Example #1
// Vertex Loader (used to read images and load the vertex data of the graph)
//bool vertex_loader(graph_type& graph, const std::string& fname,
//                   const std::string& line)
bool vertex_loader(graphlab::distributed_control& dc, graph_type& graph, string img_path)
    // force a "/" at the end of the path
    // make sure to check that the path is non-empty. (you do not
    // want to make the empty path "" the root path "/" )
    string path = img_path;
    if (path.length() > 0 && path[path.length() - 1] != '/') path = path + "/";
    vector<string> graph_files;
    string search_prefix;
    graphlab::fs_util::list_files_with_prefix(path, search_prefix, graph_files);
    if (graph_files.size() == 0)
        logstream(LOG_WARNING) << "No files found in " << path << std::endl;
    // vertex data & id
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid(-1);
    // Loop over files
    for(size_t i = 0; i < graph_files.size(); ++i)
        // Each machine loads corresponding file
        if (i % dc.numprocs() == dc.procid())
            if (opts.verbose > 0)
                << "Process: " << dc.procid() << "/" << dc.numprocs() << " "
                << "picked image: " << graph_files[i] << "\n";
            vid = i;
            vertex_data vdata;
            vdata.empty = false;
            vdata.img_path = graph_files[i];
            vdata.features.img_idx = i;
            graph.add_vertex(vid, vdata);
    return true;
  WorkGraphPolicy( const graph_type & arg_graph )
    : m_graph(arg_graph)
    , m_queue( view_alloc( "queue" , WithoutInitializing )
             , arg_graph.numRows() * 2 + 2 )
    { // Initialize
      using policy_type = RangePolicy<std::int32_t, execution_space, TagInit>;
      using closure_type = Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor<self_type, policy_type>;
      const closure_type closure(*this, policy_type(0, m_queue.size()));

    { // execute-after counts
      using policy_type = RangePolicy<std::int32_t, execution_space, TagCount>;
      using closure_type = Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor<self_type, policy_type>;
      const closure_type closure(*this,policy_type(0,m_graph.entries.size()));

    { // Scheduling ready tasks
      using policy_type = RangePolicy<std::int32_t, execution_space, TagReady>;
      using closure_type = Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor<self_type, policy_type>;
      const closure_type closure(*this,policy_type(0,m_graph.numRows()));
void merge_values(vid_vdata_vector_type& element, graph_type& graph) {
    for (auto vertex : element) {
        if (graph.contains_vertex(vertex.first)) {
            const graphlab::lvid_type lvid = graph.local_vid(vertex.first);
            graph.l_vertex(lvid).data() = vertex.second;
    SynchronousEngine<algorithm_t>::SynchronousEngine(graph_type& graph):
    iteration_counter_(0), max_iterations_(5), graph_(graph) {
        has_msg_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
        has_msg_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), message_type());
        active_superstep_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
        active_minorstep_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
     graph_type& graph,
     gather_fun_type gather_fun,
     apply_fun_type apply_fun,
     const graphlab_options& opts) :
   gather_fun(gather_fun), apply_fun(apply_fun), rmi(graph.dc(), this), graph(graph),
   gather_exchange(graph.dc(), opts.get_ncpus(), 64 * 1024) { } 
 SynchronousEngine<algorithm_t>::SynchronousEngine(graph_type& graph):
 iteration_counter_(0), max_iterations_(5), graph_(graph) {
     has_msg_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
     messages_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), message_type());
     active_superstep_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
     active_minorstep_.resize(graph.num_local_vertices(), 0);
     context = new context_type(*this, graph);
     aggregator = new aggregator_type(graph, context);
     cout<<"sync engine init"<<endl;
    static bool dfs(
            const graph_type& graph,
            const int vertex_id,
            pk::vector<int, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices>& colors,
            pk::stack<int, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices>& s)
        if(colors[vertex_id] == 1)
            return false;

        if(colors[vertex_id] == 2)
            return true;

        colors[vertex_id] = 1;

        const typename graph_type::adjacency_list& adjacent_edges = graph.get_adjacency_list(vertex_id);
        for(int i = 0; i < adjacent_edges.size(); ++i)
            if(!dfs(graph, adjacent_edges[i].to, colors, s))
                return false;

        colors[vertex_id] = 2;

        return true;
void write_results(char* ofile, graph_type& graph) {
    std::cout << "PageRank: Writing results to: " << ofile << std::endl;
    std::ofstream fout(ofile);

    for(graphlab::lvid_type lvid = 0; lvid < graph.get_local_graph().num_vertices(); ++lvid) {
        if (!graph.l_is_master(lvid)) {
        size_t id = graph.global_vid(lvid);
        double val = graph.get_local_graph().vertex(lvid).data();
        fout << id << "\t" << val << std::endl;
    std::cout << "PageRank: Results written." << std::endl;
    void visit_next_component(const graph_type& g, const int starting_vertex_id, Sequence& visited)
        pk::queue<int, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices> q;

        visited[starting_vertex_id] = true;

            const int v = q.front();

            component_ids[v] = number_of_components;

            const typename graph_type::adjacency_list& adj_v = g.get_adjacency_list(v);
            for(int i = 0; i < adj_v.size(); ++i)
                const int u = adj_v[i].to;


                visited[u] = true;
  /**\brief  Attempt to pop the work item at the head of the queue.
   *  Find entry 'i' such that
   *    ( m_queue[i] != BEGIN_TOKEN ) AND
   *    ( i == 0 OR m_queue[i-1] == BEGIN_TOKEN )
   *  if found then
   *    increment begin hint
   *    return atomic_exchange( m_queue[i] , BEGIN_TOKEN )
   *  else if i < total work
   *    return END_TOKEN
   *  else
   *    return COMPLETED_TOKEN
  std::int32_t pop_work() const noexcept
      const std::int32_t N = m_graph.numRows();

      std::int32_t volatile * const ready_queue = & m_queue[0] ;
      std::int32_t volatile * const begin_hint  = & m_queue[2*N] ;

      // begin hint is guaranteed to be less than or equal to
      // actual begin location in the queue.

      for ( std::int32_t i = *begin_hint ; i < N ; ++i ) {

        const std::int32_t w = ready_queue[i] ;

        if ( w == END_TOKEN ) { return END_TOKEN ; }

        if ( ( w != BEGIN_TOKEN ) &&
             ( w == atomic_compare_exchange(ready_queue+i,w,(std::int32_t)BEGIN_TOKEN) ) ) {
          // Attempt to claim ready work index succeeded,
          // update the hint and return work index
          atomic_increment( begin_hint );
          return w ;
        // arrive here when ready_queue[i] == BEGIN_TOKEN

      return COMPLETED_TOKEN ;
Example #11
// Second loader that only a single machine calls and pre-loads cameras.
bool vertex_loader(graph_type& graph, string img_path, vector<CameraParams>& cameras)
    // force a "/" at the end of the path
    // make sure to check that the path is non-empty. (you do not
    // want to make the empty path "" the root path "/" )
    string path = img_path;
    if (path.length() > 0 && path[path.length() - 1] != '/') path = path + "/";
    vector<string> graph_files;
    string search_prefix;
    graphlab::fs_util::list_files_with_prefix(path, search_prefix, graph_files);
    if (graph_files.size() == 0)
        logstream(LOG_WARNING) << "No files found in " << path << std::endl;
    // vertex data & id
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid(-1);
    // Loop over files
    for(size_t i = 0; i < graph_files.size(); ++i)
        vid = i;
        vertex_data vdata;
        vdata.empty = false;
        vdata.img_path = graph_files[i];
        vdata.features.img_idx = i;
        vdata.camera = cameras[i]; // addition to above function.
        graph.add_vertex(vid, vdata);
    return true;
Example #12
// Load the distributed UAI file
bool line_parser(graph_type& graph, const std::string& filename, const std::string& textline) {
    std::stringstream strm(textline);
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid;
    vertex_data vdata;
    vdata.dual_contrib = 0.0;
    string type;
    strm >> type;
     if(type == "v") { 
      vdata.factor_type = VAR;
      vdata.nvars = 1;
      strm >> vdata.cards[0];
      //vdata.beliefs /= vdata.cards[0];
      vdata.beliefs.setConstant(vdata.cards[0], 0.5);
      vdata.unary_degree.resize(vdata.cards[0], 0);
      //for(int i=0; i< vdata.cards[0]; i++){
      // strm>>vdata.potentials[i];
      //   vdata.potentials[i] = log10(vdata.potentials[i]);
      //   }
     //    vdata.potentials.maxCoeff(&vdata.best_configuration);
  void operator()( const TagCount , int i ) const noexcept
      std::int32_t volatile * const count_queue =
        & m_queue[ m_graph.numRows() ] ;

      atomic_increment( count_queue + m_graph.entries[i] );
  void operator()( const TagReady , int w ) const noexcept
      std::int32_t const * const count_queue =
        & m_queue[ m_graph.numRows() ] ;

      if ( 0 == count_queue[w] ) push_work(w);
Example #15
void test_contains_edge(graph_type g,
                        vector<typename graph_type::location_type> present_locs,
                        vector<typename graph_type::location_type> absent_locs)
    for (auto loc : present_locs) {
        if (!g.contains_edge(loc)) {
            cout << "Test contains_egde failed on " << loc.first << ',' << loc.second << '\n';
    for (auto loc : absent_locs) {
        if (g.contains_edge(loc)) {
            cout << "Test does not contains_egde failed on " << loc.first << ',' << loc.second << '\n';
    cout << "Contains edge passed\n";
Example #16
bool line_parser(graph_type& graph, const std::string& filename,
                 const std::string& textline)

    std::istringstream ssin(textline);
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid;
    ssin >> vid;
    int out_nb;
    ssin >> out_nb;
    if (out_nb == 0)
    while (out_nb--) {
        graphlab::vertex_id_type other_vid;
        ssin >> other_vid;
        graph.add_edge(vid, other_vid);
    return true;
Example #17
void test_delete_edges(graph_type g,
                       vector<typename graph_type::location_type> kill_edges,
                       vector<weight_type> expected_weights)
    for (auto k : kill_edges) {
    test_graph_iterator(g, expected_weights);
    cout << "Delete edges passed\n";
Example #18
// Edge Loader (used to read the adjacency list and add edges to the graph)
bool edge_loader(graph_type& graph, const std::string& fname,
                 const std::string& textline)
    if ( textline.length() == 0 || textline[0] == '#' )
        return true; // empty or comment line, return
    std::stringstream strm(textline);
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid;
    // first entry in the line is a vertex ID
    strm >> vid;
    if (opts.verbose > 0)
        logstream(LOG_EMPH) << "Here's the input: "
        << textline << "\n"
        << vid << "\n";
    // Line should contain at least 1 more number (degree of node)
    if (!strm.good())
        logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "The following ajacency list line is incomplete(check adj_list standard):\n"
        << textline << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // second entry is the out-degree
    int outdeg;
    strm >> outdeg;
    graphlab::vertex_id_type other_vid;
    for (int i=0; i!=outdeg; ++i)
        // Line should contain more numbers (id of neighbours)
        if (!strm.good())
            logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "The following ajacency list line is incomplete(check adj_list standard):\n"
            << textline << std::endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        strm >> other_vid;
        // only add edges in one direction
        if (other_vid < vid)
        if (opts.verbose > 0)
            logstream(LOG_EMPH) << "Adding edge: (" << vid << "," << other_vid << ")\n";
        edge_data edata; edata.empty = false;
    return true;
Example #19
void test_edges_at(graph_type g,
                   vector<typename graph_type::location_type> modify_edges,
                   weight_type new_value,
                   vector<weight_type> expected_weights)
    for (auto m : modify_edges) {
        g.edge_at(m).weight() = new_value;
    test_graph_iterator(g, expected_weights);
    cout << "Edges at passed\n";
  void completed_work( std::int32_t w ) const noexcept

      // Make sure the completed work function's memory accesses are flushed.

      const std::int32_t N = m_graph.numRows();

      std::int32_t volatile * const count_queue = & m_queue[N] ;

      const std::int32_t B = m_graph.row_map(w);
      const std::int32_t E = m_graph.row_map(w+1);

      for ( std::int32_t i = B ; i < E ; ++i ) {
        const std::int32_t j = m_graph.entries(i);
        if ( 1 == atomic_fetch_add(count_queue+j,-1) ) {
bool parse_vertex_line(graph_type &graph, const std::string &file, const std::string &line) {
    if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') {
        return true;

    char *dst;
    size_t id = strtoul(line.c_str(), &dst, 10);
    if (dst == line.c_str()) return false;

    return true;
    static bool run(const graph_type& graph, output_iterator output)
        pk::vector<int, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices> colors(0, graph.get_num_of_vertices());
        pk::stack<int, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices> s;

        for(int v = 0; v < graph.get_num_of_vertices(); ++v)
            if(colors[v] != 0)

            if(!dfs(graph, v, colors, s))
                return false;

            *output++ = s.top();

        return true;
    void find_components(const graph_type& g)
        number_of_components = 0;
        pk::vector<bool, graph_type::max_num_of_vertices> visited(false, g.get_num_of_vertices());

        for(int u = 0; u < visited.size(); ++u)
                visit_next_component(g, u, visited);
bool parse_edge_line(graph_type &graph, const std::string &file, const std::string &line) {
    if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') {
        return true;

    char *dst;
    size_t source = strtoul(line.c_str(), &dst, 10);
    if (dst == line.c_str()) return false;

    char *end;
    size_t target = strtoul(dst, &end, 10);
    if (dst == end) return false;

    if (source != target) graph.add_edge(source, target);
    return true;
  void push_work( const std::int32_t w ) const noexcept
      const std::int32_t N = m_graph.numRows();

      std::int32_t volatile * const ready_queue = & m_queue[0] ;
      std::int32_t volatile * const end_hint    = & m_queue[2*N+1] ;

      // Push work to end of queue
      const std::int32_t j = atomic_fetch_add( end_hint , 1 );

      if ( ( N <= j ) ||
           ( END_TOKEN != atomic_exchange(ready_queue+j,w) ) ) {
        // ERROR: past the end of queue or did not replace END_TOKEN
        Kokkos::abort("WorkGraphPolicy push_work error");

Example #26
// Load the UAI file. Each factor as a different vertex
void loadUAIfile(graphlab::distributed_control& dc, graph_type& graph, string graph_file) 
    // Not sure why this is needed
    // Open file
    ifstream in(graph_file.c_str());
    //CHECK(in.good(),"Could not open file: "+graph_file);
    // Read type of network
    string name; 
    in >> name; 
    //CHECK(name.compare("MARKOV")==0, "Only Markov networks are supported. Are you sure this is a typeUAI energy file?");
    // Read size of graph
    int nnodes, nfactors;
    in >> nnodes;
    //CHECK(nnodes>0, "No. of nodes can't be negative. Are you sure this is a typeUAI energy file?");
    // Read node cardinalities
    vector<int> cardinalities(nnodes,0);
    int cardinality_i, sum_of_cardinalities = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i != nnodes; ++i) 
        in >> cardinality_i;
        cardinalities[i] = cardinality_i;
        sum_of_cardinalities += cardinality_i;
        //cout << cardinalities[i] << " ";
        //CHECK(in.good(), "Could not finish reading cardinalities. Are you sure this is a typeUAI energy file?");
    // Read no. of factors
    in >> nfactors;
    //factor_size.resize(nfactors); factor_id.resize(nfactors);
    vector<int> factor_size(nfactors,0); //vector<int> factor_id(nfactors,0); 
    vector< vector<int> > factor_memb; factor_memb.resize(nfactors);
    int temp1, temp2;
    // Loop and read factor members
    for (int i=0; i!=nfactors; ++i) 
        in >> temp1;
        factor_size[i] = temp1; 
        for (int j=0; j!=temp1; ++j) 
            in >> temp2;
            factor_memb[i][j] = temp2;
        //CHECK(in.good(), "Could not finish reading cardinalities. Are you sure this is a typeUAI energy file?");
    if (opts.verbose > 0)
        << "Finished Reading UAI-Preamble:"
        << " #Nodes = " << nnodes 
        << ", #Factors = "<< nfactors 
        << ", Average Cardinality = " << double(sum_of_cardinalities)/nfactors
        << "\n";
    // Now read factor potentials
    for (int i=0; i!=nfactors; ++i) 
        int cardprod; double potential_value; //, energy;
        in >> cardprod;
        vertex_data vdata;        
        vdata.nvars = factor_size[i];
        if (vdata.nvars > 1) {
          vdata.degree = vdata.nvars; // Factor degree.
        vector<edge_data> edata(factor_size[i]);
        int cardprod2 = 1;
        for (int j=0; j!=factor_size[i]; ++j) 
            vdata.cards[j] = cardinalities[factor_memb[i][j]];
            vdata.neighbors[j] = factor_memb[i][j]; // afm (check if this was intended!)
            cardprod2 *= vdata.cards[j];
            // Also create edge structs here
            if (factor_size[i]>1)
                edata[j].varid = factor_memb[i][j];
                edata[j].card = cardinalities[edata[j].varid];
        //CHECK_EQ(cardprod, cardprod2, "Incorrectly sized factor");
        CHECK_EQ(cardprod, cardprod2);
        // Read factor potentials
        for (int k = 0; k != cardprod; ++k) 
            in >> potential_value;
            //energy = Potential2Energy(potential_value);
            vdata.potentials[k] = log10(potential_value);
        //CHECK(in.good(), "Could not finish reading factor tables. Are you sure this is a typeUAI energy file?");
        // allocate factors evenly to different machines.
        if (i%dc.numprocs() != dc.procid()) 
        // If all is well, add vertex and edges
        if (factor_size[i] > 1) // if not a unary, add edges to unaries
            for (int j=0; j!=factor_size[i]; ++j) 
        if (opts.verbose > 1)
            cout << "Machine #" << dc.procid() << ", Vertex Id = " << i
            << " with " << vdata.nvars << " variables."; 
            if (factor_size[i] > 1)
                cout << ", Edges = ";
                for (int j=0; j!=factor_size[i]; ++j)             
                    cout << ", (" << i << "," << edata[j].varid << ")";
            cout << "\n";
            cout << "potential: " << vdata.potentials << "\n";
    } // End of reading factors   
} // end of loading UAI file
void test_aggregator(graphlab::distributed_control& dc,
                     graphlab::command_line_options& clopts,
                     graph_type& graph) {
  std::cout << "Constructing an engine for all neighbors" << std::endl;
  agg_engine_type engine(dc, graph, clopts);
  engine.add_vertex_aggregator<size_t>("num_vertices_counter", agg_map, agg_finalize);
  engine.add_edge_aggregator<size_t>("num_edges_counter", agg_edge_map, agg_edge_finalize);
  // reset all
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_vertices<size_t>(identity_vertex_map), graph.num_vertices());
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_vertices<size_t>(identity_vertex_map), 2 * graph.num_vertices());
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_vertices<size_t>(identity_vertex_map), graph.num_vertices());
  ASSERT_EQ(engine.map_reduce_vertices<size_t>(identity_vertex_map_context), graph.num_vertices());
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_edges<size_t>(identity_edge_map), graph.num_edges());
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_edges<size_t>(identity_edge_map), 2 * graph.num_edges());
  ASSERT_EQ(graph.map_reduce_edges<size_t>(identity_edge_map), graph.num_edges());
  ASSERT_EQ(engine.map_reduce_edges<size_t>(identity_edge_map_context), graph.num_edges());
  ASSERT_TRUE(engine.aggregate_periodic("num_vertices_counter", 0.2));
  ASSERT_TRUE(engine.aggregate_periodic("num_edges_counter", 0.2));
  std::cout << "Scheduling all vertices to count their neighbors" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Running!" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Finished" << std::endl;
Example #28
 rw_lock_manager(const graph_type& graph) : 
   graph(graph), locks(graph.num_vertices()) { }
Example #29
bool graph_loader(graphlab::distributed_control& dc, graph_type& graph, string img_dir)
    // force a "/" at the end of the path
    // make sure to check that the path is non-empty. (you do not
    // want to make the empty path "" the root path "/" )
    string path = img_dir;
    if (path.length() > 0 && path[path.length() - 1] != '/') path = path + "/";
    vector<string> graph_files;
    string search_prefix;
    graphlab::fs_util::list_files_with_prefix(path, search_prefix, graph_files);
    if (graph_files.size() == 0)
        logstream(LOG_WARNING) << "No files found in " << path << std::endl;
    if (opts.verbose > 2)
        << "Total number of images: " << graph_files.size() << "\n";
    // vertex data & id
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid(-1);
    graphlab::vertex_id_type other_vid;
    // Loop over files
    for(size_t i = 0; i < graph_files.size(); ++i)
        // Each machine loads corresponding file
        if (i % dc.numprocs() == dc.procid())
            if (opts.verbose > 0)
                << "Process: " << dc.procid() << "/" << dc.numprocs() << " "
                << "picked image: " << graph_files[i] << "\n";
            vid = i;
            vertex_data vdata;
            vdata.empty = false;
            vdata.img_path = graph_files[i];
            vdata.features.img_idx = i;
            graph.add_vertex(vid, vdata);
            if (opts.verbose > 2)
                << "Vertex " << i << " Image: " << vdata.img_path << "\n"; 
    // Adding edges between every pair of vertices to create a fully connected graph
    // no duplicate edges are added
    for(size_t i = 0; i < graph_files.size()-1; ++i)
        vid = i;
        for(size_t j = i+1; j < graph_files.size(); ++j)
            other_vid = j;
            if (opts.verbose > 0)
                logstream(LOG_EMPH) << "Adding edge: (" << vid << "," << other_vid << ")\n";
            edge_data edata; edata.empty = false;
    return true;
Example #30
// Second Graph loader that only a single machine calls and pre-loads cameras.
// It adds only the selected edges to the subgraph of the fully connected graph.
// (Used in stitch_full_main)
bool graph_loader(graph_type& graph, string img_dir, vector<CameraParams>& cameras, 
                  vector<string>& img_path, vector<int> indices, vector<MatchesInfo>& pairwise_matches)
    // force a "/" at the end of the path
    // make sure to check that the path is non-empty. (you do not
    // want to make the empty path "" the root path "/" )
    string path = img_dir;
    if (path.length() > 0 && path[path.length() - 1] != '/') path = path + "/";
    // vertex data & id   
    graphlab::vertex_id_type vid(-1);
    graphlab::vertex_id_type other_vid;
    if (opts.verbose > 2)
        << "Total number of vertices in the second graph: " << indices.size() << "\n";
    // Loop over files
    for(size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
        vid = i;
        vertex_data vdata;
        vdata.empty = false;
        vdata.img_path = img_path[i];
        vdata.features.img_idx = i;
        vdata.camera = cameras[i]; // addition to above function.
        graph.add_vertex(vid, vdata);
    // Adding edges between selected pair of vertices to create a subgraph of the fully connected graph
    // no duplicate edges are added
    if (opts.verbose > 2)
        << "Pairwise_matches size : " << pairwise_matches.size() << "\n";
    for(size_t i = 0; i < pairwise_matches.size(); ++i)
        if (opts.verbose > 2)
            << "Pairwise_matches : (" << pairwise_matches[i].src_img_idx << "," << pairwise_matches[i].dst_img_idx << ")\n";
        if (pairwise_matches[i].src_img_idx >= 0 && pairwise_matches[i].dst_img_idx >= 0)
            if (pairwise_matches[i].src_img_idx < pairwise_matches[i].dst_img_idx)	// no duplicate edges are allowed
                vid = pairwise_matches[i].src_img_idx;
                other_vid = pairwise_matches[i].dst_img_idx;
                if (opts.verbose > 0)
            	    logstream(LOG_EMPH) << "Adding edge: (" << vid << "," << other_vid << ")\n";
                edge_data edata; edata.empty = false;
    return true;