void PredicateExpander::expandCheckOpcode(formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
                                          const RecVec &Opcodes) {
  assert(!Opcodes.empty() && "Expected at least one opcode to check!");
  bool First = true;

  if (Opcodes.size() == 1) {
    OS << "( ";
    expandCheckOpcode(OS, Opcodes[0]);
    OS << " )";

  OS << '(';
  for (const Record *Rec : Opcodes) {
    OS << '\n';
    OS.PadToColumn(getIndentLevel() * 2);
    if (!First)
      OS << (shouldNegate() ? "&& " : "|| ");

    expandCheckOpcode(OS, Rec);
    First = false;

  OS << '\n';
  OS.PadToColumn(getIndentLevel() * 2);
  OS << ')';
void PredicateExpander::expandPredicateSequence(formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
                                                const RecVec &Sequence,
                                                bool IsCheckAll) {
  assert(!Sequence.empty() && "Found an invalid empty predicate set!");
  if (Sequence.size() == 1)
    return expandPredicate(OS, Sequence[0]);

  // Okay, there is more than one predicate in the set.
  bool First = true;
  OS << (shouldNegate() ? "!(" : "(");

  bool OldValue = shouldNegate();
  for (const Record *Rec : Sequence) {
    OS << '\n';
    OS.PadToColumn(getIndentLevel() * 2);
    if (!First)
      OS << (IsCheckAll ? "&& " : "|| ");
    expandPredicate(OS, Rec);
    First = false;
  OS << '\n';
  OS.PadToColumn(getIndentLevel() * 2);
  OS << ')';
Example #3
/// \brief Emits the comments that are stored in \p DC comment stream.
/// Each comment in the comment stream must end with a newline.
static void emitComments(LLVMDisasmContext *DC,
                         formatted_raw_ostream &FormattedOS) {
  // Flush the stream before taking its content.
  StringRef Comments = DC->CommentsToEmit.str();
  // Get the default information for printing a comment.
  const MCAsmInfo *MAI = DC->getAsmInfo();
  const char *CommentBegin = MAI->getCommentString();
  unsigned CommentColumn = MAI->getCommentColumn();
  bool IsFirst = true;
  while (!Comments.empty()) {
    if (!IsFirst)
      FormattedOS << '\n';
    // Emit a line of comments.
    size_t Position = Comments.find('\n');
    FormattedOS << CommentBegin << ' ' << Comments.substr(0, Position);
    // Move after the newline character.
    Comments = Comments.substr(Position+1);
    IsFirst = false;

  // Tell the comment stream that the vector changed underneath it.
Example #4
void Disassembler::printInstruction(formatted_raw_ostream &Out,
  MachineInstr *Inst, bool PrintTypes) {
  unsigned Address = getDebugOffset(Inst->getDebugLoc());
  unsigned Size = Inst->getDesc().getSize();
  // TODO: replace the Bytes with something memory safe (StringRef??)
  uint8_t *Bytes = new uint8_t(Size);
  int NumRead = CurSectionMemory->readBytes(Address, Size, Bytes);
  if (NumRead < 0) {
    printError("Unable to read current section memory!");
  // Print Address
  Out << format("%08" PRIX64 ":", Address);
  Out.PadToColumn(12);        // 12345678: <- 9 chars + 1 space

  // Print Instruction Bytes
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ((Size > 8) ? 8 : Size); i != e; ++i)
    Out << format("%02" PRIX8 " ", Bytes[i]);
  Out.PadToColumn(40);        // 8 bytes (2 char) + 1 space each + 2 spaces

  // Print instruction
  // NOTE: We could print the "Full" machine instruction version here instead
  // of down-converting to MCInst...
  if (PrintTypes) {
    Inst->print(Out, MC->getTargetMachine(), false);
  } else {
    MC->getMCInstPrinter()->printInst(Instructions[Address], Out, "");
    Out << "\n";

  // Print the rest of the instruction bytes
  unsigned ColCnt = 8;
  for (unsigned i = 8, e = Size; i < e; ++i) {
    if (ColCnt == 8) {
      Out.PadToColumn(12);        // 8 bytes (2 char) + 1 space each + 2 spaces
      Out << "\n";
      ColCnt = 0;
    } else {
    Out << format("%02" PRIX8 " ", Bytes[i]);
  delete Bytes;
void MatcherTableEmitter::EmitHistogram(const Matcher *M,
                                        formatted_raw_ostream &OS) {
  if (OmitComments)

  std::vector<unsigned> OpcodeFreq;
  BuildHistogram(M, OpcodeFreq);

  OS << "  // Opcode Histogram:\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = OpcodeFreq.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    OS << "  // #";
    switch ((Matcher::KindTy)i) {
    case Matcher::Scope: OS << "OPC_Scope"; break;
    case Matcher::RecordNode: OS << "OPC_RecordNode"; break;
    case Matcher::RecordChild: OS << "OPC_RecordChild"; break;
    case Matcher::RecordMemRef: OS << "OPC_RecordMemRef"; break;
    case Matcher::CaptureGlueInput: OS << "OPC_CaptureGlueInput"; break;
    case Matcher::MoveChild: OS << "OPC_MoveChild"; break;
    case Matcher::MoveParent: OS << "OPC_MoveParent"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckSame: OS << "OPC_CheckSame"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckChildSame: OS << "OPC_CheckChildSame"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckPatternPredicate:
      OS << "OPC_CheckPatternPredicate"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckPredicate: OS << "OPC_CheckPredicate"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckOpcode: OS << "OPC_CheckOpcode"; break;
    case Matcher::SwitchOpcode: OS << "OPC_SwitchOpcode"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckType: OS << "OPC_CheckType"; break;
    case Matcher::SwitchType: OS << "OPC_SwitchType"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckChildType: OS << "OPC_CheckChildType"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckInteger: OS << "OPC_CheckInteger"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckChildInteger: OS << "OPC_CheckChildInteger"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckCondCode: OS << "OPC_CheckCondCode"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckValueType: OS << "OPC_CheckValueType"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckComplexPat: OS << "OPC_CheckComplexPat"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckAndImm: OS << "OPC_CheckAndImm"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckOrImm: OS << "OPC_CheckOrImm"; break;
    case Matcher::CheckFoldableChainNode:
      OS << "OPC_CheckFoldableChainNode"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitInteger: OS << "OPC_EmitInteger"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitStringInteger: OS << "OPC_EmitStringInteger"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitRegister: OS << "OPC_EmitRegister"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitConvertToTarget: OS << "OPC_EmitConvertToTarget"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitMergeInputChains: OS << "OPC_EmitMergeInputChains"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitCopyToReg: OS << "OPC_EmitCopyToReg"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitNode: OS << "OPC_EmitNode"; break;
    case Matcher::MorphNodeTo: OS << "OPC_MorphNodeTo"; break;
    case Matcher::EmitNodeXForm: OS << "OPC_EmitNodeXForm"; break;
    case Matcher::MarkGlueResults: OS << "OPC_MarkGlueResults"; break;
    case Matcher::CompleteMatch: OS << "OPC_CompleteMatch"; break;

    OS.PadToColumn(40) << " = " << OpcodeFreq[i] << '\n';
  OS << '\n';
/// EmitMatcher - Emit bytes for the specified matcher and return
/// the number of bytes emitted.
unsigned MatcherTableEmitter::
EmitMatcher(const Matcher *N, unsigned Indent, unsigned CurrentIdx,
            formatted_raw_ostream &OS) {

  switch (N->getKind()) {
  case Matcher::Scope: {
    const ScopeMatcher *SM = cast<ScopeMatcher>(N);
    assert(SM->getNext() == nullptr && "Shouldn't have next after scope");

    unsigned StartIdx = CurrentIdx;

    // Emit all of the children.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = SM->getNumChildren(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (i == 0) {
        OS << "OPC_Scope, ";
      } else  {
        if (!OmitComments) {
          OS << "/*" << CurrentIdx << "*/";
          OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "/*Scope*/ ";
        } else

      // We need to encode the child and the offset of the failure code before
      // emitting either of them.  Handle this by buffering the output into a
      // string while we get the size.  Unfortunately, the offset of the
      // children depends on the VBR size of the child, so for large children we
      // have to iterate a bit.
      SmallString<128> TmpBuf;
      unsigned ChildSize = 0;
      unsigned VBRSize = 0;
      do {
        VBRSize = GetVBRSize(ChildSize);

        raw_svector_ostream OS(TmpBuf);
        formatted_raw_ostream FOS(OS);
        ChildSize = EmitMatcherList(SM->getChild(i), Indent+1,
                                    CurrentIdx+VBRSize, FOS);
      } while (GetVBRSize(ChildSize) != VBRSize);

      assert(ChildSize != 0 && "Should not have a zero-sized child!");

      CurrentIdx += EmitVBRValue(ChildSize, OS);
      if (!OmitComments) {
        OS << "/*->" << CurrentIdx+ChildSize << "*/";

        if (i == 0)
          OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// " << SM->getNumChildren()
            << " children in Scope";

      OS << '\n' << TmpBuf;
      CurrentIdx += ChildSize;

    // Emit a zero as a sentinel indicating end of 'Scope'.
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*" << CurrentIdx << "*/";
    OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "0, ";
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*End of Scope*/";
    OS << '\n';
    return CurrentIdx - StartIdx + 1;

  case Matcher::RecordNode:
    OS << "OPC_RecordNode,";
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// #"
        << cast<RecordMatcher>(N)->getResultNo() << " = "
        << cast<RecordMatcher>(N)->getWhatFor();
    OS << '\n';
    return 1;

  case Matcher::RecordChild:
    OS << "OPC_RecordChild" << cast<RecordChildMatcher>(N)->getChildNo()
       << ',';
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// #"
        << cast<RecordChildMatcher>(N)->getResultNo() << " = "
        << cast<RecordChildMatcher>(N)->getWhatFor();
    OS << '\n';
    return 1;

  case Matcher::RecordMemRef:
    OS << "OPC_RecordMemRef,\n";
    return 1;

  case Matcher::CaptureGlueInput:
    OS << "OPC_CaptureGlueInput,\n";
    return 1;

  case Matcher::MoveChild:
    OS << "OPC_MoveChild, " << cast<MoveChildMatcher>(N)->getChildNo() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::MoveParent:
    OS << "OPC_MoveParent,\n";
    return 1;

  case Matcher::CheckSame:
    OS << "OPC_CheckSame, "
       << cast<CheckSameMatcher>(N)->getMatchNumber() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckChildSame:
    OS << "OPC_CheckChild"
       << cast<CheckChildSameMatcher>(N)->getChildNo() << "Same, "
       << cast<CheckChildSameMatcher>(N)->getMatchNumber() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckPatternPredicate: {
    StringRef Pred =cast<CheckPatternPredicateMatcher>(N)->getPredicate();
    OS << "OPC_CheckPatternPredicate, " << getPatternPredicate(Pred) << ',';
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// " << Pred;
    OS << '\n';
    return 2;
  case Matcher::CheckPredicate: {
    TreePredicateFn Pred = cast<CheckPredicateMatcher>(N)->getPredicate();
    OS << "OPC_CheckPredicate, " << getNodePredicate(Pred) << ',';
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// " << Pred.getFnName();
    OS << '\n';
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckOpcode:
    OS << "OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL("
       << cast<CheckOpcodeMatcher>(N)->getOpcode().getEnumName() << "),\n";
    return 3;

  case Matcher::SwitchOpcode:
  case Matcher::SwitchType: {
    unsigned StartIdx = CurrentIdx;

    unsigned NumCases;
    if (const SwitchOpcodeMatcher *SOM = dyn_cast<SwitchOpcodeMatcher>(N)) {
      OS << "OPC_SwitchOpcode ";
      NumCases = SOM->getNumCases();
    } else {
      OS << "OPC_SwitchType ";
      NumCases = cast<SwitchTypeMatcher>(N)->getNumCases();

    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*" << NumCases << " cases */";
    OS << ", ";

    // For each case we emit the size, then the opcode, then the matcher.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumCases; i != e; ++i) {
      const Matcher *Child;
      unsigned IdxSize;
      if (const SwitchOpcodeMatcher *SOM = dyn_cast<SwitchOpcodeMatcher>(N)) {
        Child = SOM->getCaseMatcher(i);
        IdxSize = 2;  // size of opcode in table is 2 bytes.
      } else {
        Child = cast<SwitchTypeMatcher>(N)->getCaseMatcher(i);
        IdxSize = 1;  // size of type in table is 1 byte.

      // We need to encode the opcode and the offset of the case code before
      // emitting the case code.  Handle this by buffering the output into a
      // string while we get the size.  Unfortunately, the offset of the
      // children depends on the VBR size of the child, so for large children we
      // have to iterate a bit.
      SmallString<128> TmpBuf;
      unsigned ChildSize = 0;
      unsigned VBRSize = 0;
      do {
        VBRSize = GetVBRSize(ChildSize);

        raw_svector_ostream OS(TmpBuf);
        formatted_raw_ostream FOS(OS);
        ChildSize = EmitMatcherList(Child, Indent+1, CurrentIdx+VBRSize+IdxSize,
      } while (GetVBRSize(ChildSize) != VBRSize);

      assert(ChildSize != 0 && "Should not have a zero-sized child!");

      if (i != 0) {
        if (!OmitComments)
          OS << "/*" << CurrentIdx << "*/";
        if (!OmitComments)
          OS << (isa<SwitchOpcodeMatcher>(N) ?
                     "/*SwitchOpcode*/ " : "/*SwitchType*/ ");

      // Emit the VBR.
      CurrentIdx += EmitVBRValue(ChildSize, OS);

      if (const SwitchOpcodeMatcher *SOM = dyn_cast<SwitchOpcodeMatcher>(N))
        OS << "TARGET_VAL(" << SOM->getCaseOpcode(i).getEnumName() << "),";
        OS << getEnumName(cast<SwitchTypeMatcher>(N)->getCaseType(i)) << ',';

      CurrentIdx += IdxSize;

      if (!OmitComments)
        OS << "// ->" << CurrentIdx+ChildSize;
      OS << '\n';
      OS << TmpBuf;
      CurrentIdx += ChildSize;

    // Emit the final zero to terminate the switch.
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*" << CurrentIdx << "*/";
    OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "0, ";
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << (isa<SwitchOpcodeMatcher>(N) ?
             "// EndSwitchOpcode" : "// EndSwitchType");

    OS << '\n';
    return CurrentIdx-StartIdx;

 case Matcher::CheckType:
    assert(cast<CheckTypeMatcher>(N)->getResNo() == 0 &&
           "FIXME: Add support for CheckType of resno != 0");
    OS << "OPC_CheckType, "
       << getEnumName(cast<CheckTypeMatcher>(N)->getType()) << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckChildType:
    OS << "OPC_CheckChild"
       << cast<CheckChildTypeMatcher>(N)->getChildNo() << "Type, "
       << getEnumName(cast<CheckChildTypeMatcher>(N)->getType()) << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckInteger: {
    OS << "OPC_CheckInteger, ";
    unsigned Bytes=1+EmitVBRValue(cast<CheckIntegerMatcher>(N)->getValue(), OS);
    OS << '\n';
    return Bytes;
  case Matcher::CheckChildInteger: {
    OS << "OPC_CheckChild" << cast<CheckChildIntegerMatcher>(N)->getChildNo()
       << "Integer, ";
    unsigned Bytes=1+EmitVBRValue(cast<CheckChildIntegerMatcher>(N)->getValue(),
    OS << '\n';
    return Bytes;
  case Matcher::CheckCondCode:
    OS << "OPC_CheckCondCode, ISD::"
       << cast<CheckCondCodeMatcher>(N)->getCondCodeName() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckValueType:
    OS << "OPC_CheckValueType, MVT::"
       << cast<CheckValueTypeMatcher>(N)->getTypeName() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::CheckComplexPat: {
    const CheckComplexPatMatcher *CCPM = cast<CheckComplexPatMatcher>(N);
    const ComplexPattern &Pattern = CCPM->getPattern();
    OS << "OPC_CheckComplexPat, /*CP*/" << getComplexPat(Pattern) << ", /*#*/"
       << CCPM->getMatchNumber() << ',';

    if (!OmitComments) {
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// " << Pattern.getSelectFunc();
      OS << ":$" << CCPM->getName();
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Pattern.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
        OS << " #" << CCPM->getFirstResult()+i;

      if (Pattern.hasProperty(SDNPHasChain))
        OS << " + chain result";
    OS << '\n';
    return 3;

  case Matcher::CheckAndImm: {
    OS << "OPC_CheckAndImm, ";
    unsigned Bytes=1+EmitVBRValue(cast<CheckAndImmMatcher>(N)->getValue(), OS);
    OS << '\n';
    return Bytes;

  case Matcher::CheckOrImm: {
    OS << "OPC_CheckOrImm, ";
    unsigned Bytes = 1+EmitVBRValue(cast<CheckOrImmMatcher>(N)->getValue(), OS);
    OS << '\n';
    return Bytes;

  case Matcher::CheckFoldableChainNode:
    OS << "OPC_CheckFoldableChainNode,\n";
    return 1;

  case Matcher::EmitInteger: {
    int64_t Val = cast<EmitIntegerMatcher>(N)->getValue();
    OS << "OPC_EmitInteger, "
       << getEnumName(cast<EmitIntegerMatcher>(N)->getVT()) << ", ";
    unsigned Bytes = 2+EmitVBRValue(Val, OS);
    OS << '\n';
    return Bytes;
  case Matcher::EmitStringInteger: {
    const std::string &Val = cast<EmitStringIntegerMatcher>(N)->getValue();
    // These should always fit into one byte.
    OS << "OPC_EmitInteger, "
      << getEnumName(cast<EmitStringIntegerMatcher>(N)->getVT()) << ", "
      << Val << ",\n";
    return 3;

  case Matcher::EmitRegister: {
    const EmitRegisterMatcher *Matcher = cast<EmitRegisterMatcher>(N);
    const CodeGenRegister *Reg = Matcher->getReg();
    // If the enum value of the register is larger than one byte can handle,
    // use EmitRegister2.
    if (Reg && Reg->EnumValue > 255) {
      OS << "OPC_EmitRegister2, " << getEnumName(Matcher->getVT()) << ", ";
      OS << "TARGET_VAL(" << getQualifiedName(Reg->TheDef) << "),\n";
      return 4;
    } else {
      OS << "OPC_EmitRegister, " << getEnumName(Matcher->getVT()) << ", ";
      if (Reg) {
        OS << getQualifiedName(Reg->TheDef) << ",\n";
      } else {
        OS << "0 ";
        if (!OmitComments)
          OS << "/*zero_reg*/";
        OS << ",\n";
      return 3;

  case Matcher::EmitConvertToTarget:
    OS << "OPC_EmitConvertToTarget, "
       << cast<EmitConvertToTargetMatcher>(N)->getSlot() << ",\n";
    return 2;

  case Matcher::EmitMergeInputChains: {
    const EmitMergeInputChainsMatcher *MN =

    // Handle the specialized forms OPC_EmitMergeInputChains1_0, 1_1, and 1_2.
    if (MN->getNumNodes() == 1 && MN->getNode(0) < 3) {
      OS << "OPC_EmitMergeInputChains1_" << MN->getNode(0) << ",\n";
      return 1;

    OS << "OPC_EmitMergeInputChains, " << MN->getNumNodes() << ", ";
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = MN->getNumNodes(); i != e; ++i)
      OS << MN->getNode(i) << ", ";
    OS << '\n';
    return 2+MN->getNumNodes();
  case Matcher::EmitCopyToReg:
    OS << "OPC_EmitCopyToReg, "
       << cast<EmitCopyToRegMatcher>(N)->getSrcSlot() << ", "
       << getQualifiedName(cast<EmitCopyToRegMatcher>(N)->getDestPhysReg())
       << ",\n";
    return 3;
  case Matcher::EmitNodeXForm: {
    const EmitNodeXFormMatcher *XF = cast<EmitNodeXFormMatcher>(N);
    OS << "OPC_EmitNodeXForm, " << getNodeXFormID(XF->getNodeXForm()) << ", "
       << XF->getSlot() << ',';
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// "<<XF->getNodeXForm()->getName();
    OS <<'\n';
    return 3;

  case Matcher::EmitNode:
  case Matcher::MorphNodeTo: {
    const EmitNodeMatcherCommon *EN = cast<EmitNodeMatcherCommon>(N);
    OS << (isa<EmitNodeMatcher>(EN) ? "OPC_EmitNode" : "OPC_MorphNodeTo");
    OS << ", TARGET_VAL(" << EN->getOpcodeName() << "), 0";

    if (EN->hasChain())   OS << "|OPFL_Chain";
    if (EN->hasInFlag())  OS << "|OPFL_GlueInput";
    if (EN->hasOutFlag()) OS << "|OPFL_GlueOutput";
    if (EN->hasMemRefs()) OS << "|OPFL_MemRefs";
    if (EN->getNumFixedArityOperands() != -1)
      OS << "|OPFL_Variadic" << EN->getNumFixedArityOperands();
    OS << ",\n";

    OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2+4) << EN->getNumVTs();
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*#VTs*/";
    OS << ", ";
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = EN->getNumVTs(); i != e; ++i)
      OS << getEnumName(EN->getVT(i)) << ", ";

    OS << EN->getNumOperands();
    if (!OmitComments)
      OS << "/*#Ops*/";
    OS << ", ";
    unsigned NumOperandBytes = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = EN->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
      NumOperandBytes += EmitVBRValue(EN->getOperand(i), OS);

    if (!OmitComments) {
      // Print the result #'s for EmitNode.
      if (const EmitNodeMatcher *E = dyn_cast<EmitNodeMatcher>(EN)) {
        if (unsigned NumResults = EN->getNumVTs()) {
          OS.PadToColumn(CommentIndent) << "// Results =";
          unsigned First = E->getFirstResultSlot();
          for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumResults; ++i)
            OS << " #" << First+i;
      OS << '\n';

      if (const MorphNodeToMatcher *SNT = dyn_cast<MorphNodeToMatcher>(N)) {
        OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "// Src: "
          << *SNT->getPattern().getSrcPattern() << " - Complexity = "
          << SNT->getPattern().getPatternComplexity(CGP) << '\n';
        OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "// Dst: "
          << *SNT->getPattern().getDstPattern() << '\n';
    } else
      OS << '\n';

    return 6+EN->getNumVTs()+NumOperandBytes;
  case Matcher::MarkGlueResults: {
    const MarkGlueResultsMatcher *CFR = cast<MarkGlueResultsMatcher>(N);
    OS << "OPC_MarkGlueResults, " << CFR->getNumNodes() << ", ";
    unsigned NumOperandBytes = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = CFR->getNumNodes(); i != e; ++i)
      NumOperandBytes += EmitVBRValue(CFR->getNode(i), OS);
    OS << '\n';
    return 2+NumOperandBytes;
  case Matcher::CompleteMatch: {
    const CompleteMatchMatcher *CM = cast<CompleteMatchMatcher>(N);
    OS << "OPC_CompleteMatch, " << CM->getNumResults() << ", ";
    unsigned NumResultBytes = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = CM->getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
      NumResultBytes += EmitVBRValue(CM->getResult(i), OS);
    OS << '\n';
    if (!OmitComments) {
      OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "// Src: "
        << *CM->getPattern().getSrcPattern() << " - Complexity = "
        << CM->getPattern().getPatternComplexity(CGP) << '\n';
      OS.PadToColumn(Indent*2) << "// Dst: "
        << *CM->getPattern().getDstPattern();
    OS << '\n';
    return 2 + NumResultBytes;
Example #7
void DCAnnotationWriter::printInfoComment(const Value &V,
                                          formatted_raw_ostream &OS) {
  if (!isa<Instruction>(&V))

  const SmallVectorImpl<DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo> *Infos = 0;
  DTIT.getInstsForValue(V, Infos);

  if (Infos == 0)

  for (int vii = 0, vie = Infos->size(); vii != vie; ++vii) {

    if (vii)
      OS << "\n";

    const MCDecodedInst *MCDI = (*Infos)[vii].DecodedInst;
    uint64_t Addr = MCDI->Address;

    bool printMI = false;

    const DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo &VI = (*Infos)[vii];
    OS.PadToColumn(48) << "  ; ";
    switch (VI.OpKind) {
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown translated operand type!");
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::ImpUseKind: {
      OS << "imp-use ";
      OS << MRI.getName(VI.RegNo);
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::ImpDefKind: {
      OS << "imp-def ";
      OS << MRI.getName(VI.RegNo);
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::RegUseKind: {
      OS << "    use ";
      printMI = true;
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::RegDefKind: {
      OS << "    def ";
      printMI = true;
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::ImmOpKind: {
      OS << "    imm ";
      printMI = true;
    case DCTranslatedInst::ValueInfo::CustomOpKind: {
      OS << " op-use ";
      if (MCDI)
        IP.printMachineOperand(&MCDI->Inst, VI.CustomOpType,VI.MIOperandNo,OS);
    if (printMI) {
      if (MCDI) {
        const MCOperand &MO = MCDI->Inst.getOperand(VI.MIOperandNo);
        if (MO.isReg())
          OS << MRI.getName(MO.getReg());
        else if (MO.isImm())
          OS << MO.getImm();
      OS << " MO#" << VI.MIOperandNo;
    OS << " @";

    if (MCDI)
      OS << ": ";
    IP.printInst(&MCDI->Inst, OS.PadToColumn(90), "");
void PredicateExpander::expandPredicate(formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
                                        const Record *Rec) {
  unsigned ColNum = getIndentLevel() * 2;
  if (OS.getColumn() < ColNum)

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("MCTrue")) {
    if (shouldNegate())
      return expandFalse(OS);
    return expandTrue(OS);

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("MCFalse")) {
    if (shouldNegate())
      return expandTrue(OS);
    return expandFalse(OS);

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckNot")) {
    expandPredicate(OS, Rec->getValueAsDef("Pred"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckIsRegOperand"))
    return expandCheckIsRegOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckIsImmOperand"))
    return expandCheckIsImmOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckRegOperand"))
    return expandCheckRegOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"),

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckInvalidRegOperand"))
    return expandCheckInvalidRegOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckImmOperand"))
    return expandCheckImmOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"),

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckImmOperand_s"))
    return expandCheckImmOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("OpIndex"),

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckSameRegOperand"))
    return expandCheckSameRegOperand(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("FirstIndex"),

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckNumOperands"))
    return expandCheckNumOperands(OS, Rec->getValueAsInt("NumOps"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckPseudo"))
    return expandCheckPseudo(OS, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("ValidOpcodes"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckOpcode"))
    return expandCheckOpcode(OS, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("ValidOpcodes"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckAll"))
    return expandPredicateSequence(OS, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Predicates"),
                                   /* AllOf */ true);

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckAny"))
    return expandPredicateSequence(OS, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Predicates"),
                                   /* AllOf */ false);

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckFunctionPredicate"))
    return expandCheckFunctionPredicate(
        OS, Rec->getValueAsString("MCInstFnName"),

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("CheckNonPortable"))
    return expandCheckNonPortable(OS, Rec->getValueAsString("CodeBlock"));

  if (Rec->isSubClassOf("TIIPredicate"))
    return expandTIIFunctionCall(OS, Rec->getValueAsString("TargetName"),

  llvm_unreachable("No known rules to expand this MCInstPredicate");