Example #1
rc_t bt_cursor_t::_check_page_update(btree_page_h &p)
    // was the page changed?
    if (_pid != p.pid() || p.get_page_lsn() != _lsn) {
        // check if the page still contains the key we are based on
        bool found = false;
        if (p.fence_contains(_key)) {
            // it still contains. just re-locate _slot
            p.search(_key, found, _slot);
        } else {
            // we have to re-locate the page
            W_DO( btree_impl::_ux_traverse(_store, _key, btree_impl::t_fence_contain, LATCH_SH, p));
            p.search(_key, found, _slot);
        w_assert1(found || !_needs_lock
            || (!_forward && !_upper_inclusive && !_dont_move_next)); // see _locate_first
    return RCOK;
Example #2
rc_t btree_impl::_sx_split_if_needed (btree_page_h &page, const w_keystr_t &new_key) {
    bool need_split =
        || (page.is_insertion_extremely_skewed_right()
            && page.check_chance_for_norecord_split(new_key));
    if (!need_split) {
        return RCOK; // easy

    PageID new_page_id;
    // we are running user transaction. simply call SSX split.
    W_DO(_sx_split_foster(page, new_page_id, new_key));

    // After split, the new page might be the parent of the new_key now.
    if (!page.fence_contains(new_key)) {
        btree_page_h new_page;
        W_DO(new_page.fix_nonroot(page, new_page_id, LATCH_EX));
        page = new_page;

    return RCOK;