Example #1
TriangleMesh::TriangleMesh(domTrianglesRef triangles) {
  const domInputLocalOffset_Array trianglesInputArray = triangles->getInput_array();
  size_t vertexOffset, normalOffset;
  for (size_t m = 0; m < trianglesInputArray.getCount(); m++) {
    const domInputLocalOffsetRef trianglesInput = trianglesInputArray[m];
    const xsNMTOKEN trianglesInputSemantic = trianglesInput->getSemantic();
    if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "VERTEX")) {
      const domVerticesRef src = daeSafeCast<domVertices>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
      const domInputLocal_Array verticesInputArray = src->getInput_array();
      for (size_t n = 0; n < verticesInputArray.getCount(); n++) {
        const domInputLocalRef verticesInput = verticesInputArray[n];
        const xsNMTOKEN verticesInputSemantic = verticesInput->getSemantic();
        if (!strcmp(verticesInputSemantic, "POSITION")) {
          const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(verticesInput->getSource().getElement());
          parseCoordinateSource(&posArray, src, 1.f);

      vertexOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();
    } else if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "NORMAL")) {
      const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
      parseCoordinateSource(&normalArray, src, 0.f);

      normalOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();

  const domListOfUInts origInds = triangles->getP()->getValue();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*triangles->getCount(); i++) {
Example #2
TriangleMesh::TriangleMesh(domTrianglesRef triangles, const char *desiredEffect) : effect(desiredEffect) {
  const domInputLocalOffset_Array trianglesInputArray = triangles->getInput_array();
  size_t vertexOffset, normalOffset, texcoordOffset, colorOffset;
  bool foundtexcoord = false, foundcolor = false;
  for (size_t m = 0; m < trianglesInputArray.getCount(); m++) {
    const domInputLocalOffsetRef trianglesInput = trianglesInputArray[m];
    const xsNMTOKEN trianglesInputSemantic = trianglesInput->getSemantic();
    if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "VERTEX")) {
      const domVerticesRef src = daeSafeCast<domVertices>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
      const domInputLocal_Array verticesInputArray = src->getInput_array();
      for (size_t n = 0; n < verticesInputArray.getCount(); n++) {
        const domInputLocalRef verticesInput = verticesInputArray[n];
        const xsNMTOKEN verticesInputSemantic = verticesInput->getSemantic();
        if (!strcmp(verticesInputSemantic, "POSITION")) {
          const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(verticesInput->getSource().getElement());
          parseCoordinateSource(&posArray, src);

      vertexOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();
    } else if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "NORMAL")) {
      const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
      parseCoordinateSource(&normalArray, src);

      normalOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();
    } else if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "TEXCOORD")) {
		const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
		parseTexcoordSource(&texcoordArray, src);

		texcoordOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();
		foundtexcoord = true;
	} else if (!strcmp(trianglesInputSemantic, "COLOR")) {
		const domSourceRef src = daeSafeCast<domSource>(trianglesInput->getSource().getElement());
		parseColorSource(&colorArray, src);

		colorOffset = trianglesInput->getOffset();
		foundcolor = true;
  if (!foundtexcoord)
	  texcoordArray.append2(0.f, 0.f);
  if (!foundcolor)
	  colorArray.append4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

  const domListOfUInts origInds = triangles->getP()->getValue();
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*triangles->getCount(); i++) {
	inds.append(foundtexcoord ? origInds[i*trianglesInputArray.getCount()+texcoordOffset] : 0);
	inds.append(foundcolor ? origInds[i*trianglesInputArray.getCount()+colorOffset] : 0);

  material = triangles->getMaterial();
ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry(const domInputLocal_Array       &vertInputs,
                               const domInputLocalOffset_Array &inputs,
                               xsNCName                         matSymbol,
                               IndexStore                      &idxStore   )

    typedef std::vector<UInt32>             UnhandledStore;
    typedef UnhandledStore::const_iterator  UnhandledStoreConstIt;

    Int32          vertInputIndex       = -1;  // <input> with sem "VERTEX"
    UnhandledStore unhandledVertInputs;
    UnhandledStore unhandledInputs;

    UInt32 geoIdx = _geoStore.size();

    if(matSymbol != NULL)
        _geoStore[geoIdx]._matSymbol = matSymbol;
        SWARNING << "ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: "
                 << "Found empty material symbol." << std::endl;

    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < inputs.getCount(); ++i)
        std::string semantic = inputs[i]->getSemantic();
        UInt32      set      = inputs[i]->getSet     ();
        UInt32      offset   = inputs[i]->getOffset  ();
        std::string sourceId = inputs[i]->getSource  ().id();

        OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: input [%d] "
                         "semantic [%s] set [%d] offset [%d] - source [%s]\n",
                         i, semantic.c_str(), set, offset, sourceId.c_str()));

        if(semantic == "VERTEX")
            // handle <input> tag with semantic "VERTEX"
            // by processing vertInputs, i.e. the <vertices> tag

            vertInputIndex = i;

            // all vertInputs use the same index - with the offset from the
            // <input> with semantic == VERTEX
            if(offset >= idxStore.size() || idxStore[offset] == NULL)
                OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: "
                                 "new index property for offset [%d]\n",

                // new index
                    osgMax<UInt32>(offset + 1, idxStore.size()), NULL);
                idxStore[offset] = GeoUInt32Property::create();

            for(UInt32 j = 0; j < vertInputs.getCount(); ++j)
                semantic = vertInputs[j]->getSemantic();
                sourceId = vertInputs[j]->getSource  ().id();

                OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: vertices [%d] "
                                 "semantic [%s] - source [%s]\n",
                                 j, semantic.c_str(), sourceId.c_str()));

                UInt32 propIdx = mapSemantic(semantic, 0, geoIdx);

                if(propIdx == Geometry::MaxAttribs)
                    setupProperty(geoIdx, propIdx, semantic, set, sourceId,
                                  idxStore[offset]                         );
            // handle regular <input> tags

            if(offset >= idxStore.size() || idxStore[offset] == NULL)
                OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: "
                                 "new index property for offset [%d]\n",

                // new index
                idxStore.resize(osgMax<UInt32>(offset + 1, idxStore.size()), NULL);
                idxStore[offset] = GeoUInt32Property::create();

            UInt32 propIdx = mapSemantic(semantic, set, geoIdx);

            if(propIdx == Geometry::MaxAttribs)
                setupProperty(geoIdx, propIdx, semantic, set, sourceId,
                              idxStore[offset]                         );

    // some <inputs> could not be handled above because their
    // semantic was not recognized.
    // after everything else is set put them into free attribute
    // slots, starting at Geometry::TexCoordsIndex

    UnhandledStoreConstIt uhIt  = unhandledVertInputs.begin();
    UnhandledStoreConstIt uhEnd = unhandledVertInputs.end  ();

    for(; uhIt != uhEnd; ++uhIt)
        std::string semantic = vertInputs[*uhIt         ]->getSemantic();
        UInt32      set      = inputs    [vertInputIndex]->getSet     ();
        UInt32      offset   = inputs    [vertInputIndex]->getOffset  ();
        std::string sourceId = vertInputs[*uhIt         ]->getSource  ().id();

        UInt32 propIdx = findFreePropertyIndex(geoIdx);

        OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: unhandled vertex "
                         " <input> [%d] semantic [%s] set [%d] offset [%d] - "
                         "source [%s] mapped to propIdx [%d]\n",
                         *uhIt, semantic.c_str(), set, offset, sourceId.c_str(),

        setupProperty(geoIdx, propIdx, semantic, set, sourceId,
                      idxStore[offset]                         );

    uhIt  = unhandledInputs.begin();
    uhEnd = unhandledInputs.end  ();

    for(; uhIt != uhEnd; ++uhIt)
        std::string semantic = inputs[*uhIt]->getSemantic();
        UInt32      set      = inputs[*uhIt]->getSet     ();
        UInt32      offset   = inputs[*uhIt]->getOffset  ();
        std::string sourceId = inputs[*uhIt]->getSource  ().id();

        UInt32 propIdx = findFreePropertyIndex(geoIdx);

        OSG_COLLADA_LOG(("ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: unhandled <input> "
                         "[%d] semantic [%s] set [%d] offset [%d] - "
                         "source [%s] mapped to propIdx [%d]\n",
                         *uhIt, semantic.c_str(), set, offset, sourceId.c_str(),

        setupProperty(geoIdx, propIdx, semantic, set, sourceId,
                      idxStore[offset]                         );

#ifdef OSG_DEBUG
    // check for holes in idxStore - which is not supported
    IndexStoreConstIt idxIt  = idxStore.begin();
    IndexStoreConstIt idxEnd = idxStore.end  ();

    for(UInt32 i = 0; idxIt != idxEnd; ++idxIt, ++i)
        if(*idxIt == NULL)
            SWARNING << "ColladaGeometry::setupGeometry: idxStore contains "
                     << "hole at [" << i << "]" << std::endl;

    _geoStore[geoIdx]._lengths = GeoUInt32Property::create();
    _geoStore[geoIdx]._types   = GeoUInt8Property ::create();

    return geoIdx;