/* Function: decodeFileToFile
 * --------------------------
 * Main cyphered text decoding process.
void decodeFileToFile(ibstream& infileStream, Node* root, obstream& outfileStream) {
    int bit;
    Node* currentNode = root;
    /* Runs through every cypher bit and, at the same time, move
     * through tree to symbols leafs */
    while ((bit = infileStream.readBit()) > -1) {
        if (bit == 0) {
            currentNode = currentNode->leftChild;
            currentNode = currentNode->rightChild;
        if ((currentNode->symbol) < NOT_A_CHAR) {
            if (((char)currentNode->symbol) == EOF) {
            currentNode = root;
/* Function: readFileHeader
 * Reads header of cyphered file and reconstructs huffman tree
 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Reads header of cyphered file and reconstructs huffman tree
 * for this cypher file
void readFileHeader(ibstream& infileStream, Node* root) {
    /* Recursive header decoding */
    int bit = 0;
    if ((bit = infileStream.readBit()) > -1) {
        if (bit == 1) {//It's a tree leaf
            /* We write followed symbol into leaf node */
            ext_char nodeSymb = infileStream.get();
            root->symbol = nodeSymb;
        }else if (bit == 0) {//It's a tree knot
            /* We have to create children for it */
            root->symbol = NOT_A_CHAR;
            Node* leftChild = new Node;
            Node* rightChild = new Node;
            root->leftChild = leftChild;
            root->rightChild = rightChild;
            /* Move to children */
            readFileHeader(infileStream, leftChild);
            readFileHeader(infileStream, rightChild);