bool compress(const QString& zip, const QString& dir, const QString& pwd) { QFileInfo fi(dir); if (!fi.isDir()) { cout << "Directory does not exist." << endl << endl; return false; } Zip::ErrorCode ec; Zip uz; ec = uz.createArchive(zip); if (ec != Zip::Ok) { cout << "Unable to create archive: " << uz.formatError(ec).toLatin1().data() << endl << endl; return false; } uz.setPassword(pwd); ec = uz.addDirectory(dir); if (ec != Zip::Ok) { cout << "Unable to add directory: " << uz.formatError(ec).toLatin1().data() << endl << endl; } uz.setArchiveComment("This archive has been created using OSDaB Zip ("); if (uz.closeArchive() != Zip::Ok) { cout << "Unable to close the archive: " << uz.formatError(ec).toLatin1().data() << endl << endl; } return ec == Zip::Ok; }
bool ConfigBase::exportConfiguration( const QString &name, const Configuration &config ) { if ( name.isNull() || name.isEmpty() ) { return false; } QString homePath = QDir::homePath(); homePath.append( "/.dboxfe" ); QDir exportDir( homePath + "/export/" + name ); if ( exportDir.exists() ) { exportDir.mkpath( homePath + "/export/" + name ); } writeConfiguration( homePath + "/export/" + name + "/" + name + ".conf", config ); QSettings exportConf( homePath + "/export/" + name + "/" + name + ".conf", QSettings::IniFormat ); exportConf.beginGroup( "dosbox" ); QString language = exportConf.value( "language" ).toString(); QString captures = exportConf.value( "captures" ).toString(); exportConf.endGroup(); // autoexec QFile configFile( homePath + "/export/" + name + "/" + name + ".conf" ); if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { return false; } QTextStream in( &configFile ); QString line = QString( "" ); QString autoexec = QString( "" ); QString mountDirectory = QString( "" ); while ( !in.atEnd() ) { line = in.readLine(); if ( line == "[autoexec]" ) { while ( !in.atEnd() ) { autoexec = in.readAll(); mountDirectory = autoexec.split( " " ).value( 2 ); QMap< QString, QString> zipData = exportDatas( mountDirectory ); QMap< QString, QString>::const_iterator zipDataIt = zipData.constBegin(); while ( zipDataIt != zipData.end() ) { QString fileDirectory = zipDataIt.key(); QString fileName = zipDataIt.value(); QString file = fileDirectory + fileName; // TODO make sure that you create directory before you create/copy file // insert code here ... QFile copyFile( file ); if ( copyFile.exists() ) { QFileInfo copyFileInfo( copyFile ); bool ok = copyFile.copy( homePath + "/export/" + name + "/" + fileName ); if ( !ok ) { ++zipDataIt; } } ++zipDataIt; } if ( line.startsWith( "[" ) && line.endsWith( "]" ) ) break; } } } configFile.close(); // Create Ziparchive for D-Fend Reloaded Zip::ErrorCode ec; Zip iz; ec = iz.createArchive( homePath + "/export/" + name + ".zip" ); if ( ec != Zip::Ok ) { qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( Qt::LocaleDate ) << tr( " - [ERROR] Unable to create archive: " ) << iz.formatError( ec ).toAscii().data() << endl; return false; } ec = iz.addDirectory( homePath + "/export/" + name ); if ( ec != Zip::Ok ) { qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( Qt::LocaleDate ) << tr( " - [ERROR] Unable to add directory: " ) << iz.formatError( ec ).toAscii().data() << endl; return false; } QString zipComment = QString( "" ); zipComment += tr( "This archive has been created using OSDaB Zip (" ) + "\n"; zipComment += tr( "This archive was created by DBoxFE." ); iz.setArchiveComment( zipComment ); if ( iz.closeArchive() != Zip::Ok ) { qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( Qt::LocaleDate ) << tr( " - [ERROR] Unable to close the archive: " ) << iz.formatError( ec ).toAscii().data() << endl; return false; } return true; }