ; i++)
		if (translatedText[i] && translatedText[i][0])
			hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, idArray[i]);
			if (hItem)
#ifdef UNICODE
				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(translatedText[i], _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, translatedText[i]);
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeShortcutmapperLang(ShortcutMapper * sm)
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *shortcuts = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	shortcuts = shortcuts->FirstChild("ShortcutMapper");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = shortcuts->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int index;
		if (element->Attribute("index", &index))
			if (index > -1 && index < 5)  //valid index only
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");

				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
				const wchar_t * nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				sm->translateTab(index, nameW);
bool NativeLangSpeaker::getMsgBoxLang(const char *msgBoxTagName, generic_string & title, generic_string & message)
	title = TEXT("");
	message = TEXT("");

	if (!_nativeLangA) return false;

	TiXmlNodeA *msgBoxNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("MessageBox");
	if (!msgBoxNode) return false;

	msgBoxNode = searchDlgNode(msgBoxNode, msgBoxTagName);
	if (!msgBoxNode) return false;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (msgBoxNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	const char *msg = (msgBoxNode->ToElement())->Attribute("message");
	if ((titre && titre[0]) && (msg && msg[0]))
		title = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		message = wmc->char2wchar(msg, _nativeLangEncoding);
		return true;
	return false;
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeConfigLang(HWND hDlg)
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *styleConfDlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!styleConfDlgNode) return;	
	styleConfDlgNode = styleConfDlgNode->FirstChild("StyleConfig");
	if (!styleConfDlgNode) return;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (styleConfDlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");

	if ((titre && titre[0]) && hDlg)
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, nameW);
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = styleConfDlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
			if (hItem)
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
	styleConfDlgNode = styleConfDlgNode->FirstChild("SubDialog");
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = styleConfDlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
			if (hItem)
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
Example #8
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeLangTabDrapContextMenu(HMENU hCM)
	const int POS_GO2VIEW = 0;
	const int POS_CLONE2VIEW = 1;
	const char *goToViewA = NULL;
	const char *cloneToViewA = NULL;

	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *tabBarMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
		if (tabBarMenu)
			tabBarMenu = tabBarMenu->FirstChild("TabBar");
		if (tabBarMenu)
			for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = tabBarMenu->FirstChildElement("Item");
				childNode ;
				childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
				TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
				int ordre;
				element->Attribute("order", &ordre);
				if (ordre == 5)
					goToViewA = element->Attribute("name");
				else if (ordre == 6)
					cloneToViewA = element->Attribute("name");
		//HMENU hCM = _tabPopupDropMenu.getMenuHandle();
#ifdef UNICODE
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		if (goToViewA && goToViewA[0])
			const wchar_t *goToViewG = wmc->char2wchar(goToViewA, _nativeLangEncoding);
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, cmdID, goToViewG);
		if (cloneToViewA && cloneToViewA[0])
			const wchar_t *cloneToViewG = wmc->char2wchar(cloneToViewA, _nativeLangEncoding);
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, cmdID, cloneToViewG);
		if (goToViewA && goToViewA[0])
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, goToViewA);
		if (cloneToViewA && cloneToViewA[0])
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, cloneToViewA);
Example #9
bool NativeLangSpeaker::changeDlgLang(HWND hDlg, const char *dlgTagName, char *title)
	if (title)
		title[0] = '\0';

	if (!_nativeLangA) return false;

	TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!dlgNode) return false;

	dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, dlgTagName);
	if (!dlgNode) return false;

#ifdef UNICODE
	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if ((titre && titre[0]) && hDlg)
#ifdef UNICODE
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, nameW);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, titre);
		if (title)
			strcpy(title, titre);

	// Set the text of child control
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = dlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
			if (hItem)
#ifdef UNICODE
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, name);
	return true;
bool FunctionListPanel::serialize(const generic_string & outputFilename)
	generic_string fname;
	if (outputFilename.empty()) // if outputFilename is not given, get the current file path by adding the file extension
		Buffer* currentBuf = (*_ppEditView)->getCurrentBuffer();
		const TCHAR *fullFilePath = currentBuf->getFullPathName();

		// Export function list from an existing file 
		bool exportFuncntionList = (NppParameters::getInstance())->doFunctionListExport();
		if (exportFuncntionList && ::PathFileExists(fullFilePath))
			fname = fullFilePath;
			fname += TEXT(".result");
			return false;
		fname = outputFilename;

	FILE * f = generic_fopen(fname.c_str(), TEXT("w+"));
	if (!f)
		return false;

	for (const auto & info : _foundFuncInfos)
		generic_string entryName;
		if (!info._data2.empty())
			entryName = info._data2;
			entryName += TEXT("=>");
		entryName += info._data;
		entryName += TEXT("\n");

		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		UINT cp = static_cast<UINT>((*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE));
		const char *textA = wmc->wchar2char(entryName.c_str(), cp);
		string entryNameA = textA;

		fwrite(entryNameA.c_str(), sizeof(entryNameA.c_str()[0]), entryNameA.length(), f);
	return true;
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeFindReplaceDlgLang(FindReplaceDlg & findReplaceDlg)
	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
		if (dlgNode)
			NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
			dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, "Find");
			if (dlgNode)
				const char *titre1 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleFind");
				const char *titre2 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleReplace");
				const char *titre3 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleFindInFiles");
				const char *titre4 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleMark");

				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

				if (titre1 && titre1[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre1, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._find = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(FIND_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._find.c_str());
				if (titre2  && titre2[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre2, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._replace = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(REPLACE_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._replace.c_str());
				if (titre3 && titre3[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre3, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._findInFiles = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(FINDINFILES_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._findInFiles.c_str());
				if (titre4 && titre4[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre4, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._mark = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(MARK_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._mark.c_str());
	changeDlgLang(findReplaceDlg.getHSelf(), "Find");
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getAttrNameStr(const TCHAR *defaultStr, const char *nodeL1Name, const char *nodeL2Name) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild(nodeL1Name);
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;
	if (nodeL2Name)
		targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild(nodeL2Name);

	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	const char *name = (targetNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
	if (name && name[0])
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return defaultStr;
bool WindowsDlg::changeDlgLang()
	if (!_dlgNode) return false;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	int nativeLangEncoding = CP_ACP;
	TiXmlDeclarationA *declaration =  _dlgNode->GetDocument()->FirstChild()->ToDeclaration();
	if (declaration)
		const char * encodingStr = declaration->Encoding();
		EncodingMapper *em = EncodingMapper::getInstance();
		nativeLangEncoding = em->getEncodingFromString(encodingStr);

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (_dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if (titre && titre[0])
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(_hSelf, nameW);

	// Set the text of child control
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = _dlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, id);
			if (hItem)
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
	return true;
Example #14
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getProjectPanelLangMenuStr(const char * nodeName, int cmdID, const TCHAR *defaultStr) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("ProjectManager");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild("Menus");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild(nodeName);
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	const char *name = NULL;
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = targetNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *idStr = element->Attribute("id", &id);

		if (idStr && id == cmdID)
			name = element->Attribute("name");

	if (name && name[0])
#ifdef UNICODE
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
		return name;
	return defaultStr;
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getLocalizedStrFromID(const char *strID, const generic_string& defaultString) const
	if (not _nativeLangA)
		return defaultString;

	if (not strID)
		return defaultString;

	TiXmlNodeA *node = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("MiscStrings");
	if (not node) return defaultString;

	node = node->FirstChild(strID);
	if (not node) return defaultString;

	TiXmlElementA *element = node->ToElement();

	const char *value = element->Attribute("value");
	if (not value) return defaultString;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	return wmc->char2wchar(value, _nativeLangEncoding);
void NativeLangSpeaker::changePluginsAdminDlgLang(PluginsAdminDlg & pluginsAdminDlg)
	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
		if (dlgNode)
			dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, "PluginsAdminDlg");
			if (dlgNode)
				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

				TiXmlNodeA *ColumnPluginNode = dlgNode->FirstChild("ColumnPlugin");
				if (ColumnPluginNode)
					const char *name = (ColumnPluginNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
					if (name && name[0])
						basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
						pluginsAdminDlg.changeColumnName(COLUMN_PLUGIN, nameW.c_str());

				TiXmlNodeA *ColumnVersionNode = dlgNode->FirstChild("ColumnVersion");
				if (ColumnVersionNode)
					const char *name = (ColumnVersionNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
					if (name && name[0])
						basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
						pluginsAdminDlg.changeColumnName(COLUMN_VERSION, nameW.c_str());

				const char *titre1 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleAvailable");
				const char *titre2 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleUpdates");
				const char *titre3 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleInstalled");

				if (titre1 && titre1[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre1, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(AVAILABLE_LIST, nameW.c_str());
				if (titre2  && titre2[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre2, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(UPDATES_LIST, nameW.c_str());
				if (titre3 && titre3[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre3, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(INSTALLED_LIST, nameW.c_str());

			changeDlgLang(pluginsAdminDlg.getHSelf(), "PluginsAdminDlg");
Example #17
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getProjectPanelLangStr(const char *nodeName, const TCHAR *defaultStr) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("ProjectManager");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;
	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild(nodeName);
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	// Set Title
	const char *name = (targetNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
	if (name && name[0])
#ifdef UNICODE
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
		return name;
	return defaultStr;
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeLangTabContextMenu(HMENU hCM)
	if (nullptr != _nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *tabBarMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
		if (tabBarMenu)
			tabBarMenu = tabBarMenu->FirstChild("TabBar");
			if (tabBarMenu)
				WcharMbcsConvertor* wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
				int nbCMItems = sizeof(tabContextMenuItemPos)/sizeof(int);

				for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = tabBarMenu->FirstChildElement("Item");
					childNode ;
					childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
					TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
					int index;
					const char *indexStr = element->Attribute("CMID", &index);
					if (!indexStr || (index < 0 || index >= nbCMItems-1))

					int pos = tabContextMenuItemPos[index];
					const char *pName = element->Attribute("name");
					if (pName)
						const wchar_t *pNameW = wmc->char2wchar(pName, _nativeLangEncoding);
						int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, pos);
						::ModifyMenu(hCM, pos, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, pNameW);
Specs and Algorithm of session snapshot & periodic backup system:
Notepad++ quits without asking for saving unsaved file.
It restores all the unsaved files and document as the states they left.

For existing file (c:\tmp\foo.h)
	- Open
	In the next session, Notepad++
	1. load backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) if exist, otherwise load FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h).
	2. if backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) is loaded, set it dirty (red).
	3. if backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) is loaded, last modif timestamp of FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h), compare with tracked timestamp (in session.xml).
	4. in the case of unequal result, tell user the FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h) was modified. ask user if he want to reload FILENAME(c:\tmp\foo.h)

	- Editing
	when a file starts being modified, a file will be created with name: FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776)
	the Buffer object will associate with this FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP file (backup\foo.h@198776).
	1. sync: (each 3-5 second) backup file will be saved, if buffer is dirty, and modification is present (a bool on modified notificatin).
	2. sync: each save file, or close file, the backup file will be deleted (if buffer is not dirty).
	3. before switch off to another tab (or close files on exit), check 1 & 2 (sync with backup).

	- Close
	In the current session, Notepad++
	1. track FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) if exist (in session.xml).
	2. track last modified timestamp of FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h) if FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) was tracked  (in session.xml).

For untitled document (new  4)
	- Open
	In the next session, Notepad++
	1. open file UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776)
	2. set label as UNTITLED_NAME (new  4) and disk icon as red.

	- Editing
	when a untitled document starts being modified, a backup file will be created with name: UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776)
	the Buffer object will associate with this UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP file (backup\new  4@198776).
	1. sync: (each 3-5 second) backup file will be saved, if buffer is dirty, and modification is present (a bool on modified notificatin).
	2. sync: if untitled document is saved, or closed, the backup file will be deleted.
	3. before switch off to another tab (or close documents on exit), check 1 & 2 (sync with backup).

	In the current session, Notepad++
	1. track UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776) in session.xml.
bool FileManager::backupCurrentBuffer()
	LongRunningOperation op;

	Buffer* buffer = _pNotepadPlus->getCurrentBuffer();
	bool result = false;
	bool hasModifForSession = false;

	if (buffer->isDirty())
		if (buffer->isModified()) // buffer dirty and modified, write the backup file
			// Synchronization
			// This method is called from 2 differents place, so synchronization is important
			HANDLE writeEvent = ::OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
			if (!writeEvent)
				// no thread yet, create a event with non-signaled, to block all threads
				writeEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
				if (::WaitForSingleObject(writeEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
					// problem!!!
					printStr(TEXT("WaitForSingleObject problem in backupCurrentBuffer()!"));
					return false;

				// unlocled here, set to non-signaled state, to block all threads

			UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
			if (mode == uniCookie)
				mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

			Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;
			int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

			generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			if (backupFilePath.empty())
				// Create file
				backupFilePath = NppParameters::getInstance()->getUserPath();
				backupFilePath += TEXT("\\backup\\");

				// if "backup" folder doesn't exist, create it.
				if (!PathFileExists(backupFilePath.c_str()))
					::CreateDirectory(backupFilePath.c_str(), NULL);

				backupFilePath += buffer->getFileName();

				const int temBufLen = 32;
				TCHAR tmpbuf[temBufLen];
				time_t ltime = time(0);
				struct tm* today = localtime(&ltime);
				generic_strftime(tmpbuf, temBufLen, TEXT("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), today);

				backupFilePath += TEXT("@");
				backupFilePath += tmpbuf;

				// Set created file name in buffer

				// Session changes, save it
				hasModifForSession = true;

			TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
			::GetFullPathName(backupFilePath.c_str(), MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
			::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);

			// Make sure the backup file is not read only
			DWORD dwFileAttribs = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);
			if (dwFileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) // if file is read only, remove read only attribute
				::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, dwFileAttribs);

			FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
			if (fp)
				int lengthDoc = _pNotepadPlus->_pEditView->getCurrentDocLen();
				char* buf = (char*)_pNotepadPlus->_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER);	//to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
				size_t items_written = 0;
				if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
					items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
					if (lengthDoc == 0)
						items_written = 1;
					WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					int grabSize;
					for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
						grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
						if (grabSize > blockSize)
							grabSize = blockSize;

						int newDataLen = 0;
						int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
						const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
						grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
						items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
					if (lengthDoc == 0)
						items_written = 1;

				// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
				if(items_written == 1) // backup file has been saved
					result = true;	//all done
			// set to signaled state
			if (::SetEvent(writeEvent) == NULL)
			// printStr(TEXT("Event released!"));
		else // buffer dirty but unmodified
			result = true;
	else // buffer not dirty, sync: delete the backup file
		generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
		if (not backupFilePath.empty())
			// delete backup file
			generic_string file2Delete = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			result = (::DeleteFile(file2Delete.c_str()) != 0);

			// Session changes, save it
			hasModifForSession = true;
		//printStr(TEXT("backup deleted in backupCurrentBuffer"));
		result = true; // no backup file to delete
	//printStr(TEXT("backup sync"));

	if (result && hasModifForSession)
	return result;
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeUserDefineLang(UserDefineDialog *userDefineDlg)
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *userDefineDlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!userDefineDlgNode) return;	
	userDefineDlgNode = userDefineDlgNode->FirstChild("UserDefine");
	if (!userDefineDlgNode) return;

	HWND hDlg = userDefineDlg->getHSelf();

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (userDefineDlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if (titre && titre[0])
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, nameW);
	// for each control
	const int nbControl = 9;
	const char *translatedText[nbControl];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < nbControl ; ++i)
		translatedText[i] = NULL;

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = userDefineDlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			if (id > 30)
				HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
				if (hItem)
					const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
					::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
					case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:
					case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: 
 						translatedText[id] = name; break;
	const int nbDlg = 4;
	HWND hDlgArrary[nbDlg];
	hDlgArrary[0] = userDefineDlg->getFolderHandle();
	hDlgArrary[1] = userDefineDlg->getKeywordsHandle();
	hDlgArrary[2] = userDefineDlg->getCommentHandle();
	hDlgArrary[3] = userDefineDlg->getSymbolHandle();

	const char nodeNameArray[nbDlg][16] = {"Folder", "Keywords", "Comment", "Operator"};

	for (int i = 0 ; i < nbDlg ; ++i)
		TiXmlNodeA *node = userDefineDlgNode->FirstChild(nodeNameArray[i]);
		if (node) 
			// Set Title
			titre = (node->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
			if (titre &&titre[0])
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
				userDefineDlg->setTabName(i, nameW);
			for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = node->FirstChildElement("Item");
				childNode ;
				childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
				TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
				int id;
				const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
				if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
					HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlgArrary[i], id);
					if (hItem)
						const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
						::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeMenuLang(HMENU menuHandle, generic_string & pluginsTrans, generic_string & windowTrans)
	if (nullptr == _nativeLangA)

	TiXmlNodeA *mainMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
	if (nullptr == mainMenu)

	mainMenu = mainMenu->FirstChild("Main");
	if (nullptr == mainMenu)

	TiXmlNodeA *entriesRoot = mainMenu->FirstChild("Entries");
	if (nullptr == entriesRoot)

	const char* idName = nullptr;
	WcharMbcsConvertor* wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = entriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		const char *menuIdStr = element->Attribute("menuId");
		if (menuIdStr)
			MenuPosition & menuPos = getMenuPosition(menuIdStr);
			if (menuPos._x != -1)
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::ModifyMenu(menuHandle, menuPos._x, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, nameW);
			idName = element->Attribute("idName");
			if (idName)
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
				if (!strcmp(idName, "Plugins"))
					const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsTrans = nameW;
				else if (!strcmp(idName, "Window"))
					const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
					windowTrans = nameW;

	TiXmlNodeA *menuCommandsRoot = mainMenu->FirstChild("Commands");
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = menuCommandsRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");

		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::ModifyMenu(menuHandle, id, MF_BYCOMMAND, id, nameW);

	TiXmlNodeA *subEntriesRoot = mainMenu->FirstChild("SubEntries");

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = subEntriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA* element = childNode->ToElement();
		//const char *xStr = element->Attribute("posX", &x);
		//const char *yStr = element->Attribute("posY", &y);
		const char* subMenuIdStr = element->Attribute("subMenuId");
		const char* name = element->Attribute("name");

		if (nullptr == subMenuIdStr or nullptr == name)

		MenuPosition& menuPos = getMenuPosition(subMenuIdStr);
		int x = menuPos._x;
		int y = menuPos._y;
		int z = menuPos._z;

		HMENU hSubMenu = ::GetSubMenu(menuHandle, x);
		if (!hSubMenu)

		HMENU hSubMenu2 = ::GetSubMenu(hSubMenu, y);
		if (!hSubMenu2)

		HMENU hMenu = hSubMenu;
		int pos = y;

		//const char *zStr = element->Attribute("posZ", &z);
		if (z != -1)
			HMENU hSubMenu3 = ::GetSubMenu(hSubMenu2, z);
			if (!hSubMenu3)
			hMenu = hSubMenu2;
			pos = z;

		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::ModifyMenu(hMenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, nameW);
INT_PTR CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/)
	switch (message)
			// Notepad++ version
			_debugInfoStr = NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION;
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// Build time
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Build time : ");
			generic_string buildTime;
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			buildTime += wmc->char2wchar(__DATE__, CP_ACP);
			buildTime += TEXT(" - ");
			buildTime += wmc->char2wchar(__TIME__, CP_ACP);
			_debugInfoStr += buildTime;
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// Binary path
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Path : ");
			TCHAR nppFullPath[MAX_PATH];
			::GetModuleFileName(NULL, nppFullPath, MAX_PATH);
			_debugInfoStr += nppFullPath;
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// Administrator mode
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Admin mode : ");
			_debugInfoStr += (_isAdmin ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// local conf
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Local Conf mode : ");
			bool doLocalConf = (NppParameters::getInstance())->isLocal();
			_debugInfoStr += (doLocalConf ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// OS version
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("OS : ");
			_debugInfoStr += (NppParameters::getInstance())->getWinVersionStr();
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			// Plugins
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Plugins : ");
			_debugInfoStr += _loadedPlugins.length() == 0 ? TEXT("none") : _loadedPlugins;
			_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");

			::SetDlgItemText(_hSelf, IDC_DEBUGINFO_EDIT, _debugInfoStr.c_str());

			_copyToClipboardLink.init(_hInst, _hSelf);
			_copyToClipboardLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_DEBUGINFO_COPYLINK), IDC_DEBUGINFO_COPYLINK);

			return TRUE;

		case WM_COMMAND:
			switch (wParam)
				case IDCANCEL:
				case IDOK:
					return TRUE;

					if ((GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x100) != 0)
						// Visual effect
						::SendDlgItemMessage(_hSelf, IDC_DEBUGINFO_EDIT, EM_SETSEL, 0, _debugInfoStr.length() - 1);

						// Copy to clipboard
						str2Clipboard(_debugInfoStr, _hSelf);
					return TRUE;

		case WM_DESTROY:
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
INT_PTR CALLBACK AboutDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	switch (message)
        case WM_INITDIALOG :
			HWND compileDateHandle = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_BUILD_DATETIME);
			generic_string buildTime = TEXT("Build time : ");

			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			buildTime +=  wmc->char2wchar(__DATE__, CP_ACP);
			buildTime += TEXT(" - ");
			buildTime +=  wmc->char2wchar(__TIME__, CP_ACP);

			::SendMessage(compileDateHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buildTime.c_str());
			::EnableWindow(compileDateHandle, FALSE);

            HWND licenceEditHandle = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_LICENCE_EDIT);
            ::SendMessage(licenceEditHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)LICENCE_TXT);

            _emailLink.init(_hInst, _hSelf);
			//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT("mailto:[email protected]"));
			_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT(""));

            _pageLink.init(_hInst, _hSelf);
            _pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), TEXT(""));


			NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
			ETDTProc enableDlgTheme = (ETDTProc)pNppParam->getEnableThemeDlgTexture();
			if (enableDlgTheme)
				enableDlgTheme(_hSelf, ETDT_ENABLETAB);

			return TRUE;

		case WM_DRAWITEM :
			::DrawIconEx(pdis->hDC, 0, 0, hIcon, 64, 64, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
			return TRUE;

		case WM_COMMAND :
			switch (wParam)
				case IDCANCEL :
				case IDOK :
					return TRUE;

				default :

		case WM_DESTROY :
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
bool FileManager::saveBuffer(BufferID id, const TCHAR * filename, bool isCopy, generic_string * error_msg)
	HANDLE writeEvent = ::OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	if (!writeEvent)
		// no thread yet, create a event with non-signaled, to block all threads
		writeEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	{		//printStr(TEXT("Locked. I wait."));
		if (::WaitForSingleObject(writeEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
			// problem!!!
			printStr(TEXT("WaitForSingleObject problem in saveBuffer()!"));
			return false;

		// unlocled here, set to non-signaled state, to block all threads

	EventReset reset(writeEvent); // Will reset event in destructor.
	Buffer* buffer = getBufferByID(id);
	bool isHidden = false;
	bool isSys = false;
	DWORD attrib = 0;

	TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
	::GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
	::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);
	if (PathFileExists(fullpath))
		attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);

			isHidden = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0;
			if (isHidden)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

			isSys = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0;
			if (isSys)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
	if (mode == uniCookie)
		mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

	Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;

	int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

	FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
	if (fp)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buffer->_doc);	//generate new document

		int lengthDoc = _pscratchTilla->getCurrentDocLen();
		char* buf = (char*)_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER);	//to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
		size_t items_written = 0;
		if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
			items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			int grabSize;
			for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
				grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
				if (grabSize > blockSize)
					grabSize = blockSize;

				int newDataLen = 0;
				int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
				const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
				grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
				items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;


		// Error, we didn't write the entire document to disk.
		// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
		if(items_written != 1)
			if(error_msg != NULL)
				*error_msg = TEXT("Failed to save file.\nNot enough space on disk to save file?");

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return false;

		if (isHidden)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

		if (isSys)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

		if (isCopy)
			_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

			/* for saveAs it's not necessary since this action is for the "current" directory, so we let manage in SAVEPOINTREACHED event
			generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			if (not backupFilePath.empty())
				// delete backup file
				generic_string file2Delete = buffer->getBackupFileName();

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return true;	//all done

		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

		generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
		if (not backupFilePath.empty())
			// delete backup file

		// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
		return true;
	// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
	return false;
inline bool FileManager::loadFileData(Document doc, const TCHAR * filename, char* data, Utf8_16_Read * UnicodeConvertor,
	LangType & language, int & encoding, FormatType* pFormat)
	FILE *fp = generic_fopen(filename, TEXT("rb"));
	if (!fp)
		return false;

	//Get file size
	_fseeki64 (fp , 0 , SEEK_END);
	unsigned __int64 fileSize =_ftelli64(fp);
	// size/6 is the normal room Scintilla keeps for editing, but here we limit it to 1MiB when loading (maybe we want to load big files without editing them too much)
	unsigned __int64 bufferSizeRequested = fileSize + min(1<<20,fileSize/6);
	// As a 32bit application, we cannot allocate 2 buffer of more than INT_MAX size (it takes the whole address space)
	if(bufferSizeRequested > INT_MAX)
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
										TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"),
										TEXT("File open problem"),
		return false;

	//Setup scratchtilla for new filedata
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETSTATUS, SC_STATUS_OK); // reset error status
	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, doc);
	bool ro = _pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETREADONLY) != 0;
	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, false);

	if (language < L_EXTERNAL)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXER, ScintillaEditView::langNames[language].lexerID);
		int id = language - L_EXTERNAL;
		TCHAR * name = NppParameters::getInstance()->getELCFromIndex(id)._name;
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		const char *pName = wmc->wchar2char(name, CP_ACP);
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE, 0, (LPARAM)pName);

	if (encoding != -1)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETCODEPAGE, SC_CP_UTF8);

	bool success = true;
	FormatType format = FormatType::unknown;
		// First allocate enough memory for the whole file (this will reduce memory copy during loading)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_ALLOCATE, WPARAM(bufferSizeRequested));
		if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

		size_t lenFile = 0;
		size_t lenConvert = 0;	//just in case conversion results in 0, but file not empty
		bool isFirstTime = true;
		int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;

			lenFile = fread(data+incompleteMultibyteChar, 1, blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, fp) + incompleteMultibyteChar;
			if (lenFile == 0) break;

            if (isFirstTime)
				// check if file contain any BOM
                if (Utf8_16_Read::determineEncoding((unsigned char *)data, lenFile) != uni8Bit)
                    // if file contains any BOM, then encoding will be erased,
                    // and the document will be interpreted as UTF
                    encoding = -1;
				else if (encoding == -1)
					if (NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._detectEncoding)
						encoding = detectCodepage(data, lenFile);

				if (language == L_TEXT)
					// check the language du fichier
					language = detectLanguageFromTextBegining((unsigned char *)data, lenFile);

                isFirstTime = false;

			if (encoding != -1)
				if (encoding == SC_CP_UTF8)
					// Pass through UTF-8 (this does not check validity of characters, thus inserting a multi-byte character in two halfs is working)
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenFile, (LPARAM)data);
					WcharMbcsConvertor* wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					int newDataLen = 0;
					const char *newData = wmc->encode(encoding, SC_CP_UTF8, data, lenFile, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
					_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, newDataLen, (LPARAM)newData);

				if (format == FormatType::unknown)
					format = getEOLFormatForm(data, lenFile, FormatType::unknown);
				lenConvert = UnicodeConvertor->convert(data, lenFile);
				_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_APPENDTEXT, lenConvert, (LPARAM)(UnicodeConvertor->getNewBuf()));

			if (_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETSTATUS) != SC_STATUS_OK)

			if (incompleteMultibyteChar != 0)
				// copy bytes to next buffer
				memcpy(data, data+blockSize-incompleteMultibyteChar, incompleteMultibyteChar);

		while (lenFile > 0);
	__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) //TODO: should filter correctly for other exceptions; the old filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) was only catching access violations
		::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("File is too big to be opened by Notepad++"), TEXT("File open problem"), MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL);
		success = false;


	// broadcast the format
	if (pFormat != nullptr)
		*pFormat = (format != FormatType::unknown) ? format : FormatType::osdefault;


	if (ro)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, true);

	_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);
	return success;
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeShortcutLang()
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	NppParameters * pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
	vector<CommandShortcut> & mainshortcuts = pNppParam->getUserShortcuts();
	vector<ScintillaKeyMap> & scinshortcuts = pNppParam->getScintillaKeyList();

	TiXmlNodeA *shortcuts = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Shortcuts");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	shortcuts = shortcuts->FirstChild("Main");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *entriesRoot = shortcuts->FirstChild("Entries");
	if (!entriesRoot) return;

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = entriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int index, id;
		if (element->Attribute("index", &index) && element->Attribute("id", &id))
			if (index > -1 && static_cast<size_t>(index) < mainshortcuts.size()) //valid index only
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
				CommandShortcut & csc = mainshortcuts[index];
				if (csc.getID() == (unsigned long)id) 
					WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					const wchar_t * nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);

	shortcuts = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Shortcuts");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	shortcuts = shortcuts->FirstChild("Scintilla");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	entriesRoot = shortcuts->FirstChild("Entries");
	if (!entriesRoot) return;

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = entriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int index;
		if (element->Attribute("index", &index))
			if (index > -1 && static_cast<size_t>(index) < scinshortcuts.size()) //valid index only
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
				ScintillaKeyMap & skm = scinshortcuts[index];

				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
				const wchar_t * nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);

void NativeLangSpeaker::changePrefereceDlgLang(PreferenceDlg & preference) 
	auto currentSel = preference.getListSelectedIndex();
	changeDlgLang(preference.getHSelf(), "Preference");

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	const size_t titreMaxSize = 128;
	char titre[titreMaxSize];
	changeDlgLang(preference._barsDlg.getHSelf(), "Global", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Global"), nameW);
	changeDlgLang(preference._marginsDlg.getHSelf(), "Scintillas", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Scintillas"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._defaultNewDocDlg.getHSelf(), "NewDoc", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("NewDoc"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._defaultDirectoryDlg.getHSelf(), "DefaultDir", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("DefaultDir"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._recentFilesHistoryDlg.getHSelf(), "RecentFilesHistory", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("RecentFilesHistory"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._fileAssocDlg.getHSelf(), "FileAssoc", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("FileAssoc"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._langMenuDlg.getHSelf(), "Language", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Language"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._highlighting.getHSelf(), "Highlighting", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Highlighting"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._printSettingsDlg.getHSelf(), "Print", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Print"), nameW);
	changeDlgLang(preference._settingsDlg.getHSelf(), "MISC", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("MISC"), nameW);
	changeDlgLang(preference._backupDlg.getHSelf(), "Backup", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Backup"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._autoCompletionDlg.getHSelf(), "AutoCompletion", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("AutoCompletion"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._multiInstDlg.getHSelf(), "MultiInstance", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("MultiInstance"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._delimiterSettingsDlg.getHSelf(), "Delimiter", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Delimiter"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._settingsOnCloudDlg.getHSelf(), "Cloud", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("Cloud"), nameW);

	changeDlgLang(preference._searchEngineDlg.getHSelf(), "SearchEngine", titre, titreMaxSize);
	if (titre[0] != '\0')
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		preference.renameDialogTitle(TEXT("SearchEngine"), nameW);

Example #28
int PluginsManager::loadPlugin(const generic_string& pluginFilePath, std::vector<generic_string> & dll2Remove)
	PluginInfo *pi = new PluginInfo;
	try {
		pi->_moduleName = PathFindFileName(pluginFilePath.c_str());

		pi->_hLib = ::LoadLibrary(pluginFilePath.c_str());
		if (!pi->_hLib)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Load Library is failed.\nMake \"Runtime Library\" setting of this project as \"Multi-threaded(/MT)\" may cure this problem."));

		pi->_pFuncIsUnicode = (PFUNCISUNICODE)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "isUnicode");
#ifdef UNICODE
		if (!pi->_pFuncIsUnicode || !pi->_pFuncIsUnicode())
			throw generic_string(TEXT("This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++."));
		if (pi->_pFuncIsUnicode)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("This Unicode plugin is not compatible with your ANSI mode Notepad++."));

		pi->_pFuncSetInfo = (PFUNCSETINFO)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "setInfo");

		if (!pi->_pFuncSetInfo)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"setInfo\" function"));

		pi->_pFuncGetName = (PFUNCGETNAME)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getName");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetName)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getName\" function"));

		pi->_pBeNotified = (PBENOTIFIED)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "beNotified");
		if (!pi->_pBeNotified)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"beNotified\" function"));

		pi->_pMessageProc = (PMESSAGEPROC)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "messageProc");
		if (!pi->_pMessageProc)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"messageProc\" function"));


		pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray = (PFUNCGETFUNCSARRAY)GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "getFuncsArray");
		if (!pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray)
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"getFuncsArray\" function"));

		pi->_funcItems = pi->_pFuncGetFuncsArray(&pi->_nbFuncItem);

		if ((!pi->_funcItems) || (pi->_nbFuncItem <= 0))
			throw generic_string(TEXT("Missing \"FuncItems\" array, or the nb of Function Item is not set correctly"));

		pi->_pluginMenu = ::CreateMenu();

		GetLexerCountFn GetLexerCount = (GetLexerCountFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerCount");
		// it's a lexer plugin
		if (GetLexerCount)
			GetLexerNameFn GetLexerName = (GetLexerNameFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerName");
			if (!GetLexerName)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerName function failed."));

			GetLexerStatusTextFn GetLexerStatusText = (GetLexerStatusTextFn)::GetProcAddress(pi->_hLib, "GetLexerStatusText");

			if (!GetLexerStatusText)
				throw generic_string(TEXT("Loading GetLexerStatusText function failed."));

			// Assign a buffer for the lexer name.
			lexName[0] = '\0';
			lexDesc[0] = '\0';

			int numLexers = GetLexerCount();

			NppParameters * nppParams = NppParameters::getInstance();

			ExternalLangContainer *containers[30];
#ifdef UNICODE
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; x++)
				GetLexerName(x, lexName, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_NAME_LEN);
				GetLexerStatusText(x, lexDesc, MAX_EXTERNAL_LEXER_DESC_LEN);
#ifdef UNICODE
				const TCHAR *pLexerName = wmc->char2wchar(lexName, CP_ACP);
				const TCHAR *pLexerName = lexName;
				if (!nppParams->isExistingExternalLangName(pLexerName) && nppParams->ExternalLangHasRoom())
					containers[x] = new ExternalLangContainer(pLexerName, lexDesc);
					containers[x] = NULL;

			TCHAR xmlPath[MAX_PATH];
            lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getNppPath().c_str());
			PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
            PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
			PathAddExtension(xmlPath, TEXT(".xml"));

			if (!PathFileExists(xmlPath))
				memset(xmlPath, 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
				lstrcpy(xmlPath, nppParams->getAppDataNppDir() );
				PathAppend(xmlPath, TEXT("plugins\\Config"));
                PathAppend(xmlPath, pi->_moduleName.c_str());
				PathRemoveExtension( xmlPath );
				PathAddExtension( xmlPath, TEXT(".xml") );

				if (! PathFileExists( xmlPath ) )
					throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" is missing."));

			TiXmlDocument *_pXmlDoc = new TiXmlDocument(xmlPath);

			if (!_pXmlDoc->LoadFile())
				delete _pXmlDoc;
				_pXmlDoc = NULL;
				throw generic_string(generic_string(xmlPath) + TEXT(" failed to load."));

			for (int x = 0; x < numLexers; x++) // postpone adding in case the xml is missing/corrupt
				if (containers[x] != NULL)

#ifdef UNICODE
			const char *pDllName = wmc->wchar2char(pluginFilePath.c_str(), CP_ACP);
			const char *pDllName = pluginFilePath.c_str();
			::SendMessage(_nppData._scintillaMainHandle, SCI_LOADLEXERLIBRARY, 0, (LPARAM)pDllName);

        return (_pluginInfos.size() - 1);
	catch(generic_string s)
		s += TEXT("\n\n");
		s += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, s.c_str(), pluginFilePath.c_str(), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;
		generic_string msg = TEXT("Fail loaded");
		msg += TEXT("\n\n");
		msg += USERMSG;
		if (::MessageBox(NULL, msg.c_str(), pluginFilePath.c_str(), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
		delete pi;
        return -1;
Example #29
BOOL CALLBACK RunDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	switch (message) 
		case WM_COMMAND : 
			switch (wParam)
				case IDCANCEL :
					return TRUE;
				case IDOK :
					TCHAR cmd[MAX_PATH];
					::GetDlgItemText(_hSelf, IDC_COMBO_RUN_PATH, cmd, MAX_PATH);
					_cmdLine = cmd;

					HINSTANCE hInst = run(_hParent);
					if (int(hInst) > 32)
					return TRUE;

				case IDC_BUTTON_SAVE :
					std::vector<UserCommand> & theUserCmds = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getUserCommandList();

					int nbCmd = theUserCmds.size();

					int cmdID = ID_USER_CMD + nbCmd;
					TCHAR cmd[MAX_PATH];
					::GetDlgItemText(_hSelf, IDC_COMBO_RUN_PATH, cmd, MAX_PATH);
					UserCommand uc(Shortcut(), cmd, cmdID);
					uc.init(_hInst, _hSelf);

					if (uc.doDialog() != -1)
						HMENU hRunMenu = ::GetSubMenu((HMENU)::SendMessage(_hParent, NPPM_INTERNAL_GETMENU, 0, 0), MENUINDEX_RUN);
						int const posBase = 2;
						if (nbCmd == 0)
							::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, posBase - 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0);
						::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, posBase + nbCmd, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, uc.toMenuItemString().c_str());

                        if (nbCmd == 0)
                            // Insert the separator and modify/delete command
			                ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, posBase + nbCmd + 1, MF_BYPOSITION, (unsigned int)-1, 0);
                            const char * nativeLangShortcutMapperRun = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNativeLangMenuStringA(IDM_SETTING_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_RUN);
                            const char * shortcutMapperRunStr = nativeLangShortcutMapperRun?nativeLangShortcutMapperRun:"Modify Shortcut/Delete Command...";
#ifdef UNICODE
		                    WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
                            const wchar_t * shortcutMapperRunStrW = wmc->char2wchar(shortcutMapperRunStr, ::SendMessage(_hParent, NPPM_GETCURRENTNATIVELANGENCODING, 0, 0));
		                    ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, posBase + nbCmd + 2, MF_BYCOMMAND, IDM_SETTING_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_RUN, shortcutMapperRunStrW);
		                    ::InsertMenu(hRunMenu, posBase + nbCmd + 2, MF_BYCOMMAND, IDM_SETTING_SHORTCUT_MAPPER_RUN, shortcutMapperRunStr);
					return TRUE;

					FileDialog fd(_hSelf, _hInst);
					fd.setExtFilter(TEXT("Executable file : "), TEXT(".exe"), TEXT(".com"), TEXT(".cmd"), TEXT(".bat"), NULL);
					fd.setExtFilter(TEXT("All files : "), TEXT(".*"), NULL);

					if (const TCHAR *fn = fd.doOpenSingleFileDlg())
					return TRUE;

				default :
	return FALSE;	
void SmartHighlighter::highlightView(ScintillaEditView * pHighlightView)
	//Get selection
	CharacterRange range = pHighlightView->getSelection();

	//Clear marks

	//If nothing selected, dont mark anything
	if (range.cpMin == range.cpMax)

	int textlen = range.cpMax - range.cpMin + 1;

	char * text2Find = new char[textlen];
	pHighlightView->getSelectedText(text2Find, textlen, false);	//do not expand selection (false)

	//GETWORDCHARS for isQualifiedWord2() and isWordChar2()
	int listCharSize = pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETWORDCHARS, 0, 0);
	char *listChar = new char[listCharSize+1];
	pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETWORDCHARS, 0, (LPARAM)listChar);
	bool valid = true;
	//The word has to consist if wordChars only, and the characters before and after something else
	if (!isQualifiedWord(text2Find, listChar))
		valid = false;
		UCHAR c = (UCHAR)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, range.cpMax);
		if (c)
			if (isWordChar(char(c), listChar))
				valid = false;
		c = (UCHAR)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETCHARAT, range.cpMin-1);
		if (c)
			if (isWordChar(char(c), listChar))
				valid = false;
	if (!valid) {
		delete [] text2Find;
		delete [] listChar;

	// save target locations for other search functions
	int originalStartPos = (int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETSTART);
	int originalEndPos = (int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETTARGETEND);

	// Get the range of text visible and highlight everything in it
	int firstLine =		(int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE);
	int nrLines =	min((int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_LINESONSCREEN), MAXLINEHIGHLIGHT ) + 1;
	int lastLine =		firstLine+nrLines;
	int startPos =		0;
	int endPos =		0;
	int currentLine = firstLine;
	int prevDocLineChecked = -1;	//invalid start

	const NppGUI & nppGUI = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI();

	FindOption fo;
	fo._isMatchCase = nppGUI._smartHiliteCaseSensitive;
	fo._isWholeWord = true;

	const TCHAR * searchText = NULL;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	unsigned int cp = pHighlightView->execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE); 
	const TCHAR * text2FindW = wmc->char2wchar(text2Find, cp);
	searchText = text2FindW;

	for(; currentLine < lastLine; ++currentLine)
		int docLine = (int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_DOCLINEFROMVISIBLE, currentLine);
		if (docLine == prevDocLineChecked)
			continue;	//still on same line (wordwrap)
		prevDocLineChecked = docLine;
		startPos = (int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, docLine);
		endPos = (int)pHighlightView->execute(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, docLine+1);
		if (endPos == -1) {	//past EOF
			endPos = (int)pHighlightView->getCurrentDocLen() - 1;
			_pFRDlg->processRange(ProcessMarkAll_2, searchText, NULL, startPos, endPos, NULL, &fo);
		} else {
			_pFRDlg->processRange(ProcessMarkAll_2, searchText, NULL, startPos, endPos, NULL, &fo);

	// restore the original targets to avoid conflicts with the search/replace functions
	pHighlightView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, originalStartPos);
	pHighlightView->execute(SCI_SETTARGETEND, originalEndPos);
	delete [] listChar;