Example #1
void WEnvironment::init(const WebRequest& request)
  Configuration& conf = session_->controller()->configuration();

  queryString_ = request.queryString();
  parameters_ = request.getParameterMap();

  urlScheme_       = request.urlScheme();
  referer_         = request.headerValue("Referer");
  accept_          = request.headerValue("Accept");
  serverSignature_ = request.envValue("SERVER_SIGNATURE");
  serverSoftware_  = request.envValue("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
  serverAdmin_     = request.envValue("SERVER_ADMIN");
  pathInfo_        = request.pathInfo();
  sslInfo_         = request.sslInfo();


  LOG_INFO("UserAgent: " << userAgent_);

   * Determine server host name
  if (conf.behindReverseProxy()) {
     * Take the last entry in X-Forwarded-Host, assuming that we are only
     * behind 1 proxy
    std::string forwardedHost = request.headerValue("X-Forwarded-Host");

    if (!forwardedHost.empty()) {
      std::string::size_type i = forwardedHost.rfind(',');
      if (i == std::string::npos)
	host_ = forwardedHost;
	host_ = forwardedHost.substr(i+1);
    } else
      host_ = request.headerValue("Host");
  } else
    host_ = request.headerValue("Host");

  if (host_.empty()) {
     * HTTP 1.0 doesn't require it: guess from config
    host_ = request.serverName();
    if (!request.serverPort().empty())
      host_ += ":" + request.serverPort();

  clientAddress_ = getClientAddress(request, conf);

  std::string cookie = request.headerValue("Cookie");
  doesCookies_ = !cookie.empty();

  if (doesCookies_)
    parseCookies(cookie, cookies_);

  locale_ = request.parseLocale();
Example #2
void CgiParser::parse(WebRequest& request, ReadOption readOption)
   * TODO: optimize this ...
  request_ = &request;

  ::int64_t len = request.contentLength();
  std::string type = request.contentType();
  std::string meth = request.requestMethod();

  request.postDataExceeded_ = (len > maxPostData_ ? len : 0);

  std::string queryString = request.queryString();

  // XDomainRequest cannot set a contentType header, we therefore pass it
  // as a request parameter
  if (readOption != ReadHeadersOnly && meth == "POST"
      && (type.find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0
	  || queryString.find("&contentType=x-www-form-urlencoded")
	  != std::string::npos)) {
     * TODO: parse this stream-based to avoid the malloc here. For now
     * we protect the maximum that can be POST'ed as form data.
    if (len > 5*1024*1024)
      throw WException("Oversized application/x-www-form-urlencoded ("
		       + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(len) + ")");

    char *buf = new char[len + 1];

    request.in().read(buf, len);

    if (request.in().gcount() != (int)len) {
      delete[] buf;
      throw WException("Unexpected short read.");

    buf[len] = 0;

    // This is a special Wt feature, I do not think it standard.
    // For POST, parameters in url-encoded URL are still parsed.
    if (!queryString.empty())
      queryString += '&';

    queryString += buf;
    delete[] buf;

  LOG_DEBUG("queryString (len=" << len << "): " << queryString);

  if (!queryString.empty())
    Http::Request::parseFormUrlEncoded(queryString, request_->parameters_);

  if (readOption != ReadHeadersOnly && type.find("multipart/form-data") == 0) {
    if (meth != "POST") {
      throw WException("Invalid method for multipart/form-data: " + meth);

    if (!request.postDataExceeded_)
      readMultipartData(request, type, len);
    else if (readOption == ReadBodyAnyway) {      
      for (;len > 0;) {
	::int64_t toRead = std::min(::int64_t(BUFSIZE), len);
	request.in().read(buf_, toRead);
	if (request.in().gcount() != (::int64_t)toRead)
	  throw WException("CgiParser: short read");
	len -= toRead;
Example #3
void WEnvironment::updateUrlScheme(const WebRequest& request) 
  urlScheme_       = str(request.urlScheme());

  Configuration& conf = session_->controller()->configuration();
  if (conf.behindReverseProxy() || server()->dedicatedSessionProcess()) {
  if (conf.behindReverseProxy()){
  std::string forwardedProto = str(request.headerValue("X-Forwarded-Proto"));
  if (!forwardedProto.empty()) {
	std::string::size_type i = forwardedProto.rfind(',');
	if (i == std::string::npos)
	  urlScheme_ = forwardedProto;
	  urlScheme_ = forwardedProto.substr(i+1);

void WEnvironment::init(const WebRequest& request)
  Configuration& conf = session_->controller()->configuration();

  queryString_ = request.queryString();
  parameters_ = request.getParameterMap();
  host_            = str(request.headerValue("Host"));
  referer_         = str(request.headerValue("Referer"));
  accept_          = str(request.headerValue("Accept"));
  serverSignature_ = str(request.envValue("SERVER_SIGNATURE"));
  serverSoftware_  = str(request.envValue("SERVER_SOFTWARE"));
  serverAdmin_     = str(request.envValue("SERVER_ADMIN"));
  pathInfo_        = request.pathInfo();

	session_->controller()->redirectSecret_ = str(request.headerValue("Redirect-Secret"));

  sslInfo_         = request.sslInfo();
  if(!sslInfo_ && !str(request.headerValue("SSL-Client-Certificates")).empty()) {


  LOG_INFO("UserAgent: " << userAgent_);

   * If behind a reverse proxy, use external host, schema as communicated using 'X-Forwarded'
   * headers.
  if (conf.behindReverseProxy() || server()->dedicatedSessionProcess()) {
	if (conf.behindReverseProxy()){
    std::string forwardedHost = str(request.headerValue("X-Forwarded-Host"));

    if (!forwardedHost.empty()) {
      std::string::size_type i = forwardedHost.rfind(',');
      if (i == std::string::npos)
	host_ = forwardedHost;
	host_ = forwardedHost.substr(i+1);

  if (host_.empty()) {
     * HTTP 1.0 doesn't require it: guess from config
    host_ = request.serverName();
    if (!request.serverPort().empty())
      host_ += ":" + request.serverPort();

  clientAddress_ = getClientAddress(request, conf);

  const char *cookie = request.headerValue("Cookie");
  doesCookies_ = cookie;

  if (cookie)
    parseCookies(cookie, cookies_);

  locale_ = request.parseLocale();

void WEnvironment::parseSSLInfo(const std::string& json) {
#ifdef WT_WITH_SSL
	Wt::Json::Object obj;
	Wt::Json::ParseError error;
	if(!Wt::Json::parse(Wt::Utils::base64Decode(json), obj, error)) {
	  LOG_ERROR("error while parsing client certificates");

	std::string clientCertificatePem = obj["client-certificate"];
	X509* cert = Wt::Ssl::readFromPem(clientCertificatePem);

	if(cert) {
	  Wt::WSslCertificate clientCert = Wt::Ssl::x509ToWSslCertificate(cert);

	  Wt::Json::Array arr = obj["client-pem-certification-chain"];

	  std::vector<Wt::WSslCertificate> clientCertChain;

	  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i ) {

	  Wt::WValidator::State state = static_cast<Wt::WValidator::State>((int)obj["client-verification-result-state"]);
	  Wt::WString message = obj["client-verification-result-message"];

	  sslInfo_ = new Wt::WSslInfo(clientCert, clientCertChain, Wt::WValidator::Result(state, message));
#endif // WT_WITH_SSL