int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf("Gapless playing of 3 files.nnPress q to endnn");

    // create class instance using class factory.
    ZPlay *player = CreateZPlay();

    // set callback mechanism to intercept MsgNextSongAsync message
    // this message is sent when one  next fong from gapless queue starts playing
    player->SetCallbackFunc(myCallbackFunc, (TCallbackMessage) (MsgNextSongAsync), 0);

    // add first file to gapless queue
    int result = player->AddFile("test.mp3", sfAutodetect);
    if(result == 0)
        // display error message
        printf("Error: %sn", player->GetError());
        return 0;

    // add second file to gapless queue
    result = player->AddFile("test1.mp3", sfAutodetect);
    if(result == 0)
        // display error message
        printf("Error: %sn", player->GetError());

    // add third fiel to gapless queue
    result = player->AddFile("test2.mp3", sfAutodetect);
    if(result == 0)
        // display error message
        printf("Error: %sn", player->GetError());

    // start playing

    // display position and wait for song end
        // check key press
            int a = getch();
            if(a == 'q' || a == 'Q')
                break; // end program if Q key is pressed

        // get stream status to check if song is still playing
        TStreamStatus status;
        if(status.fPlay == 0)
            break; // exit checking loop

        // get current position
        TStreamTime pos;
        // display position
        printf("Pos: %02u:%02u:%02u:%03ur", pos.hms.hour, pos.hms.minute, pos.hms.second, pos.hms.millisecond);

        Sleep(300); // wait 300 ms

    // destroy class instance

    return 0;