Example #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// 	srand(time(NULL));
// 	rand_generator.seed (rand());
	rand_generator.seed (time(NULL));

	//prepare the transcriptome
	transcriptome custom_transtome;
	pool_fragment custom_pool;
	long num_fragment_selected, num_fragment_selected_prev;

	custom_transtome.input_transcripts_gaf("trans.gaf", output_folder);

	custom_pool.output_stat(output_folder, 0, &custom_transtome);
	num_fragment_selected_prev = 0;
// 	for (int seq_round = 1; seq_round <= const_max_sequencing_round; ++seq_round)
// 	{
// 		custom_pool.random_fragmentation(const_num_cut_per_round);
// 		num_fragment_selected = custom_pool.size_selection(const_size_window_low, const_size_window_high);
// 		custom_pool.output_stat(output_folder, seq_round, &custom_transtome);
// 		if (num_fragment_selected > const_desired_num_reads)
// 			break;
// 		if (num_fragment_selected < num_fragment_selected_prev)
// 			break;
// 		num_fragment_selected_prev = num_fragment_selected;
// 	}
	int seq_round;
	for (seq_round = 1; seq_round <= const_max_sequencing_round; ++seq_round)
		cout << seq_round << "\t";
		double cur_ratio_frag_in_target = custom_pool.random_fragmentation(const_num_cut_per_round);
		if (cur_ratio_frag_in_target > const_thresh_fragment_in_target_ratio)
	num_fragment_selected = custom_pool.size_selection(const_size_window_low, const_size_window_high);
	custom_pool.output_stat(output_folder, seq_round, &custom_transtome);

	string filename = output_folder + "stat.txt";
	ofstream stat_file(filename.c_str(), fstream::app);
	stat_file << "simulation finished" << endl << endl << endl;

	return 0;
int main (int argc, char** argv) {

    // Set up random number generation
    randomNumberGenerator.seed( time(0) );

    // Get the world settings
    if ( argc > 1 ) {
    } else {
        worldSize = 64;
        vectorLength = 1024;
        alpha = 0.1;
        lambda = 0.5;
        discount = 0.9;
        epsilon = 0.05;


    // Set up a log file
    ofstream Log;

    // Set up a final report file
    ofstream FinalReport;

    // Initialize the world array with states
    for (int i = 0; i < worldSize; i++) {

        // Create a new state and add it to the world array
        State newState(0, vectorLength, i);

    // Initialize weight vector
    for (double& weight : weights) {
        weight = 0.0;

    // Set up statistical variables
    averageNumberOfSteps = 0;
    maxNumberOfSteps = 0;
    minNumberOfSteps = IntMax;

    // Set up a location for the goal
    goalLocation = randomNumberGenerator() % worldSize;

    // Main loop of program. Run episodes until task is learned
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRuns; i++) {

        // Set up a location for the agent
        agentLocation = randomNumberGenerator() % worldSize;

        // Initialize Episode statistical variables
        int numberOfSteps = 0;

        // Reset the eligibility vector
        fill(eligibility.begin(), eligibility.end(), 0);

        State* thisState;

        // Movement through an episode
        do {

            // Set up a variable for the previous state
            thisState = &world[agentLocation];

            cout << "Goal Location: " << goalLocation << "\tCurrent State: " << thisState->isAt() << "\n";

            // Update the eligibility of the current state

            // If we are at the goal, calculate the td error differently, since
            //  there are no future steps
            if (thisState->isAt() == goalLocation) {
                cout << "Goal reached in " << numberOfSteps << " steps.\n";

                State G = *thisState;
                HRR a = G.getHRR();

                double TDError = r(G) - V(G);
                cout << "\n\nr(G) = " << r(G) << "\tV(G) = " << V(G) << "\n\n";
                cout << "TDError: " << TDError << "\n";

                for ( int x = 0; x < weights.size(); x++ ) {
                    weights[x] += alpha * TDError * a[x];

            } else {
                // Choose a movement for the agent
                Move movement = chooseMovement( world[getLeftLocation( agentLocation )],
                                                world[getRightLocation( agentLocation )] );

                // Perform the movement
                switch (movement) {
                    case Left:
                        agentLocation = getLeftLocation(agentLocation);
                    case Right:
                        agentLocation = getRightLocation(agentLocation);
                        agentLocation = getLeftLocation(agentLocation);

                State* nextState = &world[agentLocation];

                // Update the weights
                State s = *thisState;
                State sPlus1 = *nextState;
                HRR a = s.getHRR();

                double TDError = ( r(s) + discount * V(sPlus1) ) - V(s);
                cout << "r(s) = " << r(s) << "\tV(s+1) = " << V(sPlus1) << "\tV(s) = " << V(s) << "\n";
                cout << "TDError: " << TDError << '\n';

                cout << "Run: " << i << ", Step: " << numberOfSteps << ", Location: "
                     << agentLocation << ", Goal: " << goalLocation << "\n";

                for ( int x = 0; x < vectorLength; x++ ) {
                    weights[x] += alpha * TDError * a[x];


        } while ( numberOfSteps <= 100 );

    //cout << "The size of the hrrs is: " << hrrEngine.getVectorSize() << "\n";
    //cout << "The size of the eligibility vector is: " << eligibility.size() << "\n";
    //cout << "The size of the weight vector is: " << weights.size() << "\n";

    cout << "Values of each state:\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < worldSize; i++) {
        cout << "\tV(" << i << ") = " << V(world[i]) << "\n";

    return 0;