Example #1
Conv::line_bck(const dLine & l, double acc, int max) const {
  dLine ret;
  if (l.size()==0) return ret;
  dPoint P1 = l[0], P1a =P1; bck(P1a); ret.push_back(P1a);
  dPoint P2, P2a;

  for (int i=1; i<l.size(); i++){
    P1 = l[i-1];
    P2 = l[i];
    double d = pdist(P1-P2)/(max+1)*1.5;
    do {
      P1a = P1; bck(P1a);
      P2a = P2; bck(P2a);
      dPoint C1 = (P1+P2)/2.;
      dPoint C1a = C1; bck(C1a);

      if ((pdist(C1a, (P1a+P2a)/2.) < acc) ||
          (pdist(P1-P2) < d)){

        P1 = P2;
        P2 = l[i];
      else {
        P2 = C1;
    } while (P1!=P2);
  return ret;
Example #2
mk_tmerc_ref(const dLine & points, double u_per_m, bool yswap){
  g_map ref;

  if (points.size()<3){
    cerr << "error in mk_tmerc_ref: number of points < 3\n";
    return g_map();
  // Get refs.
  // Reduce border to 5 points, remove last one.
  dLine refs = points;
  refs.push_back(*refs.begin()); // to assure last=first
  refs = generalize(refs, -1, 5);

  // Create tmerc->lonlat tmerc conversion with wanted lon0,
  // convert refs to our map coordinates.
  Options PrO;
  PrO.put<double>("lon0", convs::lon2lon0(points.center().x));
  convs::pt2wgs cnv(Datum("wgs84"), Proj("tmerc"), PrO);
  dLine refs_c(refs);
  refs_c *= u_per_m; // to out units
  refs_c -= refs_c.range().TLC();
  double h = refs_c.range().h;

  // swap y if needed
  if (yswap){
    for (int i=0;i<refs_c.size();i++)
      refs_c[i].y = h - refs_c[i].y;

  // add refpoints to our map
  for (int i=0;i<refs.size();i++){
    ref.push_back(g_refpoint(refs[i], refs_c[i]));

  ref.proj_opts.put("lon0", convs::lon2lon0(refs.range().CNT().x));

  // Now we need to convert border to map units.
  // We can convert them by the same way as refs, but
  // this is unnecessary duplicating of non-trivial code.
  // So we constract map2pt conversion from our map.

  // Set map border
  convs::map2wgs brd_cnv(ref);
  ref.border = brd_cnv.line_bck(points);
  ref.border.push_back(*ref.border.begin()); // to assure last=first
  ref.border = generalize(ref.border, 1000, -1); // 1 unit accuracy

  return ref;
Example #3
Conv::line_frw(const dLine & l, double acc, int max) const {
  dLine ret;
  if (l.size()==0) return ret;
  dPoint P1 = l[0], P1a =P1;
  frw(P1a); ret.push_back(P1a); // add first point
  dPoint P2, P2a;

  for (int i=1; i<l.size(); i++){
    P1 = l[i-1];
    P2 = l[i];
    double d = pdist(P1-P2)/(max+1)*1.5;
    do {
      P1a = P1; frw(P1a);
      P2a = P2; frw(P2a);
      // C1 - is a center of (P1-P2)
      // C2-C1 is a perpendicular to (P1-P2) with acc length
      dPoint C1 = (P1+P2)/2.;
      dPoint C2 = C1 + acc*pnorm(dPoint(P1.y-P2.y, -P1.x+P2.x));
      dPoint C1a = C1; frw(C1a);
      dPoint C2a = C2; frw(C2a);
      if ((pdist(C1a, (P1a+P2a)/2.) < pdist(C1a,C2a)) ||
          (pdist(P1-P2) < d)){
        // go to the rest of line (P2-l[i])
        P1 = P2;
        P2 = l[i];
      else {
        // go to the first half (P1-C1) of current line
        P2 = C1;
    } while (P1!=P2);
  return ret;
Example #4
void fig_object::set_points(const dLine & v){
  for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
    push_back(iPoint(lround(v[i].x), lround(v[i].y)));