shared_ptr<LobKo::TaskHolder> LobKo::TaskHolderBuilder::build(ifstream& file_in) { shared_ptr<TaskHolder> spBuildThis(new TaskHolder); std::string str; file_in.clear(); bool flag = true; do { std::getline(file_in, str); if ( file_in.bad() || ) { break; } else if ( file_in.eof() ) { flag = false; } std::istringstream istream(str); string res; string filepath; istream >> res >> filepath; if ( res.size() && res[0] != '#' ) { if ( filepath.size() ) { spBuildThis->addTask(Task(res, filepath)); } } } while (flag); return spBuildThis; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initMovies(ifstream& infile) const // Initialize movie list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MovieStore::initMovies(ifstream& infile) { while (true) { if (infile.eof() || infile.bad()) { break; } m_movieManager.add(infile); } }
int HTTPRequest::copyFromFile(ifstream& ifs, size_t contentLength) { char* fileBuf = new char[contentLength]; memset(fileBuf, '\0', contentLength); if (ifs.good()) {, contentLength); } m_requestBody.append(fileBuf, contentLength); if (ifs.bad()) return -1; return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initAccounts(ifstream& infile) const // Initialize customer list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MovieStore::initAccounts(ifstream& infile) { while (true) { Customer* pCust = new Customer(); if (infile.eof() || infile.bad() || !pCust->setData(infile)) { delete pCust; break; } m_customers.insert(pCust); m_customersHash.insert(pCust); } }
uint Genome::OpenStream(string name, ifstream & stream) {>genomeDir+ "/" +name).c_str(), ios::binary); if (!stream.good()) { ostringstream errOut; errOut << "EXITING because of FATAL ERROR: could not open genome file "<< P->genomeDir << "/" << name <<"\n" << endl; errOut << "SOLUTION: check that the path to genome files, specified in --genomeDir is correct and the files are present, and have user read permsissions\n" <<flush; exitWithError(errOut.str(),std::cerr, P->inOut->logMain, EXIT_CODE_GENOME_FILES, *P); }; uint size = 0; P->inOut->logMain << "checking " << name << " size"; stream.seekg (0, ios::end); size=(uint) stream.tellg(); stream.clear(); stream.seekg (0, ios::beg); P->inOut->logMain << "file size: "<< size <<" bytes; state: good=" <<stream.good()\ <<" eof="<<stream.eof()<<" fail="<<<<" bad="<<stream.bad()<<"\n"<<flush; return size; }
int GetInputInt(ifstream& file) { string temp = ""; int number = 0; //get the line from the text file. (Just like with cin) getline(file, temp); //test if the file is at the end if (file.eof()) { throw IOException(ERROR_EOF, DEFAULT); } //test if input is bad, or failed else if (file.bad() || { throw IOException(ERROR_FILE_FAIL, DEFAULT); } //convert the validated temp string to integer //store as int number = ValidateInt(temp); return number; } // End GetValidInputInt()
double GetInputDouble(ifstream& file) { string temp = ""; double number = 0; //get the line from the text file. (Just like with cin) getline(file, temp); //test if the file is at the end if (file.eof()) { throw IOException(ERROR_EOF, DEFAULT); return 0.0; } //test if input is bad, or failed else if (file.bad() || { throw IOException(ERROR_FILE_FAIL, DEFAULT); } number = ValidateDouble(temp); return number; } // End GetValidInputDouble()
bool fill_bucket(vector<pair<int, string>> &myVec, int &num_lines, ifstream &myfile) { int i = myVec.size(); int counter = 0; // seek to num_lines read goto_line(myfile, num_lines + 1); string str; while (getline(myfile, str)) { myVec.push_back(split_str(str)); counter++; num_lines++; if (counter == i) { break; } } getline(myfile, str); // already at the end of file if (myfile.bad() && counter == 0) return false; else return true; myfile.close(); }
int StreamToValidInt(ifstream& file) { string temp = ""; int number = 0; //get the line from the text file. (Just like with cin) getline(file, temp); //test if the file is at the end if (file.eof()) { string error = EOF_MSG; throw FileException(error, 0); } //test if input is bad, or failed else if (file.bad() || { string error = FILE_FAIL_MSG; throw FileException(error, 0); } //convert the validated temp string to integer //store as int number = StringToValidInt(temp); return number; } // End StreamToValidInt()
double StreamToValidDouble(ifstream& file) { string temp = ""; double number = 0; //get the line from the text file. (Just like with cin) getline(file, temp); //test if the file is at the end if (file.eof()) { string error = EOF_MSG; throw FileException(error, 0); return 0.0; } //test if input is bad, or failed else if (file.bad() || { string error = FILE_FAIL_MSG; throw FileException(error, 0); } number = StringToValidDouble(temp); return number; } // End StreamToValidDouble()
void Shader::ShaderCode::load(ifstream &ShaderStream) { string Line = ""; if (ShaderStream.is_open()) { while (getline(ShaderStream, Line)) { if (ShaderStream.eof() || ShaderStream.bad()) break; _code += Line + "\n"; } } else { LOG << string(_path) + " wasn't open :/\n"; return; } //Analyze Code try { //get Structures smatch _structs, _vars; regex structRegex = regex("struct .*?\\n?\\{\\n(.*?;\\n)*\\};"); auto StructBegin = std::sregex_iterator(_code.begin(), _code.end(), structRegex); unsigned int _counter(0); for (auto i = StructBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); i++) { std::string temp = (*i).str(); vector<string> structVar = vector<string>(); regex_search(temp, _vars, regex("struct .*?\\n\\{\\n")); temp = _vars[0].str(); structVar.push_back(temp.substr(7, temp.size() - 10));//adds name temp = (*i).str(); regex structVarRegex = regex("\\t.*? .*?;\\n"); auto StructVarBegin = std::sregex_iterator(temp.begin(), temp.end(), structVarRegex); for (std::sregex_iterator i = StructVarBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) { std::string match_str = (*i).str(); structVar.push_back(match_str.substr(1, match_str.size() - 3)); //write the variables } structVariables.push_back(structVar); _counter++; } LOG << string(_path) + " contains " + to_string(_counter) + " Structures\n"; //read uniforms _counter = 0; regex structVarRegex = regex("uniform .*? .*?;\\n"); auto UniformsBegin = std::sregex_iterator(_code.begin(), _code.end(), structVarRegex); for (auto i = UniformsBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); i++) { std::string match_str = (*i).str(); addUniform(match_str.substr(match_str.find_first_of(' ') + 1, match_str.size() - 3 - match_str.find_first_of(' '))); _counter++; } LOG << string(_path) + " contains " + to_string(_counter) + " Uniforms\n"; } catch (regex_error &e) { LOG << string(e.what()) + "\n"; LOG << "Could not Resolve Uniforms in Shader \n"; } }
int getBlockAE(ifstream & inpF, ofstream & outRp, double G, double C, double fSize, UINT & totRpNum) { if (inpF.bad()) return -1; vector<dataVect_T> X; UINT maxF = 0; int lineNum = 0; double memUsed = 0; while (1) { string line; if (getline(inpF, line)) { char * lineC = new char[line.length() + 1]; strcpy(lineC, line.c_str()); char * labelC = strtok(lineC, " \t\n"); if (labelC == NULL) { cout << "Error in input file read\n"; return -1; } char *endPtr, *idx, *val; char label = (char) strtol(labelC, &endPtr, 10); queue<feat_T> tempQ; UINT numFeats = 0, fNum = 0; double fVal = 0; if (endPtr == labelC || *endPtr != '\0') { cout << "Error in input file read\n"; return -1; } while (1) { idx = strtok(NULL, ":"); val = strtok(NULL, " \t"); if (val == NULL) break; fNum = (UINT) strtoll(idx, &endPtr, 10); if (endPtr == idx || *endPtr != '\0') { cout << "Error in input file read\n"; return -1; } fVal = strtod(val, &endPtr); if (endPtr == val || (*endPtr != '\0' && !isspace(*endPtr))) { cout << "Error in input file read\n"; return -1; } feat_T tempF; tempF.fNum = fNum; tempF.fVal = fVal; tempQ.push(tempF); numFeats++; maxF = max(maxF, fNum); } delete[] lineC; double memReq = (double) sizeof(dataVect_T) + sizeof(feat_T) * numFeats; if (memUsed + memReq >= G) { if (numFeats > 0) { for (UINT ind = 0; ind < numFeats; ind++) tempQ.pop(); queue<feat_T> empty; swap(tempQ, empty); } break; } dataVect_T Xtemp; Xtemp.numFeats = numFeats; Xtemp.label = label; if (numFeats > 0) { Xtemp.F = new feat_T[numFeats]; for (UINT ind = 0; ind < numFeats; ind++) { Xtemp.F[ind] = tempQ.front(); tempQ.pop(); } queue<feat_T> empty; swap(tempQ, empty); } else Xtemp.F = NULL; X.push_back(Xtemp); memUsed += memReq; } else { break; } lineNum++; } maxF++; double *w = new double[maxF]; // solve SVM for selected vectors svmSolver(X, w, C, maxF); // calc number of rp vects. double numRp = G / ((double) sizeof(feat_T) * maxF); numRp = numRp * G / fSize; if (numRp < 1) { cerr << "Not enough memory to store representative set.\n"; exit(1); } // comp AE vects onePassDRS(X, w, 1, numRp, outRp, totRpNum); for (UINT ind = 0; ind < X.size(); ind++) { if (X[ind].F != NULL) delete[] X[ind].F; } vector<dataVect_T>().swap(X); delete[] w; if (inpF.eof()) return -1; return 0; }
void read_ini_file(ifstream &argfile) try { string section; do { argfile>>section; } while(section!="[bmp2c]" && !argfile.eof()); if(argfile.eof()) { stringstream msg; msg<<"ini file:failed to find the [bmp2c] section"<<endl; throw error_msg(msg.str()); } argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); argfile>>min_version; if(argfile.bad()|| { stringstream msg; msg<<"ini file:failed to read version info."<<endl; throw error_msg(msg.str()); } if(min_version>BMP2C_VERSION) { stringstream msg; msg<<"executable version too old:"<<endl; msg<<"The version of this executable is: v"; msg<<BMP2C_VERSION<<endl; msg<<"The specified ini files requires at least v"; msg<<min_version<<endl; msg<<"Please download a compatible executable or adapt your ini file"; throw error_msg(msg.str()); } if(min_version<BMP2C_MIN_INI_VERSION) { stringstream msg; msg<<"ini file version too old:"<<endl; msg<<"This executable is backward compatible with ini files version from v"; msg<<BMP2C_MIN_INI_VERSION<<endl; msg<<"Please download a compatible executable or adapt your ini file"; throw error_msg(msg.str()); } argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, x_decl ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, x_decl_postfix ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, y_decl ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, y_decl_postfix ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, array_decl ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); argfile>>data_size; argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, data_map ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); getline( argfile, preview_map ); argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); argfile>>generate_preview_bmp; argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); argfile>>pause; if(min_version>0) { argfile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'='); argfile>>src_endl_param; } if(argfile.bad()||