size_t middle_ram_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, idlist_t &way_ids, multitaglist_t &tags, multinodelist_t &nodes) const { if (ids.empty()) { return 0; } assert(way_ids.empty()); tags.assign(ids.size(), taglist_t()); nodes.assign(ids.size(), nodelist_t()); size_t count = 0; for (idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { if (ways_get(*it, tags[count], nodes[count])) { way_ids.push_back(*it); count++; } else { tags[count].clear(); nodes[count].clear(); } } if (count < ids.size()) { tags.resize(count); nodes.resize(count); } return int(count); }
size_t middle_pgsql_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, osmium::memory::Buffer &buffer) const { if (ids.empty()) return 0; char tmp[16]; std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmp2(new (std::nothrow) char[ids.size() * 16]); char const *paramValues[1]; if (tmp2 == nullptr) return 0; //failed to allocate memory, return */ // create a list of ids in tmp2 to query the database */ sprintf(tmp2.get(), "{"); for (auto id : ids) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID ",", id); strncat(tmp2.get(), tmp, sizeof(char)*(ids.size()*16 - 2)); } tmp2[strlen(tmp2.get()) - 1] = '}'; // replace last , with } to complete list of ids*/ pgsql_endCopy(way_table); PGconn *sql_conn = way_table->sql_conn; paramValues[0] = tmp2.get(); PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(sql_conn, "get_way_list", 1, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); int countPG = PQntuples(res); idlist_t wayidspg; for (int i = 0; i < countPG; i++) { wayidspg.push_back(strtoosmid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), nullptr, 10)); } // Match the list of ways coming from postgres in a different order // back to the list of ways given by the caller */ int outres = 0; for (auto id : ids) { for (int j = 0; j < countPG; j++) { if (id == wayidspg[j]) { { osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(buffer); builder.set_id(id); pgsql_parse_nodes(PQgetvalue(res, j, 1), buffer, builder); pgsql_parse_tags(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2), buffer, builder); } buffer.commit(); outres++; break; } } } PQclear(res); return outres; }
int way_add(osmid_t id, const idlist_t &nds, const taglist_t &tags) { assert(id > 0); sum_ids += id; num_ways += 1; assert(nds.size() >= 0); num_nds += uint64_t(nds.size()); return 0; }
void middle_pgsql_t::ways_set(osmid_t way_id, const idlist_t &nds, const taglist_t &tags) { copy_buffer.reserve(nds.size() * 10 + tags.size() * 24 + 64); bool copy = way_table->copyMode; char delim = copy ? '\t' : '\0'; // Three params: id, nodes, tags */ const char *paramValues[4] = { copy_buffer.c_str(), }; copy_buffer = std::to_string(way_id); copy_buffer += delim; paramValues[1] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); buffer_store_nodes(nds); copy_buffer += delim; if (tags.size() == 0) { paramValues[2] = nullptr; copy_buffer += "\\N"; } else { paramValues[2] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); buffer_store_tags(tags, copy); } if (copy) { copy_buffer += '\n'; pgsql_CopyData(__FUNCTION__, way_table->sql_conn, copy_buffer); } else { buffer_correct_params(paramValues, 3); pgsql_execPrepared(way_table->sql_conn, "insert_way", 3, (const char * const *)paramValues, PGRES_COMMAND_OK); } }
void middle_pgsql_t::buffer_store_nodes(idlist_t const &nds) { if (nds.size() == 0) { copy_buffer += "{}"; return; } copy_buffer += "{"; for (auto const &it : nds) { copy_buffer += std::to_string(it); copy_buffer += ','; } copy_buffer[copy_buffer.size() - 1] = '}'; }
int output_multi_t::way_add(osmid_t id, const idlist_t &nodes, const taglist_t &tags) { if (m_processor->interests(geometry_processor::interest_way) && nodes.size() > 1) { return process_way(id, nodes, tags); } return 0; }
size_t middle_pgsql_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, idlist_t &way_ids, multitaglist_t &tags, multinodelist_t &nodes) const { if (ids.empty()) return 0; char tmp[16]; std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmp2(new (std::nothrow) char[ids.size() * 16]); char const *paramValues[1]; if (tmp2 == nullptr) return 0; //failed to allocate memory, return */ // create a list of ids in tmp2 to query the database */ sprintf(tmp2.get(), "{"); for(idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID ",", *it); strncat(tmp2.get(), tmp, sizeof(char)*(ids.size()*16 - 2)); } tmp2[strlen(tmp2.get()) - 1] = '}'; // replace last , with } to complete list of ids*/ pgsql_endCopy(way_table); PGconn *sql_conn = way_table->sql_conn; paramValues[0] = tmp2.get(); PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(sql_conn, "get_way_list", 1, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); int countPG = PQntuples(res); idlist_t wayidspg; for (int i = 0; i < countPG; i++) { wayidspg.push_back(strtoosmid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), nullptr, 10)); } // Match the list of ways coming from postgres in a different order // back to the list of ways given by the caller */ for(idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { for (int j = 0; j < countPG; j++) { if (*it == wayidspg[j]) { way_ids.push_back(*it); tags.push_back(taglist_t()); pgsql_parse_tags(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2), tags.back()); size_t num_nodes = strtoul(PQgetvalue(res, j, 3), nullptr, 10); idlist_t list; pgsql_parse_nodes( PQgetvalue(res, j, 1), list); if (num_nodes != list.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "parse_nodes problem for way %s: expected nodes %zu got %zu\n", tmp, num_nodes, list.size()); util::exit_nicely(); } nodes.push_back(nodelist_t()); nodes_get_list(nodes.back(), list); break; } } } assert(way_ids.size() <= ids.size()); PQclear(res); return way_ids.size(); }
/* Implements the mid-layer processing for osm2pgsql * using several PostgreSQL tables * * This layer stores data read in from the planet.osm file * and is then read by the backend processing code to * emit the final geometry-enabled output formats */ #include "config.h" #ifdef _WIN32 using namespace std; #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define alloca _alloca #endif #include <stdexcept> #include <unordered_map> #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <future> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <libpq-fe.h> #include "middle-pgsql.hpp" #include "node-persistent-cache.hpp" #include "node-ram-cache.hpp" #include "options.hpp" #include "osmtypes.hpp" #include "output-pgsql.hpp" #include "pgsql.hpp" #include "util.hpp" enum table_id { t_node, t_way, t_rel } ; middle_pgsql_t::table_desc::table_desc(const char *name_, const char *start_, const char *create_, const char *create_index_, const char *prepare_, const char *prepare_intarray_, const char *copy_, const char *analyze_, const char *stop_, const char *array_indexes_) : name(name_), start(start_), create(create_), create_index(create_index_), prepare(prepare_), prepare_intarray(prepare_intarray_), copy(copy_), analyze(analyze_), stop(stop_), array_indexes(array_indexes_), copyMode(0), transactionMode(0), sql_conn(nullptr) {} namespace { // Decodes a portion of an array literal from postgres */ // Argument should point to beginning of literal, on return points to delimiter */ inline const char *decode_upto( const char *src, char *dst ) { int quoted = (*src == '"'); if( quoted ) src++; while( quoted ? (*src != '"') : (*src != ',' && *src != '}') ) { if( *src == '\\' ) { switch( src[1] ) { case 'n': *dst++ = '\n'; break; case 't': *dst++ = '\t'; break; default: *dst++ = src[1]; break; } src+=2; } else *dst++ = *src++; } if( quoted ) src++; *dst = 0; return src; } void pgsql_parse_tags(const char *string, taglist_t &tags) { char key[1024]; char val[1024]; if( *string == '\0' ) return; if( *string++ != '{' ) return; while( *string != '}' ) { string = decode_upto( string, key ); // String points to the comma */ string++; string = decode_upto( string, val ); // String points to the comma or closing '}' */ tags.push_back(tag_t(key, val)); if( *string == ',' ) string++; } } // Parses an array of integers */ void pgsql_parse_nodes(const char *string, idlist_t &nds) { if( *string++ != '{' ) return; while( *string != '}' ) { char *ptr; nds.push_back(strtoosmid( string, &ptr, 10 )); string = ptr; if( *string == ',' ) string++; } } int pgsql_endCopy(middle_pgsql_t::table_desc *table) { // Terminate any pending COPY */ if (table->copyMode) { PGconn *sql_conn = table->sql_conn; int stop = PQputCopyEnd(sql_conn, nullptr); if (stop != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "COPY_END for %s failed: %s\n", table->copy, PQerrorMessage(sql_conn)); util::exit_nicely(); } PGresult *res = PQgetResult(sql_conn); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "COPY_END for %s failed: %s\n", table->copy, PQerrorMessage(sql_conn)); PQclear(res); util::exit_nicely(); } PQclear(res); table->copyMode = 0; } return 0; } } // anonymous namespace void middle_pgsql_t::buffer_store_nodes(idlist_t const &nds) { if (nds.size() == 0) { copy_buffer += "{}"; return; } copy_buffer += "{"; for (auto const &it : nds) { copy_buffer += std::to_string(it); copy_buffer += ','; } copy_buffer[copy_buffer.size() - 1] = '}'; } void middle_pgsql_t::buffer_store_string(std::string const &in, bool escape) { for (char const c: in) { switch (c) { case '"': if (escape) copy_buffer += "\\"; copy_buffer += "\\\""; break; case '\\': if (escape) copy_buffer += "\\\\"; copy_buffer += "\\\\"; break; case '\n': if (escape) copy_buffer += "\\"; copy_buffer += "\\n"; break; case '\r': if (escape) copy_buffer += "\\"; copy_buffer += "\\r"; break; case '\t': if (escape) copy_buffer += "\\"; copy_buffer += "\\t"; break; default: copy_buffer += c; break; } } } // escape means we return '\N' for copy mode, otherwise we return just nullptr void middle_pgsql_t::buffer_store_tags(taglist_t const &tags, bool escape) { copy_buffer += "{"; bool first = true; for (auto const &it : tags) { if (!first) { copy_buffer += ','; } copy_buffer += "\""; buffer_store_string(it.key, escape); copy_buffer += "\",\""; buffer_store_string(it.value, escape); copy_buffer += '"'; first = false; } copy_buffer += "}"; } void middle_pgsql_t::buffer_correct_params(char const **param, size_t size) { if (copy_buffer.c_str() != param[0]) { auto diff = copy_buffer.c_str() - param[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (param[i]) { param[i] += diff; } } } } void middle_pgsql_t::local_nodes_set(osmid_t id, double lat, double lon, const taglist_t &tags) { copy_buffer.reserve(tags.size() * 24 + 64); bool copy = node_table->copyMode; char delim = copy ? '\t' : '\0'; const char *paramValues[4] = { copy_buffer.c_str(), }; copy_buffer = std::to_string(id); copy_buffer += delim; #ifdef FIXED_POINT ramNode n(lon, lat); paramValues[1] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); copy_buffer += std::to_string(n.int_lat()); copy_buffer += delim; paramValues[2] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); copy_buffer += std::to_string(n.int_lon()); copy_buffer += delim; #else paramValues[1] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); copy_buffer += std::to_string(lat); copy_buffer += delim; paramValues[2] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); copy_buffer += std::to_string(lon); copy_buffer += delim; #endif if (tags.size() == 0) { paramValues[3] = nullptr; copy_buffer += "\\N"; } else { paramValues[3] = paramValues[0] + copy_buffer.size(); buffer_store_tags(tags, copy); } if (copy) { copy_buffer += '\n'; pgsql_CopyData(__FUNCTION__, node_table->sql_conn, copy_buffer); } else { buffer_correct_params(paramValues, 4); pgsql_execPrepared(node_table->sql_conn, "insert_node", 4, (const char * const *)paramValues, PGRES_COMMAND_OK); } } // This should be made more efficient by using an IN(ARRAY[]) construct */ size_t middle_pgsql_t::local_nodes_get_list(nodelist_t &out, const idlist_t nds) const { assert(out.empty()); char tmp[16]; char *tmp2 = static_cast<char *>(malloc(sizeof(char) * nds.size() * 16)); if (tmp2 == nullptr) return 0; //failed to allocate memory, return */ // create a list of ids in tmp2 to query the database */ sprintf(tmp2, "{"); int countDB = 0; for(idlist_t::const_iterator it = nds.begin(); it != nds.end(); ++it) { // Check cache first */ osmNode loc; if (cache->get(&loc, *it) == 0) { out.push_back(loc); continue; } countDB++; // Mark nodes as needing to be fetched from the DB */ out.push_back(osmNode()); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID ",", *it); strncat(tmp2, tmp, sizeof(char)*(nds.size()*16 - 2)); } tmp2[strlen(tmp2) - 1] = '}'; // replace last , with } to complete list of ids*/ if (countDB == 0) { free(tmp2); return nds.size(); // All ids where in cache, so nothing more to do */ } pgsql_endCopy(node_table); PGconn *sql_conn = node_table->sql_conn; char const *paramValues[1]; paramValues[0] = tmp2; PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(sql_conn, "get_node_list", 1, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); int countPG = PQntuples(res); //store the pg results in a hashmap and telling it how many we expect std::unordered_map<osmid_t, osmNode> pg_nodes(countPG); for (int i = 0; i < countPG; i++) { osmid_t id = strtoosmid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), nullptr, 10); osmNode node; #ifdef FIXED_POINT ramNode n((int) strtol(PQgetvalue(res, i, 2), nullptr, 10), (int) strtol(PQgetvalue(res, i, 1), nullptr, 10)); =; node.lon = n.lon(); #else = strtod(PQgetvalue(res, i, 1), nullptr); node.lon = strtod(PQgetvalue(res, i, 2), nullptr); #endif pg_nodes.emplace(id, node); } PQclear(res); free(tmp2); // If some of the nodes in the way don't exist, the returning list has holes. // Merge the two lists removing any holes. size_t wrtidx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nds.size(); ++i) { if (std::isnan(out[i].lat)) { std::unordered_map<osmid_t, osmNode>::iterator found = pg_nodes.find(nds[i]); if(found != pg_nodes.end()) { out[wrtidx] = found->second; ++wrtidx; } } else { if (wrtidx < i) out[wrtidx] = out[i]; ++wrtidx; } } out.resize(wrtidx); return wrtidx; }
int output_pgsql_t::pgsql_out_relation(osmid_t id, const taglist_t &rel_tags, const multinodelist_t &xnodes, const multitaglist_t & xtags, const idlist_t &xid, const rolelist_t &xrole, bool pending) { if (xnodes.empty()) return 0; int roads = 0; int make_polygon = 0; int make_boundary = 0; double split_at; std::vector<int> members_superseeded(xnodes.size(), 0); taglist_t outtags; //if its a route relation make_boundary and make_polygon will be false otherwise one or the other will be true if (m_tagtransform->filter_rel_member_tags(rel_tags, xtags, xrole, &(members_superseeded[0]), &make_boundary, &make_polygon, &roads, *m_export_list.get(), outtags)) { return 0; } /* Split long linear ways after around 1 degree or 100km (polygons not effected) */ if (m_options.projection->get_proj_id() == PROJ_LATLONG) split_at = 1; else split_at = 100 * 1000; //this will either make lines or polygons (unless the lines arent a ring or are less than 3 pts) depending on the tag transform above //TODO: pick one or the other based on which we expect to care about auto wkbs = builder.build_both(xnodes, make_polygon, m_options.enable_multi, split_at, id); if (wkbs.empty()) { return 0; } tag_t *areatag = 0; char tmp[32]; for (const auto& wkb: wkbs) { expire->from_wkb(wkb.geom.c_str(), -id); /* FIXME: there should be a better way to detect polygons */ if (wkb.is_polygon()) { if ((wkb.area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkb.area); if (!areatag) { outtags.push_dedupe(tag_t("way_area", tmp)); areatag = outtags.find("way_area"); } } m_tables[t_poly]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom); } else { m_tables[t_line]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom); if (roads) m_tables[t_roads]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom); } } /* Tagtransform will have marked those member ways of the relation that * have fully been dealt with as part of the multi-polygon entry. * Set them in the database as done and delete their entry to not * have duplicates */ //dont do this when working with pending relations as its not needed if (make_polygon) { for (size_t i=0; i < xid.size(); i++) { if (members_superseeded[i]) { pgsql_delete_way_from_output(xid[i]); if(!pending) ways_done_tracker->mark(xid[i]); } } } // If the tag transform said the polygon looked like a boundary we want to make that as well // If we are making a boundary then also try adding any relations which form complete rings // The linear variants will have already been processed above if (make_boundary) { wkbs = builder.build_polygons(xnodes, m_options.enable_multi, id); for (const auto& wkb: wkbs) { expire->from_wkb(wkb.geom.c_str(), -id); if ((wkb.area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkb.area); if (!areatag) { outtags.push_dedupe(tag_t("way_area", tmp)); areatag = outtags.find("way_area"); } } m_tables[t_poly]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom); } } return 0; }