//function [y,Y,P,Y1]=ut(f,X,Wm,Wc,n,R)
void BFilterUKF::utProcess(fmat X,fvec Wm, fvec Wc, unsigned int n, fmat R)
    //Unscented Transformation
    //        f: nonlinear map
    //        X: sigma points
    //       Wm: weights for mean
    //       Wc: weights for covraiance
    //        n: numer of outputs of f
    //        R: additive covariance
    //        y: transformed mean
    //        Y: transformed smapling points
    //        P: transformed covariance
    //       Y1: transformed deviations

    unsigned int L=X.n_cols;
    x1 = zeros<fvec>(n);
    X1 = zeros<fmat>(n,L);
    //for k=1:L
    for (unsigned int k=0; k < L; ++k)
        fmat XColK = X.col(k);
        X1.col(k)= process->ffun(&XColK);

    //X2=X1-x1(:,ones(1,L));  // generate duplicates of vector x1
    X2 = X1;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x1.n_rows; ++i)
            X2(i,j) -= x1(i);

//function [y,Y,P,Y1]=ut(f,X,Wm,Wc,n,R)
void BFilterUKF::utMeasurement(fmat X, fvec Wm, fvec Wc, unsigned int n, fmat R)
    //Unscented Transformation
    //        f: nonlinear map
    //        X: sigma points
    //       Wm: weights for mean
    //       Wc: weights for covraiance
    //        n: numer of outputs of f
    //        R: additive covariance
    //        y: transformed mean
    //        Y: transformed smapling points
    //        P: transformed covariance
    //       Y1: transformed deviations

    unsigned int L=X.n_cols;
    //for k=1:L
    for (unsigned int k=0; k < L; ++k)
        fmat XColK = X.col(k);
        Z1.col(k)= process->ffun(&XColK);

    Z2 = Z1;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < L; ++j)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x1.n_rows; ++i)
            Z2(i,j) -= x1(i);

Example #3
fmat scaleFeatures(fmat X, fmat mu, fmat sigma, int columns) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < columns; ++i) {
    X.col(i) = (X.col(i) - mu(i)) / sigma(i);
  return X;