Example #1
XmlNode* XmlNode::ReplaceChild( XmlNode* replaceThis, const XmlNode& withThis )
	if ( !replaceThis )
		return 0;

	if ( replaceThis->parent != this )
		return 0;

	if ( withThis.ToDocument() ) {
		// A document can never be a child.	Thanks to Noam.
		XmlDocument* document = GetDocument();
		if ( document ) 
		return 0;

	XmlNode* node = withThis.Clone();
	if ( !node )
		return 0;

	node->next = replaceThis->next;
	node->prev = replaceThis->prev;

	if ( replaceThis->next )
		replaceThis->next->prev = node;
		lastChild = node;

	if ( replaceThis->prev )
		replaceThis->prev->next = node;
		firstChild = node;

	delete replaceThis;
	node->parent = this;
	return node;
Example #2
*  @brief
*    Reads the "value" of the element -- another element, or text
const char *XmlElement::ReadValue(const char *pszData, XmlParsingData *pData, EEncoding nEncoding)
	// Read in text and elements in any order
	const char *pWithWhiteSpace = pszData;
	pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData, nEncoding);

	while (pszData && *pszData) {
		if (*pszData != '<') {
			// Take what we have, make a text element
			XmlText *pTextNode = new XmlText("");

			if (IsWhiteSpaceCondensed())
				pszData = pTextNode->Parse(pszData, pData, nEncoding);
			else {
				// Special case: we want to keep the white space so that leading spaces aren't removed
				pszData = pTextNode->Parse(pWithWhiteSpace, pData, nEncoding);

			// Does the text value only contain white spaces?
			bool bIsBlank = true;
				const String sValue = pTextNode->GetValue();
				for (uint32 i=0; i<sValue.GetLength(); i++) {
					if (!IsWhiteSpace(sValue[i])) {
						bIsBlank = false;
			if (bIsBlank)
				delete pTextNode;
		} else {
			// We hit a '<'
			// Have we hit a new element or an end tag? This could also be a XmlText in the "CDATA" style
			if (StringEqual(pszData, "</", false, nEncoding))
				return pszData;
			else {
				XmlNode *pNode = Identify(pszData, nEncoding);
				if (pNode) {
					pszData = pNode->Parse(pszData, pData, nEncoding);
				} else {
					return nullptr;
		pWithWhiteSpace = pszData;
		pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData, nEncoding);

	if (!pszData) {
		// Set error code
		XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
		if (pDocument)
			pDocument->SetError(ErrorReadingElementValue, 0, 0, nEncoding);

	// Done
	return pszData;
Example #3
const char *XmlElement::Parse(const char *pszData, XmlParsingData *pData, EEncoding nEncoding)
	pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData, nEncoding);
	if (!pszData || !*pszData) {
		// Set error code
		XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
		if (pDocument)
			pDocument->SetError(ErrorParsingElement, 0, 0, nEncoding);

		// Error!
		return nullptr;

	if (pData) {
		pData->Stamp(pszData, nEncoding);
		m_cCursor = pData->Cursor();

	if (*pszData != '<') {
		// Set error code
		XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
		if (pDocument)
			pDocument->SetError(ErrorParsingElement, pszData, pData, nEncoding);

		// Error!
		return nullptr;
	pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData + 1, nEncoding);

	// Read the name
	const char *pszError = pszData;
	pszData = ReadName(pszData, m_sValue, nEncoding);
	if (!pszData || !*pszData) {
		// Set error code
		XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
		if (pDocument)
			pDocument->SetError(ErrorFailedToReadElementName, pszError, pData, nEncoding);

		// Error!
		return nullptr;

	String sEndTag = "</";
	sEndTag += m_sValue;

	// Check for and read attributes. Also look for an empty tag or an end tag
	while (pszData && *pszData) {
		pszError = pszData;
		pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData, nEncoding);
		if (!pszData || !*pszData) {
			// Set error code
			XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
			if (pDocument)
				pDocument->SetError(ErrorReadingAttributes, pszError, pData, nEncoding);

			// Error!
			return nullptr;
		if (*pszData == '/') {

			// Empty tag
			if (*pszData != '>') {
				// Set error code
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorParsingEmpty, pszData, pData, nEncoding);

				// Error!
				return nullptr;
			return (pszData + 1);
		} else if (*pszData == '>') {
			// Done with attributes (if there were any)
			// Read the value -- which can include other elements -- read the end tag, and return
			pszData = ReadValue(pszData, pData, nEncoding);	// Note this is an Element method, and will set the error if one happens
			if (!pszData || !*pszData) {
				// We were looking for the end tag, but found nothing
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorReadingEndTag, pszData, pData, nEncoding);

				// Error!
				return nullptr;

			// We should find the end tag now
			// Note that:
			// </foo > and
			// </foo>
			// are both valid end tags
			if (StringEqual(pszData, sEndTag, false, nEncoding)) {
				pszData += sEndTag.GetLength();
				pszData = SkipWhiteSpace(pszData, nEncoding);
				if (pszData && *pszData && *pszData == '>') {
					return pszData;

				// Set error code
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorReadingEndTag, pszData, pData, nEncoding);

				// Error!
				return nullptr;
			} else {
				// Set error code
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorReadingEndTag, pszData, pData, nEncoding);

				// Error!
				return nullptr;
		} else {
			// Try to read an attribute
			XmlAttribute *pAttribute = new XmlAttribute();
			pAttribute->m_pDocument = GetDocument();
			pszError = pszData;
			pszData = pAttribute->Parse(pszData, pData, nEncoding);
			if (!pszData || !*pszData) {
				// Set error code
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorParsingElement, pszError, pData, nEncoding);

				// Destroy the created attribute
				delete pAttribute;

				// Error!
				return nullptr;

			// Handle the strange case of double attributes
			XmlAttribute *pNode = m_cAttributeSet.Find(pAttribute->GetName());
			if (pNode) {
				// Set error code
				XmlDocument *pDocument = GetDocument();
				if (pDocument)
					pDocument->SetError(ErrorParsingElement, pszError, pData, nEncoding);

				// Destroy the created attribute
				delete pAttribute;

				// Error!
				return nullptr;

			// Register the created attribute

	// Done
	return pszData;