Example #1
void PrintOutput(const vector<int>& vOutput) 
	cout << "output:" << endl;
	cout << "(binary)";
	for( UINT i=0; i<vOutput.size(); i++ )
		cout << " " << (int) vOutput[i];
	cout << endl;

	ZZ out;
	cout << "(numeric:big-endian) ";

	int size = vOutput.size();
	for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
		if( bit(out,i) != vOutput[i] )
	cout << out << endl;

	cout << "(numeric:little-endian) ";

	for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
		if( bit(out,i) != vOutput[size-i-1] )
	cout << out << endl;
Example #2

// given tau in F_q compute the 'trace of Frob_q' for the curve
// y^2=x^3+a4*x+a6 over the residue field F_q(tau).  if D!=0, then
// curve is assumed to be smooth.  otherwise, distinguishes between
// mult've and add've red'n and computes correct trace.  (D=disc)

long trace_tau(zz_pE& tau, ell_surfaceInfoT::affine_model& model)
    static zz_pE  a4_tau, a6_tau, b, e;

    // additive reduction
    if (IsZero(eval(model.A, tau)))
	return 0;

    // split multiplicative reduction
    if (IsZero(eval(model.M_sp, tau)))
	return +1;

    // non-split multiplicative reduction
    if (IsZero(eval(model.M_ns, tau)))
	return -1;

    // good red'n
    a4_tau = eval(model.a4, tau);
    a6_tau = eval(model.a6, tau);
    ell_pE::init(a4_tau, a6_tau);

    long   order = ell_pE::order();
    static ZZ  trace;
    trace = zz_pE::cardinality()+1-order;
    return to_long(trace);
Example #3
static void RowTransform(vec_ZZ& A, vec_ZZ& B, const ZZ& MU1)
// x = x - y*MU
   static ZZ T, MU;
   long k;

   long n = A.length();
   long i;

   MU = MU1;

   if (MU == 1) {
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         sub(A(i), A(i), B(i));


   if (MU == -1) {
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         add(A(i), A(i), B(i));


   if (MU == 0) return;

   if (NumTwos(MU) >= NTL_ZZ_NBITS) 
      k = MakeOdd(MU);
      k = 0;

   if (MU.WideSinglePrecision()) {
      long mu1;
      conv(mu1, MU);

      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
         mul(T, B(i), mu1);
         if (k > 0) LeftShift(T, T, k);
         sub(A(i), A(i), T);
   else {
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
         mul(T, B(i), MU);
         if (k > 0) LeftShift(T, T, k);
         sub(A(i), A(i), T);
Example #4
void reduce(long k, long l,
            mat_ZZ& B, vec_long& P, vec_ZZ& D,
            vec_vec_ZZ& lam, mat_ZZ* U)
   static ZZ t1;
   static ZZ r;

   if (P(l) == 0) return;
   add(t1, lam(k)(P(l)), lam(k)(P(l)));
   abs(t1, t1);
   if (t1 <= D[P(l)]) return;

   long j;
   long rr, small_r;

   BalDiv(r, lam(k)(P(l)), D[P(l)]);

   if (r.WideSinglePrecision()) {
      small_r = 1;
      rr = to_long(r);
   else {
      small_r = 0;

   if (small_r) {
      MulSubFrom(B(k), B(l), rr);

      if (U) MulSubFrom((*U)(k), (*U)(l), rr);

      for (j = 1; j <= l-1; j++)
         if (P(j) != 0)
            MulSubFrom(lam(k)(P(j)), lam(l)(P(j)), rr);
      MulSubFrom(lam(k)(P(l)), D[P(l)], rr);
   else {
      MulSubFrom(B(k), B(l), r);

      if (U) MulSubFrom((*U)(k), (*U)(l), r);

      for (j = 1; j <= l-1; j++)
         if (P(j) != 0)
            MulSubFrom(lam(k)(P(j)), lam(l)(P(j)), r);
      MulSubFrom(lam(k)(P(l)), D[P(l)], r);

Example #5
int main() {
    C<char, int> c;
    c.i; // unresolved

    C<int, char> c2;
    c2.j; // unresolved

    C<bool, bool*> c3;
    c3.k; // unresolved

    ZZ<int *> t;

    return 0;
Example #6
void BuildMatrix(vec_ZZVec& M, long n, const ZZ_pX& g, const ZZ_pXModulus& F,
                 long verbose)
   long i, j, m;
   ZZ_pXMultiplier G;
   ZZ_pX h;

   ZZ t;
   sqr(t, ZZ_p::modulus());
   mul(t, t, n);

   long size = t.size();

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      M[i].SetSize(n, size);

   build(G, g, F);

   for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (verbose && j % 10 == 0) cerr << "+";

      m = deg(h);
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         if (i <= m)
            M[i][j] = rep(h.rep[i]);

      if (j < n-1)
         MulMod(h, h, G, F);

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      AddMod(M[i][i], M[i][i], -1, ZZ_p::modulus());

Example #7
PAlgebraModDerived<type>::PAlgebraModDerived(const PAlgebra& _zMStar, long _r) 
  : zMStar(_zMStar), r(_r)

  long p = zMStar.getP();
  long m = zMStar.getM();

  // For dry-run, use a tiny m value for the PAlgebra tables
  if (isDryRun()) m = (p==3)? 4 : 3;

  assert(r > 0);

  ZZ BigPPowR = power_ZZ(p, r);
  pPowR = to_long(BigPPowR);

  long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots();

  RBak bak; bak.save();

  // Compute the factors Ft of Phi_m(X) mod p, for all t \in T

  RX phimxmod;

  conv(phimxmod, zMStar.getPhimX()); // Phi_m(X) mod p

  vec_RX localFactors;

  EDF(localFactors, phimxmod, zMStar.getOrdP()); // equal-degree factorization


  RX* first = &localFactors[0];
  RX* last = first + localFactors.length();
  RX* smallest = min_element(first, last);
  swap(*first, *smallest);

  // We make the lexicographically smallest factor have index 0.
  // The remaining factors are ordered according to their representives.

  RXModulus F1(localFactors[0]); 
  for (long i=1; i<nSlots; i++) {
    unsigned long t =zMStar.ith_rep(i); // Ft is minimal polynomial of x^{1/t} mod F1
    unsigned long tInv = InvMod(t, m);  // tInv = t^{-1} mod m
    RX X2tInv = PowerXMod(tInv,F1);     // X2tInv = X^{1/t} mod F1
    IrredPolyMod(localFactors[i], X2tInv, F1);
  /* Debugging sanity-check #1: we should have Ft= GCD(F1(X^t),Phi_m(X))
  for (i=1; i<nSlots; i++) {
    unsigned long t = T[i];
    RX X2t = PowerXMod(t,phimxmod);  // X2t = X^t mod Phi_m(X)
    RX Ft = GCD(CompMod(F1,X2t,phimxmod),phimxmod);
    if (Ft != localFactors[i]) {
      cout << "Ft != F1(X^t) mod Phi_m(X), t=" << t << endl;

  if (r == 1) {
    build(PhimXMod, phimxmod);
    factors = localFactors;

    // Compute the CRT coefficients for the Ft's
    for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) {
      RX te = phimxmod / factors[i]; // \prod_{j\ne i} Fj
      te %= factors[i];              // \prod_{j\ne i} Fj mod Fi
      InvMod(crtCoeffs[i], te, factors[i]); // \prod_{j\ne i} Fj^{-1} mod Fi
  else {
    PAlgebraLift(zMStar.getPhimX(), localFactors, factors, crtCoeffs, r);
    RX phimxmod1;
    conv(phimxmod1, zMStar.getPhimX());
    build(PhimXMod, phimxmod1);

  // set factorsOverZZ
  for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++)
    conv(factorsOverZZ[i], factors[i]);

Example #8
 ZZ operator /(const ZZ& z) const { return (*this) * z.inverse(); }
Example #9
 void operator /=(const ZZ& z) { (*this) *= z.inverse(); }