#includeusing namespace xml_stag; Parser parser; parser.parse_file("data.xml"); for (auto const& node : parser.get_nodes()) { std::cout << "Node name: " << node.get_name() << "\n"; std::cout << "Node value: " << node.get_value() << "\n"; std::cout << "Node attributes: \n"; for (auto const& attr : node.get_attributes()) { std::cout << "\t- " << attr.get_name() << ": " << attr.get_value() << "\n"; } }
#includeusing namespace xml_stag; Parser parser; auto root = parser.add_node("root"); auto child1 = root.add_node("child1", "value1"); auto child2 = root.add_node("child2"); child2.add_attribute("attr1", "value2"); std::cout << parser.to_string();
Package/library: `cpp-xml-stag` Overall, Cpp Xml stag is a useful library for developers who need to work with XML data in their C++ applications. It's easy to use, efficient, and supports a wide range of features including parsing, creating, and manipulating XML documents.value1