Example #1
pair<double, double> drwnADLPInference::inference(drwnFullAssignment& mapAssignment)
    int iteration = 0;
    drwnTableFactorStorage storage, storage_2;
    drwnVarUniversePtr universe(_graph.getUniverse());

    double factorDiff = 100 ;
    double incrFactor = 1.25 ;

    double bestEnergy = _graph.getEnergy(mapAssignment);
    double bestDualEnergy = -DRWN_DBL_MAX;
    double sumResidual, sumPrimalUpdate;
    bool notConverged = true;

    // for t = 1 to T do
    while((iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS) && (notConverged)) {
    //      Update delta: for all i = 1, ..., n
        for (int i = 0; i < _numNodes; i++)
    //          Set theta_bar_i = theta_i + sum_{c,i in C} (delta_bar_{ci} - 1 / p * gamma_{ci})
            int tempSize = _message_unary[i].size();
            int entries = _unary_bar[i]->entries();
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                (*_unary_bar[i])[k] = -(*_unary[i])[k];
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                _gamma[i][j]->scale(1.0 / PENALTY_PARAMETER); // Only need to scale once
                for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                    (*_unary_bar[i])[k] += (*_message_unary_bar[i][j])[k] - (*_gamma[i][j])[k];

            double theta = TRIM(_unary_bar[i], (double)tempSize / PENALTY_PARAMETER);
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                (*_unary_bar[i])[k] = ((*_unary_bar[i])[k] > theta) ? ((*_unary_bar[i])[k] - theta) / (double)tempSize : 0.0;

    //          Update delta_{ci} = delta_bar_{ci} - 1 / p * gamma_{ci} - q, forall_c : i in c
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) { // Note : This is possible because there is only one variable
                    (*_message_unary[i][j])[k] = (*_message_unary_bar[i][j])[k] - (*_gamma[i][j])[k] - (*_unary_bar[i])[k];

    //      Update lambda: for all c in C
        for (int i = 0; i < _cliqueSize; i++) {
    //          Set theta_bar_c = theta_c - sum_{i:i in c} delta_bar_{ci} + 1 / p * mu_c
            int entries = _lambda[i]->entries();
            _mu[i]->scale(1.0 / PENALTY_PARAMETER); // Only need to scale once
            for (int j = 0; j < entries; j++) { // Note : this is possible due to the way mu and clique_bar are constructed, taking the same variable order as the clique
                (*_clique_bar[i])[j] = (*_mu[i])[j] - (*_clique[i])[j];

            int tempSize = _updateLambdaOp[i].size();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                _updateLambdaOp[i][j]->execute();   // theta_bar_c - delta_bar

            double theta = TRIM(_clique_bar[i], 1.0 / PENALTY_PARAMETER);
            for (int j = 0; j < entries; j++) { // Note : this is possible due to the way lambda and clique_bar are constructed, taking the same variable order as the clique
                (*_lambda[i])[j] = ((*_clique_bar[i])[j] > theta) ?  -(*_clique[i])[j] - theta : -(*_clique[i])[j] - (*_clique_bar[i])[j];

    //      Update delta_bar: for all c in C, i : i in c, x_i
        sumPrimalUpdate = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < _cliqueSize; i++) {
            // Set v_{ci} = delta_{ci} + 1 / p * gamma_{ci} + sum_{x_c\i} lambda_c + 1 / p * sum_{x_c\i} mu_c
            int tempSize = _message_clique[i].size();
            vector<vector<double> > v(tempSize);
            vector<double> sum;
            double totalSum = 0.0;
            int sumCard = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                _updateDeltaBarOp[i][j][0]->execute();  // Marginalize Lambda
                _updateDeltaBarOp[i][j][1]->execute();  // Marginalize Mu
                sum[j] = 0.0;
                int entries = _message_clique[i][j]->entries();
                v[j].resize(entries, 0.0);
                for(int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                    v[j][k] = (*_message_clique[i][j])[k] + (*_gamma_clique[i][j])[k] + (*_margin_result_lambda[i][j])[k] + (*_margin_result_mu[i][j])[k];
                    sum[j] += v[j][k];
                sumCard += _clique[i]->entries() / universe->varCardinality(_clique[i]->varId(j));
                totalSum += sum[j] * (double)(_clique[i]->entries() / universe->varCardinality(_clique[i]->varId(j)));

            // v_bar_{c} = 1 / {1 + sum_{k : k in c} |X_{c\k}|} * sum_{k : k in c} |X_{c\k}| * sum_{x_k} v_{ck}(x_k)
            double v_bar = (1.0 / (double)(1 + sumCard)) * totalSum;

            // delta_bar_{ci} = 1 / {1 + |X_{c\i}|} * [v_{ci} - sum_{j : j in c, j != i} |X_{c\ji}| (sum_{x_j} v_{cj}(x_j) - v_bar_{c})]
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                totalSum = 0.0;
                for (int k = 0; k < tempSize; k++) {
                    if (j != k) {
                        totalSum += (double)(_clique[i]->entries() / universe->varCardinality(_clique[i]->varId(j)) / universe->varCardinality(_clique[i]->varId(k))) * (sum[k] - v_bar);

                int entries = _message_clique_bar[i][j]->entries();
                double denominator = (double)(1 + _clique[i]->entries() / universe->varCardinality(_clique[i]->varId(j)));
                for(int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                    double result = (v[j][k] - totalSum) / denominator;
                    sumPrimalUpdate += pow(result - (*_message_clique_bar[i][j])[k], 2);
                    (*_message_clique_bar[i][j])[k] = result;


    //      Update the multipliers:
    //          gamma_{ci} = gamma_{ci} + p * (delta_{ci} - delta_bar_{ci}) for all c in C, i : i in c, x_i
        sumResidual = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < _numNodes; i++) {
            int tempSize = _message_unary[i].size();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                int entries = _message_unary[i][j]->entries();
                for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                    double result = (*_message_unary[i][j])[k] - (*_message_unary_bar[i][j])[k]; // Note : this is possible because there is only one variable
                    sumResidual += result * result;
                    (*_gamma[i][j])[k] = (*_gamma[i][j])[k] * PENALTY_PARAMETER + result * PENALTY_PARAMETER;

    //          mu_c = mu_c + p * (lambda_c - sum{i:i in c} delta_bar_{ci}) for all c in C, x_c
        for (int i = 0; i < _cliqueSize; i++) {
            int entries = _lambda[i]->entries();
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                (*_tempMu[i])[k] = (*_lambda[i])[k];

            int tempSize = _updateMuOp[i].size();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                _updateMuOp[i][j]->execute();   // tempMu - delta_bar
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                sumResidual += std::pow((*_tempMu[i])[k], 2);
                (*_mu[i])[k] = (*_mu[i])[k] * PENALTY_PARAMETER + (*_tempMu[i])[k] * PENALTY_PARAMETER;

    //      Check for Convergence : based on the author's code in SVL
        double dualObjDelta = 0.0, dualObjDeltaBar = 0.0;
        drwnFullAssignment deltaAssignment(_numNodes), deltaBarAssignment(_numNodes);
        drwnFullAssignment dashAssignment(_numNodes);
        for (int i = 0; i < _numNodes; i++) {
            drwnTableFactor thetaBar(universe, &storage);
            drwnTableFactor thetaBarBar(universe, &storage_2);
            int entries = thetaBar.entries();
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                thetaBar[k] = 0.0;
                thetaBarBar[k] = 0.0;

            int tempSize = _message_unary[i].size();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) { // Note : this is possible because there is only one variable
                    thetaBar[k] += (*_message_unary[i][j])[k];
                    thetaBarBar[k] += (*_message_unary_bar[i][j])[k];

            if (_flag[i] != 0) {
                for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                    thetaBar[k] -= (*_unary[i])[k];
                    thetaBarBar[k] -= (*_unary[i])[k];

            deltaAssignment[i] = thetaBar.valueOf(i, thetaBar.indexOfMax());
            dualObjDelta += thetaBar[thetaBar.indexOfMax()];
            deltaBarAssignment[i] = thetaBarBar.valueOf(i, thetaBarBar.indexOfMax());
            dualObjDeltaBar += thetaBarBar[thetaBarBar.indexOfMax()];
        for (int i = 0; i < _cliqueSize; i++) {
            int entries = _clique[i]->entries();
            for (int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                (*_clique_bar[i])[k] = -(*_clique[i])[k];
                (*_tempMu[i])[k] = -(*_clique[i])[k];

            int tempSize = _decodeOp[i].size();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) {
                _decodeOp[i][j]->execute(); // clique - delta & clique - delta_bar
            dualObjDelta += (*_clique_bar[i])[_clique_bar[i]->indexOfMax()];
            dualObjDeltaBar += (*_tempMu[i])[_tempMu[i]->indexOfMax()];

        double deltaEnergy = _graph.getEnergy(deltaAssignment);
        double deltaBarEnergy = _graph.getEnergy(deltaBarAssignment);
        if (deltaEnergy < bestEnergy) {
            bestEnergy = deltaEnergy;
            mapAssignment = deltaAssignment;
        if (deltaBarEnergy < bestEnergy) {
            bestEnergy = deltaBarEnergy;
            mapAssignment = deltaBarAssignment;

        if ((dualObjDelta <= -bestEnergy) || (dualObjDeltaBar <= -bestEnergy)
            || ((sqrt(sumResidual) < EPSILON) && (sqrt(sumPrimalUpdate) < EPSILON)) ){
            notConverged = false;

        bestDualEnergy = -dualObjDelta;
        DRWN_LOG_VERBOSE("...iteration " << iteration
            << "; dual objective " << bestDualEnergy << "; best energy " << bestEnergy);

        if (sqrt(sumResidual) > factorDiff*sqrt(sumPrimalUpdate)) {
            PENALTY_PARAMETER *= incrFactor ; // residual is large -> increase penalty
        else if (sqrt(sumPrimalUpdate) > factorDiff*sqrt(sumResidual)) {
            PENALTY_PARAMETER /= incrFactor ; // residual small -> decrease penalty
    // end for

    return make_pair(bestEnergy, bestDualEnergy);