Example #1
   @brief Test if dual SVP reduction returns reduced basis.

   @param A              input lattice
   @param b              shortest dual vector
template <class ZT> int test_dsvp_reduce(ZZ_mat<ZT> &A, IntVect &b)
  IntMatrix u;
  int d = A.get_rows();

  Float normb;
  if (dual_length(normb, A, b))
    return 1;

  int status =
  if (status != RED_SUCCESS)
    cerr << "LLL reduction failed: " << get_red_status_str(status) << endl;
    return status;

  IntMatrix empty_mat;
  MatGSO<Integer, Float> gso(A, empty_mat, empty_mat, GSO_INT_GRAM);
  LLLReduction<Integer, Float> lll_obj(gso, LLL_DEF_DELTA, LLL_DEF_ETA, LLL_DEFAULT);

  vector<Strategy> strategies;
  BKZParam dummy(d, strategies);
  BKZReduction<Float> bkz_obj(gso, lll_obj, dummy);
  bool clean = true;

  bkz_obj.svp_reduction_ex(0, d, dummy, clean, true);
  status = bkz_obj.status;
  if (status != RED_SUCCESS)
    cerr << "Failure: " << get_red_status_str(status) << endl;
    return status;

  Float norm_sol;
  Integer zero;
  zero = 0;
  IntVect e_n(d, zero);
  e_n[d - 1] = 1;
  if (dual_length(norm_sol, A, e_n))
    return 1;

  Float error;
  error = 1;
  error.mul_2si(error, -(int)error.get_prec());
  normb += error;
  if (norm_sol > normb)
    cerr << "Last dual vector too long by more than " << error << endl;
    return 1;

  return 0;
Example #2
   @brief Compute the norm of a dual vector (specified by coefficients in the dual basis).

   @param A              input lattice
   @param b              coefficients of shortest dual vector
template <class ZT> int dual_length(Float &norm, ZZ_mat<ZT> &A, const IntVect &coords)
  int d = coords.size();
  if (A.get_rows() != d)
    cerr << "DSVP length error: Coefficient vector has wrong dimension: ";
    cerr << A.get_rows() << " vs " << d << endl;
    return 1;
  FloatVect coords_d(d);
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    coords_d[i] = coords[i].get_d();

  IntMatrix empty_mat;
  MatGSO<Integer, Float> gso(A, empty_mat, empty_mat, GSO_INT_GRAM);
  if (!gso.update_gso())
    cerr << "GSO Failure." << endl;
    return 1;
  Float tmp;
  gso.get_r(tmp, d - 1, d - 1);
  tmp.pow_si(tmp, -1);

  FloatVect alpha(d);
  Float mu, alpha2, r_inv;
  norm = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    alpha[i] = coords_d[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
      gso.get_mu(mu, i, j);
      alpha[i] -= mu * alpha[j];
    gso.get_r(r_inv, i, i);
    r_inv.pow_si(r_inv, -1);
    alpha2.pow_si(alpha[i], 2);
    norm += alpha2 * r_inv;

  return 0;
Example #3
template <class ZT> void zeros_last(ZZ_mat<ZT> &b, ZZ_mat<ZT> &u, ZZ_mat<ZT> &u_inv_t)
  int i, d = b.get_rows();
  for (i = 0; i < d && b[i].is_zero(); i++)
  if (i > 0 && i < d)
    b.rotate(0, i, d - 1);
    if (!u.empty())
      u.rotate(0, i, d - 1);
    if (!u_inv_t.empty())
      u_inv_t.rotate(0, i, d - 1);