Example #1
	/// ------------------------------------------------ //
	/// [4/18/2014 jianglei.kinly]
	/// 扇形
	/// ------------------------------------------------ //
	xObjectSet XGameMap::CaptureObjectBySector( const XVector3& vCenter, const XVector3& vDir, xgc_uint32 dwRadius, xgc_uint16 wAngle, const std::function< xgc_bool( xObject ) > &fnFilter/* = xgc_nullptr*/ )
		// 计算旋转向量
		XVector3 vRotate = vDir.RotateZ( DEG2RAD( wAngle / 2 ) );
		xgc_real32 fDotValue = vDir.DotProduct( vRotate );
		auto fn = [&]( xObject hObject )->xgc_bool {
			if( xgc_nullptr == fnFilter || fnFilter( hObject ) )
				XGameObject* pObj = ObjectCast<XGameObject>( hObject );
				XGC_ASSERT_RETURN( pObj, false );

				XVector3 vDistance = pObj->GetPosition() - vCenter;
				if( vDistance.SqurLength() > dwRadius * dwRadius * 1.0f )
					return false;

				if( vDir.DotProduct( vDistance ) < fDotValue )
					return false;

				return true;

			return false;

		iRect rc(
			WorldToArea( vCenter.x - dwRadius, vCenter.y - dwRadius ),
			WorldToArea( vCenter.x + dwRadius, vCenter.y + dwRadius ) );
		return FetchObject( rc, fn );
Example #2
// [8/4/2009 Albert]
// Description:	清除路径点
void CDynamicObject::BeginPathPoint()
	if( m_hUpdateTimer != INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE )
		unsigned int release_time = ThisTimer()->remove_event( m_hUpdateTimer );
		m_hUpdateTimer = INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE;

		if( release_time > 0 )
			// 计算向量
			XVector3 Vec = m_vNextPosition - GetPosition();
			// 剩余了多少距离
			Vec *= release_time/1000.0f;
			// 下此更新坐标和剩余距离的差值则为当前的位置
			m_vNextPosition -= Vec;

			CGameMap* pScene = static_cast< CGameMap* >( CXObjectPool::GetInstance().GetObj( GetParent(), TypeGameMap ) );
			if( pScene )
				if( pScene->DynamicMoveTo( this, m_vNextPosition, false ) )
					OnStep( m_vNextPosition );
Example #3
// [8/5/2009 Albert]
// Description:	移动定时器
bool CDynamicObject::UpdateTimer( unsigned int handle, unsigned short& repeat, unsigned int& timer )
	repeat = 1;
	timer = TIMER_SECONDS(1.0f);

	// 先移动到当前所在的位置.
	CGameMap* pScene = static_cast< CGameMap* >( CXObjectPool::GetInstance().GetObj( GetParent(), TypeGameMap ) );
	if( pScene )
		if( pScene->DynamicMoveTo( this, m_vNextPosition, false ) )
			//CLogger::GetInstance(_T("Log"))->WriteLog( _T("角色[%08x]移动到路点[%f,%f,%f]")
			//	, GetObjID()
			//	, m_vNextPosition[0], m_vNextPosition[1], m_vNextPosition[2] );
			OnStep( m_vNextPosition );
			OnArrived( m_vNextPosition );
			return true;
		m_hUpdateTimer = INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE;
		return true;

	// 计算下一个点
	if( m_PointList.empty() ) 
		m_hUpdateTimer = INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE;
		OnArrived( m_vNextPosition );
		return true;

	const PathPoint& target = m_PointList.front();

	XVector3 Vec = target.vPosition - m_vNextPosition;

	float distance = Vec.SqurLength();
	float fSpeed = target.fSpeed;
	if( distance < fSpeed*fSpeed )
		// 当前坐标到目标点的距离小于速度值
		m_vNextPosition = target.vPosition;

		float t = XMath::Sqrt( distance )/fSpeed;
		timer = TIMER_SECONDS(t);
		Vec *= fSpeed;
		m_vNextPosition += Vec;

	return false;
Example #4
	/// ------------------------------------------------ //
	/// [4/25/2014 jianglei.kinly]
	/// 方向矩形(subCenter)
	/// ------------------------------------------------ //
	xObjectSet XGameMap::CaptureObjectByRectangle( const XVector3& vCenter, const XVector3& vDir, xgc_uint32 dwRadiusMax, xgc_uint32 dwRadiusMin, const std::function< xgc_bool( xObject ) > &fnFilter/* = xgc_nullptr*/ )
		|        ------
		|       /    /
		|      /    /
		|     ---|--
		|       subCenter
		|    斜线是dir的方向,dwRadiusMax
		|    横线是dwRadiusMin
		// 取中心点坐标
		XVector3 newDirect = vDir * ( dwRadiusMax * 1.0f );
		XVector3 newCenter = vCenter + newDirect;

		// 取对角线直径
		xgc_uint32 dwDiameter = xgc_uint32( XMath::Sqrt( XMath::Pow( 1.0f * dwRadiusMax, 2.0f ) + XMath::Pow( 1.0f * dwRadiusMin, 2.0f ) ) );

		auto fn = [&]( xObject hObject )->xgc_bool {
			if( xgc_nullptr == fnFilter || fnFilter( hObject ) )
				XGameObject* pObj = ObjectCast<XGameObject>( hObject );
				XGC_ASSERT_RETURN( pObj, false );

				// 取我和目标连线的向量
				XVector3 subVec = pObj->GetPosition() - vCenter;
				// 判断夹角(我的朝向点乘我和目标连线的向量 > 0 代表夹角在0-90范围内)
				auto fTemp = vDir.DotProduct( subVec );
				if( fTemp < 0 )
					return false;
				// 找两个投影,判断是否在方向矩形内
				XVector3 vecy = vDir * fTemp;
				XVector3 vecx = subVec - vecy;
				return !( vecy.Length() > dwRadiusMax || vecx.Length() > dwRadiusMin / 2 );

			return false;

		iRect rc(
			WorldToArea( vCenter.x - dwDiameter / 2, vCenter.y - dwDiameter / 2 ),
			WorldToArea( vCenter.x + dwDiameter / 2, vCenter.y + dwDiameter / 2 ) );
		return FetchObject( rc, fn );
Example #5
    const XVector3& Axis,
    f32 Angle
    ASSERTMSG( Axis.Magnitude() == 1.0f,
               "This function requires the vector to be normalized upon entry." );
    ASSERT( ((const __m128)Axis).m128_f32[ 3 ] == 0.0f );

    const __m128 xSin = Axis * Angle::Sin( Angle );
    const __m128 xCos = _mm_set_ss( Angle::Cos( Angle ) );
    m_Vector = _mm_or_ps( xSin, xCos );