bool ScreenArcadePatch::GetXMLData( RageFileDriverZip *fZip, CString &sGame, CString &sMessage, int &iRevision ) { int iError; RageFileBasic *fXML = fZip->Open( "patch.xml", RageFile::READ, iError ); if( fXML == NULL ) { STATE_TEXT( "Patch information check failed: could not open patch.xml." ); return false; } /* check the actual XML data now */ XNode *pNode = new XNode; pNode->m_sName = "Patch"; pNode->LoadFromFile( *fXML ); if( !pNode->GetChild("Game") || !pNode->GetChild("Revision") || !pNode->GetChild("Message") ) { STATE_TEXT( "Patch information check failed: patch.xml is corrupt." ); SAFE_DELETE( pNode ); SAFE_DELETE( fXML ); return false; } /* save the patch data */ pNode->GetChild("Revision")->GetValue(iRevision); sGame = pNode->GetChildValue("Game"); sMessage = pNode->GetChildValue("Message"); SAFE_DELETE( pNode ); SAFE_DELETE( fXML ); return true; }
int DiagnosticsUtil::GetNumMachineScores() { // Create the XML Handler and clear it, for practice XNode *xml = new XNode; xml->Clear(); // Check for the file existing if( !IsAFile(STATS_XML_PATH) ) { LOG->Warn( "There is no Stats.xml file!" ); SAFE_DELETE( xml ); return 0; } // Make sure you can read it if( !xml->LoadFromFile(STATS_XML_PATH) ) { LOG->Trace( "Stats.xml unloadable!" ); SAFE_DELETE( xml ); return 0; } const XNode *pData = xml->GetChild( "SongScores" ); if( pData == NULL ) { LOG->Warn( "Error loading scores: <SongScores> node missing" ); SAFE_DELETE( xml ); return 0; } unsigned int iScoreCount = 0; // Named here, for LoadFromFile() renames it to "Stats" xml->m_sName = "SongScores"; // For each pData Child, or the Child in SongScores... FOREACH_CONST_Child( pData , p ) iScoreCount++; SAFE_DELETE( xml ); return iScoreCount; }
void Transition::Load( CString sBGAniDir ) { if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) && sBGAniDir.Right(1) != "/" ) sBGAniDir += "/"; this->RemoveAllChildren(); m_sprTransition.Load( sBGAniDir ); m_sprTransition->PlayCommand( "On" ); this->AddChild( m_sprTransition ); m_fLengthSeconds = m_sprTransition->GetTweenTimeLeft(); m_State = waiting; // load sound from file specified by ini, or use the first sound in the directory if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) ) { IniFile ini; ini.ReadFile( sBGAniDir+"/BGAnimation.ini" ); CString sSoundFileName; if( ini.GetValue("BGAnimation","Sound", sSoundFileName) ) { FixSlashesInPlace( sSoundFileName ); CString sPath = sBGAniDir+sSoundFileName; CollapsePath( sPath ); m_sound.Load( sPath ); } else { m_sound.Load( sBGAniDir ); } } else if( GetExtension(sBGAniDir).CompareNoCase("xml") == 0 ) { CString sSoundFile; XNode xml; xml.LoadFromFile( sBGAniDir ); if( xml.GetAttrValue( "Sound", sSoundFile ) ) m_sound.Load( Dirname(sBGAniDir) + sSoundFile ); } }
int DiagnosticsUtil::GetRevision() { // default value if a patch value can't be found/loaded int iRevision = 1; // Create the XML Handler, and clear it, for practice. XNode *xml = new XNode; xml->Clear(); xml->m_sName = "patch"; // if the file is readable and has the proper node, save its value if( !IsAFile(PATCH_XML_PATH) ) LOG->Warn( "GetRevision(): There is no patch file (patch.xml)" ); else if( !xml->LoadFromFile(PATCH_XML_PATH) ) LOG->Warn( "GetRevision(): Could not load from patch.xml" ); else if( !xml->GetChild("Revision") ) LOG->Warn( "GetRevision(): Revision node missing! (patch.xml)" ); else iRevision = atoi( xml->GetChild("Revision")->m_sValue ); SAFE_DELETE( xml ); return iRevision; }
bool Profile::LoadAllFromDir( CString sDir, bool bRequireSignature ) { CHECKPOINT; LOG->Trace( "Profile::LoadAllFromDir( %s )", sDir.c_str() ); InitAll(); LoadEditableDataFromDir( sDir ); // Read stats.xml FOR_ONCE { CString fn = sDir + STATS_XML; if( !IsAFile(fn) ) break; // // Don't unreasonably large stats.xml files. // if( !IsMachine() ) // only check stats coming from the player { int iBytes = FILEMAN->GetFileSizeInBytes( fn ); if( iBytes > MAX_PLAYER_STATS_XML_SIZE_BYTES ) { LOG->Warn( "The file '%s' is unreasonably large. It won't be loaded.", fn.c_str() ); break; } } if( bRequireSignature ) { CString sStatsXmlSigFile = fn+SIGNATURE_APPEND; CString sDontShareFile = sDir + DONT_SHARE_SIG; LOG->Trace( "Verifying don't share signature" ); // verify the stats.xml signature with the "don't share" file if( !CryptManager::VerifyFileWithFile(sStatsXmlSigFile, sDontShareFile) ) { LOG->Warn( "The don't share check for '%s' failed. Data will be ignored.", sStatsXmlSigFile.c_str() ); break; } LOG->Trace( "Done." ); // verify stats.xml LOG->Trace( "Verifying stats.xml signature" ); if( !CryptManager::VerifyFileWithFile(fn, sStatsXmlSigFile) ) { LOG->Warn( "The signature check for '%s' failed. Data will be ignored.", fn.c_str() ); break; } LOG->Trace( "Done." ); } LOG->Trace( "Loading %s", fn.c_str() ); XNode xml; if( !xml.LoadFromFile( fn ) ) { LOG->Warn( "Couldn't open file '%s' for reading.", fn.c_str() ); break; } LOG->Trace( "Done." ); /* The placeholder stats.xml file has an <html> tag. Don't load it, but don't * warn about it. */ if( == "html" ) break; if( != "Stats" ) WARN_AND_BREAK_M( ); LOAD_NODE( GeneralData ); LOAD_NODE( SongScores ); LOAD_NODE( CourseScores ); LOAD_NODE( CategoryScores ); LOAD_NODE( ScreenshotData ); LOAD_NODE( CalorieData ); LOAD_NODE( RecentSongScores ); LOAD_NODE( RecentCourseScores ); } return true; // FIXME? Investigate what happens if we always return true. }