Example #1
static void
find_completions (
  drd_info drd, tree t, hashset<string>& h, string prefix= "")
  if (is_atomic (t)) {
    string s= t->label;
    int i= 0, n= N(s);
    while (i<n) {
      if (is_iso_alpha (s[i])) {
	int start= i;
	while ((i<n) && (is_iso_alpha (s[i]))) i++;
	string r= s (start, i);
	if (starts (r, prefix) && (r != prefix))
	  h->insert (r (N(prefix), N(r)));
      else skip_symbol (s, i);
  else {
    int i, n= N(t);
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      if (drd->is_accessible_child (t, i))
	find_completions (drd, t[i], h, prefix);
Example #2
cache_load (string buffer) {
  if (!cache_loaded->contains (buffer)) {
    url cache_file = texmacs_home_path * url ("system/cache/" * buffer);
    //cout << "cache_file "<< cache_file << LF;
    string cached;
    if (!load_string (cache_file, cached, false)) {
      if (buffer == "file_cache" || buffer == "doc_cache") {
	int i=0, n= N(cached);
	while (i<n) {
	  int start= i;
	  while (i<n && cached[i] != '\n') i++;
	  string key= cached (start, i);
	  i++; start= i;
	  while (i<n && (cached[i] != '\n' ||
			 !test (cached, i+1, "%-%-tm-cache-%-%"))) i++;
	  string im= cached (start, i);
	  while (i<n && cached[i] != '\n') i++;
	  //cout << "key= " << key << "\n----------------------\n";
	  //cout << "im= " << im << "\n----------------------\n";
	  cache_data (tuple (buffer, key))= im;
      else {
	tree t= scheme_to_tree (cached);
	for (int i=0; i<N(t)-1; i+=2)
	  cache_data (tuple (buffer, t[i]))= t[i+1];
    cache_loaded->insert (buffer);
Example #3
cache_set (string buffer, tree key, tree t) {
  tree ckey= tuple (buffer, key);
  if (cache_data[ckey] != t) {
    cache_data (ckey)= t;
    cache_changed->insert (buffer);
Example #4
pipe_link_rep::pipe_link_rep (string cmd2): cmd (cmd2) {
  pipe_link_set->insert ((pointer) this);
  in     = pp_in [0]= pp_in [1]= -1;
  out    = pp_out[0]= pp_out[1]= -1;
  err    = pp_err[0]= pp_err[1]= -1;
  outbuf = "";
  errbuf = "";
  alive  = false;
Example #5
socket_link_rep::socket_link_rep (string host2, int port2, int type2, int fd):
  host (host2), port (port2), type (type2)
  socket_link_set->insert ((pointer) this);
  io     = fd;
  outbuf = "";
  alive  = (fd != -1);
  if (type == SOCKET_SERVER) {
    sn = socket_notifier (io, &socket_callback, this, NULL);  
    add_notifier (sn);
    call ("server-add", object (io));
Example #6
  foreach (const ContainerState& state, states) {

    if (!containers.contains(state.container_id())) {
      // The fact that we did not have a freezer (or systemd) cgroup
      // for this container implies this container has already been
      // destroyed but we need to add it to `containers` so that when
      // `LinuxLauncher::destroy` does get called below for this
      // container we will not fail.
      Container container;
      container.id = state.container_id();
      container.pid = state.pid();

      containers.put(container.id, container);

      LOG(INFO) << "Recovered (destroyed) container " << container.id;
    } else {
      // This container exists, so we save the pid so we can check
      // that it's part of the systemd "Mesos executor slice" below.
      containers[state.container_id()].pid = state.pid();
Example #7
cache_reset (string buffer, tree key) {
  tree ckey= tuple (buffer, key);
  cache_data->reset (ckey);
  cache_changed->insert (buffer);
Example #8
qt_pipe_link_rep::qt_pipe_link_rep (string cmd) : PipeLink (cmd) {
  PipeLink.feed_cmd = &feed_cmd;
  pipe_link_set->insert ((pointer) this);
  alive = false;
Example #9
declare_visited (string id) {
  visited_table->insert (id);
Example #10
xml_html_parser::xml_html_parser (): entities ("") {
  if (N(html_empty_tag_table) == 0) {
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("basefont");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("br");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("area");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("link");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("param");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("hr");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("input");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("col");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("frame");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("isindex");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("base");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("meta");
    html_empty_tag_table->insert ("img");

  if (N(html_auto_close_table) == 0) {
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("body");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("p");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("dt");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("dd");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("li");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("option");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("thead");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("tfoot");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("tbody");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("colgroup");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("tr");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("th");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("td");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("head");
    html_auto_close_table->insert ("html");

  if (N(html_block_table) == 0) {
    html_block_table->insert ("h1");
    html_block_table->insert ("h2");
    html_block_table->insert ("h3");
    html_block_table->insert ("h4");
    html_block_table->insert ("h5");
    html_block_table->insert ("h6");
    html_block_table->insert ("ul");
    html_block_table->insert ("ol");
    html_block_table->insert ("li");
    html_block_table->insert ("dl");
    html_block_table->insert ("dd");
    html_block_table->insert ("dt");
    html_block_table->insert ("pre");
    html_block_table->insert ("div");
    html_block_table->insert ("p");
    html_block_table->insert ("noscript");
    html_block_table->insert ("blockquote");
    html_block_table->insert ("form");
    html_block_table->insert ("hr");
    html_block_table->insert ("table");
    html_block_table->insert ("fieldset");
    html_block_table->insert ("address");

  if (N (html_entity) == 0) {
    load_html_entities (html_entity, "HTMLlat1.scm");
    load_html_entities (html_entity, "HTMLspecial.scm");
    load_html_entities (html_entity, "HTMLsymbol.scm");