Example #1
 * Subclasses should override this method to read values from the given
 * XMLAttributes set into their specific fields.  Be sure to call your
 * parents implementation of this method as well.
Delay::readL3Attributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes)
  const unsigned int level = getLevel();
  const unsigned int version = getVersion();

  std::vector<std::string> expectedAttributes;


  // check that all attributes are expected
  for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator end = expectedAttributes.end();
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator begin = expectedAttributes.begin();
    std::string name = attributes.getName(i);
    std::string prefix = attributes.getPrefix(i);
    // only check attributes in the sbml namespace   
    if (prefix.empty() || prefix == "sbml")
      if (std::find(begin, end, name) == end)
        logUnknownAttribute(name, level, version, "<delay>");

  // sboTerm: SBOTerm { use="optional" }  (L2v3 ->)
  mSBOTerm = SBO::readTerm(attributes, this->getErrorLog(), level, version);
 * Subclasses should override this method to read values from the given
 * XMLAttributes set into their specific fields.  Be sure to call your
 * parents implementation of this method as well.
InitialAssignment::readL2Attributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes)

  const unsigned int level   = getLevel  ();
  const unsigned int version = getVersion();

  if (version == 1)
    logError(NotSchemaConformant, getLevel(), getVersion(),
	      "InitialAssignment is not a valid component for this level/version.");
  std::vector<std::string> expectedAttributes;

  // check that all attributes are expected
  for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator end = expectedAttributes.end();
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator begin = expectedAttributes.begin();
    std::string name = attributes.getName(i);
    std::string prefix = attributes.getPrefix(i);
    // only check attributes in the sbml namespace   
    if (prefix.empty() || prefix == "sbml")
      if (std::find(begin, end, name) == end)
        logUnknownAttribute(name, level, version, "<initialAssignment>");

  // symbol: SId  { use="required" }  (L2v2 -> )
  bool assigned = attributes.readInto("symbol", mSymbol, getErrorLog(), true);
  if (assigned && mSymbol.size() == 0)
    logEmptyString("symbol", level, version, "<initialAssignment>");
  if (!SyntaxChecker::isValidSBMLSId(mSymbol)) logError(InvalidIdSyntax);

  // sboTerm: SBOTerm { use="optional" }  (L2v2 ->)
  mSBOTerm = SBO::readTerm(attributes, this->getErrorLog(), level, version);
Example #3
ASTBase::readAttributes(const XMLAttributes& attributes,
                       const ExpectedAttributes& expectedAttributes,
                               XMLInputStream& stream, const XMLToken& element)
  bool read = true;

  // check that all attributes are expected
  for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    std::string name   = attributes.getName(i);
    std::string uri    = attributes.getURI(i);
    std::string prefix = attributes.getPrefix(i);

    // To allow prefixed attribute whose namespace doesn't belong to
    // core or extension package.
    // (e.g. xsi:type attribute in Curve element in layout extension)
    if (!prefix.empty())
      if ( expectedAttributes.hasAttribute(prefix + ":" + name) ) continue;

    if (!expectedAttributes.hasAttribute(name))
      std::string message = "The attribute '" + name + "' is not permitted" +
        " on a <" + element.getName() + "> element.";
      if (name == "type")
        logError(stream, element, DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse, message);    
      else if (name == "encoding")
        logError(stream, element, DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse, message);    
      else if (name == "definitionURL")
        logError(stream, element, DisallowedDefinitionURLUse, message);    
      else if (name == "units")
        if (stream.getSBMLNamespaces() != NULL
          && stream.getSBMLNamespaces()->getLevel() > 2)
          logError(stream, element, DisallowedMathUnitsUse, message);   
          message = "The 'units' attribute was introduced in SBML Level 3.";
          logError(stream, element, InvalidMathMLAttribute, message);  

        logError(stream, element, InvalidMathElement, message);

      // not sufficient to make the read bad
      //return false;

  string id; 
  string className;
  string style;

  attributes.readInto( "id"           , id        );
  attributes.readInto( "class"        , className );
  attributes.readInto( "style"        , style     );

  if (!id.empty())
      read = false;

  if (!className.empty())
	  if (setClass(className) != LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS)
      read = false;

  if (!style.empty())
	  if (setStyle(style) != LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS)
      read = false;

  unsigned int i = 0;
  while (read == true && i < getNumPlugins())
    read = getPlugin(i)->readAttributes(attributes, expectedAttributes, 
                                        stream, element, getExtendedType());

  return read;